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Archived SAFARI 2000 Project Website, October 2008

Documentation Revision Date: 2020-09-10

Dataset Version: 1


This dataset contains an archived copy of the Safari 2000 Project website as of October 2008. This archived website is provided for informational purposes only. No updates to the website and associated content have been made since January of 2008. The database that once provided content for this website was transitioned to text and is included herein. SAFARI 2000 was an international regional science initiative developed for southern Africa to explore, study and address linkages between land-atmosphere processes and the relationship of biogenic, pyrogenic or anthropogenic emissions and the consequences of their deposition to the functioning of the biogeophysical and biogeochemical systems of southern Africa. This initiative was built around a number of on-going, already funded activities by NASA, the international community and African nations in the southern African region.

SAFARI 2000 datasets are archived at the ORNL DAAC and available for download at . There are more than 100 archived datasets in the following areas: Ancillary Data, Atmospheric and Airborne Studies, Background Land Cover, Background Soils, Climate and Meteorology, Field Based Measurements, Hydrology, Regional Data, and Remote Sensing.

This dataset contains a single file historical_UVA_edited.tar.gz which is a compressed directory containing html pages from the SAFARI 2000 Project website.

Figure 1. SAFARI 2000 project logo.


ORNL DAAC. 2020. Archived SAFARI 2000 Project Website, October 2008. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Table of Contents

  1. Dataset Overview
  2. Data Characteristics
  3. Application and Derivation
  4. Quality Assessment
  5. Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
  6. Data Access
  7. References

Dataset Overview

Project: SAFARI 2000

This dataset contains an archived copy of the Safari 2000 Project website as of January 2020. The goal of SAFARI 2000 was to identify and understand the relationships between the physical, chemical, biological, that underlie the biogeophysical and biogeochemical systems of southern Africa. The last updates to the website and the underlying database were made in February 2002. In 2008, the website and its underlying database were integrated into the pages presented in this archived dataset.


Data Characteristics

Spatial Coverage:  Central and Southern Africa

Temporal Coverage: 1999-08-01 to 2000-09-31

Temporal Resolution: Seasonal

Study Areas (All latitude and longitude given in decimal degrees)


Westernmost Longitude

Easternmost Longitude

Northernmost Latitude

Southernmost Latitude

Central and Southern Africa





Data File Information

This dataset contains one file, historical_UVA_edited.tar.gz, which is a compressed directory containing a complete copy of all html pages from the SAFARI 2000 Project website. These files may be opened in any web browser.


Application and Derivation

This website content is provided for informational purposes only.

Quality Assessment

Each dataset archived from the SAFARI 2000 project contains unique quality assessment details and provides references to relevant publications. 

Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods

This archived website provides a complete copy of all the html pages from the SAFARI 2000 Project in a compressed file and is provided for informational purposes only. The last updates to the website were made in Januaary 2008. It should be noted that most of the changes made in 2008 were to transform database driven content into static web pages.

The goal of SAFARI 2000 was to identify and understand the relationships between the biogeophysical and biogeochemical systems of southern Africa. SAFARI 2000 entailed:

  • integrating remote sensing, computational modeling, airborne sampling and ground-based studies;
  • linking the biological, physical and chemical components of the regional ecosystems by integrating them within the semi-closed atmospheric gyre persistent over the region;
  • combining the expertise and knowledge base of regional and international scientists.

There are  more than 100 datasets from the Safari 2000 project archived at the ORNL DAAC in the following areas: Ancillary Data, Atmospheric and Airborne Studies, Background Land Cover, Background Soils, Climate and Meteorology, Field Based Measurements, Hydrology, Regional Data, and Remote Sensing. See for a complete listing of all archived data products produced from the Safari 2000 project. 


Data Access

These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

Archived SAFARI 2000 Project Website, October 2008

Contact for Data Center Access Information:
