The following 8 publications cited the product Leaf Chemistry, 1992-1993 (ACCP).
Year | Citation |
2020 | Seyednasrollah, B. and J.S. Clark. 2020. Where Resource-Acquisitive Species Are Located: The Role of Habitat Heterogeneity. Geophysical Research Letters. 47(8): |
2017 | Koucher, L.d.P., G. Brunetto, V. Muller Junior, M. Souza, A.P. Lima, S.J. Giacomini, R.d.R. Couto, C. Kurtz, C.L.V.d.A.F. Carranca, and J.J. Comin. 2017. Nitrogen Transfer from Cover Crop Residues to Onion Grown under Minimum Tillage in Southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo. 41: |
2017 | Piatek, K.B., M.A. Fajvan, and R.M. Turcotte. 2017. Thinning effects on foliar elements in eastern hemlock: implications for managing the spread of the hemlock woolly adelgid. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 47(1):81-88. |
2016 | Oliveira, R.A.d., G. Brunetto, A. Loss, L.C. Gatiboni, C. Kurtz, V. Muller Junior, P.E. Lovato, B.S. Oliveira, M. Souza, and J.J. Comin. 2016. Cover Crops Effects on Soil Chemical Properties and Onion Yield. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo. 40: |
2015 | Feilhauer, H., G.P. Asner, and R.E. Martin. 2015. Multi-method ensemble selection of spectral bands related to leaf biochemistry. Remote Sensing of Environment. 164:57-65. |
2012 | Crowley, K.F., B.E. McNeil, G.M. Lovett, C.D. Canham, C.T. Driscoll, L.E. Rustad, E. Denny, R.A. Hallett, M.A. Arthur, J.L. Boggs, C.L. Goodale, J.S. Kahl, S.G. McNulty, S.V. Ollinger, L.H. Pardo, P.G. Schaberg, J.L. Stoddard, M.P. Weand, and K.C. Weathers. 2012. Do Nutrient Limitation Patterns Shift from Nitrogen Toward Phosphorus with Increasing Nitrogen Deposition Across the Northeastern United States?. Ecosystems. 15(6):940-957. |
2011 | Romero, A., I. Aguado, and M. Yebra. 2011. Estimation of dry matter content in leaves using normalized indexes and PROSPECT model inversion. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 33(2):396-414. |
2010 | Bortolot, Z.J. and R.H. Wynne. 2010. A method for predicting fresh green leaf nitrogen concentrations from shortwave infrared reflectance spectra acquired at the canopy level that requires no in situ nitrogen data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24(3):619-624. |