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Mechanistic Module for Soil Nitrogen Emissions for CMAQ Model, North America, 2011

Documentation Revision Date: 2019-04-25

Dataset Version: 1


This model product provides source code, input data files, and example model outputs for a new mechanistic soil nitrogen (N) module in-line with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model 5.1 to simulate nitric oxide (NO), nitrous acid (HONO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ammonia (NH3) soil emissions. The modeling domain covers the continental USA plus portions of northern Mexico and southern Canada, extending from 25 degrees north to 52 degrees north.The simulations use a 12-km spatial grid resolution. Input data are from high-quality reference sources for year 2011. Example model output data are provided for one day, April 21, 2011.

The mechanistic approach helps to improve the timing and spatial distribution of estimates of soil N emissions by accounting for actual biogeochemical processes that generate these emissions under varied soil conditions and vegetation types so that nitrification and denitrification can be represented. For non-agricultural biomes, the new mechanistic scheme uses a global soil nutrient dataset in an updated C and N mineralization framework. This enables the model to track the conversion of organic soil N to NH4 and NO3 pools on a daily scale for non-agricultural soils.

There are eight data files with this dataset. This includes one compressed file (.zip) with seven Fortran source codes (*.F), five input data files in NetCDF (.nc) format and two output files in NetCDF (.nc) format. A companion file is provided which contains instructions on how to build and run the new mechanistic soil nitrogen (N) module in-line with CMAQ version 5.1.

Figure 1. Soil N2O emissions on a monthly average basis for July 2011 estimated with mechanistic scheme. From Rasool et al. (2019).


Rasool, Q.Z., J.O. Bash, and D.S. Cohan. 2019. Mechanistic Module for Soil Nitrogen Emissions for CMAQ Model, North America, 2011. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Table of Contents

  1. Dataset Overview
  2. Data Characteristics
  3. Application and Derivation
  4. Quality Assessment
  5. Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
  6. Data Access
  7. References

Dataset Overview

This model product provides source code, input data files, and example model outputs for a new mechanistic soil nitrogen (N) module in-line with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model 5.1 to simulate nitric oxide (NO), nitrous acid (HONO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and ammonia (NH3) soil emissions. The modeling domain covers the continental USA plus portions of northern Mexico and southern Canada, extending from 25° N to 52° N. The simulations use a 12-km spatial grid resolution. Input data are from high-quality reference sources for year 2011. Example model output data are provided for one day, April 21, 2011.

The mechanistic approach helps to improve the timing and spatial distribution of estimates of soil N emissions by accounting for actual biogeochemical processes that generate these emissions under varied soil conditions and vegetation types so that nitrification and denitrification can be represented. For non-agricultural biomes, the new mechanistic scheme uses a global soil nutrient dataset in an updated C and N mineralization framework. This enables the model to track the conversion of organic soil N to NH4 and NO3 pools on a daily scale for non-agricultural soils.

Related Dataset:

Rasool, Q.Z., R. Zhang, D.S. Cohan, E.J. Cooter, L.N. Lamsal, J.O. Bash, and B. Lash. 2016. BDSNP Module for Improved Soil NO Emission Estimates for CMAQ Model, Conterminous USA. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Related Publication:

Rasool, Q.Z., Bash, J.O. and Cohan, D.S., 2019. Mechanistic representation of soil nitrogen emissions in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model v 5.1. Geoscientific Model Development12(2), pp.849-878.


This research was funded by a NASA ROSES (Research Opportunities in Earth and Space Science) grant, number NNX15AN63G.

Data Characteristics

Spatial Coverage:  Continental US, portions of northern Mexico and southern Canada

Spatial Resolution: 12 x 12 km grid

Temporal Coverage: Input data are from high-quality reference sources for year 2011. Example model output data are provided for one day, April 21, 2011.

Temporal Resolution: Model run and data aggregation specific per user needs.

Study Area (coordinates in decimal degrees)

Site Westernmost Longitude Easternmost Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude
Continental US, portions of northern Mexico and southern Canada -128.7422132 -59.13283825 51.55248055 25.06967334


Data File Information

There are eight data files with this dataset. This includes one compressed file (.zip) with seven Fortran source codes (*.F), five input data files in NetCDF (.nc) format and two output files in NetCDF (.nc) format.

The companion file Mechanistic_Soil_N_Module_UserGuide.pdf  provides instructions on how to build and run the new mechanistic soil nitrogen (N) module in-line with CMAQ version 5.1.

