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Publications Citing Global Historical Climatology Network, 1753-1990

The following 10 publications cited the product Global Historical Climatology Network, 1753-1990.

Year Citation
2022 O’Neill, P., R. Connolly, M. Connolly, W. Soon, B. Chimani, M. Crok, R. de Vos, H. Harde, P. Kajaba, P. Nojarov, R. Przybylak, D. Rasol, O. Skrynyk, O. Skrynyk, P. Štěpánek, A. Wypych, and P. Zahradníček. 2022. Evaluation of the Homogenization Adjustments Applied to European Temperature Records in the Global Historical Climatology Network Dataset. Atmosphere. 13(2):285.
2022 Wehbe, Y. 2022. Unraveling the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Satellite-Inferred Water Resources in the Arabian Peninsula. Springer Water, Satellite Monitoring of Water Resources in the Middle East. 99-114.
2019 Singh, D. 2019. Implications of a Varying Observational Network for Accurately Estimating Recent Climate Trends. Geophysical Research Letters.
2013 Franke J., Frank, David, Raible, Christoph C., Esper, Jan, Bronnimann, Stefan.; (2013) Spectral biases in tree-ring climate proxies. Nature Clim. Change. 3(4): 360-364
2013 Franke, J., D. Frank, C.C. Raible, J. Esper, and S. Brnnimann. 2013. Spectral biases in tree-ring climate proxies. Nature Climate Change. 3(4):360-364.
2012 D'Arrigo, R., K.J. Anchukaitis, B. Buckley, E. Cook, and R. Wilson. 2012. Regional climatic and North Atlantic Oscillation signatures in West Virginia red cedar over the past millennium. Global and Planetary Change. 84-85:8-13.
2012 Wiles, G.C., C.R. Mennett, S.K. Jarvis, R.D. D'Arrigo, N. Wiesenberg, and D.E. Lawson. 2012. Tree-ring investigations into changing climatic responses of yellow-cedar, Glacier Bay, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 42(4):814-819.
2011 Gadegast, M., U. Hirt, D. Opitz, and M. Venohr. 2011. Modelling changes in nitrogen emissions into the Oder River System 1875-1944. Regional Environmental Change. 12(3):571-580.
2006 Senjyu, T. 2006. Spatiotemporal variability of interdecadal sea level oscillations in the North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research. 111(C7).
2000 Los, S.O., N.H. Pollack, M.T. Parris, G.J. Collatz, C.J. Tucker, P.J. Sellers, C.M. Malmstrom, R.S. DeFries, L. Bounoua, and D.A. Dazlich. 2000. A Global 9-yr Biophysical Land Surface Dataset from NOAA AVHRR Data. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 1(2):183-199.<0183:AGYBLS>2.0.CO;2<0183:AGYBLS>2.0.CO;2