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Fire is an important component of the global carbon cycle. ORNL DAAC data include maps of fire extent and severity, estimates of carbon emissions from fires, and other measurements.

All Fire Datasets

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*Understory Vegetation Biomass from Selected Burned and Unburned sites in Alaska NEW2024-06-30 0.689154 MB
*Development and Evolution of NASA Satellite Remote Sensing for Ecology2024-06-14 0.389714 MB
*ABoVE: Ignitions of ABoVE-FED Fires in Alaska and Canada2024-06-14 1.8599 MB
*MASTER: FireSense, western US, October 20232024-06-14
*ABoVE: Study Domain and Standard Reference Grids, Version 22017-11-29 3.88553 MB
*MASTER: Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) campaign, California, USA, 20162021-07-21 1469.64 MB
*BOREAS Follow-On DSP-09 Saskatchewan Raster Forest Fire Chronology, 1945-1996 2001-10-02 0.490518 MB
*Simulated Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Estimates over Alaska, 2001-20152024-04-24 243.647 MB
*BOREAS SERM Forest Fire Chronology of Saskatchewan in Vector Format1999-01-30 1.58554 MB
*BOREAS TGB-05 Fire History of Manitoba 1980 to 1991 in Vector Format 1999-01-30 1.86382 MB
*Arctic Boreal Annual Burned Area, Circumpolar Boreal Forest and Tundra, V2, 2002-20222024-03-18 9.35861 MB
*Post-fire Recovery of Soil Organic Layer Carbon in Canadian Boreal Forests, 2015-20182024-02-01 0.265871 MB
*ABoVE: Active Layer Soil Characteristics at Selected Sites Across Alaska2024-01-30 290.421 MB
*BOREAS SERM Forest Cover Data Layers of the SSA in Vector Format2000-02-21 85.1758 MB
*BOREAS TGB-05 Fire History of Manitoba 1980 to 1991 in Raster Format 1999-01-30 0.170148 MB
*BOREAS TGB-12 Soil Carbon and Flux Data of NSA-MSA in Raster Format 2000-02-21 17.6508 MB
*RLC Forest Fire Images in Russia, 1998-1999 2004-01-07 59.4001 MB
*RLC Forest Fire Locations in Eastern Russia, 1998-1999 2004-01-07 5.62764 MB
*SAFARI 2000 AVHRR Daily Site (1.5 km) and 15-Day Regional (1.5- and 6-km) Imagery2005-12-19 377.868 MB
*Field Data on Soils, Vegetation, and Fire History for Alaska Tundra Sites, 1972-20202023-08-23 3.18857 MB
*SAFARI 2000 1-Degree Estimates of Burned Biomass, Area, and Emissions, 20002004-11-01 0.70728 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Biomass Burning Emissions, Selected Sites, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 5.18681 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Emissions Estimates, MODIS Burned Area Product, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 2.26376 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Global Burned Area Map, 1-km, Southern Africa, 20002005-06-01 10.571 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Historical Fire Maps, Kruger National Park, 1992-20012004-11-01 1.41536 MB
*SAFARI 2000 MODIS 500-m Burned Area Products, Southern Africa, Dry Season 20002005-06-01 7.37067 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Pre- and Post-fire Reflectance near Kaoma, Zambia, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 0.579583 MB
*SAFARI 2000 Reflectance of Fire Residue, Kruger National Park, Dry Season 20002004-11-01 0.0605202 MB
*Characteristics of African Savanna Biomes for Determining Woody Cover2007-06-28 0.450786 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-23 ASTER and MODIS Fire Data Comparison for Brazil: 2003-20042007-01-10 2.30759 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-23 Characterization of Vegetation Fire Dynamics for Brazil: 2001-20032007-09-19 48.5205 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-24 AVHRR Derived Fire Occurrence, 5-km Resolution, Amazonia: 2001 2008-07-17 1.07407 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-05 Forest Understory Fuel Loads, Paragominas, Para, Brazil: 20012014-07-31 0.0603542 MB
*LBA-ECO CD-05 Understory Fuel Stick Moisture, km 67 Site, Para, Brazil: 1998-20002014-07-31 0.925265 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-02 Forest Flammability Data, Catuaba Experimental Farm, Acre, Brazil: 19982012-06-08 0.568248 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-02 GOES-08 Hot Pixel Data from Acre, Brazil: 1998, 2000, and 20012012-06-08 0.21001 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-02 Hot Pixel Fire Indicator Data for Tri-national MAP Region: 2003-20062011-10-27 9.33781 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-04 IBIS Model Simulations for the Amazon and Tocantins Basins: 1921-19982012-12-14 290.18 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-08 Passive Ground-based Fire Data, Para and Mato Grosso Brazil: 2001-2002 2012-06-08 0.231988 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-39 MODIS Active Fire and Frequency Data for South America: 2000-20072013-09-04 86.9359 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-39 Modeled Carbon Flux from Deforestation, Mato Grosso, Brazil: 2000-20062013-09-13 3720.55 MB
