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Carbon Cycle


The ORNL DAAC archive has data on carbon storage, and fluxes, in terrestrial ecosystems and exchange with the atmosphere.

All Carbon Cycle Datasets

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*AVIRIS-3 L2B Greenhouse Gas Enhancements, Facility Instrument Collection2024-09-06
*CMS: Global 0.5-deg Wetland Methane Emissions and Uncertainty (WetCHARTs v1.3.3)2024-09-06 1491.98 MB
*Boreal Arctic Wetland Methane Emissions, 2002-20212024-07-19 136.337 MB
*Longwave-infrared spectral imagery in support of COMEX, 20142024-06-26
*ABoVE: Study Domain and Standard Reference Grids, Version 22017-11-29 3.88553 MB
*CO2 and CH4 Fluxes from Waterbodies, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2016-20192024-05-09 21.2369 MB
*Soil CO2 Flux Data (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.28852 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: ANL (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.445664 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: UK (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.3803 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: UNL (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.371006 MB
*ABoVE: Year-Round Soil CO2 Efflux in Alaskan Ecosystems, Version 2.12020-02-14 6.40972 MB
*ATom: Merged Atmospheric Chemistry, Trace Gases, and Aerosols, Version 22021-08-26 2101.16 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Detrended: NRCC (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.548412 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Detrended: U of Wy. (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.319419 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Detrended: Univ. Col. (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.439721 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Filtered: NRCC (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.532348 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Filtered: U of Wy. (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.319794 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Filtered: Univ. Col. (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.367779 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Raw: NRCC (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.532641 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Raw: U of Wy. (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.319727 MB
*Aircraft Flux-Raw: Univ. Col. (FIFE)1994-07-24 0.367951 MB
*Ecosystem Demography Model: Scaling Vegetation Dynamics Across South America 2013-03-27 39.1779 MB
*Forest Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential for Maryland, USA.2019-04-05 53.9418 MB
*Gridded Winter Soil CO2 Flux Estimates for pan-Arctic and Boreal Regions, 2003-21002019-09-12 165.747 MB
*SiB4 Modeled Global 0.5-Degree Daily Carbon Fluxes and Pools, 2000-20182021-04-14
*SiB4 Modeled Global 0.5-Degree Monthly Carbon Fluxes and Pools, 2000-20182021-04-14 6979.16 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On FLX-01 NSA-OBS Derived Data - NEE, GEE, and Respiration2001-10-02 1.04321 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On FLX-01 NSA-OBS Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temp. Data 2001-10-02 1.94542 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On FLX-03 Area-Averaged Flux Data for the NSA and SSA2001-10-01 0.480126 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On FLX-04 Tower Flux and Meteorological Data from NSA Burn Site2001-10-01 0.863456 MB
*Biome-BGC: Modeling Carbon Dynamics in Ponderosa Pine Stands (Law et al. 2003)2005-09-12 1.71603 MB
*Biome-BGC: Modeling Effects of Disturbance and Climate (Thornton et al. 2002) 2005-09-12 2.58552 MB
*Biome-BGC: Terrestrial Ecosystem Process Model, Version 4.1.1 2005-09-12 1.67343 MB
*CENTURY: Modeling Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change, Version 4 (VEMAP 1995)2005-12-19 21.8057 MB
*Integrated Biosphere Simulator Model (IBIS), Version 2.5 2005-09-12 0.256955 MB
*Land Surface Model (LSM 1.0) for Ecological, Hydrological, Atmospheric Studies2005-09-12 1.9088 MB
*Lund-Potsdam-Jena Wetland Hydrology and Methane DGV Model (LPJ-WHyMe v1.3.1)2013-04-09 0.626495 MB
*CMS-Flux-NA Fluxes and Aircraft CO2 Co-samples for 2018-20192024-04-24
*Soil Organic Carbon and Wetland Intrinsic Potential, Hoh River Watershed, WA, 2012-132024-04-24 390.757 MB
*VEMAP 1: Model Input Database CD-ROM ISO Image 2012-09-25 31.2779 MB
*VEMAP 1: Selected Model Results 2004-09-27 4.07969 MB
*VEMAP 2: Annual Ecosystem Model Responses to U.S. Climate Change, 1994-2100 2005-01-07 746.702 MB
*VEMAP 2: Monthly Ecosystem Model Responses to U.S. Climate Change, 1994-2100 2005-01-07 4428.72 MB
*BlueFlux Airborne Trace Gases, Fluxes, and Mixing Ratios, Southern Florida, 2022-20232024-03-22 318.006 MB
*Post-fire Recovery of Soil Organic Layer Carbon in Canadian Boreal Forests, 2015-20182024-02-01 0.265871 MB
*SHIFT: HyTES L3 Geolocated Multispecies Gas Products, March 23 20222024-01-26
