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Webinar: Introduction to Geospatial Analysis in R

Speakers: Dr. Alison Boyer and Dr. Jessica Welch

Hosted by: NASA EOSDIS and the ORNL DAAC
Date: March 13, 2019
Contact for the ORNL DAAC:

Keywords: R, Carbon Monitoring System, GIS


The open-source software environment R is gaining popularity among many scientists, including geologists, biologists, and environmental scientists. R provides an alternative to traditional GIS software with numerous packages for geospatial analysis. This webinar will begin with a brief introduction to an example geospatial dataset from the ORNL DAAC and an overview of common geospatial operations in R. Next, we will demonstrate how to import files into R, overlay layers, reduce spatial extent, select and reclassify values, and make a map.

Webinar LinkYouTube

Presentation SlidesPDF


Hagen, S., N. Harris, S.S. Saatchi, T. Pearson, C.W. Woodall, S. Ganguly, G.M. Domke, B.H. Braswell, B.F. Walters, J.C. Jenkins, S. Brown, W.A. Salas, A. Fore, Y. Yu, R.R. Nemani, C. Ipsan, and K.R. Brown. 2016. CMS: Forest Carbon Stocks, Emissions, and Net Flux for the Conterminous US: 2005-2010. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.


Introduction to Geospatial Analysis in R

Related Learning Resources

More tutorials related to ORNL DAAC data and web services can be found on the ORNL DAAC's Learning page.