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Gridded Estimates of Woody Cover and Biomass across Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-2004

Documentation Revision Date: 2020-08-10

Dataset Version: 1


This dataset provides maps of woody (tree and shrub) cover and biomass across Sub-Saharan Africa at a resolution of 1 km for the period 2000-2004. Canopy cover observations and remote-sensing data related to woody vegetation were used to predict woody cover across Africa. Predicted woody cover, canopy height, and tree allometry were used to estimate woody biomass for Sub-Saharan Africa. Canopy cover observations were assembled from field measurements and Google Earth imagery collected from 2000-2004. Remote-sensing data related to the structural attributes of woody vegetation were derived from MODIS optical data and Q-SCAT (Quick Scatterometer) microwave measurements. Canopy height estimates were derived from spaceborne lidar and tree allometry equations were retrieved from GlobAllomeTree.

There are 2 files in GeoTIFF (*.tif) format.

Figure 1. Estimates of woody biomass (tree and shrubs) at 1-km resolution in megagrams per hectare (Mg ha-1). Biomass was estimated from canopy cover, canopy height, and tree allometry. Source: C.W. Ross


Hanan, N.P., L. Prihodko, C.W. Ross, G. Bucini, and A.T. Tredennick. 2020. Gridded Estimates of Woody Cover and Biomass across Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-2004. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Table of Contents

  1. Dataset Overview
  2. Data Characteristics
  3. Application and Derivation
  4. Quality Assessment
  5. Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
  6. Data Access
  7. References

Dataset Overview

This dataset provides maps of woody (tree and shrub) cover and biomass across Sub-Saharan Africa at a resolution of 1 km for the period 2000-2004. Canopy cover observations and remote-sensing data related to woody vegetation were used to predict woody cover across Africa. Predicted woody cover, canopy height, and tree allometry were used to estimate woody biomass for Sub-Saharan Africa. Canopy cover observations were assembled from field measurements and Google Earth imagery collected from 2000-2004. Remote-sensing data related to the structural attributes of woody vegetation were derived from MODIS optical data and Q-SCAT (Quick Scatterometer) microwave measurements. Canopy height estimates were derived from spaceborne lidar and tree allometry equations were retrieved from GlobAllomeTree.


This work was supported by the NASA Carbon Cycle Science grant NNX17AI49G.

Data Characteristics

Spatial Coverage: Sub-Saharan Africa

Spatial Resolution: 1 km

Temporal Coverage: 2000-01-01 to 2004-12-31

Temporal Resolution: One time, five-year average

Study Area: Latitude and longitude are given in decimal degrees.


Westernmost Longitude

Easternmost Longitude

Northernmost Latitude

Southernmost Latitude

Sub-Saharan Africa -20.60774 61.52528 22.00811 -34.81449

Data File Information

This dataset includes 2 files in GeoTIFF (*.tif) format.

Table 1.  File names and descriptions.

File Name



woody_biomass.tif Mg ha-1 an estimate of woody biomass in megagrams per hectare
woody_cover.tif percent the proportion of a cell predicted to have woody cover

Data File Details

Missing values are represented by -3400 in woody_biomass.tif and 255 in woody_cover.tif. Each file contains 6289 rows and 7515 columns. The projection used is "World_Sinusoidal", EPSG:54008.

Application and Derivation

These data were produced to support studies investigating the role of woody vegetation in ecology, carbon cycle, biogeochemistry, and land surface-atmosphere interactions of the African continent. 

Quality Assessment

Canopy Cover Evaluation & Comparison with Existing Products

When estimating woody cover from Google Earth imagery, the ambiguous crown identification was recorded to estimate the error in measurements (± 3.7% woody cover).

Model training was performed on 775 field-based canopy cover measurements, and model evaluation was performed by comparing predicted cover against a held-out validation set, which consisted of 259 field-based measurements. Model evaluation with the independent validation set indicated that the model explained 67% of the variation in woody canopy cover, corresponding to a root mean square error (RMSE) of 10.8%.

Canopy Height Evaluation

Model evaluation indicated that local calibration error was 4.1 m (R2 = 0.84) and wall-to-wall model RMSE was 6.6 m (R2 = 0.64). See Simard et al. (2011) for a thorough description of model development and error assessment.

Woody Biomass Evaluation

Woody biomass estimates were compared with existing woody biomass estimates for Africa at the national level (Table 2). Total aboveground biomass for each country was converted to carbon using a conversion factor of 0.5. While estimates of carbon stocks were in general agreement with other satellite-based estimates, the values provided in this dataset are lower on average.

