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Publications Citing Global Leaf Area Index from Field Measurements, 1932-2000

The following 53 publications cited the product Global Leaf Area Index from Field Measurements, 1932-2000.

Year Citation
2022 Gamero-Salinas, J., N. Kishnani, A. Sanchez-Ostiz, A. Monge-Barrio, and E. Benitez. 2022. Porosity, openness, and exposure: Identification of underlying factors associated with semi-outdoor spaces’ thermal performance and clustering in tropical high-density Singapore. Energy and Buildings. 272:112339.
2021 Gamero-Salinas, J., N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio, J. Lopez-Fidalgo, and A. Sanchez-Ostiz. 2021. Evaluation of thermal comfort and building form attributes in different semi-outdoor environments in a high-density tropical setting. Building and Environment. 205:108255.
2021 Gamero-Salinas, J., N. Kishnani, A. Monge-Barrio, J. Lopez-Fidalgo, and A. Sanchez-Ostiz. 2021. The influence of building form variables on the environmental performance of semi-outdoor spaces. A study in mid-rise and high-rise buildings of Singapore. Energy and Buildings. 230:110544.
2021 Savoy, P., E. Bernhardt, L. Kirk, M.J. Cohen, and J.B. Heffernan. 2021. A seasonally dynamic model of light at the stream surface. Freshwater Science. 40(2):286-301.
2019 Fang, H., F. Baret, S. Plummer, and G. Schaepman‐Strub. 2019. An Overview of Global Leaf Area Index (LAI): Methods, Products, Validation, and Applications. Reviews of Geophysics. 57(3):739-799.
2017 Faiz, M.A., D. Liu, Q. Fu, M. Uzair, M.I. Khan, F. Baig, T. Li, and S. Cui. 2017. Stream flow variability and drought severity in the Songhua River Basin, Northeast China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 32(5):1225-1242.
2016 Drastig, K., A. Prochnow, J. Libra, H. Koch, and S. Rolinski. 2016. Irrigation water demand of selected agricultural crops in Germany between 1902 and 2010. Science of The Total Environment. 569-570:1299-1314.
2016 Drastig, K., J. Libra, S. Kraatz, and H. Koch. 2016. Relationship between irrigation water demand and yield of selected crops in Germany between 1902 and 2010: a modeling study. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75(22):
2016 Glaser, B., J. Klaus, S. Frei, J. Frentress, L. Pfister, and L. Hopp. 2016. On the value of surface saturated area dynamics mapped with thermal infrared imagery for modeling the hillslope-riparian-stream continuum. Water Resources Research. 52(10):8317-8342.
2016 Hirabayashi, S. and D.J. Nowak. 2016. Comprehensive national database of tree effects on air quality and human health in the United States. Environmental Pollution. 215:48-57.
2016 Li, X., W. Li, Q. Meng, C. Zhang, T. Jancso, and K. Wu. 2016. Modelling building proximity to greenery in a three-dimensional perspective using multi-source remotely sensed data. Journal of Spatial Science. 61(2):389-403.
2015 Liu, Y., Q. Meng, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, T. Jancso, and R. Vatseva. 2015. An effective Building Neighborhood Green Index model for measuring urban green space. International Journal of Digital Earth. 9(4):387-409.
2015 Marin-Guirao, L., J. Bernardeau-Esteller, J.M. Ruiz, and J.M. Sandoval-Gil. 2015. Resistance of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows to the spread of the introduced green alga Caulerpa cylindracea: assessment of the role of light. Biological Invasions. 17(7):1989-2009.
2015 de Moura, Y.M., T. Hilker, A.I. Lyapustin, L.S. Galvao, J.R. dos Santos, L.O. Anderson, C.H.R. de Sousa, and E. Arai. 2015. Seasonality and drought effects of Amazonian forests observed from multi-angle satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 171:278-290.
2014 Tang, G., T. Hwang, and S.M. Pradhanang. 2014. Does consideration of water routing affect simulated water and carbon dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems?. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 18(4):1423-1437.
