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Publications Citing Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)

The following 109 publications cited the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) project.

YearCitationDataset or Project
2024Bourgoin, C., G. Ceccherini, M. Girardello, C. Vancutsem, V. Avitabile, P.S.A. Beck, R. Beuchle, L. Blanc, G. Duveiller, M. Migliavacca, G. Vieilledent, A. Cescatti, and F. Achard. 2024. Human degradation of tropical moist forests is greater than previously estimated. Nature. 631(8021):570-576.
2024Bourgoin, C., G. Ceccherini, M. Girardello, C. Vancutsem, V. Avitabile, P.S.A. Beck, R. Beuchle, L. Blanc, G. Duveiller, M. Migliavacca, G. Vieilledent, A. Cescatti, and F. Achard. 2024. Human degradation of tropical moist forests is greater than previously estimated. Nature. 631(8021):570-576.
2024Burns, P., C.R. Hakkenberg, and S.J. Goetz. 2024. Multi-resolution gridded maps of vegetation structure from GEDI. Scientific Data. 11(1).
2024Burns, P., C.R. Hakkenberg, and S.J. Goetz. 2024. Multi-resolution gridded maps of vegetation structure from GEDI. Scientific Data. 11(1).
2024Burns, P., C.R. Hakkenberg, and S.J. Goetz. 2024. Multi-resolution gridded maps of vegetation structure from GEDI. Scientific Data. 11(1).
2024Campos, M.S., L.J. Anjos, E.B.d. Souza, F.G.S. Bezerra, A.M.M.d. Lima, D.R. Galbraith, and M. Adami. 2024. Prioritizing Amazon Forest conservation: Assessing potential biomass under climate change. Global Ecology and Conservation. 54:e03106.
2024Demol, M., N. Aguilar-Amuchastegui, G. Bernotaite, M. Disney, L. Duncanson, E. Elmendorp, A. Espejo, A. Furey, S. Hancock, J. Hansen, H. Horsley, S. Langa, M. Liang, A. Locke, V. Manjate, F. Mapanga, H. Omidvar, A. Parsons, E. Peneva-Reed, T. Perry, B.L. Puma Vilca, P. Rodríguez-Veiga, C. Sutcliffe, R. Upham, B. de Walque, and A. Burt. 2024. Multi-scale lidar measurements suggest miombo woodlands contain substantially more carbon than thought. Communications Earth & Environment. 5(1).
2024Fararoda, R., R.S. Reddy, G. Rajashekar, T. Mayamanikandan, P. Mutyala, K. Satish, S.W. Pasha, and C. Jha. 2024. Improving plot-level above ground biomass estimation in tropical Indian forests. Ecological Informatics. 81:102621.
2024Friedman, N.R. and V. Remeš. 2024. Dorsal and Ventral Plumage Coloration Evolve as Distinct Modules with Different Environmental Correlations. The American Naturalist. 203(4):528-534.
2024Holcomb, A., P. Burns, S. Keshav, and D.A. Coomes. 2024. Repeat GEDI footprints measure the effects of tropical forest disturbances. Remote Sensing of Environment. 308:114174.
2024Jha, N., S.P. Healey, Z. Yang, G. Ståhl, and M.G. Betts. 2024. Vicarious calibration of GEDI biomass with Landsat age data for understanding secondary forest carbon dynamics. Environmental Research Letters. 19(4):044062.
2024Leite, R.V., C. Amaral, C.S.R. Neigh, D.N. Cosenza, C. Klauberg, A.T. Hudak, L. Aragão, D.C. Morton, S. Coffield, T. McCabe, and C.A. Silva. 2024. Leveraging the next generation of spaceborne Earth observations for fuel monitoring and wildland fire management. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
2024Leite, R.V., C. Amaral, C.S.R. Neigh, D.N. Cosenza, C. Klauberg, A.T. Hudak, L. Aragão, D.C. Morton, S. Coffield, T. McCabe, and C.A. Silva. 2024. Leveraging the next generation of spaceborne Earth observations for fuel monitoring and wildland fire management. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
2024Leite, R.V., C. Amaral, C.S.R. Neigh, D.N. Cosenza, C. Klauberg, A.T. Hudak, L. Aragão, D.C. Morton, S. Coffield, T. McCabe, and C.A. Silva. 2024. Leveraging the next generation of spaceborne Earth observations for fuel monitoring and wildland fire management. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
2024Li, H., T. Hiroshima, X. Li, M. Hayashi, and T. Kato. 2024. High-resolution mapping of forest structure and carbon stock using multi-source remote sensing data in Japan. Remote Sensing of Environment. 312:114322.
