The following 286 publications cited the product Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 2.
Year | Citation |
2024 | Berkeley, L.I., M. Szczypinski, S.P. Coons, V.J. Dreitz, and J.A. Gude. 2024. Greater sage?grouse chick mortality risk relative to livestock grazing management, environmental factors, and morphometric measurements. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 88(5). |
2024 | Bhat, S.A., S.A.A. Qadri, V. Dubbey, I.B. Sofi, and N. Huang. 2024. Impact of crop management practices on maize yield: Insights from farming in tropical regions and predictive modeling using machine learning. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. 18:101392. |
2024 | Isaak, D.J., D.L. Horan, and S.P. Wollrab. 2024. Air temperature data source affects inference from statistical stream temperature models in mountainous terrain. Journal of Hydrology X. 22:100172. |
2024 | Morrison, M., J.M. Cohen, E. Gurarie, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2024. Environmental drivers and fitness consequences of partial migration under climate change. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. |
2023 | Bondo, K.J., D. Montecino?Latorre, L. Williams, M. Helwig, K. Duren, M.L. Hutchinson, and W.D. Walter. 2023. Spatial modeling of two mosquito vectors of West Nile virus using integrated nested Laplace approximations. Ecosphere. 14(1). |
2023 | Choi, H.M. and M.L. Bell. 2023. Heat-mortality relationship in North Carolina: Comparison using different exposure methods. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. |
2023 | Cowdery, T.K., A.C. Baker, M.J. Haserodt, D.T. Feinstein, and R.J. Hunt. 2023. Hydrologic change in the St. Louis River Basin from iron mining on the Mesabi Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota. Scientific Investigations Report. |
2023 | Dickman, L.T., A.K. Jonko, R.R. Linn, I. Altintas, A.L. Atchley, A. Bär, A.D. Collins, J. Dupuy, M.R. Gallagher, J.K. Hiers, C.M. Hoffman, S.M. Hood, M.D. Hurteau, W.M. Jolly, A. Josephson, E.L. Loudermilk, W. Ma, S.T. Michaletz, R.H. Nolan, J.J. O'Brien, R.A. Parsons, R. Partelli?Feltrin, F. Pimont, V. Resco de Dios, J. Restaino, Z.J. Robbins, K.A. Sartor, E. Schultz?Fellenz, S.P. Serbin, S. Sevanto, J.K. Shuman, C.H. Sieg, N.S. Skowronski, D.R. Weise, M. Wright, C. Xu, M. Yebra, and N. Younes. 2023. Integrating plant physiology into simulation of fire behavior and effects. New Phytologist. 238(3):952-970. |
2023 | Elia, L., S. Castellaro, A. Dahal, and L. Lombardo. 2023. Assessing multi-hazard susceptibility to cryospheric hazards: Lesson learnt from an Alaskan example. Science of The Total Environment. 898:165289. |
2023 | Hu, L., E.I. Nikolopoulos, F. Marra, and E.N. Anagnostou. 2023. Toward an improved estimation of flood frequency statistics from simulated flows. Journal of Flood Risk Management. |
2023 | Jahangir, M.S., J. You, and J. Quilty. 2023. A quantile-based encoder-decoder framework for multi-step ahead runoff forecasting. Journal of Hydrology. 619:129269. |
2023 | Papacharalampous, G., H. Tyralis, Y. Markonis, and M. Hanel. 2023. Hydroclimatic time series features at multiple time scales. Journal of Hydrology. 618:129160. |
2023 | Requena-Mullor, J.M., J. Brandt, M.A. Williamson, and T.T. Caughlin. 2023. Human population growth and accessibility from cities shape rangeland condition in the American West. Landscape and Urban Planning. 232:104673. |
2023 | Sadeghi Tabas, S., N. Humaira, S. Samadi, and N. Hubig. 2023. FlowDyn: A daily streamflow prediction pipeline for dynamical deep neural network applications. Environmental Modelling & Software. 170:105854. |
