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Publications Citing Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)

The following 190 publications cited the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) project.

YearCitationDataset or Project
2024Bartsch, A., A. Efimova, B. Widhalm, X. Muri, C. von Baeckmann, H. Bergstedt, K. Ermokhina, G. Hugelius, B. Heim, and M. Leibman. 2024. Circumarctic land cover diversity considering wetness gradients. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 28(11):2421-2481.
2024Berner, L.T., K.M. Orndahl, M. Rose, M. Tamstorf, M.F. Arndal, H.D. Alexander, E.R. Humphreys, M.M. Loranty, S.M. Ludwig, J. Nyman, S. Juutinen, M. Aurela, K. Happonen, J. Mikola, M.C. Mack, M.R. Vankoughnett, C.M. Iversen, V.G. Salmon, D. Yang, J. Kumar, P. Grogan, R.K. Danby, N.A. Scott, J. Olofsson, M.B. Siewert, L. Deschamps, E. Lévesque, V. Maire, A. Morneault, G. Gauthier, C. Gignac, S. Boudreau, A. Gaspard, A. Kholodov, M.S. Bret-Harte, H.E. Greaves, D. Walker, F.M. Gregory, A. Michelsen, T. Kumpula, M. Villoslada, H. Ylänne, M. Luoto, T. Virtanen, B.C. Forbes, N. Hölzel, H. Epstein, R.J. Heim, A. Bunn, R.M. Holmes, J.K.Y. Hung, S.M. Natali, A. Virkkala, and S.J. Goetz. 2024. The Arctic Plant Aboveground Biomass Synthesis Dataset. Scientific Data. 11(1).
2024Cheng, R. 2024. Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF): Towards a Better Understanding of Vegetation Dynamics and Carbon Uptake in Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems. Current Climate Change Reports. 10(2):13-32.
2024Dashti, H., M. Chen, W.K. Smith, K. Zhao, and D.J.P. Moore. 2024. Ecosystems Disturbance Recovery: What It Was or What It Could Have Been? Geophysical Research Letters. 51(17).
2024Dashti, H., M. Chen, W.K. Smith, K. Zhao, and D.J.P. Moore. 2024. Ecosystems Disturbance Recovery: What It Was or What It Could Have Been? Geophysical Research Letters. 51(17).
2024Hessilt, T.D., B.M. Rogers, R.C. Scholten, S. Potter, T.A.J. Janssen, and S. Veraverbeke. 2024. Geographically divergent trends in snow disappearance timing and fire ignitions across boreal North America. Biogeosciences. 21(1):109-129.
2024Hessilt, T.D., B.M. Rogers, R.C. Scholten, S. Potter, T.A.J. Janssen, and S. Veraverbeke. 2024. Geographically divergent trends in snow disappearance timing and fire ignitions across boreal North America. Biogeosciences. 21(1):109-129.
2024Hessilt, T.D., B.M. Rogers, R.C. Scholten, S. Potter, T.A.J. Janssen, and S. Veraverbeke. 2024. Geographically divergent trends in snow disappearance timing and fire ignitions across boreal North America. Biogeosciences. 21(1):109-129.
2024Hessilt, T.D., B.M. Rogers, R.C. Scholten, S. Potter, T.A.J. Janssen, and S. Veraverbeke. 2024. Geographically divergent trends in snow disappearance timing and fire ignitions across boreal North America. Biogeosciences. 21(1):109-129.
2024Liu, C., J. Chen, W. Zhang, and K. Ungar. 2024. Outdoor Radon Dose Rate in Canada’s Arctic amid Climate Change. Environmental Science & Technology. 58(26):11309-11319.
2024Merchant, M., L. McBlane, and R. Edwards. 2024. Shapley Explainable AI (XAI) to Assess the Potential of Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Estimating Active Layer Thickness (ALT). 2024 IEEE Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (M2GARSS). 78-82.
2024Miller, E.A., C.A. Baughman, B.M. Jones, and R.R. Jandt. 2024. Biophysical effects of an old tundra fire in the Brooks Range Foothills of Northern Alaska, U.S.A. Polar Science. 39:100984.
2024Miller, E.A., C.A. Baughman, B.M. Jones, and R.R. Jandt. 2024. Biophysical effects of an old tundra fire in the Brooks Range Foothills of Northern Alaska, U.S.A. Polar Science. 39:100984.
2024Montesano, P.M., M. Frost, J. Li, M. Carroll, C.S.R. Neigh, M.J. Macander, J.O. Sexton, and G.V. Frost. 2024. A shift in transitional forests of the North American boreal will persist through 2100. Communications Earth & Environment. 5(1).
2024Pontone, N., K. Millard, D.K. Thompson, L. Guindon, and A. Beaudoin. 2024. A hierarchical, multiâ€sensor framework for peatland subâ€class and vegetation mapping throughout the Canadian boreal forest. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
2024Poquérusse, J., C.L. Brown, C. Gaillard, C. Doughty, L. Dalén, A.J. Gallagher, M. Wooller, N. Zimov, G.M. Church, B. Lamm, and E. Hysolli. 2024. Assessing contemporary Arctic habitat availability for a woolly mammoth proxy. Scientific Reports. 14(1).
2024Poquérusse, J., C.L. Brown, C. Gaillard, C. Doughty, L. Dalén, A.J. Gallagher, M. Wooller, N. Zimov, G.M. Church, B. Lamm, and E. Hysolli. 2024. Assessing contemporary Arctic habitat availability for a woolly mammoth proxy. Scientific Reports. 14(1).
2024Sadeghi Chorsi, T., F.J. Meyer, and T.H. Dixon. 2024. Toward long-term monitoring of regional permafrost thaw with satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar. The Cryosphere. 18(8):3723-3740.
2024Sadeghi Chorsi, T., F.J. Meyer, and T.H. Dixon. 2024. Toward long-term monitoring of regional permafrost thaw with satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar. The Cryosphere. 18(8):3723-3740.
2024Sadeghi Chorsi, T., F.J. Meyer, and T.H. Dixon. 2024. Toward long-term monitoring of regional permafrost thaw with satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar. The Cryosphere. 18(8):3723-3740.
2024Schiks, T.J., B.M. Wotton, and D.L. Martell. 2024. Remote Sensing Active Fire Detection Tools Support Growth Reconstruction for Large Boreal Wildfires. Fire. 7(1):26.
