Documentation Revision Date: 2022-09-08
Dataset Version: 1
Burned sites were sampled in 5 m x 10 m (50 m2) and 10 m x 10 m (100 m2) plots along two transects to characterize 1 ha sites. Unburned sites were sampled in 40 m x 50 m (0.2 ha) plots to match the minimum mapping unit of a related land cover map; multiple plots were sampled to represent 1 ha sites.
There are eight data files in comma-separated values (*.csv) format included in this dataset and three companion files in Portable Document (*.pdf) format.

Figure 1. Locations of field site areas in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Sites include locations burned by wildfire in 2014-2015 and unburned validation sites. Validation areas are indicated by triangles. Source: NWT2019_Field_Data_Summary.csv
Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., M.J. Battaglia, P. Siqueira, C. Weinstein, S. Rose, H. Smith, D. Uhelski, and D.J.L. Vander Bilt. 2022. ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2019. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Table of Contents
- Dataset Overview
- Data Characteristics
- Application and Derivation
- Quality Assessment
- Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
- Data Access
- References
Dataset Overview
This dataset provides vegetation community characteristics, soil moisture, and biophysical data collected in 2019 from 11 study areas, which contained 28 sites that were burned by wildfires in 2014 and 2015, and 14 unburned sites in the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. Burn sites included peatland and upland. These field data include vegetation inventories, ground cover, as well as diameter and height for trees and shrubs in the unburned sites. Similar data were collected for the unburned sites in the years 2015–2018 and are available in related separate datasets. In 2019, the focus was on woody and non-woody seedling/sprouting regrowth data in the burned sites. Additional measurements collected at all sites included total peat depth, soil moisture, and active layer thickness (ALT). Soil moisture and ALT were collected for validation of the UAVSAR airborne collection and Radarsat-2 overpasses. This 2019 fieldwork completes five years of field sampling at the wildfire areas.
Burned sites were sampled in 5 m x 10 m (50 m2) and 10 m x 10 m (100 m2) plots along two transects to characterize 1 ha sites. Unburned sites were sampled in 40 m x 50 m (0.2 ha) plots to match the minimum mapping unit of a related land cover map; multiple plots were sampled to represent 1 ha sites.
Project: Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment
The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) is a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program field campaign being conducted in Alaska and western Canada, for 8 to 10 years, starting in 2015. Research for ABoVE links field-based, process-level studies with geospatial data products derived from airborne and satellite sensors, providing a foundation for improving the analysis, and modeling capabilities needed to understand and predict ecosystem responses to, and societal implications of, climate change in the Arctic and Boreal regions.
Related Datasets
Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., N.H.F. French, S. Endres, L. Jenkins, M. Battaglia, E. Serocki, and M. Billmire. 2016. ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, Landcover and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2014. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
- Provides maps of peatland vegetation and fire progression during the 2014 fire season along with field data on burn severity, depth of peat, and thawed ground at 30 burned sites. Aboveground biomass, soil moisture, and seedling sprouting data were collected at 17 of the 30 sites.
Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., S. Endres, L. Jenkins, M. Battaglia, E. Serocki, and M. Billmire. 2017. ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2015-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
- Provides a fire progression map for 2015 and field data biophysical and vegetation community characteristics as measured in Bourgeau-Chavez et al. (2016). Field data are from sites burned in 2014 and 2015.
Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., M. Battaglia, E.S. Kane, L.M. Cohen, and D. Tanzer. 2019. ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2018. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
- Provides field data collected in 2018 from sites burned in 2014 and 2015. In addition, 9 unburned sites were established for validation of UAVSAR airborne data collection. The same biophysical and vegetation community characteristics as measured in Bourgeau-Chavez et al. (2016; 2017) are included along with additional measures of woody vegetation.