2023 | Valness, C.M., W.J. Libby, and J. Berrill. 2023. Assisted Migration of Sequoiadendron Genotypes for Conservation and Timber: Performance and Morphology in a Warmer Climate Outside of Their Range. Conservation. 3(4):543-568. |
2022 | Bhat, R., R. Joshi, & V. Arya. 2022. Crop Production Prediction Models in Indian Agriculture: Possibilities and Challenges. Indian Journal of Ecology. 49(3):1005-1010. |
2022 | Finkelstein, J.S., J. Monti, J.P. Masterson, and D.A. Walter. 2022. Application of a soil-water-balance model to estimate annual groundwater recharge for Long Island, New York, 1900–2019. Scientific Investigations Report. |
2022 | Himanshu, S.K., S. Ale, P.B. DeLaune, J. Singh, S.A. Mauget, and E.M. Barnes. 2022. Assessing the Effects of a Winter Wheat Cover Crop on Soil Water Use, Cotton Yield, and Soil Organic Carbon in No-Till Cotton Production Systems. Journal of the ASABE. 65(5):1163-1177. |
2022 | Kim, C. 2022. Bayesian additive regression trees in spatial data analysis with sparse observations. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 92(15):3275-3300. |
2022 | Liu, J., K. Ren, T. Ming, J. Qu, W. Guo, and H. Li. 2022. Investigating the effects of local weather, streamflow lag, and global climate information on 1-month-ahead streamflow forecasting by using XGBoost and SHAP: two case studies involving the contiguous USA. Acta Geophysica. 71(2):905-925. |
2022 | Malison, R.L., B.K. Hand, E. Winter, J.J. Giersch, S.J. Amish, D. Whited, J.A. Stanford, and G. Luikart. 2022. Landscape Connectivity and Genetic Structure in a Mainstem and a Tributary Stonefly (Plecoptera) Species Using a Novel Reference Genome. Journal of Heredity. 113(4):453-471. |
2022 | Mandrini, G., S.V. Archontoulis, C.M. Pittelkow, T. Mieno, and N.F. Martin. 2022. Simulated dataset of corn response to nitrogen over thousands of fields and multiple years in Illinois. Data in Brief. 40:107753. |
2022 | Pflug, J.M., S.A. Margulis, and J.D. Lundquist. 2022. Inferring watershed?scale mean snowfall magnitude and distribution using multidecadal snow reanalysis patterns and snow pillow observations. Hydrological Processes. 36(6). |
2022 | Pilliod, D.S., R.M. McCaffery, R.S. Arkle, R.D. Scherer, J.B. Cupples, L.A. Eby, B.R. Hossack, H. Lingo, K.N. Lohr, B.A. Maxell, M.J. McGuire, C. Mellison, M.K. Meyer, J.C. Munger, T. Slatauski, and R. Van Horne. 2022. Importance of local weather and environmental gradients on demography of a broadly distributed temperate frog. Ecological Indicators. 136:108648. |
2022 | T, M., K. Makkithaya, and N.V. G. 2022. A Federated Learning-Based Crop Yield Prediction for Agricultural Production Risk Management. 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON). |
2022 | Xu, Z., S. Molins, I. Özgen?Xian, D. Dwivedi, D. Svyatsky, J.D. Moulton, and C. Steefel. 2022. Understanding the Hydrogeochemical Response of a Mountainous Watershed Using Integrated Surface?Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport Modeling. Water Resources Research. 58(8). |
2022 | Yin, H., F. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, R. Xia, and J. Jin. 2022. Rainfall-runoff modeling using long short-term memory based step-sequence framework. Journal of Hydrology. 610:127901. |
2022 | Yin, H., Z. Guo, X. Zhang, J. Chen, and Y. Zhang. 2022. RR-Former: Rainfall-runoff modeling based on Transformer. Journal of Hydrology. 609:127781. |
2021 | Afroz, M., R. Li, G. Chen, and A. Anandhi. 2021. Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Data-Scarce Region Using a Scenario-Based Modeling Approach: A Case Study in Southeastern USA. Agronomy. 11(7):1323. |
2021 | Ceradini, J., D. Keinath, I. Abernethy, M. Andersen, and Z. Wallace. 2021. Crossing boundaries in conservation: land ownership and habitat influence the occupancy of an at-risk small mammal. Ecosphere. 12(1): |