Table 1. Data file descriptions

Filename Description
Model source code files

A compressed file which provides the seven source code files
 Ncycling.F Addresses soil N emissions
 vdiffacmx.F The original code for dry and wet deposition, vdiffacm2.F and cldproc_acm.F respectively modified to obtain total mass of N per area deposited to the ground from atmosphere
 CNnonAgcycling.F Addresses soil N emissions for non-agricultural biome
 cldproc_acm.F The original code for dry and wet deposition, vdiffacm2.F and cldproc_acm.F respectively modified to obtain total mass of N per area deposited to the ground from atmosphere
 canopy_nox_mod.F Canopy reduction factor for incorporating canopy reduction of soil NO as proposed by Hudman et al. (2012)
 BIOG_EMIS.F Biogenic emissions
 BDSNP_MOD_EPIC.F Used to call the new Ncycling.F and CNnonAgcycling.F to pass the computed soil NO, HONO and N2O into the biogenic emission outpus (B3GTS_S)

Input files Soil organic nitrogen data used to drive the C and N cycling based on Schimel and Weintraub (2003) for non-agricultural regions, where EPIC is not applicable Soil organic carbon data used to drive the C and N cycling based on Schimel and Weintraub (2003) for non-agricultural regions, where EPIC is not applicable Soil pH, gridded for the CONUS domain Soil biome types. CMAQ by default uses 40-category NLCD Land Use classification (NLCD40) with sub-grid fractions for different land use Microbial C:N ratio

Output files Soil N2O emission estimates and relevant diagnostics calculated for 20110421 Soil NO and HONO emissions estimates calculated for 20110421 along with other biogenic emissions that act as input to CMAQ's chemical transport model unlike the diagnostic N2O estimates


NetCDF file properties

All *.nc files are in Lambert Conformal Conic Projection:



    GEOGCS["unnamed ellipse",













Resolution: 12- by 12-km grid

No data value:  -2147483647


Table 2. Variables in the Input Files

Filename Variable Units/format Description  SMN30cm  g N/m2  Soil organic nitrogen data used to drive the C and N cycling  SMC30cm  g C/m2  Soil organic carbon data used to drive the C and N cycling  pHsl  n/a  Soil pH  LANDFRAC  n/a  BIOME Classification based on NLCD40  CN30cm  percent  Carbon to nitrogen ratio


Variables in the Output Files

Table 3.

* Denotes diagnostic parameters

Variable Units/format Description
DENITR_rate kg/ha/s Denitrification rate from Ncycling routine*
N2O_EMIS g N/hr N2O emission from Ncycling routine*
NH4_Pool kg N/ha NH4 Pool from Ncycling routine*
NITR_Rate kg/ha/s Nitrification rate from Ncycling routine*
NO3_Pool kg N/ha NO3 Pool from Ncycling routine*
PFACTOR 0-1 NO emission current pulse factor
DRYPERIOD hr Length of the dry period
NDEPRES g N/m2 Soil N reservoir from deposition
SOILMPREV m3/m3 Soil moisture ratio for previous time step
THETA_DIAG 0-1 Moisture water-filled pore space *
WET_TERM_DIAG 0-1 Moisture scale factor *
TEMP_DIAG K Temperature in last simulation hour *
TEMP_TERM_DIAG   Temperature scale factor*
A_DIAG 0-1 Base emission factor from soil biome type *
NRES_FERT_DIAG 0-1 NRES fertilizer only *
AFERT_DIAG 0-1 Fertilizer emission factor *
NDEPRATE_DIAG gm/s Daily average N deposition rate *
CRFAVG 0-1 Daily average canopy reduction factor *
PULSEAVG 0-1 Daily average pulse factor *


Table 4.

Units are grams per second for a 12- by 12-km grid cell.

Variable Units/format Description
ALDX gm/s Propionaldehyde and higher aldehydes
ALD2 gm/s Acetylaldehyde
CO gm/s Carbon monoxide
ETH gm/s Ethene
ETHA gm/s Ethane
ETOH gm/s Ethanol
FORM gm/s Formaldehyde
HONO gm/s Nitrous acid
IOLE gm/s Internal olefin carbon bond (R-C=C-R)
ISOP gm/s Isoprene
MEOH gm/s Methanol
NO gm/s Nitric oxide
OLE gm/s Terminal olefin carbon bond (R-C=C)
PAR gm/s Paraffin carbon bond (C-C)
SESQ gm/s Sesquiterpene
TERP gm/s Terpene

Application and Derivation

The mechanistic module helps to improve the timing and spatial distribution of estimates of soil N oxide emissions by accounting for actual mechanistic process that generate these emissions under varied soil conditions, nutrient availability and meteorology regional model. 

