The objectives of this study were to collect soil survey information from the FIFE study area, determine the soil types at the FIFE sites, and characterize the physical and chemical properties of the soils. The Soil Properties Reference Information Data Set provide a description of the soils and their properties at the FIFE study sites as described by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service.
Five stations representative of the Clime, Benfield, Dwight, Florence, and Tully soil types were selected, and a detailed description of the soil profile at each of these five sites was made. Soil samples from the surface down to bedrock were collected from the horizons and analyzed for bulk density, particle size distribution, moisture retention at 1/3 and 15 bar suctions, cation exchange capacity, and other chemical and physical properties, using standard procedures (Soil Survey Staff 1984).
Soil Survey Reference (FIFE).
(Soil Properties Reference Information).
The Soil Properties Reference Information Data Set provide a description of the soils and their properties at the FIFE study sites as described by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service.
The objectives were to collect soil survey information from the FIFE study area, determine the soil types at the FIFE sites, and characterize the physical and chemical properties of the soils.
Soil series name, soil horizon, depth, particle size distribution, organic carbon, nitrogen, extractable metals, extractable bases, acidity, bulk density, electrical conductivity, mottles, roots, rock fragments, concretions, and water holding capacity.
These data provide a description of the soils and their properties at the FIFE study sites as described by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service. Five pedon types were identified from 38 sitegrids within the study area. At five of these sites, detailed soil profiles were also analyzed.
Staff Science.
Staff Science Ancillary Data Acquisition Program.
Contact 1:
Fred K. Huemmrich
NASA/Goddard Sp. Fl. Ctr.
Greenbelt, MD.
(301) 286-4862
Contact 2:
Dr. Elissa Levine
NASA/Goddard Sp. Fl. Ctr.
Greenbelt, MD.
(301) 286-5100
The soil survey data was obtained by the FIFE Information System staff from the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (USDA-SCS). Thanks are due to Dr. Elissa Levine who was instrumental in acquiring, interpreting, and preparing these data.
Soil materials and soils are distributed in sufficiently uniform and recognizable entities to justify a system of classification. The technique of identifying and delineating soil units, together with the recording of such information in the form of a map, is the process of soil surveying. Reasonable objectives in soil surveys are to: (i) minimize the variation in terms of significant soil properties within mapping units while maximizing the variation among mapping units, and (ii) effectively characterize the mapping units in terms of significant soil properties.
The degree of purity of a soil mapping unit (soil series in FIFE) is its degree of homogeneity. A pure unit would consist entirely of pedons having characteristics that are in the range permitted by definition for a taxonomic unit. In terms of taxonomic units, the percent "purity" of soil mapping units ranges from about 50% for soil series and soil types to 75% for soil orders (Beckett and Webster 1971).
Soil auger, spade, clinometer, and tape measure.
The aim was to identify similar soils and separate different ones, and characterize both based on physical and chemical properties, so that interpretation could be made for other soils of the area.
Soil horizons, color, particle size distribution, organic matter, acidity, and base status.
Soil cores from a spot on the ground are laid out end to end on a tray. Horizonation and other soil profile characteristics are used to assign the soil to the right soil series (mapping unit). A representative soil profile is dug and described in detail for each mapping unit.
The soil auger cores a cylindrical section of the soil for soil identification, and a soil profile pit (approximately 1 cubic meter in volume) is dug for a detailed description.
Soil Auger:
Sauze Technical Products Corp.
116 West Service Road, Unit 128
Champlain, NY 12919
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
In 1987, all the FIFE sites were surveyed by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service personnel. The soil series at each station were identified by onsite inspection. With the exception of station 13 (6735-SCS), all other stations were found to be located on one of five soil series. These soil series were, Clime, Benfield, Dwight, Florence, and Tully.
Five stations representative of these soil types were selected, and a detailed description of the soil profile at each of these five sites was made (see the Field Notes Section). Soil samples from the surface down to bedrock were collected from the horizons and analyzed for bulk density, particle size distribution, moisture retention at 1/3 and 15 bar suctions, cation exchange capacity, and other chemical and physical properties, using standard procedures (Soil Survey Staff 1984).
In 1987, detailed soil analyses were made for the following:
Not available.
The pedons described in this data set are not the typical pedon in the mapping unit represented in the USDA-SCS soil map of the area. The representative pedon in a soil survey is usually the central concept of the designated mapping unit. The relationship between the sites in the FIFE study area and the sampled pedons are given below. A chart describing the columns is given first. Then the data pedon information is given by sitegrid.
Parameter/Variable Name
Parameter/Variable Description Range Units Source
SITEGRID_ID This is a FIS grid location code. FIS Site grid codes (SSEE-III) give the south (SS) and east (EE) cell number in a 100 x 100 array of 200 m square cells. The last 3 characters (III) are an instrument identifier.
STATION_ID The three-digit FIFE site min = 1, FIS identification number for the site max = 44 where the data were collected.
PEDON_ID The identification number for the min = 8700448, SOIL soil site as given by the Soil max = 8700452 CONSERVATION Conservation Service. Sites have SERVICE been sampled by the National Soil Survey Laboratory.
SOIL_COMPLEX_NAME The name of the soil complex for min = BENFIELD- SOIL this site as it is referred to FLORENCE COMPLEX, CONSERVATION on the soils map. max = TULLY SICL, SERVICE 8-20%
LATITUDE The north latitude. min = 39 04 16 N, [Degrees, SOIL max = 39 05 47 N Minutes, CONSERVATION Seconds] SERVICE
LONGITUDE The west longitude. min = 96 32 23 W, [Degrees, SOIL max = 96 35 49 W Minutes, CONSERVATION Seconds] SERVICE
SLOPE The approximate gradient of the min = 3, [degrees] SOIL soil slope. max = 4 CONSERVATION SERVICE
ESTIMATED_PERMEABILITY % The Soil Conservation Service min = 2, SOIL class code for the rate of water max = 2 CONSERVATION flow through the soil. SERVICE
DRAINAGE_CLASS $ The Soil Conservation Service min = 4, SOIL class name for drainage. max = 5 CONSERVATION SERVICE
ELEV The site elevation above sea level. min = 385, [meters] SOIL max = 445 CONSERVATION SERVICE
PARENT_MATERIAL_TYPE + The type of parent material for min = 2VB31XH0, SOIL the soil. max = 3XL71XH2 CONSERVATION SERVICE
MOISTURE_REGIME # Conditions at depth from 10 - 90 min = US, SOIL cm depending on the soil texture. max = US CONSERVATION SERVICE
RUNOFF & The runoff code. min = 4, SOIL max = 6 CONSERVATION SERVICE
FLOODING YES if flooding occurs at the min = NO, SOIL site, otherwise NO. max = NO CONSERVATION SERVICE
COMMENTS Information on the site location, FIS how the site may be linked to other sites, and other comments.
% Decode the ESTIMATED_PERMEABILITY field as follows:
Possible Rates (inches/hr) ---------------- Slow 1 = Very slow > .05 2 = Slow .05 - .2 Moderate 3 = Moderately slow .2 - .8 4 = Moderate .8 - 2.5 5 = Moderately rapid 2.5 - 5.0 Rapid 6 = Rapid 5.0 - 10.0 7 = Very rapid < 10
& Decode the RUNOFF field as follows:
# Decode the MOISTURE_REGIME field as follows:
Decode the PARENT_MATERIAL_TYPE field as follows:
The PARENT_MATERIAL_TYPE is an encoded 8 digit field which describes the weathering, the mode of deposition and the origin of the top 2 layers in a pedon and the fracture distance between these layers.
