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Land Use and Human Dimensions


ORNL DAAC provides numerous global and regional maps of land cover & land use, as well as information on land use change over time and its impact on the Earth system. Data on human dimensions include information on agriculture, energy production and use, transportation, urban areas, and human population, among other variables.

All Land Use and Human Dimensions Datasets

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landuselandcover dataset Published User Guide Download Size VisualizeTHREDDS
*Understory Vegetation Biomass from Selected Burned and Unburned sites in Alaska NEW2024-06-30 0.689154 MB
*Longwave-infrared spectral imagery in support of COMEX, 2014 NEW2024-06-26
*Development and Evolution of NASA Satellite Remote Sensing for Ecology2024-06-14 0.389714 MB
*SISTER: Experimental Workflows, Product Generation Environment, and Sample Data, V0042024-06-11
*ABoVE: Ignitions of ABoVE-FED Fires in Alaska and Canada2024-06-14 1.8599 MB
*MASTER: FireSense, western US, October 20232024-06-14
*Classification of Global Forests for IPCC Aboveground Biomass Tier 1 Estimates, 20202024-06-12 12528.9 MB
*ABoVE: Study Domain and Standard Reference Grids, Version 22017-11-29 3.88553 MB
*CO2 and CH4 Fluxes from Waterbodies, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2016-20192024-05-09 21.2369 MB
*MASTER: Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) campaign, California, USA, 20162021-07-21 1469.64 MB
*Mowing Experiment Biophys. Data (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.241796 MB
*Soil Moisture Data: Peck (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.277096 MB
*AMS (Automated Met Station) Data (FIFE) 1994-07-24 24.0568 MB
*Bowen Ratio Surf. Flux: Fritschen (FIFE) 1994-07-24 3.5752 MB
*Bowen Ratio Surface Flux: GSFC (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.460205 MB
*Bowen Ratio Surface Flux: KSU (FIFE) 1994-07-24 2.78753 MB
*Bowen Ratio Surface Flux: Smith (FIFE) 1994-07-24 1.06953 MB
*Bowen Ratio Surface Flux: UNL (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.39209 MB
*Bowen Ratio Surface Flux: USGS (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.476188 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: ANL (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.445664 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: GSFC (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.396663 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: UK (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.3803 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: UNL (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.371006 MB
*Eddy Corr. Surface Flux: USGS (FIFE) 1994-07-24 0.706501 MB
*ATom: Merged Atmospheric Chemistry, Trace Gases, and Aerosols, Version 22021-08-26 2101.16 MB
*Forest Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential for Maryland, USA.2019-04-05 53.9418 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-01 Landsat TM Land Cover Mosaic of the BOREAS Transect 2001-10-02 163.909 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-01 NBIOME Level-4 AVHRR Land Cover, Canada, Ver. 1.1, 1995 2001-10-02 7.38225 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-09 Moss Cover Classification at Three Area Scales 2001-10-02 2.67589 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-10 Reclassified Regridded TM Mosaic Land Cover Maps, 1994 2001-10-02 0.287446 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-10 Regridded Land Cover Maps for 19942001-10-02 0.552173 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-10 Regridded Moss Cover Maps for 19942001-10-02 0.437841 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-10 Regridded TM Mosaic Land Cover Maps for 19942001-10-02 0.303098 MB
*CENTURY: Modeling Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change, Version 4 (VEMAP 1995)2005-12-19 21.8057 MB
*Lund-Potsdam-Jena Wetland Hydrology and Methane DGV Model (LPJ-WHyMe v1.3.1)2013-04-09 0.626495 MB
*MAPSS: Mapped Atmosphere-Plant-Soil System Model, Version 1.0 2007-12-31 0.764576 MB
*Simulated Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Estimates over Alaska, 2001-20152024-04-24 243.647 MB
*VEMAP 2: Annual Ecosystem Model Responses to U.S. Climate Change, 1994-2100 2005-01-07 746.702 MB
*VEMAP 2: Monthly Ecosystem Model Responses to U.S. Climate Change, 1994-2100 2005-01-07 4428.72 MB
*Arctic Boreal Annual Burned Area, Circumpolar Boreal Forest and Tundra, V2, 2002-20222024-03-18 9.35861 MB
*SNF Forest Cover by Species/Strata 1996-10-24 5.06266 MB
*Pantropical Forest Height and Biomass from GEDI and TanDEM-X Data Fusion2024-02-29
*Post-fire Recovery of Soil Organic Layer Carbon in Canadian Boreal Forests, 2015-20182024-02-01 0.265871 MB
*ABoVE: Active Layer Soil Characteristics at Selected Sites Across Alaska2024-01-30 290.421 MB
*SHIFT: AVIRIS-NG Full-Resolution True Color Images2024-01-25
