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NACP MsTMIP: Global 0.5-degree Model Outputs in Standard Format, Version 2.0

Documentation Revision Date: 2021-11-23

Dataset Version: 2


This dataset provides version 2 of global gridded estimates of carbon, energy, and hydrologic fluxes between the land and atmosphere from 17 Terrestrial Biosphere Models (TBMs) participating the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP). Model estimates are at monthly and yearly time steps for the period 1901 to 2010, with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree globally, excluding Antarctica. The 17 TBMs include BIOME-BGC, CLM4, DLEM, GTEC, JPL-CENTURY, LPJ-wsl, SiB3, TEM6, VEGAS2.1, CLASS-CTEM-N, CLM4VIC, ISAM, JPL-HYLAND, ORCHIDEE-LSCE, SiBCASA, TRIPLEX-GHG, VISIT. An ensemble of key output variables (i.e., GPP, NEE, NEP, NPP, TotalResp, TotLivBiom, and TotSoilCarb) from these 17 TBMS is also provided.

There are 1,797 data files in NetCDF (.nc4) format in this dataset.

The QA and documentation for this dataset are in progress.

Figure 1. Ensemble mean of global monthly 0.5-degree Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) in July 2010 from BG1 simulation.


Huntzinger, D.N., C.R. Schwalm, Y. Wei, R. Shrestha, R.B. Cook, A.M. Michalak, K.V.R. Schafer, A.R. Jacobson, M.A. Arain, P. Ciais, B.D. Fisher, H. Kolus, M. Sikka, Y. Elshorbany, D.J. Hayes, M. Huang, S. Huang, A. Ito, A.K. Jain, H. Lei, C. Lu, F. Maignan, J. Mao, N.C. Parazoo, C. Peng, S. Peng, B. Poulter, D.M. Ricciuto, H. Tian, X. Shi, W. Wang, N. Zeng, F. Zhao, Q. Zhu, J. Yang, and B. Tao. 2021. NACP MsTMIP: Global 0.5-degree Model Outputs in Standard Format, Version 2.0. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Table of Contents

  1. Dataset Overview
  2. Data Characteristics
  3. Application and Derivation
  4. Quality Assessment
  5. Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
  6. Data Access
  7. References

Dataset Overview

The QA and documentation for this dataset are in progress.

Data Characteristics

Application and Derivation

Quality Assessment

Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods

Data Access

These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

NACP MsTMIP: Global 0.5-degree Model Outputs in Standard Format, Version 2.0

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