The SAFARI 2000 project was selected as the first regional test for a prototype regional 500-m MODIS burned area product. The MODIS burned area product maps the 500-m location and approximate day of burning using a change detection algorithm based on a bi-directional reflectance model-based expectation method applied to the MODIS near-infrared and shortwave infrared bands (Roy et al., 2002). The algorithm was applied to recently reprocessed 500-m daily MODIS land surface reflectance data to produce burned area data sets for all of southern Africa for 2000 forward. This archived data set contains MODIS 500-m burned area products for two dry season months (July and September 2000).
Burned area products are spatially explicit data sets that describe the approximate day of burning at 500 m resolution for all of southern Africa south of the Equator, including Madagascar. The burned area maps are compressed GeoTiff files. Several text files are included in the compressed files to aid ENVI (Research Systems, Inc.) users, including ENVI header files and ENVI density slice files. The data set also includes a projection parameters file. ENVI file contents are described in detail so that this information can be translated into any image processing software.
The MODIS burned area data set was validated using a methodology based upon the interpretation of multitemporal Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) data as described in Roy et al. (in press).
Cite this data set as follows:
Roy, D. P. 2005. SAFARI 2000 MODIS 500-m Burned Area Products, Southern Africa, Dry Season 2000. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/796.
Roy D. P., P. E. Lewis, and C. O. Justice. 2002. Burned area mapping using multi-temporal moderate spatial resolution data - a bi-directional reflectance model-based expectation approach. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83: 263-286.
Roy, D., P. Frost, C. Justice, T. Landmann, J. Le Roux, K. Gumbo, S. Makungwa, K. Dunham, R. Du Toit, K. Mhwandagara, A. Zacarias, B. Tacheba, O. Dube, J. Pereira, P. Mushove, J. Morisette, S. Vannan, and D. Davies. 2005. The Southern Africa Fire Network (SAFNet) regional burned area product validation protocol. International Journal of Remote Sensing, in press.
Burned area products are provided for the months of July and September 2000. These products are spatially explicit data sets that describe the approximate day of burning at 500-m resolution for all of southern Africa south of the Equator, including Madagascar.
The burned area maps are compressed GeoTiff files. Uncompressed, the burned area maps are named:
where 07 refers to July and 09 to September.
The following text files are included in the respective compressed files to aid ENVI (Research Systems, Inc.) users. ENVI file contents are described in detail in readme files so that this information can be translated into any image processing software.
modis_ba_500m_2000-07.tif.hdr (ENVI header file)
modis_ba_500m_2000-09.tif.hdr (ENVI header file)
modis_ba_500m_2000-07.dsr (ENVI density slice file)
modis_ba_500m_2000-09.dsr (ENVI density slice file)
The data set also includes a projection parameters file (modis_ba_500m_projection.dat).
Image Data Format
Each product, uncompressed, occupies approximately 144 Mbytes and has the following characteristics:
Definition of Pixel Values (July 2000 product):
file format | GeoTiff |
data type | 16-bit signed integer |
image size | 9134 columns by 8239 rows |
geographic projection | Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area false Easting = 25.0 degrees, false Northing = 15.0 degrees |
datum | none |
sphere radius | 6370997.0 m |
upper left corner, x | 10.006566° E |
upper left corner, y | 0.387092° N |
x pixel size | 500 m |
y pixel size | 500 m |
Definition of Pixel Values (September 2000 product):
Pixel Values/Range | Definition |
0 | no burning detected over julian days 179-217, 2000 |
179-217 | approximate day of burning (burning occurred on or up to 8 days prior to this day), where 179 corresponds to June 27, 180 corresponds to June 28, and 217 corresponds to August 4, 2000 |
9998 | not considered (suspected ephemeral water & with NDVI < 0.1 on one or more days in July) |
9999 | not considered (water) |
10000 | insufficient MODIS data to establish burn status (persistent cloud and/or missing MODIS data) |
-32768 | not considered (outside mapping area) |
The ENVI density slice files define a color map than can be used to display the July and September products, respectively, in ENVI. The density slice files are composed of 5 columns, where columns one and two describe the pixel value range, and columns three to five describe the corresponding red, green, and blue display values (range 0-255).
Additional information about the burned area algorithm, data processing, and data quality is found in the companion file