2024Liu, X., C.S. Neigh, M. Pardini, and M. Forkel. 2024. Estimating forest height and above-ground biomass in tropical forests using P-band TomoSAR and GEDI observations. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 45(9):3129-3148.
2024May, P.B., M. Schlund, J. Armston, M.M. Kotowska, F. Brambach, A. Wenzel, and S. Erasmi. 2024. Mapping aboveground biomass in Indonesian lowland forests using GEDI and hierarchical models. Remote Sensing of Environment. 313:114384.
2024May, P.B., R.O. Dubayah, J.M. Bruening, and G.C. Gaines. 2024. Connecting spaceborne lidar with NFI networks: A method for improved estimation of forest structure and biomass. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 129:103797.
2024May, P.B., R.O. Dubayah, J.M. Bruening, and G.C. Gaines. 2024. Connecting spaceborne lidar with NFI networks: A method for improved estimation of forest structure and biomass. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 129:103797.
2024Pascual, A., A. Grau-Neira, E. Morales-Santana, F. Cereceda-Espinoza, J. Pérez-Quezada, A. Cárdenas Martínez, and T. Fuentes-Castillo. 2024. Old-growth mapping in Patagonia’s evergreen forests must integrate GEDI data to overcome NFI data limitations and to effectively support biodiversity conservation. Forest Ecology and Management. 568:122059.
2024Pascual, A., A. Grau-Neira, E. Morales-Santana, F. Cereceda-Espinoza, J. Pérez-Quezada, A. Cárdenas Martínez, and T. Fuentes-Castillo. 2024. Old-growth mapping in Patagonia’s evergreen forests must integrate GEDI data to overcome NFI data limitations and to effectively support biodiversity conservation. Forest Ecology and Management. 568:122059.
2024Pletcher, E., S. Smith-Tripp, D. Evans, and N.B. Schwartz. 2024. Evaluating global vegetation products for application in heterogeneous forest-savanna landscapes. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 45(2):492-507.
2024Pronk, M., A. Hooijer, D. Eilander, A. Haag, T. de Jong, M. Vousdoukas, R. Vernimmen, H. Ledoux, and M. Eleveld. 2024. DeltaDTM: A global coastal digital terrain model. Scientific Data. 11(1).
2024Sillett, S.C., M.E. Graham, J.P. Montague, M.E. Antoine, and G.W. Koch. 2024. Ground-based calibration for remote sensing of biomass in the tallest forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 561:121879.
2024Tolan, J., H. Yang, B. Nosarzewski, G. Couairon, H.V. Vo, J. Brandt, J. Spore, S. Majumdar, D. Haziza, J. Vamaraju, T. Moutakanni, P. Bojanowski, T. Johns, B. White, T. Tiecke, and C. Couprie. 2024. Very high resolution canopy height maps from RGB imagery using self-supervised vision transformer and convolutional decoder trained on aerial lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment. 300:113888.
2024Tolan, J., H. Yang, B. Nosarzewski, G. Couairon, H.V. Vo, J. Brandt, J. Spore, S. Majumdar, D. Haziza, J. Vamaraju, T. Moutakanni, P. Bojanowski, T. Johns, B. White, T. Tiecke, and C. Couprie. 2024. Very high resolution canopy height maps from RGB imagery using self-supervised vision transformer and convolutional decoder trained on aerial lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment. 300:113888.