2021 | Choi, H.M., C. Chen, J.Y. Son, and M.L. Bell. 2021. Temperature-mortality relationship in North Carolina, USA: Regional and urban-rural differences. Science of The Total Environment. 787:147672. |
2021 | Dinkins, J.B., K.J. Lawson, and J.L. Beck. 2021. Influence of environmental change, harvest exposure, and human disturbance on population trends of greater sage-grouse. PLOS ONE. 16(9):e0257198. |
2021 | Holthuijzen, M.F., B. Beckage, P.J. Clemins, D. Higdon, and J.M. Winter. 2021. Constructing High-Resolution, Bias-Corrected Climate Products: A Comparison of Methods. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 60(4):455-475. |
2021 | Humaira, N., S.S. Tabas, S. Samadi, and N.C. Hubig. 2021. FlowDyn: A Dynamic Web-based Streamflow Prediction Pipeline. 757-767. |
2021 | Jesmer, B.R., M.J. Kauffman, A.B. Courtemanch, S. Kilpatrick, T. Thomas, J. Yost, K.L. Monteith, and J.R. Goheen. 2021. Life-history theory provides a framework for detecting resource limitation: a test of the Nutritional Buffer Hypothesis. Ecological Applications. |
2021 | Mandrini, G., C.M. Pittelkow, S.V. Archontoulis, T. Mieno, and N.F. Martin. 2021. Understanding differences between static and dynamic nitrogen fertilizer tools using simulation modeling. Agricultural Systems. 194:103275. |
2021 | Mandrini, G., D.S. Bullock, and N.F. Martin. 2021. Modeling the economic and environmental effects of corn nitrogen management strategies in Illinois. Field Crops Research. 261:108000. |
2021 | Mitchell, C., D. Friend, L. Phillips, E. Hunter, J. Lovich, M. Agha, S. Puffer, K. Cummings, P. Medica, T. Esque, K. Nussear, and K. Shoemaker. 2021. 'Unscrambling' the drivers of egg production in Agassiz's desert tortoise: climate and individual attributes predict reproductive output. Endangered Species Research. 44:217-230. |
2021 | Qu, J., K. Ren, and X. Shi. 2021. Binary Grey Wolf Optimization-Regularized Extreme Learning Machine Wrapper Coupled with the Boruta Algorithm for Monthly Streamflow Forecasting. Water Resources Management. 35(3):1029-1045. |
2021 | Robbins, Z.J., C. Xu, B.H. Aukema, P.C. Buotte, R. Chitra-Tarak, C.J. Fettig, M.L. Goulden, D.W. Goodsman, A.D. Hall, C.D. Koven, L.M. Kueppers, G.D. Madakumbura, L.A. Mortenson, J.A. Powell, and R.M. Scheller. 2021. Warming increased bark beetle-induced tree mortality by 30\% during an extreme drought in California. Global Change Biology. 28(2):509-523. |
2021 | Sang, Z., A. Hamann, and S.N. Aitken. 2021. Assisted migration poleward rather than upward in elevation minimizes frost risks in plantations. Climate Risk Management. 34:100380. |
2021 | Sun, A.Y., P. Jiang, M.K. Mudunuru, and X. Chen. 2021. Explore Spatio-Temporal Learning of Large Sample Hydrology Using Graph Neural Networks. Water Resources Research. 57(12): |
2021 | Terry, T.J., M.D. Madsen, R.A. Gill, V.J. Anderson, and S.B. St. Clair. 2021. Herbicide effects on the establishment of a native bunchgrass in annual grass invaded areas: Indaziflam versus imazapic. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 2(1): |
2021 | Terry, T.J., M.D. Madsen, R.A. Gill, V.J. Anderson, and S.B. St. Clair. 2021. Selective herbicide control: using furrows and carbon seed coatings to establish a native bunchgrass while reducing cheatgrass cover. Restoration Ecology. |
2021 | Thornton, P.E., R. Shrestha, M. Thornton, S.C. Kao, Y. Wei, and B.E. Wilson. 2021. Gridded daily weather data for North America with comprehensive uncertainty quantification. Scientific Data. 8(1): |
2021 | Tyralis, H. and G. Papacharalampous. 2021. Quantile-Based Hydrological Modelling. Water. 13(23):3420. |