2024Touzi, R., Y. Zhang, P. Wilson, B.H. Choe, M.A. Fobert, G. Hong, and M. Moghaddam. 2024. Investigation of Polarimetric L-band ALOS2 and UAVSAR, and P-band AIRMOSS for Permafrost Characterization along the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway. IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2799-2802.
2024White, J.C. 2024. Characterizing forest recovery following stand-replacing disturbances in boreal forests: contributions of optical time series and airborne laser scanning data. Silva Fennica. 58(2).
2024Xu, Y., Q. Zhuang, B. Zhao, M. Billmire, C. Cook, J. Graham, N.H. French, and R. Prinn. 2024. Impacts of wildfires on boreal forest ecosystem carbon dynamics from 1986 to 2020. Environmental Research Letters. 19(6):064023.
2024Yu, L., L. Fan, P. Ciais, J. Xiao, F. Frappart, S. Sitch, J. Chen, X. Xiao, R. Fensholt, Z. Chang, H. Fang, X. Li, T. Cui, M. Ma, and J. Wigneron. 2024. Forest degradation contributes more to carbon loss than forest cover loss in North American boreal forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 128:103729.
2024Zhao, Y., K. Bakian-Dogaheh, J. Whitcomb, R.H. Chen, Y. Yi, J.S. Kimball, and M. Moghaddam. 2024. Integrating multi-source remote sensing data for mapping boreal forest canopy height and species in interior Alaska in support of radar modeling. Environmental Research Letters. 19(7):074025.
2024Zhu, X., G. Jia, and X. Xu. 2024. Accelerated rise in wildfire carbon emissions from Arctic continuous permafrost. Science Bulletin. 69(15):2430-2438.
2024Zhu, X., G. Jia, and X. Xu. 2024. Accelerated rise in wildfire carbon emissions from Arctic continuous permafrost. Science Bulletin. 69(15):2430-2438.
2024Zhu, X., G. Jia, and X. Xu. 2024. Accelerated rise in wildfire carbon emissions from Arctic continuous permafrost. Science Bulletin. 69(15):2430-2438.
2023Arndt, K.A., J. Hashemi, S.M. Natali, L.D. Schiferl, and A. Virkkala. 2023. Recent Advances and Challenges in Monitoring and Modeling Non-Growing Season Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from the Arctic Boreal Zone. Current Climate Change Reports. 9(2):27-40.
2023Arndt, K.A., J. Hashemi, S.M. Natali, L.D. Schiferl, and A. Virkkala. 2023. Recent Advances and Challenges in Monitoring and Modeling Non-Growing Season Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from the Arctic Boreal Zone. Current Climate Change Reports. 9(2):27-40.
2023Bill, K.E., C.M. Dieleman, J.L. Baltzer, G.É. Degré-Timmons, M.C. Mack, N.J. Day, S.G. Cumming, X.J. Walker, and M.R. Turetsky. 2023. Post-fire Recovery of Soil Organic Layer Carbon in Canadian Boreal Forests. Ecosystems.
2023Chen, D., M. Billmire, C.P. Loughner, A. Bredder, N.H. French, H.C. Kim, and T.V. Loboda. 2023. Simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of surface PM2.5 emitted from Alaskan wildfires. Science of The Total Environment. 898:165594.
2023Chen, D., M. Billmire, C.P. Loughner, A. Bredder, N.H. French, H.C. Kim, and T.V. Loboda. 2023. Simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of surface PM2.5 emitted from Alaskan wildfires. Science of The Total Environment. 898:165594.
2023Chen, R.H., R.J. Michaelides, Y. Zhao, L. Huang, E. Wig, T.D. Sullivan, A.D. Parsekian, H.A. Zebker, M. Moghaddam, and K.M. Schaefer. 2023. Permafrost Dynamics Observatory (PDO): 2. Joint Retrieval of Permafrost Active Layer Thickness and Soil Moisture From Lâ€Band InSAR and Pâ€Band PolSAR. Earth and Space Science. 10(1).
2023Chen, R.H., R.J. Michaelides, Y. Zhao, L. Huang, E. Wig, T.D. Sullivan, A.D. Parsekian, H.A. Zebker, M. Moghaddam, and K.M. Schaefer. 2023. Permafrost Dynamics Observatory (PDO): 2. Joint Retrieval of Permafrost Active Layer Thickness and Soil Moisture From Lâ€Band InSAR and Pâ€Band PolSAR. Earth and Space Science. 10(1).
2023Chen, R.H., R.J. Michaelides, Y. Zhao, L. Huang, E. Wig, T.D. Sullivan, A.D. Parsekian, H.A. Zebker, M. Moghaddam, and K.M. Schaefer. 2023. Permafrost Dynamics Observatory (PDO): 2. Joint Retrieval of Permafrost Active Layer Thickness and Soil Moisture From Lâ€Band InSAR and Pâ€Band PolSAR. Earth and Space Science. 10(1).
2023Chen, R.H., R.J. Michaelides, Y. Zhao, L. Huang, E. Wig, T.D. Sullivan, A.D. Parsekian, H.A. Zebker, M. Moghaddam, and K.M. Schaefer. 2023. Permafrost Dynamics Observatory (PDO): 2. Joint Retrieval of Permafrost Active Layer Thickness and Soil Moisture From Lâ€Band InSAR and Pâ€Band PolSAR. Earth and Space Science. 10(1).
2023Clark, J.A., K.D. Tape, L. Baskaran, C. Elder, C. Miller, K. Miner, J.A. O’Donnell, and B.M. Jones. 2023. Do beaver ponds increase methane emissions along Arctic tundra streams? Environmental Research Letters. 18(7):075004.
2023Frappier, R., D. Lacelle, and R.H. Fraser. 2023. Landscape changes in the Tombstone Territorial Park region (central Yukon, Canada) from multilevel remote sensing analysis. Arctic Science.
2023Guddeti, S.S., R.M. Kurakalva, and S. Karuppannan. 2023. Identification of vulnerable areas using geospatial technologies in the lower Manair River basin of Telangana, Southern India. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 15(1).
2023Hansen, W.D., A. Foster, B. Gaglioti, R. Seidl, and W. Rammer. 2023. The Permafrost and Organic LayEr module for Forest Models (POLE-FM) 1.0. Geoscientific Model Development. 16(7):2011-2036.