2024Trew, B.T., D.P. Edwards, A.C. Lees, D.H. Klinges, R. Early, M. Svátek, R. Plichta, R. Matula, J. Okello, A. Niessner, M. Barthel, J. Six, E.E. Maeda, J. Barlow, R.O. do Nascimento, E. Berenguer, J. Ferreira, J. Sallo-Bravo, and I.M.D. Maclean. 2024. Novel temperatures are already widespread beneath the world’s tropical forest canopies. Nature Climate Change. 14(7):753-759.
2023Bullock, E.L., S.P. Healey, Z. Yang, R. Acosta, H. Villalba, K.P. Insfrán, J.B. Melo, S. Wilson, L. Duncanson, E. Næsset, J. Armston, S. Saarela, G. Ståhl, P.L. Patterson, and R. Dubayah. 2023. Estimating aboveground biomass density using hybrid statistical inference with GEDI lidar data and Paraguay’s national forest inventory. Environmental Research Letters. 18(8):085001.
2023Chen, S., C.E. Woodcock, T. Saphangthong, and P. Olofsson. 2023. Satellite data reveals a recent increase in shifting cultivation and associated carbon emissions in Laos. Environmental Research Letters. 18(11):114012.
2023Choi, C., M. Pardini, J. Armston, and K.P. Papathanassiou. 2023. Forest Biomass Mapping Using Continuous InSAR and Discrete Waveform Lidar Measurements: A TanDEM-X/GEDI Test Study. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 16:7675-7689.
2023Farrant, D.N., D.A. Roberts, C.M. D’Antonio, and A.E. Larsen. 2023. What follows fallow? Assessing revegetation patterns on abandoned sugarcane land in Hawaiʻi. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 355:108603.
2023Geremew, T., A. Gonsamo, W. Zewdie, and P. Pellikka. 2023. Extrapolation of canopy height and cover metrics of GEDI LiDAR in tropical montane forest ecosystem. African Geographical Review. 1-17.
2023Hoffrén, R., M.T. Lamelas, J. de la Riva, D. Domingo, A.L. Montealegre, A. García-Martín, and S. Revilla. 2023. Assessing GEDI-NASA system for forest fuels classification using machine learning techniques. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 116:103175.
2023Holcomb, A., S.V. Mathis, D.A. Coomes, and S. Keshav. 2023. Computational tools for assessing forest recovery with GEDI shots and forest change maps. Science of Remote Sensing. 8:100106.
2023Holcomb, A., S.V. Mathis, D.A. Coomes, and S. Keshav. 2023. Computational tools for assessing forest recovery with GEDI shots and forest change maps. Science of Remote Sensing. 8:100106.
2023Holcomb, A., S.V. Mathis, D.A. Coomes, and S. Keshav. 2023. Computational tools for assessing forest recovery with GEDI shots and forest change maps. Science of Remote Sensing. 8:100106.
2023Hunka, N., M. Santoro, J. Armston, R. Dubayah, R.E. McRoberts, E. Næsset, S. Quegan, M. Urbazaev, A. Pascual, P.B. May, D. Minor, V. Leitold, P. Basak, M. Liang, J. Melo, M. Herold, N. Málaga, S. Wilson, P. Durán Montesinos, A. Arana, R. Ernesto De La Cruz Paiva, J. Ferrand, S. Keoka, J. Guerra-Hernández, and L. Duncanson. 2023. On the NASA GEDI and ESA CCI biomass maps: aligning for uptake in the UNFCCC global stocktake. Environmental Research Letters. 18(12):124042.
2023Hunka, N., M. Santoro, J. Armston, R. Dubayah, R.E. McRoberts, E. Næsset, S. Quegan, M. Urbazaev, A. Pascual, P.B. May, D. Minor, V. Leitold, P. Basak, M. Liang, J. Melo, M. Herold, N. Málaga, S. Wilson, P. Durán Montesinos, A. Arana, R. Ernesto De La Cruz Paiva, J. Ferrand, S. Keoka, J. Guerra-Hernández, and L. Duncanson. 2023. On the NASA GEDI and ESA CCI biomass maps: aligning for uptake in the UNFCCC global stocktake. Environmental Research Letters. 18(12):124042.