In these 8 digits the first digit encodes the values for the amount of weathering.
1 = Slight
2 = Moderate
3 = Strong
The second digit is the mode of deposition for the first layer in the pedon, and the sixth digit is the mode of deposition for the second layer in the pedon. The interpretation of the codes is as follows:
A = alluvium
D = glacial drift
E = eolian
F = mine spoil and earth fill
G = glacial outwash
H = volcanic ash
I = lacustrine sands
J = lacustrine silts
K = lacustrine clays
L = lacustrine
M = marine
N = marine sands
O = organic
P = marine silts
Q = marine clays
R = solid rock
S = eollan sand
T = glacial till
U = unconsolidated sediments
V = local colluvium
W = loess
X = residuum
Y = solifluctate
Z = estuarine
The third and fourth digits, and the seventh and eighth digits are 2 digit encoded values for the origin of the material in the top layer and the second layer in the pedon, respectively. The interpretation for these codes follows:
A0 = sandstone unspecified
A1 = sandstone noncalcareous
A2 = arkosic sandstone
A4 = sandstone calcareous
B0 = interbodded sedimentary unspecified
B1 = limestone sandstone shale
B2 = limestone sandstone
B3 = limestone shale
B4 = limestone siltstone
B5 = sandstone shale
B6 = sandstone siltstone
B7 = shale siltstone
C0 = conglomerate unspecified
C1 = conglomerate noncalcareous
C2 = conglomerte calcareous
E0 = ejecta ash unspecified
E1 = acidic ash
E2 = basic ash
E3 = basaltic ash
E4 = andesitic ash
E5 = cinders
E6 = pumice
E7 = scoria
E8 = volcanic bombs
H0 = shale unspecified
H1 = shale noncalcareous
H2 = shale calcareous
H3 = shale clay
I0 = igneous unspecified
I1 = igneous coarse (or intrusive)
I2 = igneous basic (e.g., gabbro)
I3 = igneous intermediate (e.g., diorite)
I4 = igneous granite
I5 = igneous fine (or extrusive)
I6 = igneous basalt
I7 = igneous andesite
I8 = igneous acid (e.g., rhyolite)
I9 = igneous ultrabasic
K0 = organic unspecified
K1 = mossy material
K2 = herbaceous material
K3 = woody material unspecified
K4 = wood fragments
K5 = logs and stumps
K6 = charcoal
K7 = coal
L0 = limestone unspecified
L1 = chalk
L2 = marble
L3 = dolomite
L4 = limestone phosphatic
L5 = limestone arenaceous
L6 = limestone argillaceous
L7 = limestone cherry
M0 = metamorphic unspecified
M1 = gneiss unspecified
M2 = gneiss acidic
M3 = gneiss basic
M4 = serpentine
M5 = schist unspecified
M6 = schist acidic
M7 = schist basic
M8 = slate
M9 = quartzite
P0 = pyroclastic unspecified
P1 = tuff unspecified
P2 = tuff acidic
P3 = tuff basic
P4 = volcanic breccia unspecified
P5 = breccia acidic
P6 = breccia basic
P7 = tuff breccia
P8 = aa
P9 = pahoehoe
S0 = sedimentary unspecified
S1 = marl
S2 = glauconite
T0 = siltstone unspecified
T1 = siltstone noncalcareous
T2 = siltstone calcareous
Y0 = mixed unspecified
Y1 = mixed noncalcareous
Y2 = mixed calcareous
Y4 = mixed igneous metamorphic and sedimentary
Y5 = mixed igneous and metamorphic
Y6 = mixed igneous and sedimentary
Y7 = mixed metamorphic and sedimentary
The fifth digit is the encoded value for the bedrock fracture distance between the top two layers. The interpretation of these codes are as follows.
1 = less than 10 cm between fractures
2 = 10 to 45 cm between fractures
3 = 45 cm to 1.0 meter between fractures
4 = 1.0 to 2.0 meters between fractures
5 = greater than 2 meters between fractures
The soil site reference information for sites within the FIFE study area follows.
SITEGRID STN_ID PEDON_ID SOIL_SERIES SOIL_COMPLEX_NAME -------- ------ -------- --------------- -------------------------- 0847-SCS 29 8700448 CLIME CLIME-SOGN COMPLEX 1445-SCS 42 8700448 CLIME CLIME-SOGN COMPLEX 1563-SCS 27 8700448 CLIME STONY STEEP LAND 2132-SCS 6 8700448 CLIME BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 2516-SCS 14 8700448 CLIME TAXAJUNCT CLIME-SOGN COMPLEX 3221-SCS 7 8700448 CLIME BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 2428-SCS 3 8700449 TULLY DWIGHT-IRWIN COMPLEX 2655-SCS 36 8700449 TULLY CLIME-SOGN COMPLEX 3129-SCS 8 8700449 TULLY BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 3414-SCS 10 8700449 TULLY IRWIN SICL, 1-4% 3921-SCS 9 8700449 TULLY TULLY SICL, 8-20% 4609-SCS 17 8700449 TULLY DWIGHT SICL 4609-SCS 22 8700449 TULLY DWIGHT SICL 5926-SCS 15 8700449 TULLY MUIR SICL 6340-SCS 20 8700449 TULLY TAXAJUNCT IRWIN SICL, 1-4% 6943-SCS 28 8700449 TULLY TULLY SICL, 1-4% 1478-SCS 38 8700450 DWIGHT CLIME-SOGN COMPLEX 1916-SCS 2 8700450 DWIGHT IRWIN SICL, 4-8% 2043-SCS 44 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT-IRWIN COMPLEX, 1-4% 2731-SCS 1 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT-IRWIN COMPLEX, 1-4% 2731-SCS 4 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT-IRWIN COMPLEX, 1-4% 4439-SCS 11 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT SICL 4439-SCS 16 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT SICL 4439-SCS 18 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT SICL 6912-SCS 19 8700450 DWIGHT IRWIN SICL, 1-4% 6912-SCS 24 8700450 DWIGHT IRWIN SICL, 1-4% 8639-SCS 21 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT SICL 8739-SCS 26 8700450 DWIGHT DWIGHT SICL 2123-SCS 5 8700451 FLORENCE BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 4168-SCS 25 8700451 FLORENCE BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 4268-SCS 30 8700451 FLORENCE BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 4268-SCS 32 8700451 FLORENCE BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 1246-SCS 40 8700452 BENFIELD CLIME-SOGN COMPLEX 2139-SCS 31 8700452 BENFIELD BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 2915-SCS 12 8700452 BENFIELD BENFIELD-FLORENCE COMPLEX 3479-SCS 34 8700452 BENFIELD CLIME-SOGN COMPLEX 6469-SCS 23 8700452 BENFIELD LABETTE-FLORENCE COMPLEX 6735-SCS 13 HOBBS HOBS SILT LOAM SITEGRID PEDON_ID LATITUDE LONGITUDE SLOPE ESTIMATED_PERMEABILITY -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----- ---------------------- 0847-SCS 8700448 2 1445-SCS 8700448 2 1563-SCS 8700448 2 2132-SCS 8700448 2 2516-SCS 8700448 39 05 12 N 96 35 39 W 4 2 3221-SCS 8700448 2 2428-SCS 8700449 2 2655-SCS 8700449 2 3129-SCS 8700449 2 3414-SCS 8700449 39 04 16 N 96 35 49 W 4 2 3921-SCS 8700449 2 4609-SCS 8700449 2 4609-SCS 8700449 2 5926-SCS 8700449 2 6340-SCS 8700449 2 6943-SCS 8700449 2 1478-SCS 8700450 2 1916-SCS 8700450 2 2043-SCS 8700450 2 2731-SCS 8700450 39 04 54 N 96 33 34 W 3 2 2731-SCS 8700450 2 4439-SCS 8700450 2 4439-SCS 8700450 2 4439-SCS 8700450 2 6912-SCS 8700450 2 6912-SCS 8700450 2 8639-SCS 8700450 2 8739-SCS 8700450 2 2123-SCS 8700451 39 05 47 