2023Huemmrich, K.F., J. Gamon, P. Campbell, M. Mora, S. Vargas Z, B. Almanza, and C. Tweedie. 2023. 20 years of change in tundra NDVI from coupled field and satellite observations. Environmental Research Letters. 18(9):094022.
2023Kyzivat, E.D. and L.C. Smith. 2023. Contemporary and historical detection of small lakes using super resolution Landsat imagery: promise and peril. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 60(1).
2023Kyzivat, E.D. and L.C. Smith. 2023. Contemporary and historical detection of small lakes using super resolution Landsat imagery: promise and peril. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 60(1).
2023Kyzivat, E.D. and L.C. Smith. 2023. Contemporary and historical detection of small lakes using super resolution Landsat imagery: promise and peril. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 60(1).
2023Ludwig, S.M., S.M. Natali, J.D. Schade, M. Powell, G. Fiske, L.D. Schiferl, and R. Commane. 2023. Scaling waterbody carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in the arctic using an integrated terrestrial-aquatic approach. Environmental Research Letters. 18(6):064019.
2023Ludwig, S.M., S.M. Natali, J.D. Schade, M. Powell, G. Fiske, L.D. Schiferl, and R. Commane. 2023. Scaling waterbody carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in the arctic using an integrated terrestrial-aquatic approach. Environmental Research Letters. 18(6):064019.
2023Massey, R., B.M. Rogers, L.T. Berner, S. Cooperdock, M.C. Mack, X.J. Walker, and S.J. Goetz. 2023. Forest composition change and biophysical climate feedbacks across boreal North America. Nature Climate Change. 13(12):1368-1375.
2023Miller, E.A., B.M. Jones, C.A. Baughman, R.R. Jandt, J.L. Jenkins, and D.A. Yokel. 2023. Unrecorded Tundra Fires of the Arctic Slope, Alaska USA. Fire. 6(3):101.
2023Montesano, P.M., C.S.R. Neigh, M.J. Macander, W. Wagner, L.I. Duncanson, P. Wang, J.O. Sexton, C.E. Miller, and A.H. Armstrong. 2023. Patterns of regional site index across a North American boreal forest gradient. Environmental Research Letters. 18(7):075006.
2023Montesano, P.M., C.S.R. Neigh, M.J. Macander, W. Wagner, L.I. Duncanson, P. Wang, J.O. Sexton, C.E. Miller, and A.H. Armstrong. 2023. Patterns of regional site index across a North American boreal forest gradient. Environmental Research Letters. 18(7):075006.
2023Montesano, P.M., C.S.R. Neigh, M.J. Macander, W. Wagner, L.I. Duncanson, P. Wang, J.O. Sexton, C.E. Miller, and A.H. Armstrong. 2023. Patterns of regional site index across a North American boreal forest gradient. Environmental Research Letters. 18(7):075006.
2023Moubarak, M., S. Sistla, S. Potter, S.M. Natali, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Carbon emissions and radiative forcings from tundra wildfires in the Yukon–Kuskokwim River Delta, Alaska. Biogeosciences. 20(8):1537-1557.
2023Moubarak, M., S. Sistla, S. Potter, S.M. Natali, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Carbon emissions and radiative forcings from tundra wildfires in the Yukon–Kuskokwim River Delta, Alaska. Biogeosciences. 20(8):1537-1557.
2023Moubarak, M., S. Sistla, S. Potter, S.M. Natali, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Carbon emissions and radiative forcings from tundra wildfires in the Yukon–Kuskokwim River Delta, Alaska. Biogeosciences. 20(8):1537-1557.
2023Moubarak, M., S. Sistla, S. Potter, S.M. Natali, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Carbon emissions and radiative forcings from tundra wildfires in the Yukon–Kuskokwim River Delta, Alaska. Biogeosciences. 20(8):1537-1557.
2023Ouerfelli, M., M. Tamaazousti, and V. Rivasseau. 2023. Selective multiple power iteration: from tensor PCA to gradient-based exploration of landscapes. The European Physical Journal Special Topics.
2023Potter, S., S. Cooperdock, S. Veraverbeke, X. Walker, M.C. Mack, S.J. Goetz, J. Baltzer, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, A. Burrell, C. Dieleman, N. French, S. Hantson, E.E. Hoy, L. Jenkins, J.F. Johnstone, E.S. Kane, S.M. Natali, J.T. Randerson, M.R. Turetsky, E. Whitman, E. Wiggins, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Burned area and carbon emissions across northwestern boreal North America from 2001–2019. Biogeosciences. 20(13):2785-2804.
2023Potter, S., S. Cooperdock, S. Veraverbeke, X. Walker, M.C. Mack, S.J. Goetz, J. Baltzer, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, A. Burrell, C. Dieleman, N. French, S. Hantson, E.E. Hoy, L. Jenkins, J.F. Johnstone, E.S. Kane, S.M. Natali, J.T. Randerson, M.R. Turetsky, E. Whitman, E. Wiggins, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Burned area and carbon emissions across northwestern boreal North America from 2001–2019. Biogeosciences. 20(13):2785-2804.
2023Potter, S., S. Cooperdock, S. Veraverbeke, X. Walker, M.C. Mack, S.J. Goetz, J. Baltzer, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, A. Burrell, C. Dieleman, N. French, S. Hantson, E.E. Hoy, L. Jenkins, J.F. Johnstone, E.S. Kane, S.M. Natali, J.T. Randerson, M.R. Turetsky, E. Whitman, E. Wiggins, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Burned area and carbon emissions across northwestern boreal North America from 2001–2019. Biogeosciences. 20(13):2785-2804.
2023Potter, S., S. Cooperdock, S. Veraverbeke, X. Walker, M.C. Mack, S.J. Goetz, J. Baltzer, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, A. Burrell, C. Dieleman, N. French, S. Hantson, E.E. Hoy, L. Jenkins, J.F. Johnstone, E.S. Kane, S.M. Natali, J.T. Randerson, M.R. Turetsky, E. Whitman, E. Wiggins, and B.M. Rogers. 2023. Burned area and carbon emissions across northwestern boreal North America from 2001–2019. Biogeosciences. 20(13):2785-2804.