Table 2. Comparison between woody biomass carbon stock estimates (Mt C) available from different sources.

Country Land Area (km2) This Study Bouvet et al. (2018) Saatchi et al. (2011) Baccini et al. (2012) Avitabile et al. (2016)
Angola 1275231 1673 2786 3322 4742 2041
Benin 116837 123 180 162 212 33
Congo 341223 2768 3358 3209 3333 4098
DemRepCongo 2332349 16581 17746 18195 21867 19966
Burundi 26968 60 51 73 74 22
Cameroon 467694 3305 3393 3700 3650 4322
Chad 1315774 142 509 NA NA NA
CentAfrRep 623022 2569 2583 2428 3404 1762
Djibouti 22104 1 30 7 5 8
Equatorial Guinea 26964 287 316 363 253 454
Eritrea 123952 36 115 53 40 34
Ethiopia 1142267 1446 2260 2003 1812 822
Gambia 10970 5 32 9 14 2
Gabon 264143 2719 3377 3448 2624 4453
Ghana 240131 573 522 601 680 325
Guinea 248210 680 1262 807 855 234
Cote d'Ivoire 323831 1131 944 1105 1282 584
Kenya 580858 387 977 804 519 273
Liberia 96334 766 878 1003 904 1172
Libya 1807520 0 41 NA NA NA
Madagascar 625517 1333 1941 1906 NA 1202
Mali 1307669 182 417 NA NA NA
Mauritania 1106930 7 40 NA NA NA
Mozambique 822837 1246 1964 2302 NA 889
Malawi 120965 115 153 218 269 76
Niger 1237580 15 85 NA NA NA
Nigeria 919182 1367 1855 1572 1655 675
Guinea-Bissau 34474 71 94 88 105 25
Rwanda 25236 73 61 72 73 31
South Africa 1388689 466 829 1706 NA 493
Lesotho 34843 23 13 43 NA 15
Botswana 622179 79 337 329 NA 131
Senegal 202015 76 195 192 181 48
Sierra Leone 73252 313 276 346 407 215
Somalia 635865 118 989 397 237 248
Sudan 2580717 720 1439 979 1701 231
Togo 57521 94 76 108 125 26
Tanzania 946097 1172 1800 2010 2710 800
Uganda 241018 424 421 495 591 217
Burkina Faso 280518 89 251 151 146 44
Namibia 887156 84 622 281 NA 168
Swaziland 19235 17 31 47 NA 15
Zambia 770823 906 1642 2086 2816 1012
Zimbabwe 411819 226 607 764 670 154
Total 26738519 44473 57498 57384 57956 47320

Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods

Canopy Cover Observations

A dataset of 1034 canopy cover estimates for trees and shrubs was assembled from field-based measurements across Africa and supplemented in under-sampled regions (desert margins and moist tropical forests) by visual analysis of high-resolution imagery (Fig. 2). Most of the field measurements were compiled in 2000-2004 in African savannas (Sankaran et al., 2005). Additional field measurements were provided from three field surveys: 69 points in the Kruger National Park, South Africa (Bucini et al. 2010), 12 points in Uganda (Mitchard et al. 2009), and 49 points in Zambia. Plots falling within the same 1 km pixel were averaged, resulting in 803 field-based data points.

Google Earth (GE; imagery collected between 2000 and 2005 was used to estimate woody cover at 173 locations, including forest and seasonal woodlands, deserts, and agricultural areas.  A 1-km by 1-km geo-rectified grid was overlaid on the GE images divided into 16 cells (250 m2), and an 8 x 8 point sub-grid was deployed within each cell. The fractional cover of a cell was estimated by the presence and absence of woody plant crowns under the digital point samples.


Figure 2. Distribution of sites (N = 1,034) contributing woody cover data including field data (Sankaran et al, 2005) and estimates from high-resolution satellite imagery. (Source C. W. Ross)

Canopy Cover Covariates

Remote-sensing data were compiled from both optical and microwave sensors operating from 2000-2004 and were limited to metrics linked to structural attributes of woody vegetation. MODIS composite reflectance was used to minimize cloud and atmospheric contamination, resulting in monthly average reflectance data at 1-km resolution. Monthly average red (R) and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance were used to calculate monthly average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI=(NIR-R)/(NIR+R)), mean annual NDVI (“ND_mean”) and the difference between growing season and dry-season mean NDVI (“ND_diff”), which provides information related to phenological variability. 