N 96 34 39 W 3 4168-SCS 8700451 4268-SCS 8700451 4268-SCS 8700451 1246-SCS 8700452 2139-SCS 8700452 39 05 36 N 96 32 23 W 4 2915-SCS 8700452 3479-SCS 8700452 6469-SCS 8700452 6735-SCS SITEGRID PEDON_ID DRAINAGE_CLASS ELEV PARENT_MATERIAL_TYPE -------- -------- -------------- ----- -------------------- 0847-SCS 8700448 5 2VL72XB3 1445-SCS 8700448 5 2VL72XB3 1563-SCS 8700448 5 2VL72XB3 2132-SCS 8700448 5 2VL72XB3 2516-SCS 8700448 5 405 2VL72XB3 3221-SCS 8700448 5 2VL72XB3 2428-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 2655-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 3129-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 3414-SCS 8700449 5 410 2VB31XH0 3921-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 4609-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 4609-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 5926-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 6340-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 6943-SCS 8700449 5 2VB31XH0 1478-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 1916-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 2043-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 2731-SCS 8700450 4 445 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 2731-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 4439-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 4439-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 4439-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 6912-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 6912-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 8639-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 8739-SCS 8700450 4 2WY31WY31XL71XH2 2123-SCS 8700451 405 3XL71XH2 4168-SCS 8700451 3XL71XH2 4268-SCS 8700451 3XL71XH2 4268-SCS 8700451 3XL71XH2 1246-SCS 8700452 2VL71XH2 2139-SCS 8700452 385 2VL71XH2 2915-SCS 8700452 2VL71XH2 3479-SCS 8700452 2VL71XH2 6469-SCS 8700452 2VL71XH2 6735-SCS SITEGRID PEDON_ID MOISTURE_REGIME RUNOFF FLOODING -------- -------- --------------- ------ -------- 0847-SCS 8700448 US 6 NO 1445-SCS 8700448 US 6 NO 1563-SCS 8700448 US 6 NO 2132-SCS 8700448 US 6 NO 2516-SCS 8700448 US 6 NO 3221-SCS 8700448 US 6 NO 2428-SCS 8700449 US 5 2655-SCS 8700449 US 5 3129-SCS 8700449 US 5 3414-SCS 8700449 US 5 3921-SCS 8700449 US 5 4609-SCS 8700449 US 5 4609-SCS 8700449 US 5 5926-SCS 8700449 US 5 6340-SCS 8700449 US 5 6943-SCS 8700449 US 5 1478-SCS 8700450 US 4 1916-SCS 8700450 US 4 2043-SCS 8700450 US 4 2731-SCS 8700450 US 4 2731-SCS 8700450 US 4 4439-SCS 8700450 US 4 4439-SCS 8700450 US 4 4439-SCS 8700450 US 4 6912-SCS 8700450 US 4 6912-SCS 8700450 US 4 8639-SCS 8700450 US 4 8739-SCS 8700450 US 4 2123-SCS 8700451 US 4168-SCS 8700451 US 4268-SCS 8700451 US 4268-SCS 8700451 US 1246-SCS 8700452 US 2139-SCS 8700452 US 2915-SCS 8700452 US 3479-SCS 8700452 US 6469-SCS 8700452 US 6735-SCS SITEGRID PEDON_ID COMMENTS -------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------- 0847-SCS 8700448 BASED ON SITEGRID 2516-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 1445-SCS 8700448 BASED ON SITEGRID 2516-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 1563-SCS 8700448 BASED ON SITEGRID 2516-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 2132-SCS 8700448 BASED ON SITEGRID 2516-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 2516-SCS 8700448 THIS SITE SAMPLED BY NSSL. TAXAJUNCT TO CLIME SERIES BECAUSE OF DEPTH TO LIME. 400 FT E AND 600 FT S OF NW CORNER OF SECT 19 T.11 S. R.8 E. RILEY CO. KS 3221-SCS 8700448 BASED ON SITEGRID 2516-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 2428-SCS 8700449 LINK TO DATA FOR SITE 10. INCLUDED IN THE SITE ARE SOME PEDONS THAT HAVE SHALE AT A DEPTH OF ABOUT 40 INCHES. 2655-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 3129-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. UPPER PART OF SITE IS IN BENFIELD SOILS, LOWER PART OF SITE IS TULLY SOILS. 3414-SCS 8700449 SAMPLED BY NSSL. 500 FT W AND 750 FT S OF NE CORNER OF SECTION 25 T. 11 S., R. 7 E. GEARY CO. KS. AREA MAPPED AS IRWIN. 3921-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 4609-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 4609-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 5926-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 6340-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. TAXAJUNCT TO THE TULLY SERIES BECAUSE OF DEPTH TO LIME. 6943-SCS 8700449 BASED ON SITEGRID 3414-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 1478-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 1916-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 2043-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 2731-SCS 8700450 SAMPLED BY NSSL; 2200 FT S AND 700 FT W OF NE CORNER OF SECTION 20 T. 11 S. , R. 8 E. RILEY CO. KS 2731-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 4439-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 4439-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 4439-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 6912-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 6912-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 8639-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 8739-SCS 8700450 BASED ON SITEGRID 2731-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 2123-SCS 8700451 SAMPLED BY NSSL. SITE INCLUDES SOME LABETTE SOILS. 400 FT N AND 400 FT W OF CENTER OF SECTION 18 T. 11 S., R. 8 E. RILEY CO. KS 4168-SCS 8700451 BASED ON SITEGRID 2123-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 4268-SCS 8700451 BASED ON SITEGRID 2123-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 4268-SCS 8700451 BASED ON SITEGRID 2123-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 1246-SCS 8700452 BASED ON SITEGRID 2139-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 2139-SCS 8700452 SAMPLED BY NSSL. 2000 FT N AND 400 FT W OF THE SE CORNER OF SECTION 17 T.11 S., R. 8 E. RILEY CO. KS. 2915-SCS 8700452 BASED ON SITEGRID 2123-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 3479-SCS 8700452 BASED ON SITEGRID 2123-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 6469-SCS 8700452 BASED ON SITEGRID 2123-SCS SINCE SIMILAR SOIL SERIES. 6735-SCS ONLY TRUE ALLUVIAL SITE IN STUDY, NOT SAMPLED.
The FIFE study area, with areal extent of 15 km by 15 km, is located south of the Tuttle Reservoir and Kansas River, and about 10 km from Manhattan, Kansas, USA. The northwest corner of the area has UTM coordinates of 4,334,000 Northing and 705,000 Easting in UTM Zone 14.