2023Lang, N., W. Jetz, K. Schindler, and J.D. Wegner. 2023. A high-resolution canopy height model of the Earth. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7(11):1778-1789.
2023Li, W., W. Guo, M. Pasgaard, Z. Niu, L. Wang, F. Chen, Y. Qin, and J. Svenning. 2023. Human fingerprint on structural density of forests globally. Nature Sustainability. 6(4):368-379.
2023Liang, M., L. Duncanson, J.A. Silva, and F. Sedano. 2023. Quantifying aboveground biomass dynamics from charcoal degradation in Mozambique using GEDI Lidar and Landsat. Remote Sensing of Environment. 284:113367.
2023Lombardo, S., J. Kinney, D. Blake, S. Chase, A. Stovall, A. Siddiqi, K. Arquilla, S. Israel, D. Wood, and O. de Weck. 2023. Accessible satellite data decision support systems for Yurok Tribe forest management. Acta Astronautica. 213:777-791.
2023May, P., K.S. McConville, G.G. Moisen, J. Bruening, and R. Dubayah. 2023. A spatially varying model for small area estimates of biomass density across the contiguous United States. Remote Sensing of Environment. 286:113420.
2023Nathaniel, J., G. Nyirjesy, C.D. Watson, C.M. Albrecht, and L.J. Klein. 2023. Above Ground Carbon Biomass Estimate with Physics-Informed Deep Network. IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
2023Padalia, H., A. Prakash, and T. Watham. 2023. Modelling aboveground biomass of a multistage managed forest through synergistic use of Landsat-OLI, ALOS-2 L-band SAR and GEDI metrics. Ecological Informatics. 77:102234.
2023Pascual, A., J. Guerra-Hernández, J. Armston, D.M. Minor, L.I. Duncanson, P.B. May, J.R. Kellner, and R. Dubayah. 2023. Assessing the performance of NASA’s GEDI L4A footprint aboveground biomass density models using National Forest Inventory and airborne laser scanning data in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management. 538:120975.
2023Retallack, A., G. Finlayson, B. Ostendorf, K. Clarke, and M. Lewis. 2023. Remote sensing for monitoring rangeland condition: Current status and development of methods. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators. 19:100285.
2023Silveira, E.M., V.C. Radeloff, S. Martinuzzi, G.J. Martinez Pastur, J. Bono, N. Politi, L. Lizarraga, L.O. Rivera, L. Ciuffoli, Y.M. Rosas, A.M. Olah, G.I. Gavier-Pizarro, and A.M. Pidgeon. 2023. Nationwide native forest structure maps for Argentina based on forest inventory data, SAR Sentinel-1 and vegetation metrics from Sentinel-2 imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment. 285:113391.
2023Silveira, E.M., V.C. Radeloff, S. Martinuzzi, G.J. Martinez Pastur, J. Bono, N. Politi, L. Lizarraga, L.O. Rivera, L. Ciuffoli, Y.M. Rosas, A.M. Olah, G.I. Gavier-Pizarro, and A.M. Pidgeon. 2023. Nationwide native forest structure maps for Argentina based on forest inventory data, SAR Sentinel-1 and vegetation metrics from Sentinel-2 imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment. 285:113391.
2023V.C. Oliveira, P., X. Zhang, B. Peterson, and J.P. Ometto. 2023. Using simulated GEDI waveforms to evaluate the effects of beam sensitivity and terrain slope on GEDI L2A relative height metrics over the Brazilian Amazon Forest. Science of Remote Sensing. 100083.
2023Wang, X., X. Liu, Y. Wu, R. Chen, and S. Wang. 2023. Dynamic Assessment and Change Analysis of Ecosystem Service Value Based on Physical Assessment Method in Cili County, China. Forests. 14(5):869.
2022Chopping, M., Z. Wang, C. Schaaf, M.A. Bull, and R.R. Duchesne. 2022. Forest aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from a MISR multi-angle index, 2000–2015. Remote Sensing of Environment. 275:112964.