*ABoVE: Alder Shrub Cover and Soil Properties, Alaska, 2019, V22024-01-18 0.609159 MB
*Delta-X: Feldspar Sediment Accretion Measurements, MRD, LA, USA, 2019-2023, Version 32024-01-18 0.353073 MB
*Global Wetland Methane Emissions derived from FLUXNET and the UpCH4 Model, 2001-20182024-01-18 1951.74 MB
*BOREAS AFM-01 NOAA/ATDD Long-EZ Aircraft Flux Data over the SSA2000-01-27 3.31277 MB
*BOREAS AFM-02 King Air 1994 Aircraft Flux and Moving Window Data 1999-01-30 0.406654 MB
*BOREAS AFM-02 Wyoming King Air 1994 Aircraft Sounding Data 2000-01-27 1.26412 MB
*BOREAS AFM-03 Electra 1994 Aircraft Flux and Moving Window Data 2000-01-27 1.54888 MB
*BOREAS AFM-03 NCAR Electra 1994 Aircraft Sounding Data 2000-01-27 4.66611 MB
*BOREAS AFM-04 Twin Otter Aircraft Flux Data2000-01-27 1.3335 MB
*BOREAS AFM-04 Twin Otter Aircraft Sounding Data2000-01-27 2.22866 MB
*BOREAS AFM-13 Aircraft Flux Analyses 1999-01-30 0.22066 MB
*BOREAS RSS-08 BIOME-BGC Model Simulations at Tower Flux Sites in 19941999-01-30 0.305913 MB
*BOREAS RSS-08 BIOME-BGC SSA Simulations of Annual Water and Carbon Fluxes1999-01-30 18.6792 MB
*BOREAS TE-01 CH4 Flux Data over the SSA-OA1999-01-30 0.1628 MB
*BOREAS TE-01 CO2 and CH4 Flux Data over the SSA-OBS Site1999-01-30 0.160748 MB
*BOREAS TE-01 SSA Soil Lab Data 2000-03-24 0.215442 MB
*BOREAS TE-01 SSA-FEN Soil Profile Nutrient Data 1999-01-30 0.199471 MB
*BOREAS TE-02 Root Respiration Data 1999-01-30 0.170074 MB
*BOREAS TE-05 CO2 Concentration and Stable Isotope Composition 1999-01-30 0.177656 MB
*BOREAS TE-05 Diurnal CO2 Canopy Profile Data 1999-01-30 0.28723 MB
*BOREAS TE-05 Leaf Carbon Isotope Data 1999-01-30 0.169841 MB
*BOREAS TE-05 Leaf Gas Exchange Data 1999-01-30 0.166607 MB
*BOREAS TE-05 Tree Ring and Carbon Isotope Ratio Data 1999-01-30 0.178276 MB
*BOREAS TE-19 Ecosystem Carbon Balance Model 1999-12-17 2.33064 MB
*BOREAS TF-01 SSA-OA Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temperature Data 2000-02-21 2.19065 MB
*BOREAS TF-01 SSA-OA Understory Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temperature Data 2000-02-21 2.14573 MB
*BOREAS TF-01 SSA-OA Weekly Tower CH4 and N2O Flux 2000-02-21 0.17244 MB
*BOREAS TF-02 SSA-OA Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Precipitation Data 2000-02-21 3.47418 MB
*BOREAS TF-03 Automated Chamber CO2 Flux Data from the NSA-OBS1999-01-30 0.440475 MB
*BOREAS TF-03 NSA-OBS Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temperature Data 1999-01-30 2.68441 MB
*BOREAS TF-04 CO2 and CH4 Chamber Flux Data from the SSA1999-01-30 0.161868 MB
*BOREAS TF-04 CO2 and CH4 Soil Profile Data from the SSA1999-01-30 0.176021 MB
*BOREAS TF-04 SSA-YJP Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Canopy Condition Data, R1 1999-12-07 0.588691 MB
*BOREAS TF-05 Tower Flux & Meteorological Data 1999-01-30 0.589572 MB
*BOREAS TF-07 SSA-OBS Tower Flux and Meteorological Data 1999-12-07 0.26528 MB
*BOREAS TF-08 NSA-OJP Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temperature Data 2000-02-21 1.63714 MB
*BOREAS TF-09 SSA-OBS Branch Level Flux Data 1999-01-30 1.31259 MB
*BOREAS TF-09 SSA-OBS Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temperature Data 1999-01-30 2.47421 MB
*BOREAS TF-10 NSA-Fen Tower Flux and Meteorological Data 1999-01-30 3.49168 MB
*BOREAS TF-10 NSA-YJP Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Porometry Data 1999-12-07 2.76149 MB
*BOREAS TF-11 SSA Fen 1996 Water Surface Film Capping Data 1999-12-07 0.176316 MB
*BOREAS TF-11 SSA Fen Soil Surface CO2 Flux Data 1999-12-07 0.214693 MB
*BOREAS TF-11 SSA-FEN Tower Flux and Meteorological Data 1999-01-30 0.69412 MB
*BOREAS TGB-01 CH4 Concentration and Flux Data from NSA Tower Sites1999-01-30 0.394389 MB
*BOREAS TGB-01/TGB-03 NEE Data over the NSA Fen1999-01-30 0.206062 MB
*BOREAS TGB-04 NSA-BVP Tower Flux and Meteorological Data 1999-12-07 0.386781 MB
*BOREAS TGB-08 Monoterpene Concentration Data over the SSA-OBS and the SSA-OJP1999-01-30 0.15801 MB
*BOREAS TGB-09 Above-canopy NMHC at SSA-OBS, SSA-OJP and SSA-OA Sites1999-01-30 0.178617 MB
*BOREAS TGB-10 Oxidant Concentration Data over the SSA1999-01-30 0.203217 MB
*BOREAS TGB-12 Radon-222 Activity Data over the NSA1999-01-30 0.169725 MB
*BOREAS TGB-12 Radon-222 Flux Data: NSA 1999-01-30 0.171471 MB
*BOREAS TGB-12 Soil Carbon Site Information 2000-09-27 0.182852 MB
*BOREAS TGB-12 Soil Carbon and Flux Data of NSA-MSA in Raster Format 2000-02-21 17.6508 MB
*Literature-Derived Parameters for the BIOME-BGC Terrestrial Ecosystem Model2002-12-19 0.0207186 MB
*RLC Forest Stand Carbon Map of Russia 2004-01-07 6.07452 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Carbon in Live Vegetation, 0.5-Deg (Olson)2002-04-25 0.0417051 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Derived Soil Properties, 0.5-Deg (ISRIC-WISE)2002-04-25 0.0923977 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Organic Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Data (Zinke et al.)2002-04-25 0.0162401 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Selected Soil Characteristics, 10-km Grid (IGBP-DIS)2002-07-26 0.798903 MB