2021 | Yang, P., X. Cai, and M. Khanna. 2021. Farmers' heterogeneous perceptions of marginal land for biofuel crops in US Midwestern states considering biophysical and socioeconomic factors. GCB Bioenergy. |
2021 | Zilli Vieira, C.L. and P. Koutrakis. 2021. The impact of solar activity on ambient ultrafine particle concentrations: An analysis based on 19-year measurements in Boston, USA. Environmental Research. 201:111532. |
2020 | Boulmaiz, T., M. Guermoui, and H. Boutaghane. 2020. Impact of training data size on the LSTM performances for rainfall-runoff modeling. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 6(4):2153-2164. |
2020 | Chen, N., B. Cheng, X. Zhang, and C. Xing. 2020. Surface soil moisture estimation at high spatial resolution by fusing synthetic aperture radar and optical remote sensing data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 14(02):1. |
2020 | Gaspar, A.P., S. Mourtzinis, D. Kyle, E. Galdi, L.E. Lindsey, W.P. Hamman, E.G. Matcham, H.J. Kandel, P. Schmitz, J.D. Stanley, J.P. Schmidt, D.S. Mueller, E.D. Nafziger, J. Ross, P.R. Carter, A.J. Varenhorst, K.A. Wise, I.A. Ciampitti, W.D. Carciochi, M.I. Chilvers, B. Hauswedell, A.U. Tenuta, and S.P. Conley. 2020. Defining optimal soybean seeding rates and associated risk across North America. Agronomy Journal. 112(3):2103-2114. |
2020 | Guo, L., J. Chen, D. Luo, S. Liu, H.J. Lee, N. Motallebi, A. Fong, J. Deng, Q.Z. Rasool, J.C. Avise, T. Kuwayama, B.E. Croes, and M. FitzGibbon. 2020. Assessment of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions and San Joaquin Valley PM 2.5 Impacts From Soils in California . Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 125(24): |
2020 | Hewage, P., A. Behera, M. Trovati, E. Pereira, M. Ghahremani, F. Palmieri, and Y. Liu. 2020. Temporal convolutional neural (TCN) network for an effective weather forecasting using time-series data from the local weather station. Soft Computing. |
2020 | Keellings, D. and H. Moradkhani. 2020. Spatiotemporal Evolution of Heat Wave Severity and Coverage Across the United States. Geophysical Research Letters. 47(9): |
2020 | Keyser, A.R., D.J. Krofcheck, C.C. Remy, C.D. Allen, and M.D. Hurteau. 2020. Simulated Increases in Fire Activity Reinforce Shrub Conversion in a Southwestern US Forest. Ecosystems. |
2020 | Lesk, C., E. Coffel, and R. Horton. 2020. Net benefits to US soy and maize yields from intensifying hourly rainfall. Nature Climate Change. 10(9):819-822. |
2020 | Li, J.S., A. Hamann, and E. Beaubien. 2020. Outlier detection methods to improve the quality of citizen science data. International Journal of Biometeorology. |
2020 | McNunn, G., D.L. Karlen, W. Salas, C.W. Rice, S. Mueller, D. Muth, and J.W. Seale. 2020. Climate smart agriculture opportunities for mitigating soil greenhouse gas emissions across the U.S. Corn-Belt. Journal of Cleaner Production. 268:122240. |
2020 | Tyralis, H., G. Papacharalampous, and A. Langousis. 2020. Super ensemble learning for daily streamflow forecasting: large-scale demonstration and comparison with multiple machine learning algorithms. Neural Computing and Applications. |
2019 | Bartowitz, K.J., P.E. Higuera, B.N. Shuman, K.K. McLauchlan, and T.W. Hudiburg. 2019. Post-Fire Carbon Dynamics in Subalpine Forests of the Rocky Mountains. Fire. 2(4):58. |
2019 | Bone and Nelson. 2019. Improving Mountain Pine Beetle Survival Predictions Using Multi-Year Temperatures Across the Western USA. Forests. 10(10):866. |
2019 | Brown, C., S. Steinschneider, P. Ray, S. Wi, L. Basdekas, and D. Yates. 2019. Decision Scaling (DS): Decision Support for Climate Change. 255-287. |
2019 | Cuesta-Frau, D., J.P. Murillo-Escobar, D.A. Orrego, and E. Delgado-Trejos. 2019. Embedded Dimension and Time Series Length. Practical Influence on Permutation Entropy and Its Applications. Entropy. 21(4):385. |