2014 Ward, R.M. and R. Choudhary. 2014. A bottom-up energy analysis across a diverse urban building portfolio: retrofits for the buildings at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK. Building and Environment. 74:132-148.
2014 Wu, L., X.y. Ma, and X. Liu. 2014. Assessment of Herbicide Transport and Distribution in Subsurface Environments of an Orange Field. Water Environment Research. 86(8):729-740.
2013 Cornelissen, T., B. Diekkruger, and S. Giertz. 2013. A comparison of hydrological models for assessing the impact of land use and climate change on discharge in a tropical catchment. Journal of Hydrology. 498:221-236.
2013 Drastig K., Kraatz, S, Libra, J, Prochnow, A, Hunstock, U.; (2013) Implementation of hydrological processes and agricultural management options into the ATB-Modeling Database to improve the water productivity at farm scale. Agronomy Research. 11 (1): 31-38
2013 Nikodem, A., R. Kodesova, and L. Bubenickova. 2013. Simulation of the influence of rainfall redistribution in spruce and beech forest on the leaching of Al and SO4 2- from forest soils. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics. 61(1):39-49.
2013 Pastorella, F. and A. Paletto. 2013. Forest canopy analysis in the Alpine environment: comparison among assessment methods. Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale. 10(2):43-54.
2013 Wu, L., X.y. Ma, H.l. Peng, J. Wang, and J.x. Wen. 2013. Herbicide distribution and transport in subsurface environment of a tomato field in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. International Journal of Environmental Studies. 70(4):637-654.
2012 Onishi, T., H. Mitsudera, and K. Uchimoto. 2012. Numerical Simulation of Dissolved Iron Production and Transport in the Amur River and the Sea of Okhotsk. 87-105.
2012 Prochnow, A., K. Drastig, H. Klauss, and W. Berg. 2012. Water use indicators at farm scale: methodology and case study. Food and Energy Security. 1(1):29-46.
2012 Tang, G. and P.J. Bartlein. 2012. Modifying a dynamic global vegetation model for simulating large spatial scale land surface water balances. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 16(8):2547-2565.
2012 Whitesides, C.J. and M.H. Connolly. 2012. Estimating Fractional Snow Cover in Mountain Environments with Fuzzy Classification. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research. 3(3):1-20.
2011 Calderhead, A.I., R. Martel, J. Garfias, A. Rivera, and R. Therrien. 2011. Pumping dry: an increasing groundwater budget deficit induced by urbanization, industrialization, and climate change in an over-exploited volcanic aquifer. Environmental Earth Sciences. 66(7):1753-1767.
2011 Calvao, T. and J.M. Palmeirim. 2011. A comparative evaluation of spectral vegetation indices for the estimation of biophysical characteristics of Mediterranean semi-deciduous shrub communities. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 32(8):2275-2296.
2011 Delegido, J., J. Verrelst, L. Alonso, and J. Moreno. 2011. Evaluation of Sentinel-2 Red-Edge Bands for Empirical Estimation of Green LAI and Chlorophyll Content. Sensors. 11(7):7063-7081.
2011 Jarvis, N.J. 2011. Simple physics-based models of compensatory plant water uptake: concepts and eco-hydrological consequences. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 8(4):6789-6831.
2011 LINDNER, A.; (2011). Small scale structure of forest stands in the Atlantic Rainforest_Notes on understorey light fluctuation. Tropical Ecology. 52 (2): 139-150. ISBN: 0564-3295.
2011 Liu, R.Z. and A.G.L. Borthwick. 2011. Measurement and assessment of carrying capacity of the environment in Ningbo, China. Journal of Environmental Management. 92(8):2047-2053.
2011 Novak, V. and K. Knava. 2011. The influence of stoniness and canopy properties on soil water content distribution: simulation of water movement in forest stony soil. European Journal of Forest Research. 131(6):1727-1735.
2011 Ossom, EM., Mavuso, NS., Seyoum, T., Nkambule, TP.; (2011). Influence of Sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) On Agronomic and Sensory Characteristics of Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas]. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science. 11 (4): 581-592
2011 Rahmani, R., A. Sadoddin, and S. Ghorbani. 2011. Measuring and modelling precipitation components in an Oriental beech stand of the Hyrcanian region, Iran. Journal of Hydrology. 404(3-4):294-303.