*SAFARI 2000 1-Degree Estimates of Burned Biomass, Area, and Emissions, 20002004-11-01 0.70728 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Annual Soil Respiration Data (Raich and Schlesinger 1992)2002-07-26 0.130404 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Biomass Burning Emissions, Selected Sites, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 5.18681 MB
*SAFARI 2000 C-130 Aerosol and Meteorological Data, Dry Season 20002004-09-13 43.1602 MB
*SAFARI 2000 CV-580 Aerosol and Cloud Data, Dry Season 2000 (CARG)2004-06-28 49.4116 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Emissions Estimates, MODIS Burned Area Product, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 2.26376 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Fire Emission Data, Dry Season 20002004-09-13 0.336874 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Gas Emissions from Biofuel Use and Production, September 20002004-11-01 0.112944 MB
*SAFARI 2000 JRA Aerocommander Trace Gas, Aerosol, and CCN Data, Dry Season 20002004-06-28 6.69981 MB
*SAFARI 2000 JRB Aerocommander Trace Gas and Aerosol Data, Dry Season 20002004-06-28 4.49153 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Kalahari Transect CO2, Water Vapor, and Heat Flux, Wet Season 20002004-11-01 0.315467 MB
*SAFARI 2000 MOPITT Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide, Southern Africa, Dry Season 20002006-07-20 3.59824 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Meteorological and Flux Tower Measurements in Maun, Botswana, 20002004-11-01 1.33386 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Plant and Soil C and N Isotopes, Southern Africa, 1995-20002005-03-08 0.126659 MB
*Global Forest Ecosystem Structure and Function Data For Carbon Balance Research 2009-11-11 34.3704 MB
*ISLSCP II Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Gas Exchange2014-03-12 4.61083 MB
*ISLSCP II Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Consumption by Continental Erosion 2011-07-01 1.95429 MB
*ISLSCP II Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuels, Cement, and Gas Flaring2011-07-01 3.00173 MB
*ISLSCP II Carbon Dioxide Flux at Harvard Forest and Northern BOREAS Sites 2011-09-21 7.17068 MB
*ISLSCP II EDGAR 3 Gridded Greenhouse and Ozone Precursor Gas Emissions 2011-07-01 3.33616 MB
*ISLSCP II Global Primary Production Data Initiative Gridded NPP Data 2011-07-01 0.831532 MB
*ISLSCP II GlobalView: Atmospheric Methane Concentrations2012-08-24 2.42087 MB
*ISLSCP II Globalview: Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations 2012-08-24 4.59824 MB
*ISLSCP II Total Plant-Available Soil Water Storage Capacity of the Rooting Zone 2011-05-05 0.781253 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-07 Methane Releases from Two Amazon Hydroreservoirs, Brazil: 2000-20012011-12-15 0.165041 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-08 Ecosystem Demography Model Estimated C, NPP, and Biomass For Amazonia 2012-06-29 0.263014 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-11 Litter Decomposition, Carbon, and Nitrogen Dynamics in Agroforestry 2009-03-31 0.145237 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Soil CO2 Flux by Automated Chamber, Para, Brazil: 2001-2003 2009-04-30 0.252275 MB
*SiB3 Modeled Global 1-degree Hourly Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon Flux, 1998-20062009-07-30 12982.6 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Aerosol Fatty Acid and Stable Isotope Data, Mongu, Dry Season 20002006-04-14 0.160056 MB
*LBA Regional Carbon in Live Vegetation, 0.5-degree (Olson) 2003-09-15 0.0971012 MB
*LBA Regional Derived Soil Properties, 0.5-Deg (ISRIC-WISE)2004-01-28 0.0123844 MB
*LBA Regional Organic Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Data (Zinke et al.) 2003-09-15 1.19519 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-01 Simulated Atmospheric Circulation, CO2 Variation, Tapajos: August 2001 2009-01-16 1098.61 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-02 C and N Isotopes in Leaves and Atmospheric CO2, Amazonas, Brazil 2012-07-18 0.225409 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-02 Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Atmospheric CO2 in the Amazon: 1999-2004 2011-05-12 0.174789 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-02 Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen Stable Isotopes in Organic Material, Brazil 2010-07-22 0.290158 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-02 Leaf Level Gas Exchange, Chemistry, and Isotopes, Amazonia, Brazil 2011-05-12 0.35961 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-02 Oxygen Isotopes of Plant Tissue Water and Atmospheric Water Vapor 2011-05-12 0.106904 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-03 Nocturnal Meteorological Data, Forest and Pasture Sites, Para, Brazil 2012-09-05 0.282017 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-04 CO2 Profiles, km 83 Tower Site, Tapajos