A guide document which includes more information about this data set can be found at https://daac.ornl.gov/daacdata/boreas/TE/te5airs/comp/TE05_Air_Stable_Iso.txt .
ORNL DAAC maintains information on the entire BOREAS Project.
Brooks, J. R., and L. Flanagan. 1998. BOREAS TE-05 CO2 Concentration and Stable Isotope Composition. Data set. Available on-line [http://www.daac.ornl.gov] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/321.
Brooks, J.R., L.B. Flanagan, G.T. Varney, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Vertical gradients in photosynthetic gas exchange characteristics and recycling of respired CO2 within boreal forest canopies. Tree Physiology 17:1-12.
Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Brooks, G.T. Varney, and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Discrimination against C18O16O during photosynthesis and the oxygen isotope ratio of respired CO2 in boreal forest ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 11:83-98.
Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Brooks, G.T. Varney, S.C. Berry. and J.R. Ehleringer. 1996. Carbon isotope discrimination during photosynthesis and the isotope ratio of respired CO2 in boreal forest ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10: 629 640.
Flanagan, L.B., Brooks, J.R., and Ehleringer, J.R. 1997. Photosynthesis and carbon isotope discrimination in boreal forest ecosystems: a comparison of functional characteristics in plants from three mature forest types. Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 28861-28869.
Sellers, P., and F. Hall. 1994. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1994-3.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 94).
Sellers, P., CO2 F. Hall. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1996-2.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 96).
Sellers, P., CO2 F. Hall. 1997. BOREAS Overview Paper. JGR Special Issue.
Sellers, P., F. Hall, CO2 K.F. Huemmrich. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1994 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 94).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, CO2 K.F. Huemmrich. 1997. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1996 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 96).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, H. Margolis, B. Kelly, D. Baldocchi, G. den Hartog, J. Cihlar, M.G. Ryan, B. Goodison, P. Crill, K.J. Ranson, D. Lettenmaier, and D.E. Wickland. 1995. The boreal ecosystem-atmosphere study (BOREAS): an overview and early results from the 1994 field year. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 76(9):1549-1577.