2011 Vives i Batlle, J., A. Smith, S. Vives-Lynch, D. Copplestone, G. Prohl, and T. Strand. 2011. Model-derived dose rates per unit concentration of radon in air in a generic plant geometry. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. 50(4):513-529.
2011 Wang, W., D. Huang, X.G. Wang, Y.R. Liu, and F. Zhou. 2011. Estimation of soil moisture using trapezoidal relationship between remotely sensed land surface temperature and vegetation index. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 15(5):1699-1712.
2011 Yang, F., S.S.Y. Lau, and F. Qian. 2011. Thermal comfort effects of urban design strategies in high-rise urban environments in a sub-tropical climate. Architectural Science Review. 54(4):285-304.
2009 Elbert, W., B. Weber, B. Budel, M.O. Andreae, and U. Poschl. 2009. Microbiotic crusts on soil, rock and plants: neglected major players in the global cycles of carbon and nitrogen?. Biogeosciences Discussions. 6(4):6983-7015.
2009 Malhado, A.C.M., M.H. Costa, F.Z. de Lima, K.C. Portilho, and D.N. Figueiredo. 2009. Seasonal leaf dynamics in an Amazonian tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 258(7):1161-1165.
2008 . 2008. 34:
2008 Combalicer, E.A., S.H. Lee, S. Ahn, D.Y. Kim, and S. Im. 2008. Modeling water balance for the small-forested watershed in Korea. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 12(5):339-348.
2008 Nunes, J.P., J. Seixas, and N.R. Pacheco. 2008. Vulnerability of water resources, vegetation productivity and soil erosion to climate change in Mediterranean watersheds. Hydrological Processes. 22(16):3115-3134.
2008 Wallens, S., (2008). Modelisation des emissions de composes organiques volatils par la vegetation.
2006 Green, J.C., I. Reid, I.R. Calder, and T.R. Nisbet. 2006. Four-year comparison of water contents beneath a grass ley and a deciduous oak wood overlying Triassic sandstone in lowland England. Journal of Hydrology. 329(1-2):16-25.
2006 Nikolov, N. and K. Zeller. 2006. Efficient retrieval of vegetation leaf area index and canopy clumping factor from satellite data to support pollutant deposition assessments. Environmental Pollution. 141(3):539-549.
2006 Smiatek, G. and R. Steinbrecher. 2006. Temporal and spatial variation of forest VOC emissions in Germany in the decade 1994-2003. Atmospheric Environment. 40:166-177.
2004 Dalla Valle, Matteo; Dachs, Jordi; Sweetman, Andrew J.; Jones, Kevin C.; (2004). Maximum reservoir capacity of vegetation for persistent organic pollutants: Implications for global cycling. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 18 (4): GB4032
2004 Makarieva, A.M., V.G. Gorshkov, B.L. Li, and K.S. Losev. 2004. The Upper and Lower Ecological Limits of Specific Metabolic Power of Different Organisms. Russian Journal of Ecology. 35(1):10-15.
2003 Asner, G.P., J.M.O. Scurlock, and J. A. Hicke. 2003. Global synthesis of leaf area index observations: implications for ecological and remote sensing studies. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 12(3):191-205.
2003 Drucker, D., H. Bocherens, A. Bridault, and D. Billiou. 2003. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of red deer (Cervus elaphus) collagen as a tool for tracking palaeoenvironmental change during the Late-Glacial and Early Holocene in the northern Jura (France). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 195(3-4):375-388.
2003 Ong, B.L. 2003. Green plot ratio: an ecological measure for architecture and urban planning. Landscape and Urban Planning. 63(4):197-211.
2002 Luo, T., R.P. Neilson, H. Tian, C.J. Vorosmarty, H. Zhu, and S. Liu. 2002. A model for seasonality and distribution of leaf area index of forests and its application to China. Journal of Vegetation Science. 13(6):817-830.