Below is a list of the FIFE sites for which soil survey data exists. The stations with the latitude and longitude information were the sites where detailed soil profile descriptions were made:
SITEGRID STN_ID PEDON_ID SOIL_SERIES LATITUDE LONGITUDE -------- ------ -------- --------------- ------------ ------------ 0847-SCS 29 8700448 CLIME 1445-SCS 42 8700448 CLIME 1563-SCS 27 8700448 CLIME 2132-SCS 6 8700448 CLIME 2516-SCS 14 8700448 CLIME TAXAJUNCT 39 05 12 N 96 35 39 W 3221-SCS 7 8700448 CLIME 2428-SCS 3 8700449 TULLY 2655-SCS 36 8700449 TULLY 3129-SCS 8 8700449 TULLY 3414-SCS 10 8700449 TULLY 39 04 16 N 96 35 49 W 3921-SCS 9 8700449 TULLY 4609-SCS 17 8700449 TULLY 4609-SCS 22 8700449 TULLY 5926-SCS 15 8700449 TULLY 6340-SCS 20 8700449 TULLY TAXAJUNCT 6943-SCS 28 8700449 TULLY 1478-SCS 38 8700450 DWIGHT 1916-SCS 2 8700450 DWIGHT 2043-SCS 44 8700450 DWIGHT 2731-SCS 1 8700450 DWIGHT 39 04 54 N 96 33 34 W 2731-SCS 4 8700450 DWIGHT 4439-SCS 11 8700450 DWIGHT 4439-SCS 16 8700450 DWIGHT 4439-SCS 18 8700450 DWIGHT 6912-SCS 19 8700450 DWIGHT 6912-SCS 24 8700450 DWIGHT 8639-SCS 21 8700450 DWIGHT 8739-SCS 26 8700450 DWIGHT 2123-SCS 5 8700451 FLORENCE 39 05 47 N 96 34 39 W 4168-SCS 25 8700451 FLORENCE 4268-SCS 30 8700451 FLORENCE 4268-SCS 32 8700451 FLORENCE 1246-SCS 40 8700452 BENFIELD 2139-SCS 31 8700452 BENFIELD 39 05 36 N 96 32 23 W 2915-SCS 12 8700452 BENFIELD 3479-SCS 34 8700452 BENFIELD 6469-SCS 23 8700452 BENFIELD 6735-SCS 13 HOBBS
Not available.
These were point data. However, the soil profile information represents data from approximately 1 meter square area.
Not available.
Not available.
These data were acquired during the summer of 1987.
Not available.
Soil profiles are generally stable for hundreds of years or more.
The SQL definition for this table is found in the SOILSURV.TDF file located on FIFE CD-ROM Volume 1.
Parameter/Variable Name
Parameter/Variable Description Range Units Source
PEDON_ID The identification number for the min = 8700448, SOIL soil site as given by the Soil max = 8700453 CONSERVATION Conservation Service. SERVICE
SOIL_SERIES The name of the soil series at min = BENFIELD, SOIL this site. max = TULLY CONSERVATION SERVICE
SOIL_HORIZON_LAYER The soil horizon layer number, 1 min = 1, SOIL being the top layer. max = 9 CONSERVATION SERVICE
SOIL_HORIZON_DESCR * The soil horizon description. min = A, SOIL max = 4CR CONSERVATION SERVICE
TOTAL_CLAY The percent of total clay min = 16.9, [percent] SOIL (particles < 0.002 mm diameter) max = 73.9 CONSERVATION in this horizon. SERVICE
TOTAL_SILT The percent of total silt min = 16.9, [percent SOIL (particles between 0.05 and 0.002 max = 67.7 CONSERVATION mm diameter) in this horizon. SERVICE
TOTAL_SAND The percent of total sand min = 2.1, [percent] SOIL (particles between 2.0 and 0.05 max = 38 CONSERVATION mm diameter) in this horizon. SERVICE
FINE_SILT The percent of fine silt in this min = 10.5, [percent] SOIL horizon. max = 60.5 CONSERVATION SERVICE
COARSE_SILT The percent of coarse silt in min = 3.3, [percent] SOIL this horizon. max = 39.5 CONSERVATION SERVICE
VERY_FINE_SAND The percent of very fine sand min = 1.1, [percent] SOIL (particles between 0.1 and 0.05 max = 8.7 CONSERVATION mm diameter) in this horizon. SERVICE
FINE_SAND The percent of fine sand min = -2, [percent] SOIL (particles between 0.25 and 0.1 max = 7.2, CONSERVATION mm diameter) in this horizon. -2 = dash, SERVICE -1 = trace amount
MEDIUM_SAND The percent of medium sand min = -2, [percent SOIL (particles between 0.5 and 0.25 max = 7.2, CONSERVATION mm diameter) in this horizon. -2 = dash, SERVICE -1 = trace amount
COARSE_SAND The percent of coarse sand min = -2, [percent] SOIL (particles between 1.0 and 0.5 max = 8.2, CONSERVATION mm diameter) in this horizon. -2 = dash, SERVICE -1 = trace amount
VERY_COARSE_SAND The percent of very coarse sand min = -2, [percent] SOIL (particles between 2.0 and 1.0 max = 8.7, CONSERVATION mm diameter) in this horizon. -2 = dash, SERVICE -1 = trace amount
ORGANIC_CARBON The percent of organic carbon in min = .09, [percent] SOIL this horizon. max = 5.8 CONSERVATION SERVICE
ORGANIC_NITROGEN The percent of organic nitrogen min = -3, [percent] SOIL in this horizon. max = .38, CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
EXTRACTABLE_FE The percent dithionite citrate min = .3, [percent] SOIL extractable iron from this horizon. max = 2.4 CONSERVATION SERVICE
EXTRACTABLE_AL The percent dithionite citrate min = -1, [percent] SOIL extractable aluminum from this max = .4, CONSERVATION horizon. -1 = trace amount SERVICE
EXTRACTABLE_CA The NH4OAC (pH 7) extractable min = 17.2, [MEQ][100 SOIL calcium from this horizon. max = 63.3 grams^-1] CONSERVATION
EXTRACTABLE_MG The NH4OAC (pH 7) extractable min = .5, [MEQ][100 SOIL magnesium from this horizon. max = 10.7 grams^-1] CONSERVATION SERVICE
EXTRACTABLE_NA The NH4OAC (pH 7) extractable min = -1, [MEQ][100 SOIL sodium from this horizon. max = 6.5, grams^-1] CONSERVATION -1 = trace amount SERVICE
EXTRACTABLE_K The NH4OAC (pH 7) extractable min = -1, [MEQ][100 SOIL potassium from this horizon. max = 1.7, grams^-1] CONSERVATION -1 = trace amount SERVICE
SUM_EXTRACTABLE_BASES The sum of the NH4OAC (pH 7) min = 23.5, [MEQ][100 SOIL extractable bases in this horizon. max = 64.6 grams^-1] CONSERVATION SERVICE
EXTRACTABLE_ACIDITY The NH4OAC (pH 8.2) extractable min = -3, [MEQ][100 SOIL acidity in this horizon. max = 13.3, grams^-1] CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
CATION_EXCHANGE_CAPACITY The NH4OAC (pH 7) cation exchange min = 9.3, [MEQ][100 SOIL capacity in this horizon. max = 54 grams^-1] CONSERVATION SERVICE
BASE_SATRTN The NH4OAC (pH 7) base saturation min = 82.3, [percent] SOIL for this horizon. max = 440.9 CONSERVATION SERVICE
CARBONATE_FRACTION The carbonate > 2 mm fraction for min = -3, [MEQ] SOIL this horizon. max = 69.4, [liter^-1] CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
SOIL_RESISTIVITY The soil resistivity. min = -3, [ohms] SOIL max = 570, CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
SOIL_WATER_SUSPENSION_PH The pH for a 1:1 soil-water min = 5.8, [Standard SOIL suspension. max = 8.8 Units] CONSERVATION SERVICE
SOIL_CACL2_SUSPENSION_PH The pH for a 1:2 soil-CaCl2 min = 5.4, [Standard SOIL suspension. max = 7.9 Units] CONSERVATION SERVICE
BICARB_SATRTN_EXTRCT The bicarbonate saturation min = -3, [MEQ] SOIL extract (H2O) for this horizon. max = 9, [liter^-1] CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
CHLORIDE_SATRTN_EXTRCT The chloride saturation extract min = -3, [MEQ] SOIL (H2O) for this horizon. max = 24.7, [liter^-1] CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
SULFATE_SATRTN_EXTRCT The sulfate saturation extract min = -3, [MEQ] SOIL (H2O) for this horizon. max = 17.1, [liter^-1] CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
CONDCTVTY_SATRTN_EXTRCT The electric conductivity min = -3, [milliMhos] SOIL saturation extract for this max = 4.35, [cm^-1] CONSERVATION horizon. -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
BULK_DENSITY The bulk density at 1/3 bar min = -3, [grams] SOIL tension for this horizon. max = 1.79, [cm^-3] CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
COARSE_FRAGMENTS The percent of coarse fragments min = -3, [percent] SOIL (particles > 2 mm diameter) for max = 96, CONSERVATION this horizon. -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
DEPTH_TO_TOP The depth to the top of the min = 0, [cm] SOIL soil horizon. max = 167 CONSERVATION SERVICE
DEPTH_TO_BOTTOM The depth to the bottom of the min = 10, [cm] SOIL soil horizon. max = 185 CONSERVATION SERVICE
DRY_COLOR $ The dry soil color (hue, value min = 10YR 31, SOIL and chroma) using the Munsell max = 7.5YR54 CONSERVATION notation. SERVICE
MOIST_COLOR ** The moist soil color (hue, value min = 10YR 21, SOIL and chroma) using the Munsell max = 7.5YR44 CONSERVATION notation. SERVICE
SOIL_TEXTURE_CLASS # An abbreviation for the soil min = CL, SOIL texture class. Soil texture is max = WB CONSERVATION based on the relative proportions SERVICE of clay, silt, and sand.
