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THREDDS Data Server (TDS) Catalog Service


Globe and folders representing T D SThe ORNL DAAC's Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS) Data Server (TDS) serves the contents of selected ORNL DAAC datasets through a catalog service and several data access services, that allow users to find and access datasets of interest from within a simple, hierarchal catalog within a Web browser or a compatible client software.

Datasets Available through THREDDS

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select all Dataset Title Published User Guide Download Size THREDDS
*L2 Daily Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) from ERS-2 GOME, 1995-20032019-12-09 4.6GB
*Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 4 R12022-11-01
*Daymet: Station-Level Inputs and Cross-Validation for North America, Version 4 R12022-11-01 4.0GB
*ATom: Merged Atmospheric Chemistry, Trace Gases, and Aerosols, Version 22021-08-26 2.1GB
*Daymet: Annual Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 4 R12022-11-01
*Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 4 R12022-11-01
*VEMAP 2: U.S. Annual Climate, 1895-1993 2001-03-16 6.8MB
*VEMAP 2: U.S. Daily Climate, 1895-1993 2001-11-01 2.6GB
*VEMAP 2: U.S. Monthly Climate Change Scenarios, Version 2 2000-12-13 200.9MB
*VEMAP 2: U.S. Monthly Climate, 1895-1993, Version 2 2000-12-13 68.8MB
*VEMAP 2: U.S. Annual Climate Change Scenarios 2001-03-16 16.9MB
*VEMAP 2: U.S. Daily Climate Change Scenarios 2001-11-01 5.7GB
*VEMAP 2: Annual Ecosystem Model Responses to U.S. Climate Change, 1994-2100 2005-01-07 746.7MB
*VEMAP 2: Monthly Ecosystem Model Responses to U.S. Climate Change, 1994-2100 2005-01-07 4.4GB
*Global MODIS and FLUXNET-derived Daily Gross Primary Production, V22021-03-15
*Global Monthly Climatology for the Twentieth Century (New et al.)2000-08-28 906.4MB
*SAFARI 2000 C-130 Aerosol and Meteorological Data, Dry Season 20002004-09-13 43.2MB
*ISLSCP II AVHRR Albedo and BRDF, 1995 2009-09-28 23.1MB
*ISLSCP II C4 Vegetation Percentage 2009-10-07 86.0KB
*ISLSCP II CRU05 Climate Time Series for Global Land Areas, 1986-19952011-06-13 81.1MB
*ISLSCP II Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuels, Cement, and Gas Flaring2011-07-01 3.0MB
*ISLSCP II Carbon Dioxide Flux at Harvard Forest and Northern BOREAS Sites 2011-09-21 7.2MB
*ISLSCP II Climate Research Unit CRU05 Monthly Climate Data2011-06-13 15.4MB
*ISLSCP II Continuous Fields of Vegetation Cover, 1992-1993 2009-10-07 3.3MB
*ISLSCP II Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) Monthly Albedo, 1986-1990 2009-11-23 2.6MB
*ISLSCP II Ecosystem Rooting Depths 2009-10-07 1.3MB
*ISLSCP II FASIR-adjusted NDVI Biophysical Parameter Fields, 1982-19982010-04-14 603.2MB
*ISLSCP II FASIR-adjusted NDVI, 1982-19982010-04-14 143.5MB
*ISLSCP II GIMMS Monthly NDVI, 1981-2002 2010-04-14 143.1MB
*ISLSCP II GPPDI, Net Primary Productivity (NPP) Class B Point Data 2011-09-21 1.9MB
*ISLSCP II Gauge-Based Analyses of Daily Precipitation over Global Land Areas2011-03-07 687.5MB
*ISLSCP II Global Gridded Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 1990 2010-04-19 1.4MB
*ISLSCP II Global Gridded Soil Characteristics 2011-05-05 3.0MB
*ISLSCP II Global Population of the World 2010-04-19 5.0MB
*ISLSCP II Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) Monthly Precipitation 2011-02-25 45.0MB
*ISLSCP II Global Precipitation Climatology Project Version 1, Pentad Precipitation2011-03-07 67.2MB
*ISLSCP II Global Precipitation Climatology Project Version 2, Monthly Precipitation 2011-03-07 27.0MB
*ISLSCP II Global River Fluxes of Carbon and Sediments to the Oceans 2011-09-21 1.4MB
*ISLSCP II Global Sea Ice Concentration 2010-07-26 22.3MB
*ISLSCP II HYDRO1k Elevation-derived Products2011-05-05 7.8MB
*ISLSCP II Historical Croplands Cover, 1700-1992 2010-02-25 3.0MB
*ISLSCP II Historical Land Cover and Land Use, 1700-1990 2010-02-25 831.4KB
*ISLSCP II IGBP DISCover and SiB Land Cover, 1992-19932009-10-07 7.6MB