*BOREAS AFM-12 1-km AVHRR Seasonal Land Cover Classification1999-11-16 0.520186 MB
*BOREAS HYD-04 Areal Snow Course Survey Data 1999-01-30 0.196726 MB
*BOREAS Landsat TM Level-3a Imagery: Scaled At-Sensor Radiance in BSQ Format1999-01-30 1620.77 MB
*BOREAS Landsat TM Level-3b Imagery: At-Sensor Radiance in BSQ Format1999-11-12
*BOREAS Landsat TM Level-3p Imagery: Geocoded and Scaled At-Sensor Radiance1999-11-12 50.3828 MB
*BOREAS Landsat TM Level-3s Imagery: Scaled At-Sensor Radiance in LGSOWG Format1999-11-12 0.582484 MB
*BOREAS RSS-15 SIR-C and TM Biomass and Landcover Maps of the NSA and SSA 1999-12-17 12.6648 MB
*BOREAS Regional Soils Data in Raster Format and AEAC Projection 1999-01-30 4.42572 MB
*BOREAS SERM Forest Cover Data Layers of the SSA in Vector Format2000-02-21 85.1758 MB
*BOREAS TE-18 Landsat TM Maximum Likelihood Classification Image of the NSA 1999-11-12 3.21618 MB
*BOREAS TE-18 Landsat TM Maximum Likelihood Classification Image of the SSA 1999-11-12 3.03817 MB
*BOREAS TE-18 Landsat TM Physical Classification Image of the NSA 1999-11-12 3.50882 MB
*BOREAS TE-18 Landsat TM Physical Classification Image of the SSA 1999-11-12 4.04032 MB
*BOREAS TE-18, 30-m, Radiometrically Rectified Landsat TM Imagery 2000-09-27 9.10771 MB
*BOREAS TE-20 Supplementary Site Information For NSA Tower Sites 1999-12-17 0.873551 MB
*BOREAS TF-01 SSA-OA Understory Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temperature Data 2000-02-21 2.14573 MB
*BOREAS TGB-07 Ambient Air Herbicide and Organochlorine Concentration Data 1999-01-30 0.156795 MB
*BOREAS TGB-07 Dry Deposition Herbicide and Organochlorine Flux Data 1999-01-30 0.160907 MB
*BOREAS TGB-07 Rainwater Herbicide and Organochlorine Concentration Data 1999-01-30 0.192945 MB
*BOREAS TGB-12 Soil Carbon Data: NSA 1999-01-30 0.198393 MB
*BOREAS TGB-12 Soil Carbon and Flux Data of NSA-MSA in Raster Format 2000-02-21 17.6508 MB
*RLC AVHRR-Derived Land Cover, Former Soviet Union, 15-km, 1984-1993 2004-01-07 0.962962 MB
*RLC AVHRR-Derived Land Cover, Former Soviet Union, Far East, 1-km, 1990 2004-01-07 4.69951 MB
*RLC Forest Cover Map of the Former Soviet Union, 1990 2004-01-07 23.4336 MB
*RLC Forest Cover of the Former Soviet Union, 1973 2004-01-07 0.283175 MB
*RLC Generalized Forest Map of the Former Soviet Union, 1-km 2004-01-07 11.2169 MB
*RLC Selected Infrastructure Data for the Former Soviet Union, 19932004-01-07 34.6659 MB
*RLC State and Regional Boundaries for the Former Soviet Union2004-01-07 4.15034 MB
*RLC Vegetative Cover of the Former Soviet Union, 1990 2004-01-07 13.1183 MB
*Site Averaged Flux Data: 1987-1989 (Betts) 1994-07-24 1.04863 MB
*Site Averaged Gravimetric Soil Moisture: 1989 (Betts) 1994-07-24 0.379752 MB
*LBA Regional Tree Cover from AVHRR, 1-km, 1992-1993 (DeFries et al.)2003-09-15 36.6732 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Carbon in Live Vegetation, 0.5-Deg (Olson)2002-04-25 0.0417051 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Land Cover from AVHRR, 1-Deg, 1987 (Defries and Townshend)2002-02-15 0.107301 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Land Cover from AVHRR, 8-km, 1984 (DeFries et al.)2002-02-24 0.213618 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Potential Vegetation, 5-min (Ramankutty and Foley)2002-04-25 0.056921 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Soil Profile Data (ISRIC-WISE)2002-07-26 0.140304 MB
*Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets SPR2017-12-08
*Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool SPR2017-04-10
*Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) RESTful Web Service SPR2018-05-25
*LBA Regional Land Cover from AVHRR, 1-Degree, 1987 (Defries and Townshend)2003-09-15 0.39756 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-04 Secondary Forest Recovery, Structure, and LAI, Central Amazonia, Brazil2012-02-29 0.134404 MB
*Meteorology (OTTER) 1994-07-24 0.954418 MB
*PROVE Land Cover and Leaf Area of Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico, 1997 2003-05-05 0.479006 MB
*PROVE Surface albedo of Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico, 19972003-05-05 142.653 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Tree Cover from AVHRR, 1-km, 1992-1993 (DeFries et al.)2002-04-25 48.1454 MB
*LBA Regional Hydrographic Data, 1-Degree, Release 2.2 (Cogley)2003-09-15 0.0998907 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Hydrographic Data, 1-Deg, Release 2.2 (Cogley)2002-04-25 0.194248 MB
*SAFARI 2000 1-Degree Estimates of Burned Biomass, Area, and Emissions, 20002004-11-01 0.70728 MB
*SAFARI 2000 ALI/ETM+ Tandem Image Pair for Skukuza, South Africa, May 20012005-12-19 180.798 MB
