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ABoVE: UAV and Ground-based VNIR/SWIR Spectroscopy Data of Plant Functional Types

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Citations1 publication cited this dataset


This dataset contains 1000 reflectance scans (350-2500 nm, 1nm bands) of 100 vegetation species and orthorectified surface reflectance (400-1000 nm, 326 bands, 4-10 cm GSD) collected around the ABoVE domain. Ground scans were collected with a SpectralEvolution PSR+ spectroradiometer and imagery was collected with a UAV-based Headwall Micro A-series VNIR imaging spectrometer. Both datasets were collected in July and August of 2019 and 2020. Most acquisitions for both sensors occurred during the acquisitions of the NASA AVIRIS-NG sensor so that the plant functional types (PFT) at fine taxonomic resolution (eg. species) within the UAV images can be used to train models using AVIRIS-NG reflectance to generate PFT maps for each AVIRIS-NG scene.

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Crosscite Citation Formatter
Nelson, P.R., and K. Smith. 2022. ABoVE: UAV and Ground-based VNIR/SWIR Spectroscopy Data of Plant Functional Types. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

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Dataset has 1 companion files.

  • AK_Veg_Reflectance_UAV_VNIR.pdf