National Forest2009-11-10 2.90857 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-04 Meteorological and Flux Data, km 83 Tower Site, Tapajos National Forest2009-11-10 6.32658 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-06 Isotopic Composition of Carbon Fractions, Amazon Basin River Water 2012-09-21 0.247098 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-08 Carbon Isotopes in Belowground Carbon Pools, Amazonas and Para, Brazil 2011-08-22 0.0220947 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-08 Leaf Carbon, Nitrogen, LAI, and Isotope Data, Manaus, Brazil: 20012014-09-10 0.0627222 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-09 Soil and Vegetation Characteristics, Tapajos National Forest, Brazil 2012-07-18 0.469384 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-10 CO, CO2 and Meteorological Data, Maxaranguape, Brazil 2011-05-19 0.99708 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-10 CO2 Profiles at km 67 Tower Site, Tapajos National Forest2008-06-13 2.96633 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-10 CO2 and H2O Eddy Flux Data at km 67 Tower Site, Tapajos National Forest2008-06-13 6.16579 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-04 IBIS Model Simulations for the Amazon and Tocantins Basins: 1921-19982012-12-14 290.18 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-07 Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Balbina Reservoir, Brazil2013-02-13 0.330523 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-07 Water Quality, CO2, Chlorophyll, Lago Curuai, Para, Brazil: 2003-20042012-10-30 0.342463 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-15 Amazon Basin Aboveground Live Biomass Distribution Map: 1990-2000 2009-01-16 4.52401 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-21 Soil Characteristics, Logged Areas, Tapajos Forest, Para, Brazil: 20032014-08-04 0.181324 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-39 Modeled Carbon Flux from Deforestation, Mato Grosso, Brazil: 2000-20062013-09-13 3720.55 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Agricultural and Secondary Forest Soil Trace Gas Flux, Para: 2001-2004 2009-12-14 0.167191 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Soil Gas Flux, Rainfall Exclusion, km 67, Tapajos National Forest2009-12-14 0.224883 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Soil Gas and Water Content, Rainfall Exclusion, Tapajos National Forest2012-09-14 0.154032 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Soil Trace Gas Fluxes in Eastern Amazonia, Para, Brazil: 1999-2003 2009-12-14 0.150838 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Trace Gas Flux from Forest Soil, Para, Brazil : 1999-20012009-12-14 0.691901 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-07 Carbon and Nitrogen in Cerrado Plants and Soils, Brasilia: 1999-2000 2012-09-21 0.0319529 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-07 Trace Gas Fluxes Under Multiple Land Uses, Brazil: 1999-2004 2011-09-23 0.266786 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-08 Soil Respiration, Soil Fractions, Carbon and Nitrogen, Para, Brazil 2014-10-09 0.113658 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-10 Soil Properties of Pasture Chronosequences, Para, Brazil: 1997 2013-07-01 0.210505 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-11 Soil Properties of Forested Headwater Catchments, Mato Grosso, Brazil 2009-03-31 0.228753 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-30 Nutrient Analysis and Gas Fluxes, Forest Chronosequences, Para, Brazil2012-09-25 0.195808 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-06 Vertical Profiles of Atmospheric Trace Gases over the Amazon Basin 2013-07-26 0.211227 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Forest Soil P, C, and N Pools, km 83 Site, Tapajos National Forest2012-05-24 0.221067 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Litter Decomposition, Tapajos National Forest, Para, Brazil: 2000-2001 2009-04-30 0.262681 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Seasonal Trace Gas Profiles in Brazilian Amazon Forests: 2004-2005 2012-07-18 0.0324144 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Soil Trace Gas Flux and Root Mortality, Tapajos National Forest2009-04-30 0.0997934 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Soil Trace Gas Fluxes km 67 Seca-Floresta Site, Tapajos National Forest2011-08-22 0.0403671 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Trace Gas Fluxes, Undisturbed and Logged Sites, Para, Brazil: 2000-20022009-04-30 0.165269 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-09 Soil Isotopic C, N, H2O, and N2O Data, Tapajos National Forest, Brazil 2011-05-19 0.110931 MB
*Pre-LBA RADAMBRASIL Project Data2009-08-06 0.417348 MB
*Pre-LBA TRACE-A Data 2009-03-06 34.1704 MB
*Arctic Tundra Flux Study in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), 1994-1996 2002-02-26 0.696073 MB
*Calculated Leaf Carbon and Nitrogen, 1992 (ACCP) 1999-05-07 0.153696 MB