2019 | Krofcheck, D.J., C.C. Remy, A.R. Keyser, and M.D. Hurteau. 2019. Optimizing Forest Management Stabilizes Carbon Under Projected Climate and Wildfires. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 124(10):3075-3087. |
2019 | Krofcheck, D.J., M.E. Litvak, and M.D. Hurteau. 2019. Allometric relationships for Quercus gambelii and Robinia neomexicana for biomass estimation following disturbance . Ecosphere. 10(10): |
2019 | Lubinda, J., J.A. Trevino C., M.R. Walsh, A.J. Moore, A.A. Hanafi-Bojd, S. Akgun, B. Zhao, A.S. Barro, M.M. Begum, H. Jamal, A. Angulo-Molina, and U. Haque. 2019. Environmental suitability for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and the spatial distribution of major arboviral infections in Mexico. Parasite Epidemiology and Control. 6:e00116. |
2019 | Massmann, C. 2019. Identification of factors influencing hydrologic model performance using a top-down approach in a large number of U.S. catchments. Hydrological Processes. 34(1):4-20. |
2019 | Petrie, M.D., D.P.C. Peters, N.D. Burruss, W. Ji, and H.M. Savoy. 2019. Differing climate and landscape effects on regional dryland vegetation responses during wet periods allude to future patterns. Global Change Biology. 25(10):3305-3318. |
2019 | Petrie, M.D., D.P.C. Peters, N.D. Burruss, W. Ji, and H.M. Savoy. 2019. Local-regional similarity in drylands increases during multiyear wet and dry periods and in response to extreme events. Ecosphere. 10(12): |
2019 | Regan, R.S., K.E. Juracek, L.E. Hay, S.L. Markstrom, R.J. Viger, J.M. Driscoll, J.H. LaFontaine, and P.A. Norton. 2019. The U. S. Geological Survey National Hydrologic Model infrastructure: Rationale, description, and application of a watershed-scale model for the conterminous United States. Environmental Modelling & Software. 111:192-203. |
2019 | Rigge, M., H. Shi, C. Homer, P. Danielson, and B. Granneman. 2019. Long-term trajectories of fractional component change in the Northern Great Basin, USA . Ecosphere. 10(6):e02762. |
2019 | Tyralis, H., G. Papacharalampous, and S. Tantanee. 2019. How to explain and predict the shape parameter of the generalized extreme value distribution of streamflow extremes using a big dataset. Journal of Hydrology. 574:628-645. |
2019 | Van Dam, M.H., A.J. Rominger, and M.S. Brewer. 2019. E nvironmental niche adaptation revealed through fine scale phenological niche modelling . Journal of Biogeography. 46(10):2275-2288. |
2019 | Wang, W.J., F.R. Thompson, H.S. He, J.S. Fraser, W.D. Dijak, and T. Jones-Farrand. 2019. Climate change and tree harvest interact to affect future tree species distribution changes. Journal of Ecology. 107(4):1901-1917. |
2019 | Williams, C.J., F.B. Pierson, S.K. Nouwakpo, P.R. Kormos, O.Z. Al-Hamdan, and M.A. Weltz. 2019. Long-term evidence for fire as an ecohydrologic threshold-reversal mechanism on woodland-encroached sagebrush shrublands. Ecohydrology. 12(4):e2086. |
2019 | Zhang, Y. and K. Paustian. 2019. Sensitivity of Predicted Agro-Ecosystem Variables to Errors in Weather Input Data. Transactions of the ASABE. 62(3):627-640. |
2018 | Bernardes, S. 2018. A MODIS-Derived Primary Productivity Dataset for North America Based on Topographically-Aware Weather Data and Light-Use Efficiency. 5915-5917. |
2018 | Brown, J.F., L. Ji, A. Gallant, and M. Kauffman. 2018. Exploring relationships of spring green-up to moisture and temperature across Wyoming, U.S.A. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 40(3):956-984. |
2018 | Brown, R. and D. Markewitz. 2018. Soil heterotrophic respiration: Measuring and modeling seasonal variation and silvicultural impacts. Forest Ecology and Management. 430:594-608. |