*SAFARI 2000 AVHRR-derived Land Surface Temperature Maps, Africa, 1995-20002006-01-06 7201.52 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Biomass Burning Emissions, Selected Sites, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 5.18681 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Emissions Estimates, MODIS Burned Area Product, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 2.26376 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Estimated BVOC Emissions for Southern African Land Cover Types2004-11-01 0.820399 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Gas Emissions from Biofuel Use and Production, September 20002004-11-01 0.112944 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Global Burned Area Map, 1-km, Southern Africa, 20002005-06-01 10.571 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Historical Fire Maps, Kruger National Park, 1992-20012004-11-01 1.41536 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Land Cover from AVHRR, 1-km, 1992-1993 (Hansen et al.)2002-02-24 5.73437 MB
*SAFARI 2000 MODIS 500-m Burned Area Products, Southern Africa, Dry Season 20002005-06-01 7.37067 MB
*SAFARI 2000 MODIS L3 Albedo and Land Cover Data, Southern Africa, Dry Season 20002007-02-21 459.405 MB
*SAFARI 2000 MODIS Water and Heat Fluxes, Maun, Botswana, Dry Season 20012004-11-01 0.454678 MB
*SAFARI 2000 NBI Vegetation Map of the Savannas of Southern Africa2005-03-08 5.16928 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Pre- and Post-fire Reflectance near Kaoma, Zambia, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 0.579583 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Vegetation and Soils, 1-Deg (Wilson and Henderson-Sellers)2002-04-25 0.0832233 MB
*Global Forest Ecosystem Structure and Function Data For Carbon Balance Research 2009-11-11 34.3704 MB
*ISLSCP II AVHRR Albedo and BRDF, 1995 2009-09-28 23.1419 MB
*ISLSCP II C4 Vegetation Percentage 2009-10-07 0.0859947 MB
*ISLSCP II Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuels, Cement, and Gas Flaring2011-07-01 3.00173 MB
*ISLSCP II Continuous Fields of Vegetation Cover, 1992-1993 2009-10-07 3.30631 MB
*ISLSCP II Ecosystem Rooting Depths 2009-10-07 1.26298 MB
*ISLSCP II FASIR-adjusted NDVI, 1982-19982010-04-14 143.459 MB
*ISLSCP II GIMMS Monthly NDVI, 1981-2002 2010-04-14 143.091 MB
*ISLSCP II Global Gridded Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 1990 2010-04-19 1.39497 MB
*ISLSCP II Global Population of the World 2010-04-19 5.00544 MB
*ISLSCP II Historical Croplands Cover, 1700-1992 2010-02-25 2.95682 MB
*ISLSCP II Historical Land Cover and Land Use, 1700-1990 2010-02-25 0.831387 MB
*ISLSCP II IGBP DISCover and SiB Land Cover, 1992-19932009-10-07 7.5846 MB
*ISLSCP II Land and Water Masks with Ancillary Data2013-12-11 1.61698 MB
*ISLSCP II Leaf Area Index (LAI) from Field Measurements, 1932-20002010-04-14 1.25345 MB
*ISLSCP II MODIS (Collection 4) IGBP Land Cover, 2000-2001 2010-02-25 3.73936 MB
*ISLSCP II Monthly Snow-Free Albedo, 1982-1998, and Background Soil Reflectance 2010-01-25 8.36977 MB
*ISLSCP II NOAA 5-year Average Monthly Snow-free Albedo from AVHRR2010-01-25
*ISLSCP II Potential Natural Vegetation Cover 2010-02-25 0.25943 MB
*ISLSCP II University of Maryland Global Land Cover Classifications, 1992-1993 2010-02-25 3.50142 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-06 Land Use/Land Cover Time Series, Ji-Parana Basin, Brazil: 1986-2001 2007-09-19 33.3814 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-06 Physical, Political, and Hydrologic Maps, Ji-Parana River Basin, Brazil2012-06-08 26.8767 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-10 Orthorectified Landsat ETM+ Data for Legal Amazon: 1999-20012007-09-19
*LBA-ECO LC-22 Land Cover from MODIS Vegetation Indices, Mato Grosso, Brazil2013-09-04 16.3591 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-23 ASTER and MODIS Fire Data Comparison for Brazil: 2003-20042007-01-10 2.30759 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-23 Characterization of Vegetation Fire Dynamics for Brazil: 2001-20032007-09-19 48.5205 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-24 Cadastral Property Map of Uruara, Para, Brazil: ca.1975 2011-10-27 0.302236 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-24 Landsat ETM+ Forest Cover Classification, Uruara, Para, Brazil: 1999 2011-12-29 2.23785 MB
*LUH1: Harmonized Global Land Use for Years 1500-2100, V12014-09-24 5887.19 MB
*MODIS-derived Biophysical Parameters for 5-km Land Cover, North America, 2000-2012 2014-03-31 1387.14 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-24 Land Cover Classes from Landsat TM, Uruara, Para: 1986-19912011-12-29 14.196 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-24 Historical Roads of the Legal Amazon: 1968-1993 2011-10-27 38.8513 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-24 Landsat TM and ETM+ Land Cover, Southern Para, Brazil: 1984-2003 2011-12-29 8.40536 MB
*JERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar, 100-m Mosaics, South America: 1995-1996, R1 2015-08-27 1780.58 MB
*LBA Regional Boundary for the Legal Amazon of Brazil, 8-km2003-09-15 0.075242 MB
*LBA Regional Carbon in Live Vegetation, 0.5-degree (Olson) 2003-09-15 0.0971012 MB
*LBA Regional Historical Croplands, 5-min, 1900-1992 (Ramankutty and Foley) 2003-09-15 1.87076 MB
