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Publications Citing Global Distribution of Root Profiles in Terrestrial Ecosystems

The following 13 publications cited the product Global Distribution of Root Profiles in Terrestrial Ecosystems.

Year Citation
2023 Bélair, S., N. Alavi, M.L. Carrera, M. Abrahamowicz, B. Bilodeau, D. Simjanovski, D. Charpentier, B. Badawy, and S. Leroyer. 2023. Evaluating the impact of land surface on medium‐range weather forecasts using screen‐level analyses. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 149(755):2146-2175.
2019 Luo, Z., G. Wang, and E. Wang. 2019. Global subsoil organic carbon turnover times dominantly controlled by soil properties rather than climate. Nature Communications. 10(1):
2018 Maheu, A., F. Anctil, E. Gaborit, V. Fortin, D.F. Nadeau, and R. Therrien. 2018. A field evaluation of soil moisture modelling with the Soil, Vegetation, and Snow (SVS) land surface model using evapotranspiration observations as forcing data. Journal of Hydrology. 558:532-545.
2017 Schlaepfer, D.R., J.B. Bradford, W.K. Lauenroth, S.M. Munson, B. Tietjen, S.A. Hall, S.D. Wilson, M.C. Duniway, G. Jia, D.A. Pyke, A. Lkhagva, and K. Jamiyansharav. 2017. Climate change reduces extent of temperate drylands and intensifies drought in deep soils. Nature Communications. 8:14196.
2017 Tietjen, B., D.R. Schlaepfer, J.B. Bradford, W.K. Lauenroth, S.A. Hall, M.C. Duniway, T. Hochstrasser, G. Jia, S.M. Munson, D.A. Pyke, and S.D. Wilson. 2017. Climate change-induced vegetation shifts lead to more ecological droughts despite projected rainfall increases in many global temperate drylands. Global Change Biology. 23(7):2743-2754.
2016 Husain, S.Z., N. Alavi, S. Belair, M. Carrera, S. Zhang, V. Fortin, M. Abrahamowicz, and N. Gauthier. 2016. The Multibudget Soil, Vegetation, and Snow (SVS) Scheme for Land Surface Parameterization: Offline Warm Season Evaluation. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 17(8):2293-2313.
2016 Palmquist, K.A., D.R. Schlaepfer, J.B. Bradford, and W.K. Lauenroth. 2016. Mid-latitude shrub steppe plant communities: climate change consequences for soil water resources. Ecology. 97(9):2342-2354.
2016 Palmquist, K.A., D.R. Schlaepfer, J.B. Bradford, and W.K. Lauenroth. 2016. Spatial and ecological variation in dryland ecohydrological responses to climate change: implications for management. Ecosphere. 7(11):e01590.
2014 Bevan, S.L., S.O. Los, and P.R.J. North. 2014. Response of vegetation to the 2003 European drought was mitigated by height. Biogeosciences. 11(11):2897-2908.
2014 Bradford, J.B., D.R. Schlaepfer, W.K. Lauenroth, and I.C. Burke. 2014. Shifts in plant functional types have time-dependent and regionally variable impacts on dryland ecosystem water balance. Journal of Ecology. 102(6):1408-1418.
2014 Lauenroth, W.K., D.R. Schlaepfer, and J.B. Bradford. 2014. Ecohydrology of Dry Regions: Storage versus Pulse Soil Water Dynamics. Ecosystems. 17(8):1469-1479.
2008 Schenk, H.J. 2008. The Shallowest Possible Water Extraction Profile: A Null Model for Global Root Distributions. Vadose Zone Journal. 7(3):1119.
2005 Schenk, H.J. and R.B. Jackson. 2005. Mapping the global distribution of deep roots in relation to climate and soil characteristics. Geoderma. 126(1-2):129-140.