*FLUXNET Marconi Conference Gap-Filled Flux and Meteorology Data, 1992-2000 2006-09-13 288.824 MB
*Leaf Chemistry, 1992-1993 (ACCP) 1999-05-07 0.205443 MB
*Seedling Canopy Chemistry, 1992-1993 (ACCP) 1999-05-07 0.137479 MB
*TransCom 3: Annual Mean CO2 Flux Estimates from Atmospheric Inversions (Level 1)2008-10-30 1258.41 MB
*TransCom 3: Seasonal CO2 Flux Estimates from Atmospheric Inversions (Level 2)2013-11-19 10003.4 MB
*Delta-X: Soil Properties for Herbaceous Wetlands, MRD, Louisiana, 2021, V32023-09-21 0.384939 MB
*Global Forest Aboveground Carbon Stocks and Fluxes from GEDI and ICESat-2, 2018-20212023-08-23 2730.25 MB
*ASCENDS: Airborne CO2 LAS Retrieval, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 20142023-02-15 0.250864 MB
*ABoVE/ASCENDS: Active Sensing of CO2, CH4, and Water Vapor, Alaska and Canada, 20172022-05-04 27.0795 MB
*ABoVE/ASCENDS: Merged Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and Meteorological Data, 20172022-12-29
*ACT-America: HALO Lidar Measurements of AOP and ML Heights, 20192022-12-29 1094.42 MB
*ASCENDS: Active Sensing of CO2 With AVOCET, California and Nevada, 20162022-12-29 50.7553 MB
*FLEXPART Influence Functions for ACT-America, 2016-20172022-12-29
*Topographic and Soil Carbon Reconstructions in Agricultural Fields, Iowa2022-12-29 9176.64 MB
*ECHIDNA LIDAR Campaigns: Forest Canopy Imagery and Field Data, U.S.A., 2007-20092011-11-17 10861.7 MB
*NACP MsTMIP: Unified North American Soil Map2014-08-27 2.89996 MB
*NACP Site: Terrestrial Biosphere Model Output Data in Original Format 2013-10-01 7855.1 MB
*AfriSAR: Aboveground Biomass for Lope, Mabounie, Mondah, and Rabi Sites, Gabon2019-05-10 0.856256 MB
*NACP Regional: Gridded 1-deg Observation Data and Biosphere and Inverse Model Outputs2013-05-07 134.585 MB
*NACP Greenhouse Gases Multi-Source Data Compilation, 2000-20092014-02-14 137.249 MB
*NACP MCI: CO2 Emissions Inventory, Upper Midwest Region, USA., 20072014-02-06 28.7664 MB
*NACP MCI: CO2 Flux from Inversion Modeling, Upper Midwest Region, USA, 20072014-02-06 95.0863 MB
*NACP MCI: Tower Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations, Upper Midwest Region, USA, 2007-20092014-01-16 9.88546 MB
*NACP MsTMIP Summary of Model Structure and Characteristics 2014-07-10 0.177247 MB
*NACP MsTMIP: Global and North American Driver Data for Multi-Model Intercomparison2014-05-27
*NACP North American 8-km Net Ecosystem Exchange and Component Fluxes, 2004 2014-01-13 730.08 MB
*NACP Regional: National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Aggregated Gridded Model Data2013-08-28 44.2806 MB
*NACP Regional: Original Observation Data and Biosphere and Inverse Model Outputs2013-10-01
*NACP Regional: Supplemental Gridded Observations, Biosphere and Inverse Model Outputs2013-05-07 140.78 MB
*NACP Site: Terrestrial Biosphere Model and Aggregated Flux Data in Standard Format2013-09-11 986.107 MB
*Anthropogenic Carbon Emission System, 2012-2017, Version 22022-08-30
*ABoVE: Burned Area, Depth, and Combustion for Alaska and Canada, 2001-20192022-06-24 203.035 MB
*ABoVE: Atmospheric Gas Concentrations from Airborne Flasks, Arctic-CAP, 20172020-01-28 0.809115 MB
*ABoVE: Methane Ebullition Hotspots in Frozen Lakes near Fairbanks, Alaska, Oct 20142021-03-31 1.20064 MB
*CARVE: Ecosystem Scale CH4 Emission Derived from Aircraft Observations 2012-20142018-04-09 5.53536 MB
*Collected Data from The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study, NASA, CD-ROM2016-11-17 5529.13 MB
*CARVE: L4 Gridded Footprints from WRF-STILT model, 2012-20162017-03-30
*ABoVE: Synthesis of Burned and Unburned Forest Site Data, AK and Canada, 1983-20162020-05-07 0.607078 MB
*CARVE: L4 Gridded Particle Trajectories for WRF-STILT model, 2012-20162017-03-30
*NACP: Urban Greenhouse Gases across the CO2 Urban Synthesis and Analysis Network, V22021-11-30 193.238 MB
*ATom: Data Stream for Modeling the Reactivity of ATom Air Parcels, 2016-20182022-01-26 53.3643 MB
*Tundra Plant Reflectance, CO2 Exchange, PAM Fluorometry, and Pigments, AK, 2001-20022022-04-30 106.886 MB
*ACT-America: L2 Remotely Sensed Column-avg CO2 by Airborne Lidar, Lite, Eastern USA2022-04-25 196.347 MB
*ACT-America: L2 Weighting Functions for Airborne Lidar Column-avg CO2, Eastern USA2022-04-25 66.1435 MB
*Projections of Permafrost Thaw and Carbon Release for RCP 4.5 and 8.5, 1901-22992022-04-20
*Soil Respiration Maps for the ABoVE Domain, 2016-20172022-04-20 3250.59 MB
*Forest Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential, Northeastern USA2022-03-21 644.502 MB
*ABoVE: TVPRM Simulated Net Ecosystem Exchange, Alaskan North Slope, 2008-20172022-03-17
*Airborne Observations and Modeling Comparison of Global Inorganic Aerosol Acidity2022-03-17 8177.19 MB
*ATom: Trace Gas Measurements from PANTHER Gas Chromatograph2022-03-15 1.2276 MB
*Methane and Ethane Observations for Boston, MA, 2012-20202022-03-15 4.50307 MB
*FLUXNET Canada Research Network - Canadian Carbon Program Data Collection, 1993-20142016-10-25 1570.89 MB