Quality Assessment

The corresponding modeled estimates from the new  mechanistic soil N module have been compared to OMI tropospheric NO2 columns, SEARCH  campaign NOx concentrations and secondary pollutant concentrations like  Ozone and PM2.5 NO3 observed from IMPROVE, AQS, CSN and CASTNET  observation networks. Statistical performance of modeled vs observed  values was thoroughly analyzed for May and July 2011 for Conterminous US  and both improvement and uncertainty in model performance is explained  in Rasool et al. (2019).

Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods

The new mechanistic module has been implemented into the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system v5.1 to produce soil NO, HONO, and N2O emission estimates using the soil temperature/moisture information from the Pleim-Xiu land surface model (Pleim and Xiu, 2003) in the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model v 3.7. The Mechanistic module helps to improve the timing and spatial distribution of estimates of soil N oxide emissions by accounting for actual mechanistic process that generate these emissions under varied soil conditions, nutrient availability and meteorology.

Based on the mechanistic scheme, soil NO, HONO, and N2O emissions at each modeling grid and time-step are determined by accounting for soil nitrogen (either form the fertilizer application during the growing season or the soil N naturally available in non-agricultural biome or the nitrogen dry/wet deposition from the atmosphere), and the subsequent transformation of soil nitrogen either through nitrification or denitrification depending on variables such as, soil temperature and moisture, availability of soil NH4 or NO3, relative availability of NO3 to C, soil pH, gas diffusivity, the soil pulsing after precipitation, and the canopy reduction due to the resistance (Rasool et al., 2019).

New codes in the mechanistic module

The mechanistic module is simultaneously compiled with other executables of the CMAQ Chemistry-Transport Model (CCTM). CCTM integrates model-ready inputs such as emissions, meteorology, photochemistry, initial and boundary conditions to simulate continuous atmospheric chemical conditions at user-defined time frequency (hourly, daily etc.). Implementation of the mechanistic module in-line with CCTM ensures that soil NO, HONO and N2O as per newly proposed mechanistic scheme is also accounted for while generating gridded and temporally resolved air pollutant concentrations as output.

Ncycling.F and CNnonAgcycling.F:

Ncycling.F and CNnonAgcycling.F were added as global attributes in the CCTM source code repository, which basically gives the mechanistic representation of soil NO, HONO, and N2O emissions which are passed into the biogenic emission outputs (Rasool et al., 2019).

Environmental variables specific to mechanistic module

Understanding the environment variables defined in the mechanistic module is crucial for the real case implementation and further model development if needed.


CMAQ v5.1 has sub-grid scale representation for 40 National Land Cover dataset (NLCD) biomes and was thus utilized rather than the MODIS 24 classification.


The input files SMCRESFILE, SMNRESFILE, CNRATIOFILE and PHTOPSOILFILE provide the soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools, microbial C:N ratio and soil pH respectively over the simulation domain. These inputs are used in the mechanistic module to drive the C and N cycling based on Schimel and Weintraub (2003) for non-agricultural regions. For the modeling grid, non-agricultural grids can be classified from ‘LANDFRFILE’ and MODIS to NLCD mapping algorithm coded in mechanistic scheme source codes (Rasool et al., 2019).

Refer to the companion file Mechanistic_Soil_N_Module_UserGuide.pdf for detailed instructions for building and executing the module in-line with CMAQ version 5.1.

Data Access

These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

Mechanistic Module for Soil Nitrogen Emissions for CMAQ Model, North America, 2011

Contact for Data Center Access Information:


Hudman, R.C., A.R. Russell, L.C. Valin, and R.C. Cohen.: Interannual variability in soil nitric oxide emissions over the United States as viewed from space, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 9943-9952.

Pleim, J.E. and A. Xiu: Development of a land surface model. Part II: Data assimilation. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42(12), pp.1811-1822, 2003.<1811:DOALSM>2.0.CO;2

Rasool, Q.Z., Bash, J.O. and Cohan, D.S., 2019. Mechanistic representation of soil nitrogen emissions in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model v 5.1. Geoscientific Model Development12(2), pp.849-878.

Rasool, Q.Z., R. Zhang, B. Lash, D.S. Cohan, E.J. Cooter, J.O. Bash, and L.N. Lamsal. 2016. Enhanced representation of soil NO emissions in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.0.2. Geosci. Model Dev., 9: 3177-3197.

Schimel, J.P. and M.N. Weintraub: The implications of exoenzyme activity on microbial carbon and nitrogen limitation in soil: a theoretical model, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35, 549-563, 2003.