*LBA Regional Land Cover from AVHRR, 1-km, 1992-1993 (Hansen et al.)2003-09-15 3.36112 MB
*LBA Regional Land Cover from AVHRR, 1-km, Version 1.2 (IGBP)2003-09-15 2.80521 MB
*LBA Regional Land Cover from AVHRR, 8-km, 1984 (DeFries et al.)2003-09-15 0.282297 MB
*LBA Regional Vegetation and Soils, 1-Degree (Wilson and Henderson-Sellers)2003-09-15 0.15491 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-04 Logging Damage, km 83 Tower Site, Tapajos National Forest, Brazil2011-09-23 0.303367 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-05 Forest Understory Fuel Loads, Paragominas, Para, Brazil: 20012014-07-31 0.0603542 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-05 Understory Fuel Stick Moisture, km 67 Site, Para, Brazil: 1998-20002014-07-31 0.925265 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-06 Ji-Parana River Basin Land Use and Land Cover Map, Brazil: 1999 2012-05-24 6.88018 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-06 Soil Classification Map, Ji-Parana River Basin, Rondonia, Brazil 2012-05-24 0.920407 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-11 Biophysical Measurements of Logged and Fire-Treated Forests, Brazil2012-09-06 0.296798 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-34 Landsat Fractional Land Cover Analysis, Manaus, Brazil: 2004-20052013-08-01 506.629 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-01 City, Community, and Road Maps, Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: 1990-2002 2012-01-31 2.80989 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-01 Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+ Imagery, Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: 1973-20022013-09-09 1386.49 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-01 Landsat TM Land Use/Land Cover, Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: 1986-1999 2012-05-15 2.23227 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-01 National, Provincial, and Park Boundaries, Ecuador 2012-01-31 0.455718 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-01 Northern Ecuadorian Amazon Household Surveys, Summary Results: 1999 2011-12-29 0.39106 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-01 Topographic Data for Intensive Study Areas, Northern Ecuadorian Amazon2012-05-15 44.2338 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-02 Forest Flammability Data, Catuaba Experimental Farm, Acre, Brazil: 19982012-06-08 0.568248 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-02 GOES-08 Hot Pixel Data from Acre, Brazil: 1998, 2000, and 20012012-06-08 0.21001 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-02 Hot Pixel Fire Indicator Data for Tri-national MAP Region: 2003-20062011-10-27 9.33781 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-03 Hypsography, Rivers, Roads, and DEM, Four Areas across Brazilian Amazon2012-06-08 47.6771 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-03 SAR Images, Land Cover, and Biomass, Four Areas across Brazilian Amazon2012-06-08 99.0015 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-04 Satellite/Census-Based 5-Minute Land Use Data, Amazonia: 1980 and 19952009-01-16 2.77167 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-05 Biomass and Soil Properties of Fragmented Forests, Amazonas, Brazil 2011-09-23 0.69314 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-07 Monthly Inundated Areas, Amazon, Orinoco and Pantanal Basins: 1978-19872011-12-20 0.349791 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-07 Monthly Mean Flooded Wetlands Habitat, Central Amazon Basin: 1979-1996 2011-12-15 0.25098 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-07 Wetland Extent, Vegetation, and Inundation: Lowland Amazon Basin 2015-09-15 84.5818 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-08 Passive Ground-based Fire Data, Para and Mato Grosso Brazil: 2001-2002 2012-06-08 0.231988 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-09 Land Cover Transitions Maps for Study Sites in Para, Brazil: 1970-20012012-06-29 6.84018 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-09 Landsat TM and ETM+ Data, Sites in Rondonia and Para, Brazil: 1985-20042010-09-30 1652.46 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-09 Natural, Infrastructure, and Boundary Features, Amazonian Sites, Brazil2010-11-02 1.59647 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-09 Soil Composition and Structure in the Brazilian Amazon: 1992-1995 2009-08-27 0.165166 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-09 Vegetation Composition and Structure in the Brazilian Amazon: 1992-19952009-08-27 0.406575 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-10 Landsat TM Data for Legal Amazon: 1986-19942007-09-19