Collectively, Bourgeau-Chavez et al. (2016; 2017; 2019; 2021) provide data on the impacts of the 2014 and 2015 fires on peatland ecosystems in NWT and the subsequent recovery of vegetation communities in those ecosystems through 2019. The variables in the field data are highly similar across years; however, there are differences between the datasets due to the addition of new metrics and new sites as well as the abandonment of others.
This research was funded by NASA’s Terrestrial Ecology Program (grant 80NSSC19M0107).
Data Characteristics
Spatial Coverage: Field plots near Great Slave Lake in Northwest Territories, Canada
ABoVE Reference Locations
Domain: Core ABoVE
State/territory: NWT
Region: Great Slave Lake
Grid cells: Ah002v001, Bh012v011, Bh013v010, Bh013v011, Bh014v011, Ch075v071, Ch076v069, Ch076v071, Ch077v068, Ch078v067, Ch078v069, Ch079v065, Ch079v066, Ch083v067, Ch084v067, Ch084v068
Spatial Resolution: Field plot sizes range from 1 m2 to 100 m2
Temporal Coverage: 2018-08-16 to 2019-09-05
Temporal Resolution: One-time estimates
Study Area: Latitude and longitude are given in decimal degrees.
Site | Westernmost Longitude | Easternmost Longitude | Northernmost Latitude | Southernmost Latitude |
Northwest Territories, Canada | -117.4255 | -113.0163 | 62.5658 | 60.9206 |
Data File Information
There are eight data files in comma-separated values (*.csv) format included in this dataset that provide measurements of vegetation, soil moisture, depth of unfrozen ground, and other biophysical data collected in 2019 at 11 areas. These areas include sites that were burned by wildfire in 2014 or 2015 and also unburned sites (Table 2). Also provided are companion files in Portable Document (*.pdf) format that describe protocols for field methods for projects related to remote-sensing missions and calibrations for burned and unburned sites.
Table 1. File names and descriptions.
File Name | Description |
Data Files | |
NWT2019_10x10mplot_ocular_regrowth.csv | Provides data for percent coverage of woody and herbaceous vegetation, mosses, and liverworts along with measurements of depth of unfrozen soil at 38 sites in 11 study areas. |
NWT2019_Biophysical.csv | Provides data on the vegetative cover and biophysical characteristics collected from 15 sites in 6 study areas. |
NWT2019_Biophysical_Inventory.csv | This file provided data on woody vegetation at 15 sites in 6 study areas. |
NWT2019_FrozenDepth_All.csv | Provides measurements of depth to frozen ground from soil surface for 153 plots at 39 sites in 11 study areas. |
NWT2019_Seedling_Sprouting.csv | Provides data on seedlings and sproutlings for 129 plots at 26 sites in 6 study areas affected by wildfires. |
NWT2019_Soil_Moisture_Hydrosense1_August.csv | Provides soil moisture and temperature data for 42 sites in 11 study areas. |
NWT2019_Soil_Moisture_Hydrosense2_September.csv | Provides soil moisture data for 9 sites in 4 study areas. |
NWT2019_Field_Data_Summary.csv | Provides a summary of the field data collected at each site. It includes geographic coordinates, date of sampling, and types of data collected at 210 plots at 42 sites in 11 study areas. Area names that begin with "VAL" indicate areas containing validation sites for this study. |
Companion Files | |
ALT_Protocol_03.pdf | Standard protocols for ALT surveys to leverage data collected by research teams, government work crews, and land management teams independent of the CALM network. |
Establishing_field_sites_for_SAR_studies_R1.docx. | Establishing field sites for studies using SAR data to analyze variations in permafrost, vegetation cover, and soil moisture during the ABoVE Airborne Campaign. |
SoilMoistureSamplingProtocol_R2.pdf | Protocol for establishing 100 m x 100 m soil moisture sampling sites. |
Calibration_unburned_sites.pdf | Provides organic soil calibrations in burned and non-burned tundra, boreal bog, fen, upland and lowland sites |
Calibration_burned_sites.pdf | Provides organic soil calibrations in unburned peatland and upland sites |
Data File Details
Missing data are reported as NA for text values and -9999 for numeric values.