SOIL_STRUCTURE_CLASS & An abbreviation for the soil min = 0 MA, SOIL structure class. Soil structure max = 3M GR CONSERVATION is a description of how soil SERVICE particles aggregate.
DRY_SOIL_CONSISTENCE $$ An abbreviation for the dry soil min = 000, SOIL consistence. Consistence refers max = VH CONSERVATION to the degree and kind of adhesion SERVICE of soil particles.
MOIST_SOIL_CONSISTENCE ## An abbreviation for the soil min = EFI, SOIL consistence when moist. max = VFI CONSERVATION Consistence refers to the degree SERVICE and kind of adhesion of soil particles.
SOIL_MOTTLE ! A description of variations min = C 1 D10YR SOIL (abundance and contrast) in the 56, CONSERVATION soil coloring. Mottling in soils max = C 2 D7.5Y SERVICE is described by the colors and R46 patterns of the soil.
SOIL_SURFACE_FEATURES && The gross characteristics of the min = ACCD27.5Y SOIL soil surface (stoniness, erosion, R32, CONSERVATION etc.). max = TMDFR5YR SERVICE 34
LOWER_BNDRY_DISTINCTNESS + A description of the distinctness min = AS, SOIL of the lower horizon boundary. max = GW CONSERVATION SERVICE
EFFERVESCENCE_CLASS The strength of the effervescence min = 1, SOIL reaction to an acid; 1 = slight, max = 3 CONSERVATION 2 = strong, 3 = violent. SERVICE
EFFERVESCENCE_AGENT The agent used to test min = I, SOIL effervescence. max = I CONSERVATION SERVICE
DEGREE_OF_EFFERVESCENCE The degree of effervescence min = C, SOIL displayed by the soil. max = D CONSERVATION SERVICE
ROOT_DISTRIBUTION ++ A description of the distribution min = C 1 C, SOIL of roots in the horizon. max = M 1 T CONSERVATION SERVICE
CONCRETIONS *+ A description of the amount and min = A2C Z2, SOIL type of concretions. max = M3F Z1 CONSERVATION SERVICE
ROCK_FRAGMENTS #$ A description of the amount and min = C011, SOIL type of rock fragments. max = Y071 CONSERVATION SERVICE
WATER_EXTRCTD_1_THIRD_BAR The amount of water extracted min = -3, [percent] SOIL from the soil at 1/3 bar. max = 46.4, CONSERVATION -3 = blank, SERVICE -2 = dash, -1 = trace amount
WATER_EXTRCTD_15_BAR The amount of water extracted min = 7.2, [percent] SOIL from the soil at 15 bar. max = 30.7 CONSERVATION SERVICE
Decode the SOIL_HORIZON_LAYER field as follows:
Symbol Description ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ A Mineral, mixed with humus, dark colored. A1 Mineral, accumulation of humidified organic matter. A2 Maximum eluviation of clay, E horizon in new nomenclature. AB Transition to B, more like A than B. AP Plowed of disturbed A. BA Transition to A, more like B than A. BC Transition to C, more like B than C. BT1 Maximum accumulation of clay, first part. BT2 Maximum accumulation of clay, second part. BT3 Maximum accumulation of clay, third part. BW1 Color or structural B, first part. BW2 Color or structural B, second part. BW3 Color or structural B, third part. BW4 Color or structural B, fourth part. BW5 Color or structural B, fifth part. C1 Least weathering or accumulation, first part. CR Transition to bedrock (R), more like C than R. 2BC Second parent material, Transition to C, more like B than C. 2BT2 Second parent material, maximum accumulation of clay, second part. 2BT4 Second parent material, maximum accumulation of clay, fourth part. 2BT5 Second parent material, maximum accumulation of clay, fifth part. 2BT6 Second parent material, maximum accumulation of clay, sixth part. 2C Second parent material, least weathering or accumulation. 2C1 Second parent material, least weathering or accumulation, first part 2C2 Second parent material, least weathering or accumulation, 2nd part. 2CR Second parent material, transition to bedrock, more like C than R. 3BT7 Third parent material, maximum accumulation of clay, seventh part. 4CR Fourth parent material, transition to bedrock, more like C than R.
