The following 16 publications cited the product Global 30-Year Mean Monthly Climatology, 1930-1960, V2.1 (Cramer and Leeman).
Year | Citation |
2019 | Gunnell, K., M. Mulligan, R.A. Francis, and D.G. Hole. 2019. Evaluating natural infrastructure for flood management within the watersheds of selected global cities. Science of The Total Environment. 670:411-424. |
2018 | Martinez, P.A., M.V. Pia, I.A. Bahechar, W.F. Molina, C.J. Bidau, and J.I. Montoya-Burgos. 2018. The contribution of neutral evolution and adaptive processes in driving phenotypic divergence in a model mammalian species, the Andean fox Lycalopex culpaeus . Journal of Biogeography. 45(5):1114-1125. |
2018 | Sokolov, A., D. Kicklighter, A. Schlosser, C. Wang, E. Monier, B. BrownâSteiner, R. Prinn, C. Forest, X. Gao, A. Libardoni, and S. Eastham. 2018. Description and Evaluation of the MIT Earth System Model (MESM). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 10(8):1759-1789. |
2016 | Tipping, E., J.F. Boyle, D.N. Schillereff, B.M. Spears, and G. Phillips. 2016. Macronutrient processing by temperate lakes: A dynamic model for long-term, large-scale application. Science of The Total Environment. 572:1573-1585. |
2015 | Natale, E., S.M. Zalba, and H. Reinoso. 2015. Presence--absence versus invasive status data for modelling potential distribution of invasive plants: Saltcedar in Argentina. Ecoscience. 20(2):161-171. |
2015 | Toberman, H., E. Tipping, J.F. Boyle, R.C. Helliwell, A. Lilly, and P.A. Henrys. 2015. Dependence of ombrotrophic peat nitrogen on phosphorus and climate. Biogeochemistry. 125(1):11-20. |
2013 | Martinez, P.A., D.A. Marti, W.F. Molina, and C.J. Bidau. 2013. Bergmann's rule across the equator: a case study inCerdocyon thous(Canidae). Journal of Animal Ecology. 82(5):997-1008. |
2012 | Jenerette, G.D., G.A. Barron-Gafford, A.J. Guswa, J.J. McDonnell, and J.C. Villegas. 2012. Organization of complexity in water limited ecohydrology. Ecohydrology. 5(2):184-199. |
2012 | Pound, M.J., J.B. Riding, T.H. Donders, and J. Daskova. 2012. The palynostratigraphy of the Brassington Formation (Upper Miocene) of the southern Pennines, central England. Palynology. 36(1):26-37. |
2011 | Bidau, C.J., D.A. Marti, and D. Baldo. 2011. Inter- and Intraspecific Geographic Variation of Body Size in South American Redbelly Toads of the Genus Melanophryniscus Gallardo, 1961 (Anura: Bufonidae). Journal of Herpetology. 45(1):66-74. |
2011 | Monjeau, J.A., C.H. Rotela, M. Lamfri, J. Marquez, C.M. Scavuzzo, M. Stanulescu, M.J. Nabte, and E.G. Rial. 2011. Estimating habitat suitability for potential hantavirus reservoirs in north-western Patagonia using satellite imagery: Searching for the best predictive tools. Mammalian Biology. 76(4):409-416. |
2010 | Georgiadi, A.G., I.P. Milyukova, and E.A. Kashutina. 2010. Response of River Runoff in the Cryolithic Zone of Eastern Siberia (Lena River Basin) to Future Climate Warming. 40:157-169. |
2009 | Melillo, JM.,Gurgel, AC.,Kicklighter, DW.,Reilly, JM.,Cronin, TW.,Felzer, BS.,Paltsev, S.,Schlosser, CA.,Sokolov, AP.,Wang, X.; (2009). Unintended environmental consequences of a global biofuels program. Global Change Science Policy. |
2008 | Bidau, C. J., Marti, D. A.; (2008). Un test de la regla de Allen en ectotermos: el caso de dos Saltamontes Melanoplinos (Orthoptera: Acrididae) sudamericanos con distribuciones Geogr?cas parcialmente solapadas. Neotrop. entomol. 37 (4): 370-380 |
2007 | Medina, A.I., D.A. Marti, and C.J. Bidau. 2007. Subterranean rodents of the genus Ctenomys (Caviomorpha, Ctenomyidae) follow the converse to Bergmann's rule. Journal of Biogeography. 34(8):1439-1454. |
2007 | Polop, F., C. Provensal, M. Scavuzzo, M. Lamfri, G. Calderon, and J. Polop. 2007. On the relationship between the environmental history and the epidemiological situation of Argentine hemorrhagic fever. Ecological Research. 23(1):217-225. |