Table 2. Summary of data collected in each study area. Refer to the file NWT2019_Field_Data_Summary.csv and Table 3 for more information.
Study Area * | |||||||||||
Data Category | SS3 | SS50 | ZF14 | ZF17 | ZF20 | ZF46 | VALSS3 | VALSS50 | VALZF14 | VALZF20 | VALZF46 |
Seedling_Sprouting. | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Vegetation cover and regrowth | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Biophysical characteristics | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Biophysical Inventory | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Active Layer (Frozen Depth) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Soil Moisture and Temperature | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Soil Moisture only | x | x | x | x | |||||||
* Area names that begin with "VAL" indicate study areas containing validation sites for this study |
Table 3. Variables in the file NWT2019_Field_Data_Summary.csv.
Variable | Unit | Description |
site | text | Unique name given to a field point. Area names that begin with "VAL" indicate validation sites for this study. Site naming convention is <area>-<site>-<plot>, although the plot designation is not included for all locations. |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of field visit |
latitude | degree_north | Latitude of corner of 10 x 10 m plot |
longitude | degree_east | Longititue of corner of 10 x 10 m plot |
burnseverity | text | Presence/absence of Burn Severity Data/other year of collection provided: Yes/No/YYYY |
seedling_sprouting | text | Presence/absence of SeedlingSprouting Data/other year of collection provided: Yes/No/YYYY |
biophysical | text | Presence/absence of Biophysical Data/other year of collection provided: Yes/No/YYYY |
soil_moisture | text | Presence/absence of Soil Moisture Data/other year of collection provided: Yes/No/YYYY |
nadir_cover | text | Presence/absence of Nadir Cover Data; presence is marked with the initials of the larger data set connected to the cover with SS for Seedling-Sprouting Data, SM for Soil Moisture Data, and No for not available. |
frozen_depth | text | Presence/absence of Frozen Depth Data; presence is marked with the initials of the larger data set connected to the cover with SS for Seedling-Sprouting Data, B for Biophysical, and No for not available |
notes | text | Additional notes on site including any irregularities |
location | text | Location of site used for data organization: FP for Fort Providence, H for Hearne Lake, CFS for Kakisa_CFS, YK for Yellowknife |
Table 4. Variables in the file NWT2019_Seedling_Sprouting.csv.
Variable | Unit | Description |
site-plot | text | Unique site identifier & plot number within site |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of data collection |
observers | text | Initials of person(s) who collected data |
plot_size | m | Plot dimensions in meters x meters, 1x1 or 0.5x0.5 typically |
species | text | Scientific name of vegetation species measured |
condition | text | Condition of vegetation: seedling or sprouting |
number | 1 | Number of seedlings or sproutings. Labeled as -9999 (missing value) if measured by percent cover. |
seedbed | text | Seedbed type: sphagnum, unburned organic material (duff and litter), thick burned organic material, thin burned organic material, or exposed mineral soil |
percent | percent | If species could not be counted due to life form, abundance was estimated as percent cover of plot. Value of 0.1 indicated 'trace' coverage of <1%. |
nadir_1x1_photo | text | Plot photo id number |
site_photo_n | text | Photo id number at site facing north |
site_photo_e | text | Photo id number at site facing east |
site_photo_s | text | Photo id number at site facing south |
site_photo_w | text | Photo id number at site facing west |
site_photo_nadir | text | Photo id number at site facing nadir |
total_peat_depth | cm | Total depth of peat in the site |
peat_depth_crevice | cm | Peat depth - in crevice next to earth hummock or hollow |
peat_depth_hummock | cm | Peat depth - top of earth hummock or peat hummock |
camera_number | text | MTRI camera ID number |
comments | text | Notes from field crew |
Table 5. Variables in the file NWT2019_10x10mplot_ocular_regrowth.csv.