$ Decode the DRY_COLOR field as follows:
Symbol Description ------- --------------------- 10YR 31 Very dark gray 10YR 41 Dark gray 10YR 42 Dark grayish brown 10YR 43 Brown 10YR 53 Brown 10YR 54 Yellowish brown 10YR 64 Light yellowish brown 2.5Y 64 Light yellowish brown 2.5Y 74 Pale yellow 5YR 43 Reddish brown 7.5YR42 Brown 7.5YR44 Brown 7.5YR54 Brown
** Decode the MOIST_COLOR field as follows:
Symbol Description ------- ----------------------- 10YR 21 Black 10YR 31 Very dark gray 10YR 32 Very dark grayish brown 10YR 33 Dark brown 10YR 43 Brown 10YR 44 Dark yellowish brown 10YR 54 Yellowish 2.5Y 54 Light olive brown 2.5Y 64 Light yellowish brown 2.5Y 74 Pale yellow 5Y 51 Gray 5YR 33 Dark reddish brown 5YR 46 Yellowish red 7.5YR32 Dark brown 7.5YR34 Dark brown 7.5YR44 Dark brown to brown
# Decode the SOIL_TEXTURE_CLASS field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ ---------------- CL Clay loam SIC Silty clay SICL Silty clay loam SIL Silty loam WB Weathered bedrock
& Decode the SOIL_STRUCTURE_CLASS field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ -------------------------------- 0 MA Structureless, massive 1F SBK Weak, fine, subangular blocky 1M PR Weak, medium, prismatic 1M SBK Weak, medium, subangular blocky 2F GR Moderate, fine, granular 2F SBK Moderate, fine, subangular blocky 2M COL Moderate, medium, columnar 2M GR Moderate, medium, granular 2M PR Moderate, medium, prismatic 2M SBK Moderate, medium, subangular blocky 3M GR Strong, medium, granular
$$ Decode the DRY_SOIL_CONSISTENCE field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ -------------- 000 Not described (soil in moist or wet state) H Hard SH Slightly hard VH Very hard
## Decode the MOIST_SOIL_CONSIST field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ --------------- EFI Extremely firm FI Firm FR Friable VFI Very firm
! Decode the SOIL_MOTTLE field using the method given below:
This field is a 10 to 12 digit field which encodes the abundance, size, contrast and color of the soil sample. The form of the code is as follows:
A = Abundance and is either:
F = Few (5 to 25%)
C = Common (25 to 50%)
M = Many (greater than 50%)
b = a blank space in the field
S = Size and is either:
1 = Fine (major axis is less than 5 mm)
2 = Medium (major axis is between 5 and 15 mm)
3 = Coarse (major axis is greater than 15 mm)
C = Contrast and is either:
F = Faint (recognizable only on close examination)
D = Distinct (readily seen)
P = Prominent (obvious and an outstanding feature of horizon)
KKKKKKK = Color of the horizon - described by its Hue, Value and Chroma. Where the first five digits are the code for the Hue, the sixth digit is the code for the Value and the seventh digit is the code for the Chroma.
Hue = dominant spectral (rainbow) color
10 R
2.5 YR
5 YR
7.5 YR
10 YR
2.5 Y
5 Y
R = Red
YR = yellow-red/orange
Y = yellow
0 - 10 where each number is more yellow and less red than the next higher number.
Value = relative lightness of the color
0 - 10
0 = absolute black
10 = absolute white
Chroma (saturation) = relative purity or strength of the spectral color
0 - 20
0 = neutral grays and increasing equal intervals
&& Decode the SOIL_SURF_FEATURES field as follows:
Symbol Description ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ACCDZ7.5YR32 Skeltans over cutans, common, continuous, distinct, on vertical and horizontal faces, dark brown AMCFZ10YR 31 Skeltans over cutans, many, continuous, faint, on vertical and horizontal faces, very dark gray MCDDZ10YR 21 Mn or Fe-Mn stains, common, discontinuous, distinct, on vertical and horizontal faces, black OFPFV10YR 21 Organic coats, few, patchy, faint, on vertical faces of peds, black QM FT10YR 43 Non-intersecting slickensides, many, faint, throughout, brown QM FT10YR 44 Non-intersecting slickensides, many, faint, throughout, dark yellowish brown TCDDZ10YR 44 Clay films, common, discontinuous, distinct, on vertical and horizontal faces, dark yellowish brown TCDFZ10YR 32 Clay films, common, discontinuous, faint, on vertical and horizontal faces, very dark grayish brown TCDFZ7.5YR34 Clay films, common, discontinuous, faint, on vertical and horizontal faces, dark brown TCPDZ7.5YR32 Clay films, common, patchy, distinct, on vertical and horizontal faces, dark brown TFPFZ10YR 22 Clay films, few, patchy, faint, on vertical and horizontal faces, very dark brown TMCDZ5YR 33 Clay films, many, continuous, distinct, on vertical and horizontal faces, dark reddish brown TMCDZ7.5YR32 Clay films, many, continuous, distinct, on vertical and horizontal faces, dark brown TMCDZ7.5YR44 Clay films, many, continuous, distinct, on vertical and horizontal faces, brown TMCFP5YR 33 Clay films, many, continuous, faint, on faces of peds, dark reddish brown TMCFR5YR 34 Clay films, many, continuous, faint, on rock fragments, dark reddish brown TMCFZ5YR 44 Clay films, many, continuous, faint, on vertical and horizontal faces, reddish brown TMDFR5YR 34 Clay films, many, discontinuous, faint, on rock fragments, dark reddish brown
Decode the LOWER_BNDRY_DISTINCTNESS field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ --------------- AS Abrupt, smooth AW Abrupt, wavy CS Clear, smooth CW Clear, wavy GS Gradual, smooth GW Gradual, wavy
++ Decode the ROOTS_DISTRIBUTION field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ -------------------------- C 1 C Common, fine, cracks C 1 P Common, fine, between peds C 1 T Common, fine, throughout F 1 C Few, fine, cracks F 1 P Few, fine, between peds F 1 T Few, fine, throughout F V1T Few, very fine, throughout M 1 P Many, fine, between peds M 1 T Many, fine, throughout
*+ Decode the CONCRETIONS field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ --------------------------------------------------- A2C Z2 Clay bodies, common, irregular, medium C2M Z2 Soft masses, many, irregular, medium F3C O1 Iron concretions, common, rounded, fine K2C 2 Soft masses of carbonate, common, medium K2C 3 Soft masses of carbonate, common, coarse K2M 3 Soft masses of carbonate, many, coarse K3F O1 Carbonate concretions, many, rounded, fine K4C Z2 Carbonate nodules, common, irregular, medium K4F Z2 Carbonate nodules, few, irregular, medium M3C O1 Iron and Manganese concretions, common, rounded, fine M3C Z1 Iron and Manganese concretions, common, irregular, fine M3F O1 Iron and Manganese concretions, few, rounded, fine M3F Z1 Iron and Manganese concretions, few, irregular, fine
#$ Decode the ROCK_FRAGMENTS field as follows:
Symbol Description ------ --------------------------------------- C011 Conglomerate, 1% of soil volume, gravel H051 Shale, 5% of soil volume, gravel H201 Shale, 20% of soil volume, gravel H301 Shale, 30% of soil volume, gravel H501 Shale, 50% of soil volume, gravel H751 Shale, 75% of soil volume, gravel S021 Sedimentary, 2% of soil volume, gravel S041 Sedimentary, 4% of soil volume, gravel S051 Sedimentary, 5% of soil volume, gravel S101 Sedimentary, 10% of soil volume, gravel S151 Sedimentary, 15% of soil volume, gravel S351 Sedimentary, 35% of soil volume, gravel S401 Sedimentary, 40% of soil volume, gravel S501 Sedimentary, 50% of soil volume, gravel S601 Sedimentary, 60% of soil volume, gravel S902 Sedimentary, 90% of soil volume, cobbles Y011 Mixed lithology, 1% of soil volume, gravel Y021 Mixed lithology, 2% of soil volume, gravel Y041 Mixed lithology, 4% of soil volume, gravel Y071 Mixed lithology, 7% of soil volume, gravel
