The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC) for Biogeochemical Dynamics is a NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data center managed by the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project. The ORNL DAAC is operated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and is a member of the Remote Sensing and Environmental Informatics Group of the Environmental Sciences Division (ESD).
If you have questions for the ORNL DAAC, please email the User Services Office.
The ORNL DAAC is proud to be a CoreTrustSeal Certified Repository. CoreTrustSeal is an international, community based, non-governmental, and non-profit organization promoting sustainable and trustworthy data infrastructures. For transparency, CoreTrustSeal publishes a public version of each certified repository's application, including the ORNL DAAC's application.
The mission of the ORNL DAAC is to assemble, distribute, and provide data services for a comprehensive archive of terrestrial biogeochemistry and ecological dynamics observations and models to facilitate research, education, and decision-making in support of NASA's Earth Science.
The ORNL DAAC's goals are to:
- Serve as the primary data repository for data derived from NASA's Terrestrial Ecology program and Carbon Cycle Science and Ecosystems focus area.
- Provide ground- and aircraft-based data to assess the accuracy and uncertainty of NASA's Earth Science missions.
- Work with NASA to develop best practices, tools, and training for scientists who generate and use NASA Earth-observing data.
- Facilitate synthesis and analysis by providing and integrating the diverse data required to address critical questions.
Data Use and Citation Guidelines
Data Use
Data hosted by the ORNL DAAC is openly shared, without restriction, in accordance with NASA's Earth Science program Data Use Guidance.
Citation Guidelines
Bibliographic citations should be included in the References section of publications and other media to acknowledge those who have created the data, services, and tools provided by the ORNL DAAC. Proper citations include the authors, title, publisher, and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and will allow the products to be discovered and re-used by others.
If you have questions about citations, email the User Services Office. The proper citation for each ORNL DAAC product is provided on its landing page and user guide.
Example Data Citation:
Roy, P.S., P. Meiyappan, P.K. Joshi, M.P. Kale, V.K. Srivastav, S.K. Srivasatava, M.D. Behera, A. Roy, Y. Sharma, R.M. Ramachandran, P. Bhavani, A.K. Jain, and Y.V.N. Krishnamurthy. 2016. Decadal Land Use and Land Cover Classifications across India, 1985, 1995, 2005. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
For more information on the importance of citing products, see:
Cook, R.B., S.K.S. Vannan, B.F. McMurry, D.M. Wright, Y. Wei, A.G. Boyer and J.H. Kidder. 2016. Implementation of data citations and persistent identifiers at the ORNL DAAC. Ecological Informatics.
ESIP Data Preservation and Stewardship Committee. 2019. Data Citation Guidelines for Earth Science Data Version 2. Earth Science Information Partners.
Data Versioning and DOI Practices
Data Versioning and DOI Practices
Effective 1 March 2021, the ORNL DAAC will assign a new Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to dataset updates where the previously published data values change. Historically, we have only changed the DOI when the underlying data preparation method or algorithm changed, but we generally did not change it when the data was reprocessed. However, in the 15 years since the ORNL DAAC started using DOIs for data, the consensus around best practice has evolved. We are making this change to bring the ORNL DAAC into alignment with that best practice consensus. This change is also part of our response to an ORNL DAAC User Working Group (UWG) suggestion to improve the visibility of dataset revisions, particularly in the citations, so that it is clear to readers of a scientific paper which specific revision of a dataset was used in the work. We will generally not change the DOI, however, when the dataset update only involves adding to the existing data, such as adding to the temporal extent, adding to the spatial extent, adding observations, adding additional variables (measurements), or other changes which only involve adding files to the dataset.
User Working Group
The ORNL DAAC User Working Group provides suggestions and user perspectives that assist ESDIS with:
- Defining the ORNL DAAC's science goals
- Prioritizing ORNL DAAC activities, including dataset acquisition, generation of value-added products, user support, development activities, and operational functions
- Improving the data publication and communication processes for projects and missions assigned to the ORNL DAAC
- Improving the discoverability, usability, and interoperability of NASA Earth science data
- Assessing data accession requests originating from projects and missions not specifically assigned to the ORNL DAAC
The UWG meets at least once per year to review the status of ORNL DAAC operations and to provide suggestions. Additional
information about the responsibilities of the UWG can be found in the ORNL DAAC UWG Charter.
The UWG is interested in hearing from users on how to improve the ORNL DAAC web platform, tools, and services, or about data that the ORNL DAAC should pursue. To provide input, email the ORNL DAAC User Services Office.

