DOI | https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1042 |
Version | 1 |
Project | |
Published | 2011-10-27 |
Usage | 509 downloads |
This data set contains a shapefile of a digitized map of the land parcel information of the original properties of the Uruara colonization site, Para, Brazil, acquired from the Instituto de Colonizacao e Reforma Agraria, or the Colonization and Agrarian Reform Institute (INCRA). The Uruara settlement geometry was initially designed by INCRA, and consists of mostly 100 hectare lots (400 x 2500 meters, and 500 x 2000 meters), running north and south of the Trans-Amazon Highway, as a fine network of small, narrow rectangles. The other parcels in the landscape are the so-called glebas that range up to 3,000 hectares. The map was in the form of a paper map without a projection (a spherical geographic coordinate system) in the South American 1969 datum (SAD 1969). This paper map was digitized in Environmental Science Research Institute (ESRI) ArcInfo 8.1 using a digitizing table, and the digital cadastral data were geo-referenced and projected to match the Universal Transverse Mercator projection (Zone 22 South, World Geodetic System 1984 datum) of Landsat imagery (Landsat.org). There is one compressed (*.zip) file with this data set.
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This dataset is openly shared, without restriction, in accordance with the NASA Earthdata Data Use Guidance.
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Dataset Companion Files
Dataset has 1 companion files.
- LC24_Cadastral_Property_Map_Para.pdf