*LBA-ECO LC-13 GIS Coverages of Logged Areas, Cauaxi, Para, Brazil: 1996, 1998 2008-11-13 0.868493 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-13 GIS Coverages of Logged Areas, Tapajos Forest, Para, Brazil: 1996, 19982008-11-13 1.69919 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-14 Modeled Deforestation Scenarios, Amazon Basin: 2002-20502013-04-05 89.3237 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-15 JERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar, 1- km Mosaic, Amazon Basin: 1995-19962011-08-22 65.6485 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-15 Vegetation Cover Types from MODIS, 1-km, Amazon Basin: 2000-20012011-08-22 49.586 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-21 Brazilian Amazon Fractional Land Cover Images: 1999-20022013-04-16
*LBA-ECO LC-21 Selective Logging Activity in the Brazilian Amazon: 1999-20022013-07-02 26.6587 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-22 Field Validation of MODIS Deforestation Detection, Brazil, 2003-20042014-12-16 0.892176 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-22 Field Validation of MODIS Deforestation Detection, Brazil, 20052014-12-16 0.250936 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-22 Post-deforestation Land Use, Mato Grosso, Brazil: 2001-20052012-06-29 16.7331 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-22 Vegetation Cover Types from MODIS, 500-m, South America: 2000-20012012-09-14 117.204 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-31 Historical Land-Use in the Amazon: 1940-19952013-06-21 25.5491 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-35 Landsat ETM+ Derived Active Fire Masks, Brazilian Amazon: 2001-20032012-04-12
*LBA-ECO LC-39 MODIS Active Fire and Frequency Data for South America: 2000-20072013-09-04 86.9359 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-01 Fractional Land Cover Images, Rondonia, Brazil: 1984-20002013-09-09 6439.07 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-01 Land Cover Classification, Rondonia, Brazil: 1975-20002014-11-25 239.042 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-01 Landsat 28.5-m Land Cover Time Series, Rondonia, Brazil: 1984-20102013-06-10 425.236 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-01 Primary Forests Land Cover Transition Maps, Rondonia, Brazil: 1975-19992013-09-05 19.882 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Agricultural and Secondary Forest Soil Trace Gas Flux, Para: 2001-2004 2009-12-14 0.167191 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 CO2 Flux from Soils in Forests and Pastures, Acre, Brazil: 1999-20012012-02-29 0.12143 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Cation Leaching from Forest and Pasture Soils, Para, Brazil2012-03-29 0.0200615 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-02 Landsat Imagery, Para, Brazil: 1984, 1994, and 19992013-04-15 196.108 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-11 Pre-harvest Forest Tree and Liana Biomass, NW Mato Grosso, Brazil: 20032009-03-31 0.621634 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-11 Regeneration in Undisturbed and Logged Forests, NW Mato Grosso, Brazil 2010-03-15 0.638317 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-11 Soil Water Pressure and Flow Measurements under Tree Crops2007-09-19 0.0385599 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-30 Fractional Cover of Mixed Land Use Ranches, Para and Rondonia, Brazil2013-06-14 1575.73 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-07 Soil Trace Gas Flux and Root Mortality, Tapajos National Forest2009-04-30 0.0997934 MB
*Pre-LBA CABARE Mapped Land Surface and Vegetation Characteristics, Rondonia, Brazil2009-02-05 3.11759 MB
*Pre-LBA ISLSCP Initiative I Data 2009-03-06 41.5186 MB
*Global N Cycle: Fluxes and N2O Mixing Ratios Originating from Human Activity2005-07-18 0.160316 MB
*Nitrogen Deposition onto the United States and Western Europe2004-09-27 6.92082 MB
*MASTER: California Fire-Burn Area Emergency Response, California, April 20082022-09-16
*Global Vegetation Greenness (NDVI) from AVHRR GIMMS-3G+, 1981-20222023-08-24
*BigFoot Land Cover Surfaces for North and South American Sites, 2000-20032006-03-23 0.955275 MB
*Leaf Area Index Maps at 30-m Resolution, Selected Sites, Canada 2005-12-06 38.9467 MB
*Leaf Area Index Maps at 30-m Resolution, VALERI Site, Larose, Canada2006-04-14 10.7278 MB
*SAR Subsets for Selected Field Sites, 2007-20102011-02-24 10377.5 MB
*Ecosys Model-Estimated Cropland Carbon Fluxes, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa, 2001-20182023-07-13 71.1452 MB
*MASTER: Airborne Science, Southwest US, May, 20112022-05-12 8645.38 MB
*NACP NAFD Project: Forest Disturbance Intensity for CONUS from Landsat, 1986-20152023-03-24 4669.78 MB
*Fire Particulate Emissions from Combined VIIRS and AHI Data for Indonesia, 2015-20202023-01-27 1850.44 MB
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Field Site Data, Anaktuvuk River Fire Area, 2008-20172023-02-15 0.569921 MB
*Topographic and Soil Carbon Reconstructions in Agricultural Fields, Iowa2022-12-29 9176.64 MB
*NACP Forest Age Maps at 1-km Resolution for Canada (2004) and the U.S.A. (2006)2012-06-12 65.9023 MB
*NACP North American Forest Dynamics Project: Forest Disturbance and Regrowth Data 2012-03-30 580.504 MB