Imagery from Q-SCAT (Quick Scatterometer) available in three-day composites at 2.25-km resolution for years 2000-2004 was processed into average monthly composite and resampled at 1-km resolution. Two metrics were calculated from the data: the annual averaged backscatter (“QS_mean”) and the standard deviation (“QS_sd”) in the HH polarization.

The combination of optical data from MODIS and microwave backscatter from Q-SCAT offered two optical remote sensing metrics (ND_mean, ND_diff) and two microwave metrics (QS_mean, QS_sd) covering Sub-Saharan Africa and projected to a common 1 km spatial resolution sinusoidal grid projection.

Predicting Woody Cover

Fractional woody cover (y) located within pixel i was modeled as conditionally binomial

y_iBinomial(p_i,100)          (1)

logit(p_i) = α+ x_iβ          (2)

where p_i is the probability of success (expected proportional woody cover) out of 100 trials for pixel i, x is the vector of remote-sensing covariates for pixel i, α is the intercept, and β is the vector of effect terms for the remote-sensing covariates. Remote-sensing covariates were standardized [(x_i-x)/σ(x)] to improve convergence during the model fitting stage and to allow for an easier prior specification.

Each model was fit using a subset of the complete dataset (75%; N = 775) and then using the remaining held-out data (25%; N = 259) to calculate the out-of-sample predicted fit as the log predictive density (Eq. 3):

lpd = log∫ [y_val |θ][θ]|y_train]          (3)

where lpd is a local and proper scoring function for Bayesian validation (Gelman et al., 2014), and is approximated from Markov chain Monte Carlo (Eq. 4), θ is the set of all unknown parameters to be estimated by the model.   

lpd = log[y_val | y_train] ≈log∑_(k=1)^K  y_val | y_train]/K           (4)

where k is a single iteration and K is the total number of MCMC iterations (Hooten and Hobbs, 2015). The model with the highest lpd was considered to be the optimal predictive model and was used to estimate parameters for spatial mapping of woody percent cover. 

The three optimally-predictive model sets provide ensemble predictions of tree cover for every terrestrial location in sub-Saharan Africa using different combinations of variables derived from MODIS optical data and Qscatt microwave measurements. The final multi-model ensemble prediction approach is summarized in Table 3.  

The posterior prediction scores were calculated from three MCMC chains comprised of 1000 iterations each after discarding an initial 1000 iterations as burn-in. After selecting the optimally predictive model based on lpd, that model was fit using only the training data to obtain posterior distributions of all model parameters from three MCMC chains comprised of 1000 iterations each after discarding an initial 1000 iterations as burn-in.

Table 3. Multi-model ensemble prediction approach for different mean annual rainfall (MAP) climate zones of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Bioclimate Zone

MAP Range (mm/year)

Ensemble Estimation Approach Index
Desert MAP < 100 TC = 0% 0
Arid savanna 100 < MAP < 600 3-model median (median[1,2,3]) 1
Semi-arid savanna 600 < MAP < 1000 3-model average (mean[1,2,3]) 2
Mesic savanna & forest 1000<MAP 2-model average (mean[1,3]) 3
Sankaran constraint on maximum TC predictions 100 < MAP < 1000 Use Sankaran potential TC if < multi-model TC prediction 4


Canopy Height

The source of canopy height estimates was Simard et al. (2011). They derived global canopy height at 1-km resolution from 2005 Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) aboard ICESat (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite) and covariates.  Canopy height was integrated into the Spatial Data Access Tool (ORNL DAAC, 2017) for reprojection and download. Gridded canopy height data are available for download at

When canopy height was not available where canopy cover was greater than 0%, linear regression was used to model and predict canopy height as a function of long-term mean-annual precipitation (Fick and Hijmans, 2017). Unavailable canopy height values were primarily confined to semi-arid and arid regions with low mean annual precipitation, where trees and shrubs tend to have relatively low canopy cover and short stature due to water constraints. Canopy height was then re-projected to the same coordinate system and resolution as the canopy cover data.

Allometric Relationships to Calculate Biomass

Global tree allometry data were retrieved from GlobAllomeTree ( and subset to calculate the relationship between biomass, tree height, and canopy cover in Africa: 

B/C = exp¡(-1.19909+ln(H)*1.27841          (5)

where B/C is woody biomass (kg) per square meter of canopy cover, and H is height.

Continental-scale biomass estimates were then obtained: 

Biomass = (wc/100)*10,000*B/C          (6)

where Biomass is tree and shrub biomass (Mg ha-1), wc is predicted woody cover (%), and B/C is obtained from Eq. 5.

Data Access

These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

Gridded Estimates of Woody Cover and Biomass across Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-2004

Contact for Data Center Access Information:


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