*MASTER: California Fire-Burn Area Emergency Response, California, April 20082022-09-16
*MASTER: Airborne Science, Southwest US, May, 20112022-05-12 8645.38 MB
*Fire Particulate Emissions from Combined VIIRS and AHI Data for Indonesia, 2015-20202023-01-27 1850.44 MB
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Field Site Data, Anaktuvuk River Fire Area, 2008-20172023-02-15 0.569921 MB
*NACP Regional: Gridded 1-deg Observation Data and Biosphere and Inverse Model Outputs2013-05-07 134.585 MB
*Tree Mortality from Fires and Bark Beetles at 1-km Resolution, Western USA, 2003-20122017-06-20 41.8331 MB
*NACP Integrated Wildland and Cropland 30-m Fuel Characteristics Map, U.S.A., 20102013-06-06 8258.97 MB
*NACP Peatland Landcover Type and Wildfire Burn Severity Maps, Alberta, Canada 2015-09-03 32.4819 MB
*ABoVE: Synthesis of Post-Fire Regeneration Across Boreal North America2022-09-14 0.403548 MB
*NAFD-ATT Forest Canopy Cover Loss from Landsat, CONUS, 1986-20102020-11-12 10814.3 MB
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20192022-09-08 4.11672 MB
*ABoVE: Burned Area, Depth, and Combustion for Alaska and Canada, 2001-20192022-06-24 203.035 MB
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20172022-06-24 1365.09 MB
*ABoVE: Synthesis of Burned and Unburned Forest Site Data, AK and Canada, 1983-20162020-05-07 0.607078 MB
*Burned and Unburned Field Site Data, Noatak, Seward, and North Slope, AK, 2016-20182022-03-21 217.902 MB
*ABoVE: Landsat-derived Annual Disturbance Agents Across ABoVE Core Domain, 1987-20122022-02-28
*ABoVE: Ignitions, Burned Area, and Emissions of Fires in AK, YT, and NWT, 2001-20182021-06-22 44.3112 MB
*Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes from the NFCMS, Conterminous USA, 1990-20102021-05-18
*ABoVE: Wildfire Date of Burning within Fire Scars across Alaska and Canada, 2001-20192017-12-27 2195.69 MB
*ABoVE: Spatial Estimates of Carbon Combustion from Wildfires across SK, Canada, 20152020-07-15 150.757 MB
*ABoVE: Burn Severity of Soil Organic Matter, Northwest Territories, Canada, 2014-20152020-02-14 15.6856 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Burned and Unburned Boreal Forest Stands, SK, Canada, 20162020-02-14 5.58186 MB
*ABoVE: Distribution Maps of Wildland Fire Fuel Components across Alaskan Tundra, 20152020-01-28 3531.25 MB
*Annual Burned Area from Landsat, Mawas, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 1997-20152019-09-30 3.76578 MB
*ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20182019-08-30 0.62636 MB
*NACP: Forest Carbon Stocks, Fluxes and Productivity Estimates, Western USA, 1979-20992019-06-25 3096.04 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Carbon Dynamics in Burned Forest Plots, NWT, Canada, 20142019-04-12 1.15816 MB
*ABoVE: Characterization of Burned and Unburned Spruce Forest Sites, Tanana, AK, 20172019-02-26 0.517542 MB
*Global Fire Atlas with Characteristics of Individual Fires, 2003-20162019-02-14 8583.86 MB
*ABoVE: AVHRR-Derived Forest Fire Burned Area-Hot Spots, Alaska and Canada, 1989-20002018-02-14 17.0942 MB
*Forest Inventories and DBH at Burned and Unburned Forest Sites, Acre, Brazil, 20172018-12-28 23.7152 MB
*ABoVE: Wildfire Carbon Emissions and Burned Plot Characteristics, NWT, CA, 2014-20162018-07-30 350.248 MB
*ABoVE: Landsat-derived Burn Scar dNBR across Alaska and Canada, 1985-20152018-07-13 4471.46 MB
*ABoVE: Peak Greenness for Canadian Boreal Forest from Landsat 5 TM Imagery, 1984-20112018-05-15 1376.57 MB
*Forest Inventories at Burned and Unburned Tropical Forest Sites, Acre, Brazil, 20142018-02-26 0.517864 MB
*Global Fire Emissions Database, Version 4.1 (GFEDv4)2015-10-14 1320.23 MB
*ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2015-20162017-09-27 3624.92 MB
*Fire Intensity and Burn Severity Metrics for Circumpolar Boreal Forests, 2001-20132017-07-24 5.533 MB
*Distribution of Estimated Stand Age Across Siberian Larch Forests, 1989-20122017-01-12 334.782 MB
*Remote Sensing Data Before and After California Rim and King Forest Fires, 2010-20152016-09-07
*NACP Soil Organic Matter of Burned Boreal Black Spruce Forests, Alaska, 2009-20112016-08-02 366.701 MB
*Siberian Boreal Forest Aboveground Biomass and Fire Scar Maps, Russia, 1969-20072016-06-07 582.856 MB
*ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, Landcover and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 20142016-05-11 1846.39 MB
*Annual wildland fire emissions (WFEIS v0.5) for Conterminous US and Alaska, 2001-20132016-02-15 237.709 MB
*CARVE: Alaskan Fire Emissions Database (AKFED), 2001-20132015-09-17 5.03828 MB
*LBA-ECO LC-35 GOES Imager Active Fire Detection Data, South America: 2000-2005 2013-08-28 154.793 MB

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