2018 | Burkhart, H.E., E.B. Brooks, H. Dinon-Aldridge, C.O. Sabatia, N. Gyawali, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas. 2018. Regional Simulations of Loblolly Pine Productivity with CO2 Enrichment and Changing Climate Scenarios. Forest Science. 64(4):349-357. |
2018 | Cain, J.W., J.V. Gedir, C.A. Caldwell, and S. Carleton2018. Assessment of Drought Impacts on Selected Fish and Wildlife Species in the Southwestern United States. U.S. Geological Survey, National Climate Change & Wildlife Science Center. |
2018 | Dai, Z., C.C. Trettin, S. Frolking, and R.A. Birdsey. 2018. Mangrove carbon assessment tool: Model development and sensitivity analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 208:23-35. |
2018 | Dai, Z., C.C. Trettin, S. Frolking, and R.A. Birdsey. 2018. Mangrove carbon assessment tool: Model validation and assessment of mangroves in southern USA and Mexico. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 208:107-117. |
2018 | Damianidis, D., B.V. Ortiz, G.L. Windham, K.L. Bowen, G. Hoogenboom, B.T. Scully, A. Hagan, T. Knappenberger, P. Woli, and W.P. Williams. 2018. Evaluating a generic drought index as a predictive tool for aflatoxin contamination of corn: From plot to regional level. Crop Protection. 113:64-74. |
2018 | Dauwalter, D.C., K.A. Fesenmyer, S.W. Miller, and T. Porter. 2018. Response of Riparian Vegetation, Instream Habitat, and Aquatic Biota to Riparian Grazing Exclosures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 38(5):1187-1200. |
2018 | Deng, J., L. Guo, W. Salas, P. Ingraham, J.G. Charrier-Klobas, S. Frolking, and C. Li. 2018. Changes in Irrigation Practices Likely Mitigate Nitrous Oxide Emissions From California Cropland. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 32(10):1514-1527. |
2018 | DeWoody, J., D.L. Rogers, V.D. Hipkins, and B.A. Endress. 2018. Spatially explicit and multi-sourced genetic information is critical for conservation of an endangered plant species, San Diego thornmint (Acanthomintha ilicifolia). Conservation Genetics. 19(4):893-907. |
2018 | Eisen, R.J., S. Feirer, K.A. Padgett, M.B. Hahn, A.J. Monaghan, V.L. Kramer, R.S. Lane, and M. Kelly. 2018. Modeling Climate Suitability of the Western Blacklegged Tick in California. Journal of Medical Entomology. |
2018 | Evenson, G.R., H.E. Golden, C.R. Lane, D.L. McLaughlin, and E. D'Amico. 2018. Depressional wetlands affect watershed hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological functions. Ecological Applications. 28(4):953-966. |
2018 | Fesenmyer, K.A., D.C. Dauwalter, C. Evans, and T. Allai. 2018. Livestock management, beaver, and climate influences on riparian vegetation in a semi-arid landscape. PLOS ONE. 13(12):e0208928. |
2018 | Gao, X., X. Chen, T. Biggs, and H. Yao. 2018. Separating Wet and Dry Years to Improve Calibration of SWAT in Barrett Watershed, Southern California. Water. 10(3):274. |
2018 | Gomez-Casanovas, N., N.J. DeLucia, C.J. Bernacchi, E.H. Boughton, J.P. Sparks, S.D. Chamberlain, and E.H. DeLucia. 2018. Grazing alters net ecosystem C fluxes and the global warming potential of a subtropical pasture. Ecological Applications. 28(2):557-572. |
2018 | Gustafson, E.J., B.R. Sturtevant, A.M.G. de Bruijn, N. Lichti, D.F. Jacobs, D.M. Kashian, B.R. Miranda, and P.A. Townsend. 2018. Forecasting effects of tree species reintroduction strategies on carbon stocks in a future without historical analog. Global Change Biology. 24(11):5500-5517. |
2018 | Hay, L., P. Norton, R. Viger, S. Markstrom, R. Steven Regan, and M. Vanderhoof. 2018. Modelling surface-water depression storage in a Prairie Pothole Region. Hydrological Processes. 32(4):462-479. |