Variable | Unit | Description |
site | text | Unique site identifier |
plot | 1 | Plot number within site |
plot_size | m | Size of sampling plot reported in meters by meters |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Sampling date |
observers | initials | Person(s) who collected the information identified by initials |
thaw_depth_1 | cm | Depth to ice measured with a bully tool, sample 1. |
thaw_depth_2 | cm | Depth to ice measured with a bully tool, sample 2 |
thaw_depth_3 | cm | Depth to ice measured with a bully tool, sample 3 |
thaw_depth_4 | cm | Depth to ice measured with a bully tool, sample 4 |
thaw_depth_5 | cm | Depth to ice measured with a bully tool, sample 5 |
thaw_depth_6 | cm | Depth to ice measured with a bully tool, sample 6 |
thaw_depth_7 | cm | Depth to ice measured with a bully tool, sample 7 |
nadircover_trees_live | percent | Nadir percent cover of live trees |
nadircover_shrublive | percent | Nadir percent cover of live shrubs |
nadircover_shrubdead | percent | Nadir percent cover of dead shrubs |
nadircover_woodydebrislive | percent | Nadir percent cover of live woody debris |
nadircover_woodydebrisdead | percent | Nadir percent cover of woody debris |
nadircover_herbaceouslive | percent | Nadir percent cover of live herbaceous |
nadircover_herbaceousdead | percent | Nadir percent cover of dead herbaceous |
nadircover_mosslive | percent | Nadir percent cover of live moss |
nadircover_mossdead | percent | Nadir percent cover of dead moss |
nadircover_liverwortlive | percent | Nadir percent cover of live liverwort |
nadircover_liverwortdead | percent | Nadir percent cover of dead liverwort |
nadircover_mineralsoil | percent | Nadir percent cover of exposed mineral soil |
nadircover_equisetumlive | percent | Nadir percent cover of live equisetum |
nadircover_water | percent | Nadir percent cover of water |
notes | text | Field notes from observers |
For thaw_depth_* data, an entry of ">100" indicates that depth exceeded the length of the 100 cm measurement probe. The nadircover_* data were collected in 10 m x 10m plots. All nadir cover values sum to 100%. |
Table 6. Variables in the file NWT2019_Biophysical.csv
Variable | Unit | Description |
site | text | Unique site identifier |
plot | text | Plot number within site |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Sampling date |
observers | text | Person(s) who collected the information identified by initials |
latitude | degree_north | Latitude coordinate for plot |
longitude | degree_east | Longitude coordinate for plot |
time | HH:mm | Time at the start of the sampling in the plot reported in local time (MDT) |
plot_size | m | Size of sampling plot reported in meters by meters |
live_canopy_closure | percent | Percent of canopy (tree) cover classified as live |
med_shrub_cover | percent | Percent shrub cover > 30cm but <1m height |
dominant_species | text | Scientific name of the dominant species |
ecosystem_type | text | Ecosystem type(s) represented in the plot: bog; fen; marsh, swamp, upland, floating aquatic |
aspect | text | Aspect of the site |
slope_position | text | Site slope position |
slope_percent | percent | Site slope in percent |
elevation | m | Elevation of site in meters |
wetness | text | Description of the soil moisture status: dry; moist; soggy; standing water or some combination of these conditions |
soil_ph | pH scale | pH of soil |
camera | text | ID Number of MTRI camera used in field |
site_photo_n | text | Photo id number at site facing north |
site_photo_e | text | Photo id number at site facing east |
site_photo_s | text | Photo id number at site facing south |
site_photo_w | text | Photo id number at site facing west |
site_photo_nadir | text | Photo id number at site facing nadir |
other_photos | text | Photo id of additional Photos and description |
os_top_condition | text | Notes on the condition of the top layer of organic soil with respect to type (thatch, live moss, dead moss, etc) and to burning: ash; burned; singed or charred or unburned |
os_top_thickness | cm | Thickness of the top component of the organic soil layer reported in centimeters |
os_dead_moss_layer_thickness | cm | Thickness of the dead moss component of the organic soil layer reported in centimeters |
os_upper_duff_layer_thickness | cm | Thickness of the upper duff component of the organic soil layer reported in centimeters |
os_lower_duff_layer_thickness | cm | Thickness of the lower duff component of the organic soil layer reported in centimeters |
total_peat_depth | cm | Depth of entire peat layer calculated as the sum of the previous 4 columns reported in centimeters from surface |
total_peat_depth_notes | text | Notes on measurement of total peat depth. |