2023Smith, L.C., J.V. Fayne, B. Wang, E.D. Kyzivat, C.J. Gleason, M.E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, D. Feng, T.M. Pavelsky, and D.L. Peters. 2023. Peace-Athabasca Delta water surface elevations and slopes mapped from AirSWOT Ka-band InSAR. Remote Sensing Letters. 14(12):1238-1250.
2023Smith, L.C., J.V. Fayne, B. Wang, E.D. Kyzivat, C.J. Gleason, M.E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, D. Feng, T.M. Pavelsky, and D.L. Peters. 2023. Peace-Athabasca Delta water surface elevations and slopes mapped from AirSWOT Ka-band InSAR. Remote Sensing Letters. 14(12):1238-1250.
2023Sullender, B.K., C.X. Cunningham, J.D. Lundquist, and L.R. Prugh. 2023. Defining the danger zone: critical snow properties for predator–prey interactions. Oikos.
2023Wang, L., V.K. Arora, P. Bartlett, E. Chan, and S.R. Curasi. 2023. Mapping of ESA's Climate Change Initiative land cover data to plant functional types for use in the CLASSIC land model. Biogeosciences. 20(12):2265-2282.
2023Watts, J.D., M. Farina, J.S. Kimball, L.D. Schiferl, Z. Liu, K.A. Arndt, D. Zona, A. Ballantyne, E.S. Euskirchen, F.W. Parmentier, M. Helbig, O. Sonnentag, T. Tagesson, J. Rinne, H. Ikawa, M. Ueyama, H. Kobayashi, T. Sachs, D.F. Nadeau, J. Kochendorfer, M. Jackowiczâ€Korczynski, A. Virkkala, M. Aurela, R. Commane, B. Byrne, L. Birch, M.S. Johnson, N. Madani, B. Rogers, J. Du, A. Endsley, K. Savage, B. Poulter, Z. Zhang, L.M. Bruhwiler, C.E. Miller, S. Goetz, and W.C. Oechel. 2023. Carbon uptake in Eurasian boreal forests dominates the highâ€latitude net ecosystem carbon budget. Global Change Biology. 29(7):1870-1889.
2023Whitcomb, J., R. Chen, D. Clewley, J.S. Kimball, N.J. Pastick, Y. Yi, and M. Moghaddam. 2023. Maps of active layer thickness in northern Alaska by upscaling P-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar retrievals. Environmental Research Letters. 19(1):014046.
2023Whitcomb, J., R. Chen, D. Clewley, J.S. Kimball, N.J. Pastick, Y. Yi, and M. Moghaddam. 2023. Maps of active layer thickness in northern Alaska by upscaling P-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar retrievals. Environmental Research Letters. 19(1):014046.
2023Whitcomb, J., R. Chen, D. Clewley, J.S. Kimball, N.J. Pastick, Y. Yi, and M. Moghaddam. 2023. Maps of active layer thickness in northern Alaska by upscaling P-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar retrievals. Environmental Research Letters. 19(1):014046.
2023White, J.C., T. Hermosilla, and M.A. Wulder. 2023. Pre-fire measures of boreal forest structure and composition inform interpretation of post-fire spectral recovery rates. Forest Ecology and Management. 537:120948.
2023Yang, D., B.D. Morrison, W. Hanston, A. McMahon, L. Baskaran, D.J. Hayes, C.E. Miller, and S.P. Serbin. 2023. Integrating very-high-resolution UAS data and airborne imaging spectroscopy to map the fractional composition of Arctic plant functional types in Western Alaska. Remote Sensing of Environment. 286:113430.
2023Yoseph, E., E. Hoy, C.D. Elder, S.M. Ludwig, D.R. Thompson, and C.E. Miller. 2023. Tundra fire increases the likelihood of methane hotspot formation in the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, USA. Environmental Research Letters. 18(10):104042.
2023Yoseph, E., E. Hoy, C.D. Elder, S.M. Ludwig, D.R. Thompson, and C.E. Miller. 2023. Tundra fire increases the likelihood of methane hotspot formation in the Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, USA. Environmental Research Letters. 18(10):104042.
2023Zhao, B. and Q. Zhuang. 2023. Peatlands and their carbon dynamics in northern high latitudes from 1990 to 2300: a process-based biogeochemistry model analysis. Biogeosciences. 20(1):251-270.
2023Zhu, X., X. Xu, and G. Jia. 2023. Recent massive expansion of wildfire and its impact on active layer over pan-Arctic permafrost. Environmental Research Letters. 18(8):084010.
2023Zhu, X., X. Xu, and G. Jia. 2023. Recent massive expansion of wildfire and its impact on active layer over pan-Arctic permafrost. Environmental Research Letters. 18(8):084010.
2023Zhu, X., X. Xu, and G. Jia. 2023. Recent massive expansion of wildfire and its impact on active layer over pan-Arctic permafrost. Environmental Research Letters. 18(8):084010.
2022Bakian-Dogaheh, K., Y. Zhao, and M. Moghaddam. 2022. Coupled hydrologic-electromagnetic approach for mapping water and carbon characteristics of permafrost active layer. IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
2022Chandel, A., W. Sarwat, A. Najah, S. Dhanagare, and M. Agarwala. 2022. Evaluating methods to map burned area at 30-meter resolution in forests and agricultural areas of Central India. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 5.
2022Cheng, R., T.S. Magney, E.L. Orcutt, Z. Pierrat, P. Köhler, D.R. Bowling, M.S. Bret-Harte, E.S. Euskirchen, M. Jung, H. Kobayashi, A.V. Rocha, O. Sonnentag, J. Stutz, S. Walther, D. Zona, and C. Frankenberg. 2022. Evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence. Environmental Research Letters. 17(11):115009.
2022Day, N.J., J.F. Johnstone, K.A. Reid, S.G. Cumming, M.C. Mack, M.R. Turetsky, X.J. Walker, and J.L. Baltzer. 2022. Material Legacies and Environmental Constraints Underlie Fire Resilience of a Dominant Boreal Forest Type. Ecosystems.
2022Fuller, A., K. Millard, and J.R. Green. 2022. SatViT: Pretraining Transformers for Earth Observation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 19:01-05.
2022Fuller, A., K. Millard, and J.R. Green. 2022. SatViT: Pretraining Transformers for Earth Observation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 19:01-05.