2018 | LeBauer, D., R. Kooper, P. Mulrooney, S. Rohde, D. Wang, S.P. Long, and M.C. Dietze. 2018. BETYdb: a yield, trait, and ecosystem service database applied to second-generation bioenergy feedstock production. GCB Bioenergy. 10(1):61-71. |
2018 | Li, J. S.-M. (2018) Comparing outlier detection methods to improve the quality of citizen science data.. (): |
2018 | Littke, K.M., D. Zabowski, E. Turnblom, and R.B. Harrison. 2018. Estimating shallow soil available water supply for Douglas-fir forests of the coastal Pacific Northwest: climate change impacts. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 48(4):421-430. |
2018 | Marshall, M., K. Tu, and J. Brown. 2018. Optimizing a remote sensing production efficiency model for macro-scale GPP and yield estimation in agroecosystems. Remote Sensing of Environment. 217:258-271. |
2018 | May, C., N. Hillerbrand, L.M. Thompson, T.M. Faske, E. Martinez, D. Parry, S.J. Agosta, and K.L. Grayson. 2018. Geographic Variation in Larval Metabolic Rate Between Northern and Southern Populations of the Invasive Gypsy Moth. Journal of Insect Science. 18(4): |
2018 | Melsen, L.A., N. Addor, N. Mizukami, A.J. Newman, P.J.J.F. Torfs, M.P. Clark, R. Uijlenhoet, and A.J. Teuling. 2018. Mapping (dis)agreement in hydrologic projections. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 22(3):1775-1791. |
2018 | Monteiro, L.A., P.C. Sentelhas, and G.U. Pedra. 2018. Assessment of NASA/POWER satellite-based weather system for Brazilian conditions and its impact on sugarcane yield simulation. International Journal of Climatology. 38(3):1571-1581. |
2018 | Pan, C.G., P.B. Kirchner, J.S. Kimball, Y. Kim, and J. Du. 2018. Rain-on-snow events in Alaska, their frequency and distribution from satellite observations. Environmental Research Letters. 13(7):075004. |
2018 | Papacharalampous, G.A. and H. Tyralis. 2018. Evaluation of random forests and Prophet for daily streamflow forecasting. Advances in Geosciences. 45:201-208. |
2018 | Reese, A.T., K. Lulow, L.A. David, and J.P. Wright. 2018. Plant community and soil conditions individually affect soil microbial community assembly in experimental mesocosms. Ecology and Evolution. 8(2):1196-1205. |
2018 | Ryan, S.F., J.M. Deines, J.M. Scriber, M.E. Pfrender, S.E. Jones, S.J. Emrich, and J.J. Hellmann. 2018. Climate-mediated hybrid zone movement revealed with genomics, museum collection, and simulation modeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(10):E2284-E2291. |
2018 | Sadinski, W., A.L. Gallant, M. Roth, J. Brown, G. Senay, W. Brininger, P.M. Jones, and J. Stoker. 2018. Multi-year data from satellite- and ground-based sensors show details and scale matter in assessing climate's effects on wetland surface water, amphibians, and landscape conditions. PLOS ONE. 13(9):e0201951. |
2018 | Saunders, S.P., L. Ries, K.S. Oberhauser, W.E. Thogmartin, and E.F. Zipkin. 2018. Local and cross-seasonal associations of climate and land use with abundance of monarch butterflies Danaus plexippus . Ecography. 41(2):278-290. |
2018 | Seifert, C.A., G. Azzari, and D.B. Lobell. 2018. Satellite detection of cover crops and their effects on crop yield in the Midwestern United States. Environmental Research Letters. 13(6):064033. |
2018 | Smith, J.T., J.D. Tack, L.I. Berkeley, M. Szczypinski, and D.E. Naugle. 2018. Effects of livestock grazing on nesting sage-grouse in central Montana. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 82(7):1503-1515. |
2018 | Srivastava, A., J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot, E.S. Brooks, and D.C. Flanagan. 2018. A Simulation Study to Estimate Effects of Wildfire and Forest Management on Hydrology and Sediment in a Forested Watershed, Northwestern U.S. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(5):1579-1601. |