*ISLSCP II IGBP NPP Output from Terrestrial Biogeochemistry Models2011-09-21 1.6MB
*ISLSCP II Leaf Area Index (LAI) from Field Measurements, 1932-20002010-04-14 1.3MB
*ISLSCP II MODIS (Collection 4) IGBP Land Cover, 2000-2001 2010-02-25 3.7MB
*ISLSCP II Monthly Snow-Free Albedo, 1982-1998, and Background Soil Reflectance 2010-01-25 8.4MB
*ISLSCP II Snow-Free, Spatially Complete, 16 Day Albedo, 2002 2009-12-08 246.0MB
*ISLSCP II Total Plant-Available Soil Water Storage Capacity of the Rooting Zone 2011-05-05 781.3KB
*LUH1: Harmonized Global Land Use for Years 1500-2100, V12014-09-24 5.9GB
*Long-Term Arctic Growing Season NDVI Trends from GIMMS 3g, 1982-2012 2015-03-13 135.8MB
*SiB3 Modeled Global 1-degree Hourly Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon Flux, 1998-20062009-07-30 13.0GB
*LBA-ECO LC-04 Satellite/Census-Based 5-Minute Land Use Data, Amazonia: 1980 and 19952009-01-16 2.8MB
*FLUXNET Marconi Conference Gap-Filled Flux and Meteorology Data, 1992-2000 2006-09-13 288.8MB
*Global 30-Year Mean Monthly Climatology, 1961-1990 (New et al.)2000-05-24 20.4MB
*Nitrogen Deposition onto the United States and Western Europe2004-09-27 6.9MB
*Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Rainfall in Africa, 0.25 degrees, from 1998-2012 2015-01-27 12.2MB
*Location and Permanency of Water Bodies in the African Sahel Region from 2003-2011 2015-01-27 6.1MB
*NACP MsTMIP: Unified North American Soil Map2014-08-27 2.9MB
*NACP MsTMIP: Global and North American Driver Data for Multi-Model Intercomparison2014-05-27
*ABoVE: Active Layer Thickness from Airborne L- and P- band SAR, Alaska, 2017, Ver. 32022-08-31 7.0GB
*Anthropogenic Carbon Emission System, 2012-2017, Version 22022-08-30
*High Resolution Global Contiguous SIF Estimates from OCO-2 SIF and MODIS, Version 22021-08-13 4.4GB
*L2 Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) from SCIAMACHY, 2003-20122021-08-13 3.0GB
*ABoVE: Dall Sheep Response to Snow and Landscape Covariates, Alaska, 2005-20082018-08-21
*High Resolution Land Cover-Specific Solar-Induced Fluorescence, Midwestern USA, 20182021-03-15 966.7MB
*ACT-America: L2 In Situ Atmospheric CO2, CO, CH4, and O3 Concentrations, Eastern USA2017-12-06 855.2MB
*ACT-America: L2 In Situ Atmospheric Gas Concentrations from Flasks, Eastern USA2018-03-28 9.5MB
*ACT-America: L2 Remotely Sensed Column-average CO2 by Airborne Lidar, Eastern USA2018-10-29 1.2GB
*Global Monthly GPP from an Improved Light Use Efficiency Model, 1982-20162020-11-09 1.9GB
*Vulcan: High-Resolution Annual Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 32020-10-01 7.2GB
*Vulcan: High-Resolution Hourly Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 32020-10-01
*ACT-America: L1 Meteorological and Aircraft Navigational Data2018-04-17 625.9MB
*ACT-America: L3 Merged In Situ Atmospheric Trace Gases and Flask Data, Eastern USA2018-06-25 1.5GB
*Global Monthly Mean Leaf Area Index Climatology, 1981-20152019-02-14 6.4MB
*CARVE: Monthly Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations (2009-2013) and Modeled Fluxes, Alaska2016-06-28 1.3GB
*Net Radiation and Albedo from MODIS for Xingu River Basin, Brazil, 2000-20122019-07-18 3.5GB
*NACP: Forest Carbon Stocks, Fluxes and Productivity Estimates, Western USA, 1979-20992019-06-25 3.1GB
*Ocean Surface pCO2 and Air-Sea CO2 Flux in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2006-20102019-06-25 168.0MB
*AfriSAR: Polarimetric Height Profiles by TomoSAR, Lope and Rabi Forests, Gabon, 20162018-12-19 14.4GB
*CARVE: Daily Thaw State of Boreal and Arctic Alaska from AMSR-E and SSM/I, 2003-20142017-09-21 1.4GB
*ATom: Observed and GEOS-5 Simulated CO Concentrations with Tagged Tracers for ATom-12018-07-31 3.6MB
*NACP MsTMIP: Global 0.5-degree Model Outputs in Standard Format, Version 1.02018-04-22
*ACT-America: L2 In Situ CO2, CO, and CH4 Concentrations from Towers, Eastern USA2018-02-06 9.4MB
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, BERMS, Canada, 2012-20152016-08-03
