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Western Diversity Time Series


[NASA ASP logo]The Western Diversity Time Series (WDTS) is a NASA field investigation focusing on observing California's ecosystems and providing critical information on natural disasters such as volcanoes, wildfires, and drought through multispectral imagery. WDTS collects seasonal visible to short wave infrared (VSWIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) airborne imagery using instruments including the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER), Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES), and Pushbroom Imager for Cloud and Aerosol Research and Development (PICARD) on a NASA ER-2 high-altitude platform. WDTS aims to provide a benchmark on the state of ecosystems against which future changes can be assessed. WDTS started in 2020 and is a continuation of the HyspIRI Airborne campaign in 2013-2018.

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*WDTS: AVIRIS-Classic L2B Corrected and Georectified Surface Reflectance, 2013-2018 NEW2025-03-23 user guide

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