2022Hessilt, T.D., J.T. Abatzoglou, Y. Chen, J.T. Randerson, R.C. Scholten, G. van der Werf, and S. Veraverbeke. 2022. Future increases in lightning ignition efficiency and wildfire occurrence expected from drier fuels in boreal forest ecosystems of western North America. Environmental Research Letters. 17(5):54008.
2022Huang, C., L.C. Smith, E.D. Kyzivat, J.V. Fayne, Y. Ming, and C. Spence. 2022. Tracking transient boreal wetland inundation with Sentinel-1 SAR: Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta and Yukon Flats, Alaska. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 59(1):1767-1792.
2022Huang, C., L.C. Smith, E.D. Kyzivat, J.V. Fayne, Y. Ming, and C. Spence. 2022. Tracking transient boreal wetland inundation with Sentinel-1 SAR: Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta and Yukon Flats, Alaska. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 59(1):1767-1792.
2022Huang, C., L.C. Smith, E.D. Kyzivat, J.V. Fayne, Y. Ming, and C. Spence. 2022. Tracking transient boreal wetland inundation with Sentinel-1 SAR: Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta and Yukon Flats, Alaska. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 59(1):1767-1792.
2022Khan, S., A. Farooqui, U.K. Shukla, K. Grøsfjeld, J. Knies, and V. Prasad. 2022. Late Pliocene continental climate and vegetation variability in the Arctic-Atlantic gateway region prior to the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 586:110746.
2022Macander, M.J., P.R. Nelson, T.W. Nawrocki, G.V. Frost, K.M. Orndahl, E.C. Palm, A.F. Wells, and S.J. Goetz. 2022. Time-series maps reveal widespread change in plant functional type cover across Arctic and boreal Alaska and Yukon. Environmental Research Letters. 17(5):54042.
2022Macander, M.J., P.R. Nelson, T.W. Nawrocki, G.V. Frost, K.M. Orndahl, E.C. Palm, A.F. Wells, and S.J. Goetz. 2022. Time-series maps reveal widespread change in plant functional type cover across Arctic and boreal Alaska and Yukon. Environmental Research Letters. 17(5):54042.
2022Macander, M.J., P.R. Nelson, T.W. Nawrocki, G.V. Frost, K.M. Orndahl, E.C. Palm, A.F. Wells, and S.J. Goetz. 2022. Time-series maps reveal widespread change in plant functional type cover across Arctic and boreal Alaska and Yukon. Environmental Research Letters. 17(5):54042.
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2022Phillips, C.A., B.M. Rogers, M. Elder, S. Cooperdock, M. Moubarak, J.T. Randerson, and P.C. Frumhoff. 2022. Escalating carbon emissions from North American boreal forest wildfires and the climate mitigation potential of fire management. Science Advances. 8(17).
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2022Sweeney, C., A. Chatterjee, S. Wolter, K. McKain, R. Bogue, S. Conley, T. Newberger, L. Hu, L. Ott, B. Poulter, L. Schiferl, B. Weir, Z. Zhang, and C.E. Miller. 2022. Using atmospheric trace gas vertical profiles to evaluate model fluxes: a case study of Arctic-CAP observations and GEOS simulations for the ABoVE domain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22(9):6347-6364.
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2022van Geffen, F., B. Heim, F. Brieger, R. Geng, I.A. Shevtsova, L. Schulte, S.M. Stuenzi, N. Bernhardt, E.I. Troeva, L.A. Pestryakova, E.S. Zakharov, B. Pflug, U. Herzschuh, and S. Kruse. 2022. SiDroForest: a comprehensive forest inventory of Siberian boreal forest investigations including drone-based point clouds, individually labeled trees, synthetically generated tree crowns, and Sentinel-2 labeled image patches. Earth System Science Data. 14(11):4967-4994.
2022van Geffen, F., B. Heim, F. Brieger, R. Geng, I.A. Shevtsova, L. Schulte, S.M. Stuenzi, N. Bernhardt, E.I. Troeva, L.A. Pestryakova, E.S. Zakharov, B. Pflug, U. Herzschuh, and S. Kruse. 2022. SiDroForest: a comprehensive forest inventory of Siberian boreal forest investigations including drone-based point clouds, individually labeled trees, synthetically generated tree crowns, and Sentinel-2 labeled image patches. Earth System Science Data. 14(11):4967-4994.
2022Virkkala , A.M., S.M. Natali, B.M. Rogers, J.D. Watts, K. Savage, S.J. Connon, M. Mauritz, E.A.G. Schuur, D. Peter, C. Minions, J. Nojeim, R. Commane, C.A. Emmerton, M. Goeckede, M. Helbig, D. Holl, H. Iwata, H. Kobayashi, P. Kolari, E. Lopez-Blanco, M.E. Marushchak, M. Mastepanov, L. Merbold, F.J.W. Parmentier, M. Peichl, T. Sachs, O. Sonnentag, M. Ueyama, C. Voigt, M. Aurela, J. Boike, G. Celis, N. Chae, T.R. Christensen, M.S. Bret-Harte, S. Dengel, H. Dolman, C.W. Edgar, B. Elberling, E. Euskirchen, A. Grelle, J. Hatakka, E. Humphreys, J. Jarveoja, A. Kotani, L. Kutzbach, T. Laurila, A. Lohila, I. Mammarella, Y. Matsuura, G. Meyer, M.B. Nilsson, S.F. Oberbauer, S.J. Park, R. Petrov, A.S. Prokushkin, C. Schulze, V.L. St. Louis, E.S. Tuittila, J.P. Tuovinen, W. Quinton, A. Varlagin, D. Zona, and V.I. Zyryanov. 2022. The ABCflux database: Arctic-boreal CO<sub>2</sub> flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems. Earth System Science Data. 14(1):179-208.