User Working Group Members
Cibele Amaral
Analytics Hub Director, Earth Lab University of Colorado UWG Term 2025-2027 Specialty: ecosystem ecology and management, remote sensing, big data analytics |
Liz Arbuckle
Capacity Building Program Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, NASA Ames UWG Term 2025-2027 Specialty: data accessibility and usability, user-community engagement |
Mallory Barnes
School of Public and Environmental Affairs Indiana University UWG Term 2021-2026 Specialty: environmental informatics, remote sensing and spatial analysis, and ecosystem ecology |
Philip G. Brodrick
Research Technologist Imaging Spectroscopy Group Jet Propulsion Laboratory UWG Term: 2022-2027 Specialty: imaging spectroscopy, machine learning / artificial intelligence, terrestrial ecology |
Dana Chadwick (Chair-Elect)
Earth System Scientist Research Scientist Water and Ecosystems Group Jet Propulsion Laboratory UWG Term 2023-2025 Specialty: imaging spectroscopy, lidar, field sampling, ecosystems, critical zones, landscape evolution |
Kyla Dahlin
Department of Geography Michigan State University UWG Term 2021-2026 Specialty: landscape and plant ecology, remote sensing, Earth system modeling |
Erin Hestir
Department of Environmental Systems University of California, Merced UWG Term 2023-2025 Specialty: aquatic ecosystems, coastal systems, geospatial analytics, hyperspectral data, remote sensing, sensor networks |
Christine Laney
Principal Research Scientist National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) UWG Term 2020-2025 Specialty: ecoinformatics, LTER, ecological forecasting |
Ayia F. Lindquist
Outreach and Engagement Coordinator NASA Goddard Space Flight Center UWG Term: 2024-2026 Specialty: user-community engagement, data accessibility and decision-making support, resilience |
Paul Montesano
Research Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center UWG Term: 2022-2027 Specialty: remote sensing data integration, uncertainty quantification, boreal forest structure research |
Stefano Potter
Research Associate Woodwell Climate Research Center UWG Term: 2024-2026 Specialty: wildfire, boreal and arctic systems, remote sensing |
Ying Sun
Soil & Crop Sciences Cornell University UWG Term 2020-2025 Specialty: agroecosystems, canopy to global scale modeling |
Jody Vogeler (Chair)
Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory Colorado State University UWG Term 2021-2026 Specialty: forest disturbance dynamics, wildlife habitat ecology, assessing resistance and resilience within varous ecosystems, integrating remote sensing datasets with field surveys |
Jon Wang
School of Biological Sciences University of Utah UWG Term 2023-2025 Specialty: vulnerability to and recovery from natural and anthropogenic disturbance, carbon stocks and fluxes, phenology, urban heat island |
Daryl Yang
Distinguished Staff Fellow Oak Ridge National Laboratory UWG Term: 2024-2026 Specialty: spectral imaging, drone data and applications, boreal and arctic systems, plant ecology, remote sensing, ecosystem modeling |
User Working Group Ex Officio Members
Frank Lindsay
Data Systems Engineer ESDIS Project NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Sara Lubkin
Science Data Operations Manager ESDIS Project NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Drew Kittel
Science Operations Manager ESDIS Project NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Ryan P. Pavlick
Program Manager Terrestrial Ecology Program NASA Headquarters |
Yaxing Wei (Vice Chair)
ORNL DAAC Lead Scientist Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Bruce E. Wilson
ORNL DAAC Manager Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
User Working Group Associates
Chris Lindsley
ORNL DAAC Systems Architect Computational Sciences & Engineering Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Michele Thornton
ORNL DAAC Airborne Data Lead Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Debjani Singh
ORNL DAAC Ingest Lead Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Tammy Walker
ORNL DAAC Deputy Manager Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Daine Wright
ORNL DAAC Systems Engineer Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
The ORNL DAAC regularly partners with other EOSDIS data centers and the following organizations towards shared goals.

The International Council for Science World Data System (ICSU WDS) promotes stewardship and access to data and data services across a range of science disciplines.

ABoVE Working Groups
The Artic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) Working Groups define standards of data management, services, models, variables, and products for ABoVE. ORNL DAAC staff participate in the Core Variables & Standards and the Geospatial Products & Standards groups.

The Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG) is a NASA organization that focuses on the exploration and development of recommendations derived from pertinent community insights of NASA's heterogeneous and distributed Earth science data systems.

The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) is a networked community that brings together science, data, and information technology practitioners.
CCSI Data Centers
The ORNL DAAC is a member of the ORNL Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI) and often contributes to its other data centers.

The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Archive (ARM) provides observations to improve the understanding of clouds and aerosols.

NGEE Arctic
The Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE Arctic) improve climate model predictions through advanced understanding of coupled processes in Arctic terrestrial ecosystems.

The Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change (SPRUCE) experiment assesses the response of northern peatland ecosystems to increases in temperature and exposures to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.
Preprint Datasets
Preprint Datasets
A preprint dataset is one which is made available prior to the completion of the ORNL DAAC's quality assurance and documentation work. This is most often done to support the peer review process for journal articles involving the data. As with a journal preprint, a preprint dataset includes the materials as received from the data provider, is subject to revision, and should be used as one would a journal preprint. Preprint datasets at the ORNL DAAC are not visible in NASA's Earthdata Search, and the ORNL DAAC attempts to prevent them from showing up in Internet search tools. Any differences in the finalized data relative to the data from the preprint version will be described in the finalized dataset documentation.