*A Concise Experiment Plan for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment2018-07-13 12.4256 MB
*Global Gridded Surfaces of Selected Soil Characteristics (IGBP-DIS) 2000-12-20 9.35864 MB
*Global Soil Data Products CD-ROM Contents (IGBP-DIS) 2014-08-08 8.93343 MB
*A Global Database of Gas Fluxes from Soils after Rewetting or Thawing, Version 1.02012-04-16 0.164125 MB
*Global Annual Soil Respiration Data (Raich and Schlesinger 1992) 2001-12-06 0.138732 MB
*Global Data Set of Derived Soil Properties, 0.5-Degree Grid (ISRIC-WISE)2000-09-05 0.417405 MB
*Soil Carbon Estimates in 20-cm Layers to 1-meter Depth, Conterminous US, 1970-19932014-08-12 135.386 MB
*CARAFE: Regional Airborne Greenhouse Gases Eddy Covariance Measurements, 2016-20172022-01-31 324.454 MB
*ATom: Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) Chemical Transport Model (CTM) Output2021-10-28
*ATom: Measurements from the Quantum Cascade Laser System (QCLS), Version 22021-09-23 18.7944 MB
*Carbon Pools across CONUS using the MaxEnt Model, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, and 20172021-12-21
*ABoVE: Level-4 WRF-STILT Footprint Files for Circumpolar Receptors, 2016-20192021-12-08
*ABoVE: Level-4 WRF-STILT Particle Trajectories for Circumpolar Receptors, 2016-20192021-12-08
*Soil Organic Carbon Distributions in Tidal Wetlands of the Northeastern USA2021-12-08
*Urban Biogenic CO2 fluxes: GPP, Reco and NEE Estimates from SMUrF, 2010-20192021-12-08
*ATom: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from the TOGA instrument, Version 22021-11-29 1.22397 MB
*The ABCflux Database: Arctic-Boreal CO2 Flux and Site Environmental Data, 1989-20202021-11-23 0.963586 MB
*ACT-America: WRF-Chem Baseline Simulations for North America, 2016-20192021-11-18
*ATom: CAM-chem/CESM2 Model Outputs Along Flight Tracks, 2016-20182021-11-17 123.092 MB
*Global Gas Flare Survey by Infrared Imaging, VIIRS Nightfire, 2012-20192021-10-29 9.88224 MB
*ATom: CO2, CH4, and CO Measurements from Picarro, 2016-20182021-10-28 14.5825 MB
*CMS: Forest Aboveground Biomass from FIA Plots across the Conterminous USA, 2009-20192021-09-23 5.50633 MB
*Ground-based Observations of XCO2, XCH4, and XCO, Fairbanks, AK, 2016-20192021-09-23 56.3699 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-32 Flux Tower Network Data Compilation, Brazilian Amazon: 1999-2006, V22021-09-23 224.049 MB
*Global-Gridded Daily Methane Emissions from Inland Dam-Reservoir Systems2021-08-13 38.7972 MB
*CLM5-DART Regional Carbon Fluxes and Stocks over the Western US, 1998-20102021-07-21
*ATom: L2 Measurements of In Situ Airborne Formaldehyde (ISAF)2019-12-17 5.75213 MB
*CMS: Terrestrial Carbon Stocks, Emissions, and Fluxes for Conterminous US, 2001-20162021-06-28 49.9961 MB
*Methane Emissions from Dairy Sources (Vista-CA), State of California, USA, 20192021-06-28 0.194424 MB
*Greenness Trends and Carbon Stocks of Mangrove Forests Across Mexico, 2001-20152021-06-24 16.8778 MB
*ABoVE: Ignitions, Burned Area, and Emissions of Fires in AK, YT, and NWT, 2001-20182021-06-22 44.3112 MB
*ORNL DAAC Airborne Data Visualizer SPR2021-01-14
*ATom: L2 In Situ Measurements from the NCAR Airborne Oxygen Instrument (AO2), V22021-05-24 25.5042 MB
*ATom: L2 Trace Gas and Isotope Measurements from Medusa Whole Air Sampler, Version 22021-05-24 10.167 MB
*Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes from the NFCMS, Conterminous USA, 1990-20102021-05-18
*Aboveground Biomass Change for Amazon Basin, Mexico, and Pantropical Belt, 2003-20162021-02-27 1241.56 MB
*ABoVE: Annual Aboveground Biomass for Boreal Forests of ABoVE Core Domain, 1984-20142021-02-27
*ACT-America: L2 In Situ Atmospheric CO2, CO, CH4, and O3 Concentrations, Eastern USA2017-12-06 855.226 MB
*ACT-America: L2 In Situ Atmospheric Gas Concentrations from Flasks, Eastern USA2018-03-28 9.48762 MB
*ACT-America: L2 Remotely Sensed Column-average CO2 by Airborne Lidar, Eastern USA2018-10-29 1184.4 MB
*ACT-America: L1 DAOD Measurements by Airborne CO2 Lidar, Eastern USA2020-11-12 1114.28 MB
*ACT-America: L1 Raw, Uncalibrated In-Situ CO2, CO, and CH4 Mole Fractions from Towers2020-09-23
*Vulcan: High-Resolution Annual Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 32020-10-01 7176.76 MB
*Vulcan: High-Resolution Hourly Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 32020-10-01
*Gridded Estimates of Woody Cover and Biomass across Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-20042020-06-30 206.531 MB
*ACT-America: L3 Merged In Situ Atmospheric Trace Gases and Flask Data, Eastern USA2018-06-25 1497.21 MB
*ABoVE: SAR-based Methane Ebullition Flux from Lakes, Five Regions, Alaska, 2007-20102020-07-15 20.5251 MB
*ABoVE: Spatial Estimates of Carbon Combustion from Wildfires across SK, Canada, 20152020-07-15 150.757 MB
*ABoVE: Methane Flux across Two Thermokarst Lake Ecosystems, Interior Alaska, 20182020-06-26 0.651748 MB
*LiDAR Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Maps, Northwestern USA, 2002-20162020-05-15 510.901 MB
*ATom: Age of Air, ArN2 Ratio, and Trace Gases in Stratospheric Samples, 2009-20182020-05-14 0.200355 MB