2022Virkkala , A.M., S.M. Natali, B.M. Rogers, J.D. Watts, K. Savage, S.J. Connon, M. Mauritz, E.A.G. Schuur, D. Peter, C. Minions, J. Nojeim, R. Commane, C.A. Emmerton, M. Goeckede, M. Helbig, D. Holl, H. Iwata, H. Kobayashi, P. Kolari, E. Lopez-Blanco, M.E. Marushchak, M. Mastepanov, L. Merbold, F.J.W. Parmentier, M. Peichl, T. Sachs, O. Sonnentag, M. Ueyama, C. Voigt, M. Aurela, J. Boike, G. Celis, N. Chae, T.R. Christensen, M.S. Bret-Harte, S. Dengel, H. Dolman, C.W. Edgar, B. Elberling, E. Euskirchen, A. Grelle, J. Hatakka, E. Humphreys, J. Jarveoja, A. Kotani, L. Kutzbach, T. Laurila, A. Lohila, I. Mammarella, Y. Matsuura, G. Meyer, M.B. Nilsson, S.F. Oberbauer, S.J. Park, R. Petrov, A.S. Prokushkin, C. Schulze, V.L. St. Louis, E.S. Tuittila, J.P. Tuovinen, W. Quinton, A. Varlagin, D. Zona, and V.I. Zyryanov. 2022. The ABCflux database: Arctic-boreal CO<sub>2</sub> flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems. Earth System Science Data. 14(1):179-208.
2022Virkkala , A.M., S.M. Natali, B.M. Rogers, J.D. Watts, K. Savage, S.J. Connon, M. Mauritz, E.A.G. Schuur, D. Peter, C. Minions, J. Nojeim, R. Commane, C.A. Emmerton, M. Goeckede, M. Helbig, D. Holl, H. Iwata, H. Kobayashi, P. Kolari, E. Lopez-Blanco, M.E. Marushchak, M. Mastepanov, L. Merbold, F.J.W. Parmentier, M. Peichl, T. Sachs, O. Sonnentag, M. Ueyama, C. Voigt, M. Aurela, J. Boike, G. Celis, N. Chae, T.R. Christensen, M.S. Bret-Harte, S. Dengel, H. Dolman, C.W. Edgar, B. Elberling, E. Euskirchen, A. Grelle, J. Hatakka, E. Humphreys, J. Jarveoja, A. Kotani, L. Kutzbach, T. Laurila, A. Lohila, I. Mammarella, Y. Matsuura, G. Meyer, M.B. Nilsson, S.F. Oberbauer, S.J. Park, R. Petrov, A.S. Prokushkin, C. Schulze, V.L. St. Louis, E.S. Tuittila, J.P. Tuovinen, W. Quinton, A. Varlagin, D. Zona, and V.I. Zyryanov. 2022. The ABCflux database: Arctic-boreal CO<sub>2</sub> flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems. Earth System Science Data. 14(1):179-208.
2022Walker, D.A., M.K. Raynolds, M.Z. Kanevskiy, Y.S. Shur, V.E. Romanovsky, B.M. Jones, M. Buchhorn, M.T. Jorgenson, J. Šibík, A.L. Breen, A. Kade, E. Watson-Cook, G. Matyshak, H. Bergstedt, A.K. Liljedahl, R.P. Daanen, B. Connor, D. Nicolsky, and J.L. Peirce. 2022. Cumulative impacts of a gravel road and climate change in an ice-wedge-polygon landscape, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Arctic Science.
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2021Baltzer, J.L., N.J. Day, X.J. Walker, D. Greene, M.C. Mack, H.D. Alexander, D. Arseneault, J. Barnes, Y. Bergeron, Y. Boucher, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, C.D. Brown, S. Carriere, B.K. Howard, S. Gauthier, M.A. Parisien, K.A. Reid, B.M. Rogers, C. Roland, L. Sirois, S. Stehn, D.K. Thompson, M.R. Turetsky, S. Veraverbeke, E. Whitman, J. Yang, and J.F. Johnstone. 2021. Increasing fire and the decline of fire adapted black spruce in the boreal forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(45):.
2021Clayton, L.K., K. Schaefer, M.J. Battaglia, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, J. Chen, R.H. Chen, A. Chen, K. Bakian-Dogaheh, S. Grelik, E. Jafarov, L. Liu, R.J. Michaelides, M. Moghaddam, A.D. Parsekian, A.V. Rocha, S.R. Schaefer, T. Sullivan, A. Tabatabaeenejad, K. Wang, C.J. Wilson, H.A. Zebker, T. Zhang, and Y. Zhao. 2021. Active layer thickness as a function of soil water content. Environmental Research Letters. 16(5):055028.
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2021McCarty, J.L., J. Aalto, V.V. Paunu, S.R. Arnold, S. Eckhardt, Z. Klimont, J.J. Fain, N. Evangeliou, A. Venalainen, N.M. Tchebakova, E.I. Parfenova, K. Kupiainen, A.J. Soja, L. Huang, and S. Wilson. 2021. Reviews and syntheses: Arctic fire regimes and emissions in the 21st century. Biogeosciences. 18(18):5053-5083.
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2021Scholten, R.C., R. Jandt, E.A. Miller, B.M. Rogers, and S. Veraverbeke. 2021. Overwintering fires in boreal forests. Nature. 593(7859):399-404.
2021Severson, J.P., H.E. Johnson, S.M. Arthur, W.B. Leacock, and M.J. Suitor. 2021. Spring phenology drives range shifts in a migratory Arctic ungulate with key implications for the future. Global Change Biology. 27(19):4546-4563.
2021Shevtsova, I., U. Herzschuh, B. Heim, L. Schulte, S. Stunzi, L.A. Pestryakova, E.S. Zakharov, and S. Kruse. 2021. Recent above-ground biomass changes in central Chukotka (Russian Far East) using field sampling and Landsat satellite data. Biogeosciences. 18(11):3343-3366.
2021Wang, J.A., A. Baccini, M. Farina, J.T. Randerson, and M.A. Friedl. 2021. Disturbance suppresses the aboveground carbon sink in North American boreal forests. Nature Climate Change. 11(5):435-441.
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2021Watts, J.D., S.M. Natali, C. Minions, D. Risk, K. Arndt, D. Zona, E.S. Euskirchen, A.V. Rocha, O. Sonnentag, M. Helbig, A. Kalhori, W. Oechel, H. Ikawa, M. Ueyama, R. Suzuki, H. Kobayashi, G. Celis, E.A.G. Schuur, E. Humphreys, Y. Kim, B.Y. Lee, S. Goetz, N. Madani, L.D. Schiferl, R. Commane, J.S. Kimball, Z. Liu, M.S. Torn, S. Potter, J.A. Wang, M.T. Jorgenson, J. Xiao, X. Li, and C. Edgar. 2021. Soil respiration strongly offsets carbon uptake in Alaska and Northwest Canada. Environmental Research Letters. 16(8):084051.