2022Guo, Y., Y. Lin, W.Y. Chen, J. Ling, Q. Li, J. Michalski, and H. Zhang. 2022. New two-step species-level AGB estimation model applied to urban parks. Ecological Indicators. 145:109694.
2022Labrière, N., S.J. Davies, M.I. Disney, L.I. Duncanson, M. Herold, S.L. Lewis, O.L. Phillips, S. Quegan, S.S. Saatchi, D.G. Schepaschenko, K. Scipal, P. Sist, and J. Chave. 2022. Toward a forest biomass reference measurement system for remote sensing applications. Global Change Biology. 29(3):827-840.
2022Vangi, E., G. D’Amico, S. Francini, and G. Chirici. 2022. GEDI4R: an R package for NASA’s GEDI level 4 A data downloading, processing and visualization. Earth Science Informatics. 16(1):1109-1117.
2022Vangi, E., G. D’Amico, S. Francini, and G. Chirici. 2022. GEDI4R: an R package for NASA’s GEDI level 4 A data downloading, processing and visualization. Earth Science Informatics. 16(1):1109-1117.
2022Zhang, S., Y. Chen, Y. Lu, H. Guo, X. Guo, C. Liu, X. Zhou, and Y. Zhang. 2022. Spatial variability and driving factors of soil multifunctionality in drylands of China. Regional Sustainability. 3(3):223-232.
2024Elliott, L.H., J.C. Vogeler, J.D. Holbrook, B.R. Barry, and K.T. Vierling. 2024. Assessing GEDI data fusions to map woodpecker distributions and biodiversity hotspots. Environmental Research Letters. 19(9):094027.
2024Leite, R.V., C. Amaral, C.S.R. Neigh, D.N. Cosenza, C. Klauberg, A.T. Hudak, L. Aragão, D.C. Morton, S. Coffield, T. McCabe, and C.A. Silva. 2024. Leveraging the next generation of spaceborne Earth observations for fuel monitoring and wildland fire management. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
2024Mohite, J., S. Sawant, A. Pandit, M. Sakkan, S. Pappula, and A. Parmar. 2024. Forest aboveground biomass estimation by GEDI and multi-source EO data fusion over Indian forest. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 45(4):1304-1338.
2022Atmani, F., B. Bookhagen, and T. Smith. 2022. Measuring Vegetation Heights and Their Seasonal Changes in the Western Namibian Savanna Using Spaceborne Lidars. Remote Sensing. 14(12):2928.
2022Duncanson, L., J.R. Kellner, J. Armston, R. Dubayah, D.M. Minor, S. Hancock, S.P. Healey, P.L. Patterson, S. Saarela, S. Marselis, C.E. Silva, J. Bruening, S.J. Goetz, H. Tang, M. Hofton, B. Blair, S. Luthcke, L. Fatoyinbo, K. Abernethy, A. Alonso, H.E. Andersen, P. Aplin, T.R. Baker, N. Barbier, J.F. Bastin, P. Biber, P. Boeckx, J. Bogaert, L. Boschetti, P.B. Boucher, D.S. Boyd, D.F.R.P. Burslem, S. Calvo-Rodriguez, J. Chave, R.L. Chazdon, D.B. Clark, D.A. Clark, W.B. Cohen, D.A. Coomes, P. Corona, K.C. Cushman, M.E.J. Cutler, J.W. Dalling, M. Dalponte, J. Dash, S. de-Miguel, S. Deng, P.W. Ellis, B. Erasmus, P.A. Fekety, A. Fernandez-Landa, A. Ferraz, R. Fischer, A.G. Fisher, A. Garcia-Abril, T. Gobakken, J.M. Hacker, M. Heurich, R.A. Hill, C. Hopkinson, H. Huang, S.P. Hubbell, A.T. Hudak, A. Huth, B. Imbach, K.J. Jeffery, M. Katoh, E. Kearsley, D. Kenfack, N. Kljun, N. Knapp, K. Kral, M. Krucek, N. Labriere, S.L. Lewis, M. Longo, R.M. Lucas, R. Main, J.A. Manzanera, R.V. Martinez, R. Mathieu, H. Memiaghe, V. Meyer, A.M. Mendoza, A. Monerris, P. Montesano, F. Morsdorf, E. Naesset, L. Naidoo, R. Nilus, M. O'Brien, D.A. Orwig, K. Papathanassiou, G. Parker, C. Philipson, O.L. Phillips, J. Pisek, J.R. Poulsen, H. Pretzsch, C. Rudiger, S. Saatchi, A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, N. Sanchez-Lopez, R. Scholes, C.A. Silva, M. Simard, A. Skidmore, K. Sterenczak, M. Tanase, C. Torresan, R. Valbuena, H. Verbeeck, T. Vrska, K. Wessels, J.C. White, L.J.T. White, E. Zahabu, and C. Zgraggen. 2022. Aboveground biomass density models for NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission. Remote Sensing of Environment. 270:112845.
