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Publications Citing NPP Grassland: Xilingol, China, 1980-1989, R1

The following 8 publications cited the product NPP Grassland: Xilingol, China, 1980-1989, R1.

Year Citation
2017 Fang, X., C. Zhang, Q. Wang, X. Chen, J. Ding, and F. Karamage. 2017. Isolating and Quantifying the Effects of Climate and CO2 Changes (1980-2014) on the Net Primary Productivity in Arid and Semiarid China. Forests. 8(3):60.
2015 Gang, C., W. Zhou, Z. Wang, Y. Chen, J. Li, J. Chen, J. Qi, I. Odeh, and P.Y. Groisman. 2015. Comparative Assessment of Grassland NPP Dynamics in Response to Climate Change in China, North America, Europe and Australia from 1981 to 2010. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 201(1):57-68.
2015 White, R.R., M. Brady, J.L. Capper, J.P. McNamara, and K.A. Johnson. 2015. Cow-calf reproductive, genetic, and nutritional management to improve the sustainability of whole beef production systems. Journal of Animal Science. 93(6):3197-3211.
2014 Dong, X.B., B.H. Yu, M.T. Brown, Y.S. Zhang, M.Y. Kang, Y. Jin, X.S. Zhang, and S. Ulgiati. 2014. Environmental and economic consequences of the overexploitation of natural capital and ecosystem services in Xilinguole League, China. Energy Policy. 67:767-780.
2010 Long, H-L.,Li, X-B.,Wang, H.,Wei, D-D.,2010. Net Primary Productivity in grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia and its relationship with climate. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. 34(7):781-791.
2005 BROGAARD, S., M. RUNNSTROM, and J. SEAQUIST. 2005. Primary production of Inner Mongolia, China, between 1982 and 1999 estimated by a satellite data-driven light use efficiency model. Global and Planetary Change. 45(4):313-332.
2002 Scurlock, J.M. and R.J. Olson. 2002. Terrestrial net primary productivity \ A brief history and a new worldwide database. Environmental Reviews. 10(2):91-109.
2002 Scurlock, J.M.O., K. Johnson, and R.J. Olson. 2002. Estimating net primary productivity from grassland biomass dynamics measurements. Global Change Biology. 8(8):736-753.