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Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)


[GEDI Logo]The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) produces high resolution laser ranging observations of the 3D structure of the Earth. GEDI’s precise measurements of forest canopy height, canopy vertical structure, and surface elevation greatly advance our ability to characterize important carbon and water cycling processes, biodiversity, and habitat. GEDI was funded as a NASA Earth Ventures Instrument (EVI) mission. It was launched to the International Space Station in December 2018 and completed initial orbit checkout in April 2019.
The lower-level science data products (L1B, L2A, and L2B) are available from the Land Processes DAAC (, and the higher-level products (L3, L4A, and L4B) are available from ORNL DAAC. L3 provides gridded canopy and land surface metrics. L4A and L4B provide aboveground biomass density at footprint and grid levels.