2022Fayad, I., N. Baghdadi, and F. Frappart. 2022. Comparative Analysis of GEDI's Elevation Accuracy from the First and Second Data Product Releases over Inland Waterbodies. Remote Sensing. 14(2):340.
2022Lang, N., N. Kalischek, J. Armston, K. Schindler, R. Dubayah, and J.D. Wegner. 2022. Global canopy height regression and uncertainty estimation from GEDI LIDAR waveforms with deep ensembles. Remote Sensing of Environment. 268:112760.
2022Leite, R.V., C.A. Silva, E.N. Broadbent, C.H.d. Amaral, V. Liesenberg, D.R.A.d. Almeida, M. Mohan, S. Godinho, A. Cardil, C. Hamamura, B.L.d. Faria, P.H.S. Brancalion, A. Hirsch, G.E. Marcatti, A.P. Dalla Corte, A.M.A. Zambrano, M.B.T.d. Costa, E.A.T. Matricardi, A.L.d. Silva, L.R.R.Y. Goya, R. Valbuena, B.A.F.d. Mendonca, C.H.L. Silva Junior, L.E.O.C. Aragao, M. Garcia, J. Liang, T. Merrick, A.T. Hudak, J. Xiao, S. Hancock, L. Duncason, M.P. Ferreira, D. Valle, S. Saatchi, and C. Klauberg. 2022. Large scale multi-layer fuel load characterization in tropical savanna using GEDI spaceborne lidar data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 268:112764.
2022Liu, X., Y. Su, T. Hu, Q. Yang, B. Liu, Y. Deng, H. Tang, Z. Tang, J. Fang, and Q. Guo. 2022. Neural network guided interpolation for mapping canopy height of China's forests by integrating GEDI and ICESat-2 data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 269:112844.
2021Bauer, L., N. Knapp, and R. Fischer. 2021. Mapping Amazon Forest Productivity by Fusing GEDI Lidar Waveforms with an Individual-Based Forest Model. Remote Sensing. 13(22):4540.
2021Chen, H., S.R. Cloude, and J.C. White. 2021. Using GEDI Waveforms for Improved TanDEM-X Forest Height Mapping: A Combined SINC + Legendre Approach. Remote Sensing. 13(15):2882.
2021Di Tommaso, S., S. Wang, and D.B. Lobell. 2021. Combining GEDI and Sentinel-2 for wall-to-wall mapping of tall and short crops. Environmental Research Letters. 16(12):125002.
2021DiMiceli, C., J. Townshend, M. Carroll, and R. Sohlberg. 2021. Evolution of the representation of global vegetation by vegetation continuous fields. Remote Sensing of Environment. 254:112271.
2021Dorado-Roda, I., A. Pascual, S. Godinho, C. Silva, B. Botequim, P. Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, E. Gonzalez-Ferreiro, and J. Guerra-Hernandez. 2021. Assessing the Accuracy of GEDI Data for Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Mediterranean Forests. Remote Sensing. 13(12):2279.