PEDON_ID SOIL_SERIES SOIL_HORIZON_LAYER SOIL_HORIZON_DESCR TOTAL_CLAY -------- ------------ ------------------ ------------------ ---------- 8700448 CLIME 1 A1 46.70 8700448 CLIME 2 A2 59.40 8700448 CLIME 3 BT1 65.90 8700448 CLIME 4 2BT2 33.40 TOTAL_SILT TOTAL_SAND FINE_SILT COARSE_SILT VERY_FINE_SAND FINE_SAND ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- -------------- --------- 45.90 7.40 21.40 24.50 4.90 .70 32.70 7.90 19.30 13.40 2.70 .70 30.80 3.30 22.40 8.40 1.20 .60 59.30 7.30 50.30 9.00 2.50 2.20 MEDIUM_SAND COARSE_SAND VERY_COARSE_SAND ORGANIC_CARBON ORGANIC_NITROGEN ----------- ----------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------- .50 .60 .70 4.820 .380 .70 1.00 2.80 2.500 .270 .30 .50 .70 1.520 .180 1.20 .70 .70 .730 .080 EXTRACTABLE_FE EXTRACTABLE_AL EXTRACTABLE_CA EXTRACTABLE_MG EXTRACTABLE_NA -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 1.30 .20 32.60 4.00 -1.00 1.60 .20 34.30 4.00 .10 1.90 .30 45.70 2.60 .10 .80 .10 63.30 1.00 -1.00 EXTRACTABLE_K SUM_EXTRACTABLE_BASES EXTRACTABLE_ACIDITY ------------- --------------------- ------------------- 1.30 37.90 10.60 .80 39.20 10.90 .70 49.10 8.40 .20 64.60 -3.00 CATION_EXCHANGE_CAPACITY BASE_SATRTN CARBONATE_FRACTION SOIL_RESISTIVITY ------------------------ ----------- ------------------ ---------------- 41.80 90.70 -3.00 -3 45.00 87.10 -3.00 -3 48.40 101.40 -3.00 -3 28.60 225.90 22.50 -3 SOIL_WATER_SUSPENSION_PH SOIL_CACL2_SUSPENSION_PH BICARB_SATRTN_EXTRCT ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------- 6.20 5.80 5.90 6.10 5.50 -3.00 7.00 6.30 -3.00 8.30 7.70 -3.00 CHLORIDE_SATRTN_EXTRCT SULFATE_SATRTN_EXTRCT CONDCTVTY_SATRTN_EXTRCT ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- .20 .80 .710 -3.00 -3.00 -3.000 -3.00 -3.00 -3.000 -3.00 -3.00 -3.000 BULK_DENSITY COARSE_FRAGMENTS DEPTH_TO_TOP DEPTH_TO_BOTTOM DRY_COLOR ------------ ---------------- ------------ --------------- --------- .980 18 15 10YR 31 1.130 70 15 41 10YR 42 1.210 37 41 62 7.5YR 54 1.430 9 62 78 10YR 64 MOIST_COLOR SOIL_TEXTURE_CLASS SOIL_STRUCTURE_CLASS DRY_SOIL_CONSISTENCE ----------- ------------------ -------------------- -------------------- 10YR 21 SICL 3M GR 000 10YR 32 SICL 2M GR 000 7.5YR44 SIC 2F SBK 000 10YR 54 SICL 2F SBK 000 MOIST_SOIL_CONSISTENCE SOIL_MOTTLE SOIL_SURFACE_FEATURES ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- FI FI FI TMCDZ7.5YR32 FI TCPDZ7.5YR32 LOWER_BNDRY_DISTINCTNESS EFFERVESCENCE_CLASS EFFERVESCENCE_AGENT ------------------------ ------------------- ------------------- CW CW GW GW 2 I DEGREE_OF_EFFERVESCENCE ROOT_DISTRIBUTION CONCRETIONS ROCK_FRAGMENTS ----------------------- ----------------- ----------- -------------- M 1 T S151 M 1 T S601 C 1 P S501 C F 1 P K2C 2 H051 WATER_EXTRCTD_1_THIRD_BAR WATER_EXTRCTD_15_BAR ------------------------- -------------------- 35.40 23.70 37.80 26.80 35.90 27.80 25.20 15.40
These were point data. However, the soil profile information represents data from approximately 1 meter square area.
A general description of data granularity as it applies to the IMS appears in the EOSDIS Glossary.
The CD-ROM file format consists of numerical and character fields of varying length separated by commas. The character fields are enclosed with a single apostrophe. There are no spaces between the fields. Each file begins with five header records. Header records contain the following information: Record 1 Name of this file, its table name, number of records in this file, path and name of the document that describes the data in this file, and name of principal investigator for these data. Record 2 Path and filename of the previous data set, and path and filename of the next data set. (Path and filenames for files that contain another set of data taken at the same site on the same day.) Record 3 Path and filename of the previous site, and path and filename of the next site. (Path and filenames for files of the same data set taken on the same day for the previous and next sites (sequentially numbered by SITEGRID_ID)). Record 4 Path and filename of the previous date, and path and filename of the next date. (Path and filenames for files of the same data set taken at the same site for the previous and next date.) Record 5 Column names for the data within the file, delimited by commas. Record 6 Data records begin.
Each field represents one of the attributes listed in the chart in the Data Characteristics Section and described in detail in the TDF file. These fields are in the same order as in the chart.
Not available at this revision.
Not available at this revision.
Not available at this revision.
Not available at this revision.
Not available at this revision.
There are several sources of error in a soil survey, these include the subjective descriptions used for several of the variables, and the errors inherent in the soil chemistry measurements.
No information on data validation was provided by the USDA-SCS.
No information on this was provided by the USDA-SCS.
No quantitative assessment was made, see the Confidence Level/Accuracy Judgment Section.
Other errors mentioned in the Sources of Error Section above were not quantified.
Not available at this revision.
The data verification performed by the ORNL DAAC deals with the quality of the data format, media, and readability. The ORNL DAAC does not make an assessment of the quality of the data itself except during the course of performing other QA procedures as described below.
The FIFE data were transferred to the ORNL DAAC via CD-ROM. These CD-ROMs are distributed by the ORNL DAAC unmodified as a set or in individual volumes, as requested. In addition, the DAAC has incorporated each of the 98 FIFE tabular datasets from the CD-ROMs into its online data holdings. Incorporation of these data involved the following steps:
Each distinct type of data (i.e. "data set" on the CD-ROM), is accompanied by a documentation file (i.e., .doc file) and a data format/structure definition file (i.e., .tdf file). The data format files on the CD-ROM are Oracle SQL commands (e.g., "create table") that can be used to set up a relational database table structure. This file provides column/variable names, character/numeric type, length, and format, and labels/comments. These SQL commands were converted to SAS code and were used to create SAS data sets and subsequently to input data files directly from the CD-ROM into a SAS dataset. During this process, file names and directory paths were captured and metadata was extracted to the extent possible electronically. No files were found to be corrupted or unreadable during the conversion process.
Additional Quality Assurance procedures were performed as follows:
As errors are discovered in the online tabular data by investigators, users, or DAAC staff, corrections are made in cooperation with the principal investigators. These corrections are then distributed to users. CD-ROM data are corrected when re-mastering occurs for replenishment of CD-ROM stock.
Not available.
The pedons described in this data set are not the typical pedon in the mapping unit (soil series) represented in the USDA-SCS soil map of the area. Therefore, caution should be exercised in using specific information from one site to interpret data from another site with the same soil series, bearing in mind the heterogeneity that is possible in a soilscape.
At the request of a non-FIFE investigator the USDA - Soil Conservation Service made a detailed description of the following soils within the FIFE study area in 1990.
Note: Only 3 of the 5 soil series found within the FIFE area were sampled by this investigator. Second, these are the actual field measurements and observations. They may not agree with the conceptual soil unit relationships.