gc_sphag_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in Sphagnum moss reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_sphag_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of sphagnum: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_feather_moss_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in Feather moss reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_feather_moss_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of feather moss: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_reindeer_lichen_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in reindeer lichen reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_reindeer_lichen_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of reindeer lichen: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_other_lichen_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in other lichen reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_other_lichen_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of other lichen: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_grasses_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in grasses reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_grasses_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of low shrubs: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_low_shrubs_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in low shrubs reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_low_shrubs_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of low shrubs: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_woody_debris_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in woody debris reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_woody_debris_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of woody debris: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_herbaceous_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in herbaceous plants reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_herbaceous_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of herbaceous plants: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_open_water_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in open water reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_open_water_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of low shrubs: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
gc_other_type | text | Description of other ground cover type |
gc_other_coverage | percent | Percent of ground covered in other ground cover reported as percent of total plot area |
gc_other_distribution | text | Pattern of distribution of other ground cover type: reported as E (even), C (center), P (peripheral), or 0 (absent) |
other_species_present_5 | text | Other species present at coverage of less than 5%; "0" = no other species present |
notes | text | Field notes from observers |
Table 7. Variables in the file NWT2019_Biophysical_Inventory.csv.
Variable | Units | Description |
site | text | Unique name given to a field location with the - , each site nominally represented a 100 x 100 m area |
plot | text | Plot number (1 through 6) representing a plot of 10 x 10 m area nominally for characterization |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of data collection |
observers | text | Initials of person(s) who collected data |
plot_size | m | Plot dimensions in meters x meters (e.g., 10 x 10, 5 x 5) |
life_form | text | Life form: tree or shrub |
species | text | Scientific name of tree or shrub species measured |
status | text | Status of tree or shrub: living or dead |
condition | text | Condition of tree or shrub: standing or fallen |
diameter_type | text | Whether the tree/shrub stem diameter was measured at base (basal) or at breast height (DBH) |
diameter | cm | Stem diameter of the tree or shrub |
height | m | Height of the tree or shrub in meters (typically only 5 representative trees were measured for height per plot) |
height_to_lowest_living_branch | m | Height to lowest living branch of 5 samples |
notes | text | Field notes from observers |
Table 8. Variables in the file NWT2019_FrozenDepth_All.csv.
Variable | Unit | Description |
site-plot | text | Unique site identifier & plot number within site |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Sampling date |
observers | text | Initials of person(s) who collected the data |
plot_size | m | Size of sampling plot reported in meters by meters |
sample_1 | cm | Depth to frozen ground from soil surface for sample 1 |
sample_2 | cm | Depth to frozen ground from soil surface for sample 2 |
sample_3 | cm | Depth to frozen ground from soil surface for sample 3 |
sample_4 | cm | Depth to frozen ground from soil surface for sample 4 |
sample_5 | cm | Depth to frozen ground from soil surface for sample 5 |
sample_6 | cm | Depth to frozen ground from soil surface for sample 6 |
notes | text | Field notes from observers |
For sample_* data, an entry of ">100" indicates that depth exceeded the length of the 100 cm measurement probe. |
Table 9. Variables in the file NWT2019_Soil_Moisture_Hydrosense1_August.csv. Soil moisture readings were taken with HydroSense Soil Water Content Measurement System (model CS620, Campbell Scientific) using the default algorithm for loam soil.