2020Beamish, A., M.K. Raynolds, H. Epstein, G.V. Frost, M.J. Macander, H. Bergstedt, A. Bartsch, S. Kruse, V. Miles, C.M. Tanis, B. Heim, M. Fuchs, S. Chabrillat, I. Shevtsova, M. Verdonen, and J. Wagner. 2020. Recent trends and remaining challenges for optical remote sensing of Arctic tundra vegetation: A review and outlook. Remote Sensing of Environment. 246:111872.
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2020Dieleman, C.M., B.M. Rogers, S. Potter, S. Veraverbeke, J.F. Johnstone, J. Laflamme, K. Solvik, X.J. Walker, M.C. Mack, and M.R. Turetsky. 2020. Wildfire combustion and carbon stocks in the southern Canadian boreal forest: Implications for a warming world. Global Change Biology.
2020Dieleman, C.M., B.M. Rogers, S. Potter, S. Veraverbeke, J.F. Johnstone, J. Laflamme, K. Solvik, X.J. Walker, M.C. Mack, and M.R. Turetsky. 2020. Wildfire combustion and carbon stocks in the southern Canadian boreal forest: Implications for a warming world. Global Change Biology.
2020Dieleman, C.M., B.M. Rogers, S. Potter, S. Veraverbeke, J.F. Johnstone, J. Laflamme, K. Solvik, X.J. Walker, M.C. Mack, and M.R. Turetsky. 2020. Wildfire combustion and carbon stocks in the southern Canadian boreal forest: Implications for a warming world. Global Change Biology.
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2020Pitcher, L.H., L.C. Smith, S.W. Cooley, A. Zaino, R. Carlson, J. Pettit, C.J. Gleason, J.T. Minear, J.V. Fayne, M.J. Willis, J.S. Hansen, K.J. Easterday, M.E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, S.N. Topp, W. Dolan, E.D. Kyzivat, A. Pietroniro, P. Marsh, D. Yang, T. Carter, C. Onclin, N. Hosseini, E. Wilcox, D. Moreira, M. Berge-Nguyen, J.F. Cretaux, and T.M. Pavelsky. 2020. Advancing Field-Based GNSS Surveying for Validation of Remotely Sensed Water Surface Elevation Products. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8:.
2020Pitcher, L.H., L.C. Smith, S.W. Cooley, A. Zaino, R. Carlson, J. Pettit, C.J. Gleason, J.T. Minear, J.V. Fayne, M.J. Willis, J.S. Hansen, K.J. Easterday, M.E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, S.N. Topp, W. Dolan, E.D. Kyzivat, A. Pietroniro, P. Marsh, D. Yang, T. Carter, C. Onclin, N. Hosseini, E. Wilcox, D. Moreira, M. Berge-Nguyen, J.F. Cretaux, and T.M. Pavelsky. 2020. Advancing Field-Based GNSS Surveying for Validation of Remotely Sensed Water Surface Elevation Products. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8:.
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2020Walker, X.J., B.M. Rogers, S. Veraverbeke, J.F. Johnstone, J.L. Baltzer, K. Barrett, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, N.J. Day, W.J. de Groot, C.M. Dieleman, S. Goetz, E. Hoy, L.K. Jenkins, E.S. Kane, M.A. Parisien, S. Potter, E.A.G. Schuur, M. Turetsky, E. Whitman, and M.C. Mack. 2020. Fuel availability not fire weather controls boreal wildfire severity and carbon emissions. Nature Climate Change. 10(12):1130-1136.
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2019Miller, C.E., P.C. Griffith, S.J. Goetz, E.E. Hoy, N. Pinto, I.B. McCubbin, A.K. Thorpe, M. Hofton, D. Hodkinson, C. Hansen, J. Woods, E. Larson, E.S. Kasischke, and H.A. Margolis. 2019. An overview of ABoVE airborne campaign data acquisitions and science opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8):080201.
2019Miller, C.E., P.C. Griffith, S.J. Goetz, E.E. Hoy, N. Pinto, I.B. McCubbin, A.K. Thorpe, M. Hofton, D. Hodkinson, C. Hansen, J. Woods, E. Larson, E.S. Kasischke, and H.A. Margolis. 2019. An overview of ABoVE airborne campaign data acquisitions and science opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8):080201.
2019Miller, C.E., P.C. Griffith, S.J. Goetz, E.E. Hoy, N. Pinto, I.B. McCubbin, A.K. Thorpe, M. Hofton, D. Hodkinson, C. Hansen, J. Woods, E. Larson, E.S. Kasischke, and H.A. Margolis. 2019. An overview of ABoVE airborne campaign data acquisitions and science opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8):080201.
2019Miller, C.E., P.C. Griffith, S.J. Goetz, E.E. Hoy, N. Pinto, I.B. McCubbin, A.K. Thorpe, M. Hofton, D. Hodkinson, C. Hansen, J. Woods, E. Larson, E.S. Kasischke, and H.A. Margolis. 2019. An overview of ABoVE airborne campaign data acquisitions and science opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8):080201.
2019Miller, C.E., P.C. Griffith, S.J. Goetz, E.E. Hoy, N. Pinto, I.B. McCubbin, A.K. Thorpe, M. Hofton, D. Hodkinson, C. Hansen, J. Woods, E. Larson, E.S. Kasischke, and H.A. Margolis. 2019. An overview of ABoVE airborne campaign data acquisitions and science opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8):080201.