*Soil Organic Carbon Estimates for 30-cm Depth, Mexico and Conterminous USA, 1991-20112020-05-14 6749.43 MB
*Remote Sensing Derived Topsoil and Agricultural Economic Losses, Midwestern USA2020-05-07 333.602 MB
*ATom: Measurements from the UAS Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species (UCATS)2020-03-30 18.105 MB
*Soil Organic Carbon Estimates and Uncertainty at 1-m Depth across Mexico, 1999-20092020-03-26 2703.35 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Burned and Unburned Boreal Forest Stands, SK, Canada, 20162020-02-14 5.58186 MB
*Disturbance History and Forest Biomass from Landsat for Six US Sites, 1985-20142020-02-06
*ATom: L2 Measurements from the Programmable Flask Package (PFP) Whole Air Sampler2020-01-23 0.516038 MB
*Export and Leaching of Carbon and Nitrogen from Mississippi River Basin, 1901-20992020-01-16 253.438 MB
*ATom: L2 Halocarbons and Hydrocarbons from the UC-Irvine Whole Air Sampler (WAS)2020-01-09 1.14534 MB
*Coastal Wetland Elevation and Carbon Flux Inventory with Uncertainty, USA, 2006-20112019-12-17 2195.07 MB
*Sources of Methane Emissions (Vista-CA), State of California, USA2019-12-17 28.7839 MB
*Annual Aboveground Biomass Maps for Forests in the Northwestern USA, 2000-20162019-11-14
*Methane Plumes Derived from AVIRIS-NG over Point Sources across California, 2016-20172019-11-12
*Tidal Wetlands Soil Organic Carbon and Estuarine Characteristics, USA, 1972-20152019-10-30 0.194761 MB
*DARTE Annual On-road CO2 Emissions on a 1-km Grid, Conterminous USA, V2, 1980-20172019-09-20 2812.13 MB
*CARVE: Monthly Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations (2009-2013) and Modeled Fluxes, Alaska2016-06-28 1285.38 MB
*Pre-LBA Anglo-Brazilian Amazonian Climate Observation Study (ABRACOS) Data2008-10-31 7.81655 MB
*NACP: Forest Carbon Stocks, Fluxes and Productivity Estimates, Western USA, 1979-20992019-06-25 3096.04 MB
*Ocean Surface pCO2 and Air-Sea CO2 Flux in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2006-20102019-06-25 167.96 MB
*LiDAR and PALSAR-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass, Paragominas, Para, Brazil, 20122019-05-31 22.5641 MB
*ABoVE: Atmospheric Profiles of CO, CO2 and CH4 Concentrations from Arctic-CAP, 20172019-05-02 5.68225 MB
*ABoVE: Multi-model Uncertainty of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes across ABoVE Domain, 20032019-04-18 0.424478 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Carbon Dynamics in Burned Forest Plots, NWT, Canada, 20142019-04-12 1.15816 MB
*CMS: Atmospheric CO2 and C Isotopes, Fossil Fuel Contributions, California, 2014-20152018-12-31 0.340618 MB
*Soil Organic Carbon Stock Estimates with Uncertainty across Latin America2019-03-07 416.133 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Burned and Unburned Spruce Forest Sites, Tanana, AK, 20172019-02-26 0.517542 MB
*Tidal Wetland Soil Carbon Stocks for the Conterminous United States, 2006-20102019-02-20 208.849 MB
*ATom: Column-Integrated Densities of Hydroxyl and Formaldehyde in Remote Troposphere2019-02-14 10.302 MB
*Aboveground Biomass, Landcover, and Degradation, Kalimantan Forests, Indonesia, 20142019-02-15 2850.83 MB
*Maps of Vegetation Types and Physiographic Features, Toolik Lake Area, Alaska 2017-04-19 5.70678 MB
*ATom: Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer Calibration and Performance Data2018-11-09 1.22266 MB
*ATom: Nucleation Mode Aerosol Size Spectrometer Calibration and Performance Data2018-09-18 3.48454 MB
*CO2 Observations, Modeled Emissions, and NAM-HYSPLIT Footprints, Boston MA, 2013-20142018-09-26
*ABoVE: Directory of Field Sites Associated with 2017 ABoVE Airborne Campaign2018-09-18 2.84015 MB
*ATom: Black Carbon Mass Mixing Ratios from ATom-1 Flights2018-09-18 1.23006 MB
*Stocks of Surface Soil Organic Carbon Fractions, Great Plains Region, USA, 2007-20102018-09-18 23.1196 MB
*ATom: Simulated Data Stream for Modeling ATom-like Measurements2018-08-08 41.2277 MB
*ATom: Observed and GEOS-5 Simulated CO Concentrations with Tagged Tracers for ATom-12018-07-31 3.64971 MB
*NACP MsTMIP: Global 0.5-degree Model Outputs in Standard Format, Version 1.02018-04-22
*ABoVE: Wildfire Carbon Emissions and Burned Plot Characteristics, NWT, CA, 2014-20162018-07-30 350.248 MB
*Mean Annual Fluxes of Carbon in Coastal Ecosystems of Eastern North America2018-07-13 0.270998 MB
*ACT-America: L2 In Situ CO2, CO, and CH4 Concentrations from Towers, Eastern USA2018-02-06 9.35529 MB
*WRF-STILT Gridded Footprints for Boston, MA, USA, 2013-20142018-05-25 5605.07 MB
*WRF-STILT Particle Trajectories for Boston, MA, USA, 2013-20142018-05-25
*ABoVE: CO2 and CH4 Fluxes and Meteorology at Flux Tower Sites, Alaska, 2015-20172018-05-24 20.877 MB
*Pre-ABoVE: Gridded Footprints from WRF-STILT Model, Barrow, Alaska, 1982-20112018-05-15 1405.67 MB
*Pre-ABoVE: Particle Trajectories for WRF-STILT Model, Barrow, AK, 1982-20112018-05-15
*Sources of Methane Emissions (Vista-LA), South Coast Air Basin, California, USA2018-01-02 7.67929 MB
