Get Data
These images were produced by averaging the 1-km FASIR-NDVI maps by Jing
Chen to a 10' (horizontal) by 5' (vertical) pixel size in a straight
latitude/longitude grid.
See the document BOREAS
Level-4c AVHRR-LAC Ten-Day Composite Images: Surface Parameters for
more information on the original data product that this is based on.
NDVI Maps, 10 by 5 minutes
Data Citation:
Cite this data set as follows (citation revised on October 30, 2002):
Hall, F., G. Rapalee, and David Knapp. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On DSP-10 Regridded
NDVI Maps for 1994. Data set. Available on-line [] from
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Forrest G. Hall
University of Maryland
Greenbelt MD
(301) 614-6659
(301) 614-6695
Gloria Rapalee
University of California, Irvine
Greenbelt MD
(301) 286-0544
(301) 286-0239
David Knapp
Raytheon ITSS
Greenbelt, MD
Phone: (301) 286-1424
If there are any questions about how this aggregation was done, please
contact Dave Knapp (
Regridded NDVI Maps
for 1994, 10 by 5 minutes
These images were produced by averaging the 1-km FASIR-NDVI maps by Jing
Chen to a 10' (horizontal) by 5' (vertical) pixel size in a straight latitude/longitude
grid. Each pixel represents the average NDVI of the1-km pixels that fall
in each 10' by 5' pixel, where more than 50% of the 1-km pixels in the
10' by 5' area are not cloud and are not missing. If more than 50% of the
1-km pixels are missing or cloudy, a value of 0 is assigned to the10' by
5' pixel. See the document
Level-4c AVHRR-LAC Ten-Day Composite Images: Surface Parameters
for more information on the original data product that this is based on.
Image Specifications
Each image is 66 pixels by 60 lines and contains no leading header bytes.
Each pixel in the image is represented by two bytes. Byte swapping may
be necessary to use the data on your system. If the data appear to be out
of the range 0 to 20000, Use the following UNIX command to swap the bytes:
dd if=in_file conv=swab of=out_file
The DN for each pixel can be converted to NDVI with the following equation:
NDVI = (DN/10000) - 1
The following images represent the average FASIR-NVDI (unsmoothed) for
the following 10-day compositing periods.
NDVI Maps, 10 by 5 minutes |
94-04-11_ndvi.img (April 11-21, 1994)
94-04-21_ndvi.img (April 21-31, 1994)
94-05-01_ndvi.img (May 1-10, 1994)
94-05-11_ndvi.img (May 11-20, 1994)
94-05-21_ndvi.img (May 21-31, 1994)
94-06-01_ndvi.img (June 1-10, 1994)
94-06-11_ndvi.img (June 11-20, 1994)
94-06-21_ndvi.img (June 21-31, 1994)
94-07-01_ndvi.img (July 1-10, 1994)
94-07-11_ndvi.img (July 11-20, 1994)
94-07-21_ndvi.img (July 21-31, 1994)
94-08-01_ndvi.img (Aug 1-10, 1994)
94-08-11_ndvi.img (Aug 11-20, 1994)
94-08-21_ndvi.img (Aug 21-31, 1994)
94-09-01_ndvi.img (Sep 1-10, 1994) |
The Pixel-Area Image
The file "0_pixel_area_10by5min.img" is an image that provides the area
for each of the 10 by 5 minute cells. The area for each pixel is given
in hectares. One hectare equals 10,000 square meters.
Each pixel value is represented as a
2-byte integer. This image has the low-order byte first. On some systems,
the bytes may need to be swapped in order the read the 2-byte integers
correctly. On UNIX systems, this can be done with the following command.
dd if=input_file_name conv=swab of=output_file_name
Spatial Coverage
These data cover the same area as the regional meteorological parameters
assembled by Val Pauwels. The data are in a straight latitude/longitude
grid. The BOREAS grid coordinates listed below are simply given for reference
purposes. The corner coordinates are identical to the upper left corner
of Val's regional data set.
Corner X Y Longitude Latitude
Upper Left 242.697 675.191 107°00'00.00" W 57°00'00.00" N
Upper Right 903.583 765.939 96°00'00.00" W 57°00'00.00" N
Lower Left 274.686 119.043 107°00'00.00" W 52°00'00.00" N
Lower Right 1022.683 221.752 96°00'00.00" W 52°00'00.00" N
The X and Y coordinates listed above are the BOREAS grid coordinates which
are based on an Albers Equal Area Conic (AEAC) projection with the following
Origin: 111.00 deg W, 51.00 deg N
Standard Parallels: 52.5 deg N, 58.5 deg N
Units of Measure: kilometers
Cite this data set as follows (citation revised on October 30, 2002):
Hall, F., G. Rapalee, and David Knapp. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On DSP-10 Regridded
NDVI Maps for 1994. Data set. Available on-line [] from
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S
Document Information:
Document Revision Date:
27-Sept-2001 (citation revised on 30-Oct-2002)
Document Review Date:
Document Curator:
Document URL: