Hosted by: Delta-X Science Team
Date: June 5, 2023
Contact for the ORNL DAAC:
Keywords: Delta-X, AVIRIS, SAR, Airborne, Workshop
NASA's Delta-X Science Team developed and conducted a hybrid Delta-X Open Data Workshop held June 5, 2023, at Boston University. The aims of the workshop were to inform on the progress of NASA's Delta-X mission and to describe the 2021 spring and fall campaign data and derived products. Within the workshop playlist that follows, you will find videos of the ten presentations and one Q&A session.
Understanding the Relative Contributions of Sediment Delivery and Plants Production to Resilience of the Mississippi River Delta to Sea Level Rise
by Marc Simard and Cathleen Jones
Delta-X Data Access and Archival at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center
by Matt Donovan and Yaxing Wei
Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Next Generation Vegetation Products
by Daniel Jensen
UAVSAR InSAR-Derived Water Level Change
by Talib Oliver-Cabrera, Cathleen E. Jones, Marc Simard, and Bhuvan K. Varugu
Delta-X AirSWOT Water Level Data Products
by Michael Denbina
Delta-X: Feldspar Sediment Accretion Measurements, MRD, LA, USA,
2019-2021, Version 2
by Robert Twilley, Andre Rovai, and Andy Cassaway
Herbaceous Vegetation and Soil Data
by Elena Solohin and Edward CastaƱeda
Delta-X Digital Elevation Model
by Alexandra Christensen and Michael Denbina
Update on Anuga Modeling of the Atchafalaya Basin
by Paola Passalacqua and Kyle Wright
Generating Optimized Unstructured Mesh Grids Using OM2D
by Antoine Soloy
Project Page
The Delta-X mission is a
5-year NASA Earth Venture Suborbital-3 mission to study the
Mississippi River Delta in the United States, which is growing and
sinking in different areas. River deltas and their wetlands are
drowning as a result of sea level rise and reduced sediment inputs.
The Delta-X mission will determine which parts will survive and
continue to grow, and which parts will be lost. Delta-X begins with
airborne and in situ data acquisition and carries through data
analysis, model integration, and validation to predict the extent
and spatial patterns of future deltaic land loss or gain.
Related Learning Resources
More tutorials related to ORNL DAAC data and web services can be found on the ORNL DAAC's Learning page.