*NACP Site: Terrestrial Biosphere Model Output Data in Original Format 2013-10-01 7855.1 MB
*NACP Regional: Gridded 1-deg Observation Data and Biosphere and Inverse Model Outputs2013-05-07 134.585 MB
*Tree Mortality from Fires and Bark Beetles at 1-km Resolution, Western USA, 2003-20122017-06-20 41.8331 MB
*NACP Integrated Wildland and Cropland 30-m Fuel Characteristics Map, U.S.A., 20102013-06-06 8258.97 MB
*NACP MCI: CO2 Emissions Inventory, Upper Midwest Region, USA., 20072014-02-06 28.7664 MB
*NACP MCI: Cropland Productivity and Biophysical Properties, Nebraska, USA, 2001-2008 2014-05-28 0.51469 MB
*NACP MsTMIP: Global and North American Driver Data for Multi-Model Intercomparison2014-05-27
*NACP North American 8-km Net Ecosystem Exchange and Component Fluxes, 2004 2014-01-13 730.08 MB
*NACP Peatland Landcover Type and Wildfire Burn Severity Maps, Alberta, Canada 2015-09-03 32.4819 MB
*NACP Regional: National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Aggregated Gridded Model Data2013-08-28 44.2806 MB
*NACP Regional: Original Observation Data and Biosphere and Inverse Model Outputs2013-10-01
*NACP Regional: Supplemental Gridded Observations, Biosphere and Inverse Model Outputs2013-05-07 140.78 MB
*NACP Site: Terrestrial Biosphere Model and Aggregated Flux Data in Standard Format2013-09-11 986.107 MB
*ABoVE: Synthesis of Post-Fire Regeneration Across Boreal North America2022-09-14 0.403548 MB
*NAFD-ATT Forest Canopy Cover Loss from Landsat, CONUS, 1986-20102020-11-12 10814.3 MB
*ABoVE: Light-Curve Modelling of Gridded GPP Using MODIS MAIAC and Flux Tower Data2022-09-08
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20192022-09-08 4.11672 MB
*Anthropogenic Carbon Emission System, 2012-2017, Version 22022-08-30
*ABoVE: Burned Area, Depth, and Combustion for Alaska and Canada, 2001-20192022-06-24 203.035 MB
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20172022-06-24 1365.09 MB
*Green Vegetation Fraction High-Resolution Maps for Selected US Tidal Marshes, 20152018-12-11 5.72079 MB
*High-Resolution Vegetation Community Maps, Toolik Lake Area, Alaska, 2013-20152019-08-15 66.2235 MB
*ABoVE: Synthesis of Burned and Unburned Forest Site Data, AK and Canada, 1983-20162020-05-07 0.607078 MB
*NACP: Urban Greenhouse Gases across the CO2 Urban Synthesis and Analysis Network, V22021-11-30 193.238 MB
*ABoVE: Landsat Vegetation Greenness Trends, Boreal Forest Biome, 1985-20192022-04-30 747.495 MB
*Soil Respiration Maps for the ABoVE Domain, 2016-20172022-04-20 3250.59 MB
*CMS: Vegetative Lifeform Cover from Landsat SR for CONUS, 1984-20182022-03-25
*ABoVE: Wetland Type, Slave River and Peace-Athabasca Deltas, Canada, 2007 and 20172022-03-21 50.5185 MB
*Burned and Unburned Field Site Data, Noatak, Seward, and North Slope, AK, 2016-20182022-03-21 217.902 MB
*Global Mangrove Loss Extent, Land Cover Change, and Loss Drivers, 2000-20162022-03-17 81.5665 MB
*ABoVE: Landsat-derived Annual Disturbance Agents Across ABoVE Core Domain, 1987-20122022-02-28
*A Global Database of Gas Fluxes from Soils after Rewetting or Thawing, Version 1.02012-04-16 0.164125 MB
*Global Soil Profile Data (ISRIC-WISE)2000-09-05 1.14851 MB
*Soil Carbon Estimates in 20-cm Layers to 1-meter Depth, Conterminous US, 1970-19932014-08-12 135.386 MB
*ABoVE: Environmental Conditions and Subsistence Resource Access, Alaska, 2016-20172019-08-26 404.982 MB
*ABoVE: Subsistence Resource Use Areas of Interior Alaskan Communities, 2011-20172019-10-31 10.3223 MB
*ATom: GEOS-5 Derived Meteorological Conditions and Tagged Tracers Along Flight Tracks2021-09-30 549.262 MB
*ABoVE: Lake and Wetland Classification from L-band SAR, Alaska and Canada, 2017-20192021-12-21 1171.6 MB
*Urban Biogenic CO2 fluxes: GPP, Reco and NEE Estimates from SMUrF, 2010-20192021-12-08
*Resilience of Coastal Wetlands to Sea Level Rise, CONUS, 1996-21002021-11-30 436.573 MB
*Alaska's Changing YK Delta: Knowledge Exchange between Elders and Geoscientists, 20182021-11-18 38.2802 MB
*Global Gas Flare Survey by Infrared Imaging, VIIRS Nightfire, 2012-20192021-10-29 9.88224 MB
*ABoVE: Landsat Tundra Greenness and Summer Air Temperatures, Arctic Tundra, 1985-20162021-09-17 46.5177 MB
*Methane Emissions from Dairy Sources (Vista-CA), State of California, USA, 20192021-06-28 0.194424 MB
*Greenness Trends and Carbon Stocks of Mangrove Forests Across Mexico, 2001-20152021-06-24 16.8778 MB
*Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes from the NFCMS, Conterminous USA, 1990-20102021-05-18
*LUH2-GCB2019: Land-Use Harmonization 2 Update for the Global Carbon Budget, 850-20192021-05-24 6787.92 MB
*CMS: Annual Estimates of Global Riverine Nitrous Oxide Emissions, 1900-20162021-02-18 63.9322 MB
*High Resolution Land Cover-Specific Solar-Induced Fluorescence, Midwestern USA, 20182021-03-15 966.672 MB
*Land Use and Cover Maps from Landsat, Mawas, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 1994-20192021-03-15 1.50667 MB