2019Natali, S.M., J.D. Watts, B.M. Rogers, S. Potter, S.M. Ludwig, A.K. Selbmann, P.F. Sullivan, B.W. Abbott, K.A. Arndt, L. Birch, M.P. Bjorkman, A.A. Bloom, G. Celis, T.R. Christensen, C.T. Christiansen, R. Commane, E.J. Cooper, P. Crill, C. Czimczik, S. Davydov, J. Du, J.E. Egan, B. Elberling, E.S. Euskirchen, T. Friborg, H. Genet, M. Gockede, J.P. Goodrich, P. Grogan, M. Helbig, E.E. Jafarov, J.D. Jastrow, A.A.M. Kalhori, Y. Kim, J.S. Kimball, L. Kutzbach, M.J. Lara, K.S. Larsen, B.Y. Lee, Z. Liu, M.M. Loranty, M. Lund, M. Lupascu, N. Madani, A. Malhotra, R. Matamala, J. McFarland, A.D. McGuire, A. Michelsen, C. Minions, W.C. Oechel, D. Olefeldt, F.J.W. Parmentier, N. Pirk, B. Poulter, W. Quinton, F. Rezanezhad, D. Risk, T. Sachs, K. Schaefer, N.M. Schmidt, E.A.G. Schuur, P.R. Semenchuk, G. Shaver, O. Sonnentag, G. Starr, C.C. Treat, M.P. Waldrop, Y. Wang, J. Welker, C. Wille, X. Xu, Z. Zhang, Q. Zhuang, and D. Zona. 2019. Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region. Nature Climate Change. 9(11):852-857.
2019Natali, S.M., J.D. Watts, B.M. Rogers, S. Potter, S.M. Ludwig, A.K. Selbmann, P.F. Sullivan, B.W. Abbott, K.A. Arndt, L. Birch, M.P. Bjorkman, A.A. Bloom, G. Celis, T.R. Christensen, C.T. Christiansen, R. Commane, E.J. Cooper, P. Crill, C. Czimczik, S. Davydov, J. Du, J.E. Egan, B. Elberling, E.S. Euskirchen, T. Friborg, H. Genet, M. Gockede, J.P. Goodrich, P. Grogan, M. Helbig, E.E. Jafarov, J.D. Jastrow, A.A.M. Kalhori, Y. Kim, J.S. Kimball, L. Kutzbach, M.J. Lara, K.S. Larsen, B.Y. Lee, Z. Liu, M.M. Loranty, M. Lund, M. Lupascu, N. Madani, A. Malhotra, R. Matamala, J. McFarland, A.D. McGuire, A. Michelsen, C. Minions, W.C. Oechel, D. Olefeldt, F.J.W. Parmentier, N. Pirk, B. Poulter, W. Quinton, F. Rezanezhad, D. Risk, T. Sachs, K. Schaefer, N.M. Schmidt, E.A.G. Schuur, P.R. Semenchuk, G. Shaver, O. Sonnentag, G. Starr, C.C. Treat, M.P. Waldrop, Y. Wang, J. Welker, C. Wille, X. Xu, Z. Zhang, Q. Zhuang, and D. Zona. 2019. Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region. Nature Climate Change. 9(11):852-857.
2019Pitcher, L.H., T.M. Pavelsky, L.C. Smith, D.K. Moller, E.H. Altenau, G.H. Allen, C. Lion, D. Butman, S.W. Cooley, J.V. Fayne, and M. Bertram. 2019. AirSWOT InSAR Mapping of Surface Water Elevations and Hydraulic Gradients Across the Yukon Flats Basin, Alaska. Water Resources Research. 55(2):937-953.
2019Potter, S., K. Solvik, A. Erb, S.J. Goetz, J.F. Johnstone, M.C. Mack, J.T. Randerson, M.O. Roman, C.L. Schaaf, M.R. Turetsky, S. Veraverbeke, X.J. Walker, Z. Wang, R. Massey, and B.M. Rogers. 2019. Climate change decreases the cooling effect from postfire albedo in boreal North America. Global Change Biology.
2019Walker, X.J., J.L. Baltzer, S.G. Cumming, N.J. Day, C. Ebert, S. Goetz, J.F. Johnstone, S. Potter, B.M. Rogers, E.A.G. Schuur, M.R. Turetsky, and M.C. Mack. 2019. Increasing wildfires threaten historic carbon sink of boreal forest soils. Nature. 572(7770):520-523.
2019Walker, X.J., J.L. Baltzer, S.G. Cumming, N.J. Day, C. Ebert, S. Goetz, J.F. Johnstone, S. Potter, B.M. Rogers, E.A.G. Schuur, M.R. Turetsky, and M.C. Mack. 2019. Increasing wildfires threaten historic carbon sink of boreal forest soils. Nature. 572(7770):520-523.
2019Wang, J.A., and M.A. Friedl. 2019. The role of land cover change in Arctic-Boreal greening and browning trends. Environmental Research Letters. 14(12):125007.
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2018Berner, L.T., P. Jantz, K.D. Tape, and S.J. Goetz. 2018. Tundra plant above-ground biomass and shrub dominance mapped across the North Slope of Alaska. Environmental Research Letters. 13(3):035002.
2018Prather, M.J., C.M. Flynn, X. Zhu, S.D. Steenrod, S.A. Strode, A.M. Fiore, G. Correa, L.T. Murray, and J.F. Lamarque. 2018. How well can global chemistry models calculate the reactivity of short-lived greenhouse gases in the remote troposphere, knowing the chemical composition. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 11(5):2653-2668.
2018Walker, X.J., B.M. Rogers, J.L. Baltzer, S.G. Cumming, N.J. Day, S.J. Goetz, J.F. Johnstone, E.A.G. Schuur, M.R. Turetsky, and M.C. Mack. 2018. Cross-scale controls on carbon emissions from boreal forest megafires. Global Change Biology. 24(9):4251-4265.
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2020Mahoney, P.J., K. Joly, B.L. Borg, M.S. Sorum, T.A. Rinaldi, D. Saalfeld, H. Golden, A.D.M. Latham, A.P. Kelly, B. Mangipane, C.L. Koizumi, L. Neufeld, M. Hebblewhite, N.T. Boelman, and L.R. Prugh. 2020. Denning phenology and reproductive success of wolves in response to climate signals. Environmental Research Letters. 15(12):125001.
2019Foster, A.C., A.H. Armstrong, J.K. Shuman, H.H. Shugart, B.M. Rogers, M.C. Mack, S.J. Goetz, and K.J. Ranson. 2019. Importance of tree- and species-level interactions with wildfire, climate, and soils in interior Alaska: Implications for forest change under a warming climate. Ecological Modelling. 409:108765.
2019Miller, C.E., P.C. Griffith, S.J. Goetz, E.E. Hoy, N. Pinto, I.B. McCubbin, A.K. Thorpe, M. Hofton, D. Hodkinson, C. Hansen, J. Woods, E. Larson, E.S. Kasischke, and H.A. Margolis. 2019. An overview of ABoVE airborne campaign data acquisitions and science opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8):080201.
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