The following 17 publications cited the product Nitrogen Deposition onto the United States and Western Europe.
Year | Citation |
2021 | Bebber, D.P. 2021. The gap between atmospheric nitrogen deposition experiments and reality. Science of The Total Environment. 801:149774. |
2018 | Lajtha, K., R.D. Bowden, S. Crow, I. Fekete, Z. Kotroczó, A. Plante, M.J. Simpson, and K.J. Nadelhoffer. 2018. The detrital input and removal treatment (DIRT) network: Insights into soil carbon stabilization. Science of The Total Environment. 640-641:1112-1120. |
2015 | Alberti, G; Vicca, S; Inglima, I; Belelli-Marchesini, L; Genesio, L; Miglietta, F; Marjanovic, H; Martinez, C; Matteucci, G; Andrea, E; Peressotti, A; Petrella, F; Rodeghiero, M; Cotrufo, MF2015. Soil C:N stoichiometry controls carbon sink partitioning between above-ground tree biomass and soil organic matter in high fertility forests. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. 653-664. |
2015 | Campioli, M., S. Vicca, S. Luyssaert, J. Bilcke, E. Ceschia, F.S. Chapin III, P. Ciais, M. Fernandez-Martinez, Y. Malhi, M. Obersteiner, D. Olefeldt, D. Papale, S.L. Piao, J. Penuelas, P.F. Sullivan, X. Wang, T. Zenone, and I.A. Janssens. 2015. Biomass production efficiency controlled by management in temperate and boreal ecosystems. Nature Geoscience. 8(11):843-846. |
2014 | Frey, S.D., S. Ollinger, K. Nadelhoffer, R. Bowden, E. Brzostek, A. Burton, B.A. Caldwell, S. Crow, C.L. Goodale, A.S. Grandy, A. Finzi, M.G. Kramer, K. Lajtha, J. LeMoine, M. Martin, W.H. McDowell, R. Minocha, J.J. Sadowsky, P.H. Templer, and K. Wickings. 2014. Chronic nitrogen additions suppress decomposition and sequester soil carbon in temperate forests. Biogeochemistry. 121(2):305-316. |
2013 | Peckham, S.D., S.T. Gower, C.H. Perry, B.T. Wilson, and K.M. Stueve. 2013. Modeling harvest and biomass removal effects on the forest carbon balance of the Midwest, USA. Environmental Science & Policy. 25:22-35. |
2012 | Whittinghill, K.A., W.S. Currie, D.R. Zak, A.J. Burton, and K.S. Pregitzer. 2012. Anthropogenic N Deposition Increases Soil C Storage by Decreasing the Extent of Litter Decay: Analysis of Field Observations with an Ecosystem Model. Ecosystems. 15(3):450-461. |
2012 | Yu, P., T.A. Sogn, Y. Wang, J. Mulder, K.H. Feger, and J. Zhu. 2012. Simulated effects of climate change and acid deposition on soil chemical conditions in a Masson Pine forest of SW China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 175(6):860-870. |
2010 | Bradford, J.B., A.W. D'Amato, B.J. Palik, and S. Fraver. 2010. A new method for evaluating forest thinning: growth dominance in managed Pinus resinosa stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 40(5):843-849. |
2010 | LUYSSAERT, S., P. CIAIS, S.L. PIAO, E.D. SCHULZE, M. JUNG, S. ZAEHLE, M.J. SCHELHAAS, M. REICHSTEIN, G. CHURKINA, D. PAPALE, G. ABRIL, C. BEER, J. GRACE, D. LOUSTAU, G. MATTEUCCI, F. MAGNANI, G.J. NABUURS, H. VERBEECK, M. SULKAVA, G.R. van der WERF, and I.A. JANSSENS. 2010. The European carbon balance. Part 3: forests. Global Change Biology. 16(5):1429-1450. |
2010 | Tian, H., G. Chen, M. Liu, C. Zhang, G. Sun, C. Lu, X. Xu, W. Ren, S. Pan, and A. Chappelka. 2010. Model estimates of net primary productivity, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency in the terrestrial ecosystems of the southern United States during 1895-2007. Forest Ecology and Management. 259(7):1311-1327. |
2009 | Loos, S., H. Middelkoop, M. van der Perk, and R. van Beek. 2009. Large scale nutrient modelling using globally available datasets: A test for the Rhine basin. Journal of Hydrology. 369(3-4):403-415. |
2008 | Seidling, W., R. Fischer, and O. Granke. 2008. Relationships between forest floor vegetation on ICP Forests monitoring plots in Europe and basic variables in soil and nitrogen deposition. International Journal of Environmental Studies. 65(3):311-322. |
2008 | Smal, H. and M. Olszewska. 2008. The effect of afforestation with Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) of sandy post-arable soils on their selected properties. II. Reaction, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Plant and Soil. 305(1-2):171-187. |
2007 | Peltoniemi, M., E. Thurig, et al.; (2007). Models in country scale Carbon accounting of forest soils. Silva Fennica. 41 (3): 575-600 |
2006 | Brant, J.B., D.D. Myrold, and E.W. Sulzman. 2006. Root controls on soil microbial community structure in forest soils. Oecologia. 148(4):650-659. |
2005 | Holland, E.A., B.H. Braswell, J. Sulzman, and J.F. Lamarque. 2005. NITROGEN DEPOSITION ONTO THE UNITED STATES AND WESTERN EUROPE: SYNTHESIS OF OBSERVATIONS AND MODELS. Ecological Applications. 15(1):38-57. |