*A Global Database of Soil Respiration Data, Version 5.02021-02-28 5.61655 MB
*ABoVE: Wildfire Date of Burning within Fire Scars across Alaska and Canada, 2001-20192017-12-27 2195.69 MB
*Forest Preservation Ranking and Vertebrate Species Richness, Western USA, 2020-20992020-11-10 1.51792 MB
*ABoVE: Landsat-derived Annual Dominant Land Cover Across ABoVE Core Domain, 1984-20142019-08-27 14304.4 MB
*Global Monthly GPP from an Improved Light Use Efficiency Model, 1982-20162020-11-09 1881.18 MB
*Vulcan: High-Resolution Annual Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 32020-10-01 7176.76 MB
*Vulcan: High-Resolution Hourly Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 32020-10-01
*CMS: Landsat-derived Annual Land Cover Maps for the Colombian Amazon, 2001-20162020-09-17 482.285 MB
*CMS: Mangrove Forest Cover Extent and Change across Major River Deltas, 2000-20162019-05-31 7.16055 MB
*Archived SAFARI 2000 Project Website, October 20082020-09-10 17.4198 MB
*Decadal Land Use and Land Cover Classifications across India, 1985, 1995, 20052016-09-06 128.931 MB
*ABoVE: Spatial Estimates of Carbon Combustion from Wildfires across SK, Canada, 20152020-07-15 150.757 MB
*LUH2-ISIMIP2b Harmonized Global Land Use for the Years 2015-21002020-04-21 11974.2 MB
*Remote Sensing Derived Topsoil and Agricultural Economic Losses, Midwestern USA2020-05-07 333.602 MB
*Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation Change across the Savannas of West Africa, 1982-20132020-05-07 2.74898 MB
*CMS: Pinyon-Juniper Forest Live Aboveground Biomass, Great Basin, USA, 2000-20162020-04-21
*ABoVE: Burn Severity of Soil Organic Matter, Northwest Territories, Canada, 2014-20152020-02-14 15.6856 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Burned and Unburned Boreal Forest Stands, SK, Canada, 20162020-02-14 5.58186 MB
*ABoVE: Environmental Conditions During Fall Moose Hunting Seasons, Alaska, 2000-20162020-02-06 0.208759 MB
*Disturbance History and Forest Biomass from Landsat for Six US Sites, 1985-20142020-02-06
*ABoVE: Distribution Maps of Wildland Fire Fuel Components across Alaskan Tundra, 20152020-01-28 3531.25 MB
*Export and Leaching of Carbon and Nitrogen from Mississippi River Basin, 1901-20992020-01-16 253.438 MB
*Global Gridded 1-km Annual Soil Respiration and Uncertainty Derived from SRDB V32020-01-09 4359.92 MB
*Sources of Methane Emissions (Vista-CA), State of California, USA2019-12-17 28.7839 MB
*ABoVE: Ecosystem Map, Great Slave Lake Area, Northwest Territories, Canada, 1997-20112019-11-18 152.59 MB
*Methane Plumes Derived from AVIRIS-NG over Point Sources across California, 2016-20172019-11-12
*Annual Burned Area from Landsat, Mawas, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 1997-20152019-09-30 3.76578 MB
*DARTE Annual On-road CO2 Emissions on a 1-km Grid, Conterminous USA, V2, 1980-20172019-09-20 2812.13 MB
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20182019-08-30 0.62636 MB
*ABoVE: River Ice Breakup and Freeze-up Stages, Yukon River Basin, Alaska, 1972-20162019-07-20 0.328985 MB
*Net Radiation and Albedo from MODIS for Xingu River Basin, Brazil, 2000-20122019-07-18 3537.24 MB
*NACP: Forest Carbon Stocks, Fluxes and Productivity Estimates, Western USA, 1979-20992019-06-25 3096.04 MB
*Mechanistic Module for Soil Nitrogen Emissions for CMAQ Model, North America, 20112019-04-25 129.256 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Carbon Dynamics in Burned Forest Plots, NWT, Canada, 20142019-04-12 1.15816 MB
*CMS: Atmospheric CO2 and C Isotopes, Fossil Fuel Contributions, California, 2014-20152018-12-31 0.340618 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Burned and Unburned Spruce Forest Sites, Tanana, AK, 20172019-02-26 0.517542 MB
*Aboveground Biomass, Landcover, and Degradation, Kalimantan Forests, Indonesia, 20142019-02-15 2850.83 MB
*Global Fire Atlas with Characteristics of Individual Fires, 2003-20162019-02-14 8583.86 MB
*ABoVE: AVHRR-Derived Forest Fire Burned Area-Hot Spots, Alaska and Canada, 1989-20002018-02-14 17.0942 MB
*ABoVE: Surface Water Extent, Boreal and Tundra Regions, North America, 1991-20112018-08-03 1729.86 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots Legacy Project Barter Island and Point Barrow, Alaska, 19942018-01-30 11.0942 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots at Arrigetch Peaks, Alaska, 1978-19812017-02-28 0.417758 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots at Frost Boil Sites, North Slope, Alaska, 2000-20062016-12-19 17.1776 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots at Happy Valley, Alaska, 19942016-11-30 20.0086 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, 1984-19852016-11-29 10.7589 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots at Oumalik, AK, 1983-1985 2017-06-22 88.466 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots at Toolik Lake, Alaska, 19892016-09-28 7.51574 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots for IBP Tundra Biome, Barrow, Alaska, 1972-20102018-01-30 88.1152 MB