Pedon Narrative Description
Soils Series: Clime
Soil Survey #S90-KS-l6l-536
Survey Area ID: 600
Map Unit Symbol: BF
Photo Number: 36
Description Type: full pedon description
Pedon Type: Map unit inclusion
Correlated Name: Benfield - Florence Complex
Location: FIFE 9l0 (3317-SCS) l600 ft E and l00 ft
N of the SW corner Section l9 TllS, R8E
Latitude: 39-04-24-N
Longitude: 096-35-l5-W
Classification: fine, mixed, mesic Entic Haplustoll
Physiography: Hillside in Hills
Geomorphic Position: on upper third, back slope of a side slope
Slope Characteristics: 35% west facing plane horizontal, convex vertical
Elevation: 420 m MSL
Precipitation: ustic moisture regime
MLRA: 76
Hydraulic Conductivity: moderately low
Drainage Class: somewhat excessively drained
Particle Size Control Section: 25 to 9l cm
Runoff: rapid
Parent Material: local colluvium from limestone-shale material over residuum from limestone-shale material
Diagnostic Horizons: 0 to 60 cm mollic, 30 to 9l cm cambic, 9l to l0l cm paralithic contact
Described By: William Wehmueller
Date: 0l/90
Notes: FIFE Station 9l0 (3317-SCS) on Konza Prairie
Soils Series: Tully
Soil Survey # S90-KS-l6l-537
Survey Area ID: 600
Map Unit Symbol: BF
Photo Number: 36
Description Type: full pedon description
Pedon Type: Map unit inclusion
Correlated Name: Benfield - Florence Complex
Location: Fife 908 700 ft W and 600 ft N of the SE corner Section l8 Tlls, R8E
Latitude: 39-05-l6-N
Longitude: 096-33-28-W
Classification: fine, mixed, mesic Pachic Argiustoll
Physiology: Hillside in Hills
Geomorphic Position: on upper third, foot slope of a side slope
Slope Characteristics: l7% east facing concave horizontal, plane vertical
Elevation: 4l4 m MSL
Precipitation: ustic moisture regime
MLRA: 76
Hydraulic Conductivity: low
Drainage Class: well drained
Land Use: rangeland not grazed
Particle Size Control Section: 27 to 76 cm
Parent Material: local colluvium from limestone-shale material
Diagnostic Horizons: 0 to 55 cm mollic, 27 to ll9 cm argillic
Described By: William Wehmueller
Date: 0l/90
Notes: FIFE 908 (2330-SCS) on Konza Prairie
Soils Series: Benfield
Soil Survey # S90-KS-l6l-535
Survey Area ID: 600
Map Unit Symbol: BF
Photo Number: 36
Description Type: full pedon description
Pedon Type: within range of map unit
Correlated Name: Benfield - Florence Complex
Location: FIFE 9l2 (3129-SCS) l300 ft W and 400 ft N of
the SE corner Section l9 TllS, R8E
Latitude: 39-04-28-N
Longitude: 096-33-32-W
Classification: fine, mixed, mesic Pachic Argiustoll
Physiography: Hillside in Hills
Geomorphic Position: on lower third, back slope of a side slope
Slope Characteristics: 25% northeast facing convex horizontal, convex vertical
Elevation: 4l4 m MSL
Precipitation: ustic moisture regime
MLRA: 76
Hydraulic Conductivity: low
Drainage Class: somewhat excessively drained
Land Use: rangeland not grazed
Particle Size Control Section: 30 to 76 cm
Runoff: rapid
Parent Material: local colluvium from limestone-shale material over residuum from shale-calcareous material
Diagnostic Horizons: 0 to 60 cm mollic, 30 to 9l cm argillic, lll to l2l cm paralithic contact
Described By: William Wehmueller
Date: 0l/90
Notes: FIFE 9l2 (3129-SCS) on Konza Prairie
Not available.
The FIFE field campaigns were held in 1987 and 1989 and there are no plans for new data collection. Field work continues near the FIFE site at the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Konza research site (i.e., LTER continues to monitor the site). The FIFE investigators are continuing to analyze and model the data from the field campaigns to produce new data products.
Software to access the data set is available on the all volumes of the FIFE CD-ROM set. For a detailed description of the available software see the Software Description Document.
ORNL DAAC User Services
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Telephone: (865) 241-3952
FAX: (865) 574-4665
ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Telephone: (865) 241-3952
FAX: (865) 574-4665
Users may place requests by telephone, electronic mail, or FAX. Data is also available via the World Wide Web at
FIFE data are available from the ORNL DAAC. Please contact the ORNL DAAC User Services Office for the most current information about these data.
Soil Properties Reference Information data are available on FIFE CD-ROM Volume 1. The CD-ROM filename is as follows:
Soil Survey Staff. 1975. Soil Taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. USDA-SCS Agri. Handb. 436. U.S. Gov. Print. Office. Washington, DC.
Soil Survey Staff. 1984. Procedures for collecting soil samples and methods of analysis for soil survey. USDA-SCS Soil Surv. Invest. Rep. no. 1. U.S. Gov. Print. Office. Washington, DC.
Soil Survey Staff. 1990. Keys to soil taxonomy. 4th ed. Soil Manage. Support Serv. Tech. Monogr. 19. Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ. Blacksburg, VA.
Bauer, M.E., L.L. Biehl, C.S.J. Daughtry, B.F. Robinson, and E.R. Stoner. 1978. Final Report: Agricultural scene understanding and supporting field research. LARS Contract Report no. 112879. Purdue Univ. West Lafayette, IN.
Baumgardner, M.F., E.R. Stoner, L.F. Silva, and L.L. Biehl. 1985. Reflectance properties of soils. In: N. Brady (ed). Adv. Agron. 38:1-44.
Beckett, P.H.T., and R. Webster. 1971. Soil variability: A review. Soils and Fertilizer. 34:1-16.
Buol, S.W., F.D. Hole, R.J. McCracken. 1980. Soil Genesis and Classification. 2nd ed. Iowa State Univ. Press Ames. 406pp. See pp23.
Obukhov, A.I., and D.S. Orlov. 1964. Spectral reflectivity of major soil groups and the possibility of using diffuse reflection in soil investigation. Sov. Soil Sci. 2:174-184.
Stoner, E.R., M.F. Baumgardner, L.L. Biehl, and B.F. Robinson. 1980. Atlas of soil reflectance properties. Res. Bull. 962. Agri. Exp. Stn.Purdue University, Indiana.
Stoner, E.R., and M.F. Baumgardner. 1981. Characteristic variations in reflectance from surface soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45:1161-1165.
Contact the EOS Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee (see the Data Center Identification Section). Documentation about using the archive and/or online access to the data at the ORNL DAAC is not available at this revision.
A general glossary for the DAAC is located at Glossary.
A general list of acronyms for the DAAC is available at Acronyms.
April 26, 1994 (citation revised on October 15, 2002).
This document has been reviewed by the FIFE Information Scientist to eliminate technical and editorial inaccuracies. Previous versions of this document have been reviewed by the Principal Investigator, the person who transmitted the data to FIS, a FIS staff member, or a FIFE scientist generally familiar with the data. It is believed that the document accurately describes the data as collected and as archived on the FIFE CD-ROM series.
June 28, 1996.
Huemmrich F. K., and E. Levine. 1994. Soil Survey Reference (FIFE). Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/115. Also published in D. E. Strebel, D. R. Landis, K. F. Huemmrich, and B. W. Meeson (eds.), Collected Data of the First ISLSCP Field Experiment, Vol. 1: Surface Observations and Non-Image Data Sets. CD-ROM. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A. (available from