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Publications Citing BOREAS TE-01 Soils Data over the SSA Tower Sites in Raster Format

The following 8 publications cited the product BOREAS TE-01 Soils Data over the SSA Tower Sites in Raster Format.

Year Citation
2014 Dimitrov, D.D., J.S. Bhatti, and R.F. Grant. 2014. The transition zones (ecotone) between boreal forests and peatlands: Ecological controls on ecosystem productivity along a transition zone between upland black spruce forest and a poor forested fen in central Saskatchewan. Ecological Modelling. 291:96-108.
2014 Dimitrov, D.D., J.S. Bhatti, and R.F. Grant. 2014. The transition zones (ecotone) between boreal forests and peatlands: Modelling water table along a transition zone between upland black spruce forest and poor forested fen in central Saskatchewan. Ecological Modelling. 274:57-70.
2009 Grant, R.F., A.G. Barr, T.A. Black, H.A. Margolis, A.L. Dunn, J. Metsaranta, S. Wang, J.H. McCaughey, and C.A. Bourque. 2009. Interannual variation in net ecosystem productivity of Canadian forests as affected by regional weather patterns - A Fluxnet-Canada synthesis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149(11):2022-2039.
2007 GRANT, R.F., A.G. BARR, T.A. BLACK, D. GAUMONT-GUAY, H. IWASHITA, J. KIDSON, H. McCAUGHEY, K. MORGENSTERN, S. MURAYAMA, Z. NESIC, N. SAIGUSA, A. SHASHKOV, and T. ZHA. 2007. Net ecosystem productivity of boreal jack pine stands regenerating from clearcutting under current and future climates. Global Change Biology. 13(7):1423-1440.
2006 Gaumont-Guay, D., T.A. Black, T.J. Griffis, A.G. Barr, K. Morgenstern, R.S. Jassal, and Z. Nesic. 2006. Influence of temperature and drought on seasonal and interannual variations of soil, bole and ecosystem respiration in a boreal aspen stand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 140(1-4):203-219.
2004 Grant, R.F. 2004. Modeling topographic effects on net ecosystem productivity of boreal black spruce forests. Tree Physiology. 24(1):1-18.
2001 Grant, R.F., P.G. Jarvis, J.M. Massheder, S.E. Hale, J.B. Moncrieff, M. Rayment, S.L. Scott, and J.A. Berry. 2001. Controls on carbon and energy exchange by a black spruce-moss ecosystem: Testing the mathematical modelEcosyswith data from the BOREAS Experiment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(1):129-147.
2000 Grant, R.F. and I.A. Nalder. 2000. Climate change effects on net carbon exchange of a boreal aspen-hazelnut forest: estimates from the ecosystem model ecosys. Global Change Biology. 6(2):183-200.