*Arctic Vegetation Plots in Burned and Unburned Tundra, Alaska, 2011-2012 2018-01-30 14.6021 MB
*Geobotanical and Impact Map Collection for Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Alaska, 1972-2010 2017-06-30 148.959 MB
*Land Cover and Ecosystem Map Collection for Northern Alaska 2017-01-30 325.615 MB
*Land Cover and Vegetation Map Collection for Seward Peninsula, Alaska 2017-01-12 44.9379 MB
*Land Cover and Vegetation Map, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge2017-05-25 17.1671 MB
*Maps of Vegetation, NDVI, Snow and Thaw Depths: North Slope, Alaska and NWT, Canada2017-09-14 2.89019 MB
*Forest Inventories and DBH at Burned and Unburned Forest Sites, Acre, Brazil, 20172018-12-28 23.7152 MB
*Vegetation and Open Water High-Resolution Maps for Selected US Tidal Marshes, 20152018-12-11 1577.15 MB
*Stocks of Surface Soil Organic Carbon Fractions, Great Plains Region, USA, 2007-20102018-09-18 23.1196 MB
*ABoVE: Wildfire Carbon Emissions and Burned Plot Characteristics, NWT, CA, 2014-20162018-07-30 350.248 MB
*ABoVE: Landsat-derived Burn Scar dNBR across Alaska and Canada, 1985-20152018-07-13 4471.46 MB
*ABoVE: Peak Greenness for Canadian Boreal Forest from Landsat 5 TM Imagery, 1984-20112018-05-15 1376.57 MB
*MODIS-derived Vegetation and Albedo Parameters for Agroecosystem-Climate Modeling2018-04-02 120.129 MB
*Forest Inventories at Burned and Unburned Tropical Forest Sites, Acre, Brazil, 20142018-02-26 0.517864 MB
*ABoVE: Gridded 30-m Aboveground Biomass, Shrub Dominance, North Slope, AK, 2007-20162018-02-19 2420.99 MB
*Sources of Methane Emissions (Vista-LA), South Coast Air Basin, California, USA2018-01-02 7.67929 MB
*CMS: Global Carbon Fluxes Associated with Livestock Feed and Emissions, 2000-20132017-09-29
*LBA-ECO LC-24 Forest Cover Map from MODIS, 500-m, South America: 20012011-12-29 4.40895 MB
*FLUXNET Research Network Site Characteristics, Investigators, and Bibliography, 20162017-09-28 1417.64 MB
*NPP Multi-Biome: Summary Data from Intensive Studies at 125 Sites, 1936-20062017-09-28 0.245279 MB
*ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2015-20162017-09-27 3624.92 MB
*NACP Peatland Land Cover Map of Upper Peninsula, Michigan, 2007-20112017-09-27 55.1194 MB
*Geoecology: County-Level Environmental Data for the United States, 1941-19812003-03-10 8262.6 MB
*Fire Intensity and Burn Severity Metrics for Circumpolar Boreal Forests, 2001-20132017-07-24 5.533 MB
*Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) SPR2017-05-09
*CMS: CO2 Signals Estimated for Fossil Fuel Emissions and Biosphere Flux, California2017-03-20 0.246085 MB
*Soil Moisture Visualizer SPR2017-04-13
*CMS: Mangrove Canopy Characteristics and Land Cover Change, Tanzania, 1990-20142017-03-08 7.13777 MB
*Distribution of Estimated Stand Age Across Siberian Larch Forests, 1989-20122017-01-12 334.782 MB
*AirMOSS: L4 Modeled Volumetric Root Zone Soil Moisture, 2012-20152016-12-15
*CMS: Estimated Deforested Area Biomass, Tropical America, Africa, and Asia, 20002016-10-06 4255.42 MB
*Remote Sensing Data Before and After California Rim and King Forest Fires, 2010-20152016-09-07
*Siberian Boreal Forest Aboveground Biomass and Fire Scar Maps, Russia, 1969-20072016-06-07 582.856 MB
*ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, Landcover and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20142016-05-11 1846.39 MB
*CMS: Forest Carbon Stocks, Emissions, and Net Flux for the Conterminous US: 2005-20102016-05-11 1257.13 MB
*Natural and Anthropogenic Methane Sources, New England, USA, 1990-19942016-03-29 0.0903883 MB
*Annual wildland fire emissions (WFEIS v0.5) for Conterminous US and Alaska, 2001-20132016-02-15 237.709 MB
*Land Cover and Land Use Classification for the State of New Hampshire, 1996-20012016-02-15 23.3859 MB
*Global 1-degree Maps of Forest Area, Carbon Stocks, and Biomass, 1950-20102015-12-14 12.6674 MB
*Russian Boreal Forest Disturbance Maps Derived from Landsat Imagery, 1984-20002015-11-12 185.41 MB
*CMS: Atmospheric Methane Concentrations and Prior Emissions, Boston, MA, 2012-20142015-10-06 2.70993 MB
*CARVE: Alaskan Fire Emissions Database (AKFED), 2001-20132015-09-17 5.03828 MB
*CMS: Carbon Fluxes from Global Agricultural Production and Consumption, 2005-20112015-07-24 1833.33 MB
*CMS: Land Cover Projections (5.6-km) from GCAM v3.1 for Conterminous USA, 2005-20952014-05-02 365.608 MB
*LBA-ECO TG-05 NPP, Carbon Pool, Soil Characteristics, Soil Gas Flux Maps of Brazil2013-11-27 4.35822 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-36 South American Land Data Assimilation System Atmospheric Forcing Data2013-06-03
*Ecosystem Demography Model: U.S. Ecosystem Carbon Stocks and Fluxes, 1700-19902013-05-20 42.4123 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-08 Soil, Vegetation, and Land Cover Maps for Brazil and South America2013-04-15 11.6328 MB
*LBA-ECO ND-04 Secondary Forest Carbon and Nutrient Stocks, Central Amazonia, Brazil 2012-02-29 0.0796785 MB

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