*Shrubland Species Cover, Biometric, Carbon and Nitrogen Data, Southern Idaho, 20142017-12-21 3530.8 MB
*CMS: Simulated Physical-Biogeochemical Data, SABGOM Model, Gulf of Mexico, 2005-20102017-11-15 297.722 MB
*Global Fire Emissions Database, Version 4.1 (GFEDv4)2015-10-14 1320.23 MB
*Fluxnet: Archived Website Including Site and Investigator Information2017-09-28 4295.33 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Monthly and Annual CO2 Emissions from Soil, 0.5 Degree Grid2002-07-26 0.622057 MB
*CMS: Global 0.5-deg Wetland Methane Emissions and Uncertainty (WetCHARTs v1.0)2017-06-05 2681.95 MB
*CARVE: Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange and Regional Carbon Budgets for Alaska, 2012-20142017-05-04 6.9882 MB
*CMS: CO2 Signals Estimated for Fossil Fuel Emissions and Biosphere Flux, California2017-03-20 0.246085 MB
*Global Peatland Carbon Balance and Land Use Change CO2 Emissions Through the Holocene2017-05-04 158.881 MB
*Landsat-based Phenology and Tree Ring Characterization, Eastern US Forests, 1984-20132017-03-16 213.079 MB
*Soil CO2 Flux, Moisture, Temperature, and Litterfall, La Selva, Costa Rica, 2003-20102017-03-16 0.972077 MB
*CARVE: L2 Column Gas and Uncertainty from Airborne FTS, Alaska, 2012-20152017-02-02 2210.26 MB
*CARVE Modeled Gross Ecosystem CO2 Exchange and Respiration, Alaska, 2012-20142017-01-17 1221.28 MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric CO2, CO, and CH4 Concentrations, CARVE Tower, Alaska, 2011-20152017-01-12 5.05462 MB
*CARVE: L1 In-situ Carbon and CH4 Flux and Meteorology at EC Towers, Alaska, 2011-20152016-12-12 19.761 MB
*AirMOSS: L4 Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Continental USA, 2012-20142016-11-30 23.1318 MB
*AirMOSS: L4 Daily Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), AirMOSS sites, 2012-20142016-11-22 95.8681 MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric Gas Concentrations, Tower-based Flasks, Alaska, 2012-20152016-11-18 1.36553 MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric Gas Concentrations, Airborne Flasks, Alaska, 2012-20152016-11-17 3.13354 MB
*NACP VPRM NEE Parameters Optimized to North American Flux Tower Sites, 2000-20062016-11-17 0.256644 MB
*AirMOSS: L2 Airborne Carbon Flux at Selected AirMOSS Sites, 2012-20142016-10-10 41.6717 MB
*CARVE: Fire-Related Aerosol and Soil Elemental and Isotopic Composition, Alaska, 20132016-09-20 0.340953 MB
*CMS: Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange at 3-hourly Time Steps, 2004-20102016-09-16
*Arctic Circumpolar Distribution and Soil Carbon of Thermokarst Landscapes, 20152016-08-24 138.208 MB
*CARVE: L2 Merged Atmospheric CO2, CO, O3 and CH4 Concentrations, Alaska, 2012-20152016-07-28 47.875 MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric CO2, CO and CH4 Concentrations, Harvard CRDS, Alaska, 2012-20142016-07-27 36.2493 MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric CO2, CO and CH4 Concentrations, NOAA CRDS, Alaska, 2012-20152016-07-27 99.4614 MB
*CARVE: CH4, CO2, and CO Atmospheric Concentrations, CARVE Tower, Alaska, 2012-20142016-05-12
*CMS: Forest Carbon Stocks, Emissions, and Net Flux for the Conterminous US: 2005-20102016-05-11 1257.13 MB
*NACP Biome-BGC Modeled Ecosystem Carbon Balance, Pacific Northwest, USA, 1986-20102016-04-30 472.306 MB
*Natural and Anthropogenic Methane Sources, New England, USA, 1990-19942016-03-29 0.0903883 MB
*NACP NAFD Project: Forest Disturbance History from Landsat, 1986-20102016-03-03 12552.2 MB
*NACP TERRA-PNW: Forest Plant Traits, NPP, Biomass, and Soil Properties, 1999-20142015-12-17 2.36645 MB
*CARVE-ARCSS: Methane Loss From Arctic- Fluxes From the Alaskan North Slope, 2012-20142015-12-14 353.705 MB
*Global 1-degree Maps of Forest Area, Carbon Stocks, and Biomass, 1950-20102015-12-14 12.6674 MB
*CMS: Soil CO2 Efflux and Properties, Site Vegetation Measurements, Mexico, 2011-20122015-11-30 6.93218 MB
*CMS: Atmospheric Methane Concentrations and Prior Emissions, Boston, MA, 2012-20142015-10-06 2.70993 MB
*CMS: Carbon Fluxes from Global Agricultural Production and Consumption, 2005-20112015-07-24 1833.33 MB
*A Compilation of Global Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Data 2015-01-12 3.1878 MB
*Regridded Harmonized World Soil Database v1.22014-09-18 48.6802 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-05 NPP, Carbon Pool, Soil Characteristics, Soil Gas Flux Maps of Brazil2013-11-27 4.35822 MB
*NACP Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Baseline Data, V.2 (NBCD 2000), U.S.A., 20002013-05-29 14051.1 MB
*Ecosystem Demography Model: U.S. Ecosystem Carbon Stocks and Fluxes, 1700-19902013-05-20 42.4123 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-02 Biogenic VOC Emissions from Brazilian Amazon Forest and Pasture Sites2012-09-05 0.0856676 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-04 CO2 and Heat Flux, km 83 Gap Tower Site, Tapajos National Forest2010-07-22 2.45311 MB
*BASIN TCP Stable Isotope Composition of CO2 in Terrestrial Ecosystems2010-02-17 0.227166 MB

* Sign in to order carbon datasets.