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, MOISST, 2012-20152016-08-08
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, Tonzi Ranch, 2012-20152016-08-08
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, Walnut Gulch, 2012-20152016-08-08
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, Chamela, Mexico, 2012-20152016-08-03
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, Duke Forest, 2012-20152016-08-04
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, Harvard Forest, 2012-20152016-08-04
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, Howland Forest, 2012-20152016-08-04
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, La Selva, 2012-20152016-08-08
*AirMOSS: L1 S-0 Polarimetric Data from AirMOSS P-band SAR, Metolius, 2012-20152016-08-08
*MODIS-derived Vegetation and Albedo Parameters for Agroecosystem-Climate Modeling2018-04-02 120.1MB
*AirMOSS: L2/3 Volumetric Soil Moisture Profiles Derived From Radar, 2012-20152016-09-29 2.3GB
*CMS: Simulated Physical-Biogeochemical Data, SABGOM Model, Gulf of Mexico, 2005-20102017-11-15 297.7MB
*CMS: Global Carbon Fluxes Associated with Livestock Feed and Emissions, 2000-20132017-09-29
*CMS: Global 0.5-deg Wetland Methane Emissions and Uncertainty (WetCHARTs v1.0)2017-06-05 2.7GB
*CARVE: L1 Airborne Forward Looking Infrared Radiance Counts, Alaska, 2013-20152017-04-06
*CARVE: L1 Spectral Radiances from Airborne FTS, Alaska, 2012-20152017-03-01
*CARVE: L1 Daily Flight Path Geolocation and Aircraft Position Data, Alaska, 2012-20152017-02-24 323.1MB
*CARVE: L1 Daily Flight Path and Winds Data, Alaska, 20152017-02-24 74.9MB
*CARVE: L2 Column Gas and Uncertainty from Airborne FTS, Alaska, 2012-20152017-02-02 2.2GB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric CO2, CO, and CH4 Concentrations, CARVE Tower, Alaska, 2011-20152017-01-12 5.1MB
*AirMOSS: L4 Modeled Volumetric Root Zone Soil Moisture, 2012-20152016-12-15
*AirMOSS: L4 Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Continental USA, 2012-20142016-11-30 23.1MB
*AirMOSS: L4 Daily Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), AirMOSS sites, 2012-20142016-11-22 95.9MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric Gas Concentrations, Tower-based Flasks, Alaska, 2012-20152016-11-18 1.4MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric Gas Concentrations, Airborne Flasks, Alaska, 2012-20152016-11-17 3.1MB
*MODIS NDVI Data, Smoothed and Gap-filled, for the Conterminous US: 2000-20152016-11-17
*CMS: Hourly Carbon Dioxide Estimated Using the WRF Model, North America, 20102016-10-13
*CMS: Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange at 3-hourly Time Steps, 2004-20102016-09-16
*AirMOSS: L2 Hourly In-Ground Soil Moisture at AirMOSS Sites, 2011-20152016-09-02 2.6MB
*AirMOSS: L2 Hourly Precipitation at AirMOSS Sites, 2011-20152016-09-02 280.8KB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric CO2, CO and CH4 Concentrations, Harvard CRDS, Alaska, 2012-20142016-07-27 36.2MB
*CARVE: L2 Atmospheric CO2, CO and CH4 Concentrations, NOAA CRDS, Alaska, 2012-20152016-07-27 99.5MB
*CARVE: CH4, CO2, and CO Atmospheric Concentrations, CARVE Tower, Alaska, 2012-20142016-05-12
*CARVE-ARCSS: Methane Loss From Arctic- Fluxes From the Alaskan North Slope, 2012-20142015-12-14 353.7MB
*Global 1-degree Maps of Forest Area, Carbon Stocks, and Biomass, 1950-20102015-12-14 12.7MB
*CMS: Carbon Fluxes from Global Agricultural Production and Consumption, 2005-20112015-07-24 1.8GB
*Pre-ABoVE: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness, Barrow, Alaska, 2006-2011 2015-01-23 21.5MB
*Pre-ABoVE: Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 1992-2000 2015-01-23 23.4MB
*Regridded Harmonized World Soil Database v1.22014-09-18 48.7MB
*CMS: Forest Biomass and Productivity, 1-degree and 5-km, Conterminous US, 20052014-05-28 1.9MB
*CMS: Land Cover Projections (5.6-km) from GCAM v3.1 for Conterminous USA, 2005-20952014-05-02 365.6MB

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