Variable | Unit | Description |
site | text | Unique name given to a field location |
observers | text | Initials of persons collecting data |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of soil moisture collection |
start_time | HH:mm | Time that data collection at that location began, local time |
weather | text | Weather at time of collection - important to note if raining or recently rained |
past_12_hours | text | Weather 12 hours before time of collection with note if raining or recently rained |
site_notes | text | Additional site notes from field collection observers |
probe_depth | cm | The depth to which the tip of the Hydrosense probe was inserted |
soil_temp_plot1 | degree_Celsius | Soil temperature at plot 1 |
vwc_plot1 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 1 |
plot_1_period | s-3 | The Hydrosense-1 probe period in millisec at plot 1 |
soil_temp_plot2 | degree_Celsius | Soil temperature at plot 2 |
vwc_plot2 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 2 |
plot_2_period | s-3 | The Hydrosense-1 probe period in millisec at plot 2 |
soil_temp_plot3 | degree_Celsius | Soil temperature at plot 3 |
vwc_plot3 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 3 |
plot_3_period | s-3 | The Hydrosense-1 probe period in millisec at plot 3 |
soil_temp_plot4 | degree_Celsius | Soil temperature at plot 4 |
vwc_plot4 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 4 |
plot_4_period | s-3 | The Hydrosense-1 probe period in millisec at plot 4 |
soil_temp_plot5 | degree_Celsius | Soil temperature at plot 5 |
vwc_plot5 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 5 |
plot_5_period | s-3 | The Hydrosense-1 probe period in millisec at plot 5 |
soil_temp_plot6 | degree_Celsius | Soil temperature at plot 6 |
vwc_plot6 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 6 |
plot_6_period | s-3 | The Hydrosense-1 probe period in millisec at plot 6 |
Table 10. Variables in the file NWT2019_Soil_Moisture_Hydrosense2_September.csv. Soil moisture readings were taken with HydroSense II Soil Water Content Measurement System (model HS2, Campbell Scientific) using the default algorithm for loam soil.
Variable | Unit | Description |
site | text | Unique name given to a field location |
observers | text | Initials of person involved in data collection |
date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of soil moisture collection |
start_time | HH:mm | Time that data collection at that location began, local time |
weather | text | Weather at time of collection - important to note if raining or recently rained |
past_12_hours | text | Weather 12 hours before time of collection - important to note if raining or recently rained |
site_notes | text | Additional site notes from field collection observers |
probe_depth | cm | The depth to which the tip of the Hydrosense probe was inserted |
vwc_plot1 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 1 |
plot_1_period | s-6 | The Hydrosense-II probe period in microsecs at plot 1 |
vwc_plot2 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 2 |
plot_2_period | s-6 | The Hydrosense-II probe period in microsecs at plot 2 |
vwc_plot3 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 3 |
plot_3_period | s-6 | The Hydrosense-II probe period in microsecs at plot 3 |
vwc_plot4 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 4 |
plot_4_period | s-6 | The Hydrosense-II probe period in microsecs at plot 4 |
vwc_plot5 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 5 |
plot_5_period | s-6 | The Hydrosense-II probe period in microsecs at plot 5 |
vwc_plot6 | 1 | Volumetric water content (cm3/cm3) of the soil at plot 6 |
plot_6_period | s-6 | The Hydrosense-II probe period in microsecs at plot 6 |
Application and Derivation
The goal of this project was to collect remote sensing and field data to support scientific research on the impacts of the 2014–2015 fires in the Northwest Territories of Canada.
Quality Assessment
Quality control checks were performed on the field data. Data were recorded in the field on field sheets, then entered into excel in the lab. A second person checked the entered data against the original field sheets. A third person cross-referenced field data with information available from additional field sheets, GPS, or cameras, checked for missing values and anomalies (out-of-range values); corrections were made as needed.