2021Fayad, I., D. Ienco, N. Baghdadi, R. Gaetano, C.A. Alvares, J.L. Stape, H. Ferraco Scolforo, and G. Le Maire. 2021. A CNN-based approach for the estimation of canopy heights and wood volume from GEDI waveforms. Remote Sensing of Environment. 265:112652.
2021Fayad, I., N. Baghdadi, C. Alcarde Alvares, J.L. Stape, J.S. Bailly, H.F. Scolforo, I.R. Cegatta, M. Zribi, and G. Le Maire. 2021. Terrain Slope Effect on Forest Height and Wood Volume Estimation from GEDI Data. Remote Sensing. 13(11):2136.
2021Fayad, I., N. Baghdadi, and J. Riedi. 2021. Quality Assessment of Acquired GEDI Waveforms: Case Study over France, Tunisia and French Guiana. Remote Sensing. 13(16):3144.
2021Kacic, P., A. Hirner, and E. Da Ponte. 2021. Fusing Sentinel-1 and -2 to Model GEDI-Derived Vegetation Structure Characteristics in GEE for the Paraguayan Chaco. Remote Sensing. 13(24):5105.
2021Kokalj, Ž. and J. Mast. 2021. Space lidar for archaeology? Reanalyzing GEDI data for detection of ancient Maya buildings. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 36:102811.
2021Potapov, P., X. Li, A. Hernandez-Serna, A. Tyukavina, M.C. Hansen, A. Kommareddy, A. Pickens, S. Turubanova, H. Tang, C.E. Silva, J. Armston, R. Dubayah, J.B. Blair, and M. Hofton. 2021. Mapping global forest canopy height through integration of GEDI and Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 253:112165.
2021Rishmawi, K., C. Huang, and X. Zhan. 2021. Monitoring Key Forest Structure Attributes across the Conterminous United States by Integrating GEDI LiDAR Measurements and VIIRS Data. Remote Sensing. 13(3):442.
2021Silva, C.A., L. Duncanson, S. Hancock, A. Neuenschwander, N. Thomas, M. Hofton, L. Fatoyinbo, M. Simard, C.Z. Marshak, J. Armston, S. Lutchke, and R. Dubayah. 2021. Fusing simulated GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR data for regional aboveground biomass mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment. 253:112234.
2021Spracklen, B. and D.V. Spracklen. 2021. Determination of Structural Characteristics of Old-Growth Forest in Ukraine Using Spaceborne LiDAR. Remote Sensing. 13(7):1233.
2021Vittucci, C., L. Guerriero, P. Ferrazzoli, P. Richaume, and Y.H. Kerr. 2021. SMOS L-VOD Retrieved by Level 2 Algorithm and its Correlation With GEDI LIDAR Products. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 14:11870-11878.
2021Xiang, J., H. Li, J. Zhao, X. Cai, and P. Li. 2021. Inland water level measurement from spaceborne laser altimetry: Validation and comparison of three missions over the Great Lakes and lower Mississippi River. Journal of Hydrology. 597:126312.
2020Adam, M., M. Urbazaev, C. Dubois, and C. Schmullius. 2020. Accuracy Assessment of GEDI Terrain Elevation and Canopy Height Estimates in European Temperate Forests: Influence of Environmental and Acquisition Parameters. Remote Sensing. 12(23):3948.
2020Boucher, P., S. Hancock, D. Orwig, L. Duncanson, J. Armston, H. Tang, K. Krause, B. Cook, I. Paynter, Z. Li, A. Elmes, and C. Schaaf. 2020. Detecting Change in Forest Structure with Simulated GEDI Lidar Waveforms: A Case Study of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA; Adelges tsugae) Infestation. Remote Sensing. 12(8):1304.
2020Duncanson, L., A. Neuenschwander, S. Hancock, N. Thomas, T. Fatoyinbo, M. Simard, C.A. Silva, J. Armston, S.B. Luthcke, M. Hofton, J.R. Kellner, and R. Dubayah. 2020. Biomass estimation from simulated GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR across environmental gradients in Sonoma County, California. Remote Sensing of Environment. 242:111779.
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