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Publications Citing A Global Database of Soil Respiration Data, Version 3.0

The following 21 publications cited the product A Global Database of Soil Respiration Data, Version 3.0.

Year Citation
2023 Shana, S.S., K.R. Sreenath, T.G. Sumithra, S.M.S. Krishnaveny, K.K. Joshi, P.O. Nameer, and A. Gopalakrishnan. 2023. A Global-Scale Ecological Niche Modeling of the Emerging Pathogen Serratia marcescens to Aid in its Spatial Ecology. Current Microbiology. 80(2).
2023 Sukhoveeva, O., D. Karelin, T. Lebedeva, A. Pochikalov, O. Ryzhkov, G. Suvorov, and A. Zolotukhin. 2023. Greenhouse gases fluxes and carbon cycle in agroecosystems under humid continental climate conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 352:108502.
2020 Pantani, O.L., F. Fioravanti, F.M. Stefanini, R. Berni, and G. Certini. 2020. Accounting for soil respiration variability - Case study in a Mediterranean pine-dominated forest. Scientific Reports. 10(1):
2019 Buchkowski, R.W., A.N. Shaw, D. Sihi, G.R. Smith, and A.D. Keiser. 2019. Constraining Carbon and Nutrient Flows in Soil With Ecological Stoichiometry. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7:
2019 Ouimette, A.P., S.V. Ollinger, L.C. Lepine, R.B. Stephens, R.J. Rowe, M.A. Vadeboncoeur, S.J. Tumber-Davila, and E.A. Hobbie. 2019. Accounting for Carbon Flux to Mycorrhizal Fungi May Resolve Discrepancies in Forest Carbon Budgets. Ecosystems. 23(4):715-729.
2019 Rodriguez-Calcerrada, J., R. Salomon, J. Barba, G.G. Gordaliza, J. Curiel Yuste, C. Magro, and L. Gil. 2019. Regeneration in the Understory of Declining Overstory Trees Contributes to Soil Respiration Homeostasis along Succession in a Sub-Mediterranean Beech Forest. Forests. 10(9):727.
2018 Cai, Q., X. Yan, Y. Li, and L. Wang. 2018. Global patterns of human and livestock respiration. Scientific Reports. 8(1):
2018 Cook, R.B., Y. Wei, L.A. Hook, S.K.S. Vannan, and J.J. McNelis 2018. Preserve: Protecting Data for Long-Term Use. Ecological Informatics.
2018 Deng, Z., Y. Li, Y. Xie, C. Peng, X. Chen, F. Li, Y. Ren, B. Pan, and C. Zhang. 2018. Hydrologic and Edaphic Controls on Soil Carbon Emission in Dongting Lake Floodplain, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 123(9):3088-3097.
2018 Jian, J., M.K. Steele, S.D. Day, and R.Q. Thomas. 2018. Future Global Soil Respiration Rates Will Swell Despite Regional Decreases in Temperature Sensitivity Caused by Rising Temperature. Earth's Future. 6(11):1539-1554.
2018 Sun, Q., W.S. Meyer, and P. Marschner. 2018. Repeated rainfall in summer induces prolonged high soil respiration in a semi?arid floodplain woodland. Ecohydrology. 11(7).
2018 Wiesner, S., C.L. Staudhammer, H.W. Loescher, A. Baron-Lopez, L.R. Boring, R.J. Mitchell, and G. Starr. 2018. Interactions Among Abiotic Drivers, Disturbance and Gross Ecosystem Carbon Exchange on Soil Respiration from Subtropical Pine Savannas. Ecosystems. 21(8):1639-1658.
2017 Adachi, M., A. Ito, S. Yonemura, and W. Takeuchi. 2017. Estimation of global soil respiration by accounting for land-use changes derived from remote sensing data. Journal of Environmental Management. 200:97-104.
2017 SUN, L., M. TERAMOTO, Naishin LIANG, T. YAZAKI, and T. HIRANO. 2017. Comparison of litter-bag and chamber methods for measuring CO2 emissions from leaf litter decomposition in a temperate forest. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 73(2):59-67.
2017 von Haden, A.C. and M.E. Dornbush. 2017. Ecosystem carbon pools, fluxes, and balances within mature tallgrass prairie restorations. Restoration Ecology. 25(4):549-558.
2017 Zhao, Z., C. Peng, Q. Yang, F.R. Meng, X. Song, S. Chen, T.E. Epule, P. Li, and Q. Zhu. 2017. Model prediction of biome-specific global soil respiration from 1960 to 2012. Earth's Future. 5(7):715-729.
2016 Schwendenmann, L. and C. Macinnis-Ng. 2016. Soil CO<sub>2</sub> efflux in an old-growth southern conifer forest (<i>Agathis australis</i>) &ndash; magnitude, components and controls. SOIL. 2(3):403-419.
2016 Sun, Q., W.S. Meyer, G.R. Koerber, and P. Marschner. 2016. A wildfire event influences ecosystem carbon fluxes but not soil respiration in a semi-arid woodland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 226-227:57-66.
2016 Weissert, L.F., J.A. Salmond, and L. Schwendenmann. 2016. Variability of soil organic carbon stocks and soil CO2 efflux across urban land use and soil cover types. Geoderma. 271:80-90.
2016 Weissert, L.F., J.A. Salmond, J.C. Turnbull, and L. Schwendenmann. 2016. Temporal variability in the sources and fluxes of CO2 in a residential area in an evergreen subtropical city. Atmospheric Environment. 143:164-176.
2016 Xu, M. and H. Shang. 2016. Contribution of soil respiration to the global carbon equation. Journal of Plant Physiology. 203:16-28.