Soil moisture is sampled at each plot with five repeated samples within an arm's length at each depth with the Hydrosense instrument. This replication allows for spatial averaging across the site (6 plots x 5 samples per plot = 30 samples per site).
Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
Study Areas
This project characterized the impacts of wildfires that occurred in 2014 and 2015 in the North Slave, South Slave, and Dehcho Regions of Northwest Territories, Canada. In 2019, field data were collected from 11 study areas: SS3, SS50, VALSS50, VALZF14, VALZF20, VALZF46, ZF2, ZF14, ZF20, ZF28, and ZF46.
This 2019 dataset completes five years of field sampling. The companion files describe protocols for field methods for projects related to the NGEE Arctic Project remote-sensing missions. Users should refer to the related datasets (Bourgeau-Chavez et al., 2016; 2017; 2019) for additional data. Bourgeau-Chavez et al. (2019) provide details about field methods.
Field Data
Aboveground biomass, biophysical site characteristics, burn severity, soil moisture, thaw depth, and woody seedling/sapling data were collected in plots along two transects at sites affected by wildfire in 2014 and 2015. These areas included SS3, SS50, ZF2, ZF14, ZF20, ZF28, and ZF46. Within each area, multiple sites were sampled by collecting data in six plots per site. Plots were arranged in two transects within the site. Plot sizes varied with measurement technique and ranged from 1 m x 1 m, for fine-scaled samples of vegetation and seedlings, to 10 m x 10 m for biophysical measurements.
The woody plant community was inventoried at the same 26 sites where the biophysical data was collected. The tree/shrub species, DBH or basal diameter, height, and status (dead or live) were recorded for each standing stem. Woody seedlings and sprouting vegetation were recorded along with measurements of ground cover.
Soil moisture and soil temperature were recorded at 42 sites using HydroSense handheld soil moisture sensors (Campbell Scientific, models CS620 and HS2). Each site had six plots, and soil moisture was sampled at probe depths of 6, 12, and 20 cm. Soil temperature was measured one time at each plot using a Hannah Instruments HI 145 probe (Bourgeau-Chavez et al., 2017; 2016). The companion file Establishing_field_sites_for_SAR_studies.pdf describes protocols for setting up field plots and sampling soils.
The depth of unfrozen soil (active layer) was measured by pushing a 100 cm probe into the soil until it touched frozen soil. At some sites, this depth exceeded the length of the probe and the value ">100" was entered on the field datasheets. The companion file ALT_Protocol_03.pdf describes methods for sampling active layer thickness (ALT).
Validation sites were previously selected from unburned regions. Data from validation sites was used to train algorithms for mapping pre-burn vegetation Bourgeau-Chavez et al., 2017). In 2019, five areas were sampled including VALSS3, VALSS50, VALZF14, VALZF20, and VALZF46. Data collections followed a standardized protocol established in previous years that recorded ecosystem type, plant diversity and dominant species, water level, vegetation life stages, and height and density of the overstory. Thaw depth was measured with a soil probe from the soil or moss surface to the frozen layer as described above (Bourgeau-Chavez et al., 2016).
Data Access
These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).
ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2019
Contact for Data Center Access Information:
- E-mail:
- Telephone: +1 (865) 241-3952
Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., M. Battaglia, E.S. Kane, L.M. Cohen, and D. Tanzer. 2019. ABoVE: Post-Fire and Unburned Vegetation Community and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2018. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., S. Endres, L. Jenkins, M. Battaglia, E. Serocki, and M. Billmire. 2017. ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2015-2016. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Bourgeau-Chavez, L.L., N.H.F. French, S. Endres, L. Jenkins, M. Battaglia, E. Serocki, and M. Billmire. 2016. ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, Landcover and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2014. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.