2018 | Thistlewood, H.M.A., P. Gill, E.H. Beers, P.W. Shearer, D.B. Walsh, B.M. Rozema, S. Acheampong, S. Castagnoli, W.L. Yee, P. Smytheman, and A.B. Whitener. 2018. Spatial Analysis of Seasonal Dynamics and Overwintering of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in the Okanagan-Columbia Basin, 2010-2014. Environmental Entomology. 47(2):221-232. |
2018 | Tyralis, H. and G.A. Papacharalampous. 2018. Large-scale assessment of Prophet for multi-step ahead forecasting of monthly streamflow. Advances in Geosciences. 45:147-153. |
2018 | Wang, G., H.I. Jager, L.M. Baskaran, and C.C. Brandt. 2018. Hydrologic and water quality responses to biomass production in the Tennessee river basin. GCB Bioenergy. 10(11):877-893. |
2018 | Wilson, B. and A. Chakraborty. 2018. Mapping vulnerability to extreme heat events: lessons from metropolitan Chicago. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 62(6):1065-1088. |
2018 | Xin, Q., Y. Dai, X. Li, X. Liu, P. Gong, and A.D. Richardson. 2018. A steady-state approximation approach to simulate seasonal leaf dynamics of deciduous broadleaf forests via climate variables. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 249:44-56. |
2018 | Yagci, A.L. and J.A. Santanello. 2018. Estimating Evapotranspiration From Satellite Using Easily Obtainable Variables: A Case Study Over the Southern Great Plains, USA. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(1):12-23. |
2017 | Arsenault, R., G.R.C. Essou, and F.P. Brissette. 2017. Improving Hydrological Model Simulations with Combined Multi-Input and Multimodel Averaging Frameworks. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 22(4):04016066. |
2017 | Auch, R.F., G. Xian, C.R. Laingen, K.L. Sayler, and R.R. Reker. 2017. Human drivers, biophysical changes, and climatic variation affecting contemporary cropping proportions in the northern prairie of the U.S. Journal of Land Use Science. 13(1-2):32-58. |
2017 | Azzari, G., M. Jain, and D.B. Lobell. 2017. Towards fine resolution global maps of crop yields: Testing multiple methods and satellites in three countries. Remote Sensing of Environment. 202:129-141. |
2017 | Black, C.K., S.C. Davis, T.W. Hudiburg, C.J. Bernacchi, and E.H. DeLucia. 2017. Elevated CO2 and temperature increase soil C losses from a soybean-maize ecosystem. Global Change Biology. 23(1):435-445. |
2017 | Bose, A.K., A. Weiskittel, and R.G. Wagner. 2017. Occurrence, pattern of change, and factors associated with American beech-dominance in stands of the northeastern USA forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 392:202-212. |
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2017 | Carvalho, J.L.N., T.W. Hudiburg, H.C.J. Franco, and E.H. DeLucia. 2017. Contribution of above- and belowground bioenergy crop residues to soil carbon. GCB Bioenergy. 9(8):1333-1343. |
2017 | Chamberlain, S.D., P.M. Groffman, E.H. Boughton, N. Gomez-Casanovas, E.H. DeLucia, C.J. Bernacchi, and J.P. Sparks. 2017. The impact of water management practices on subtropical pasture methane emissions and ecosystem service payments. Ecological Applications. 27(4):1199-1209. |
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2017 | Cleaver, C.M., W.R. Jacobi, K.S. Burns, and R.E. Means. 2017. Limber Pine Regeneration and White Pine Blister Rust in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains. Forest Science. 63(2):151-164. |
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2017 | Dencker, C.M.2017. Riparian post-fire response: factors influencing vegetation recovery and channel stability. University of Nevada, Reno. |
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2017 | Eisen, R.J., R.J. Clark, A.J. Monaghan, L. Eisen, M.J. Delorey, and C.B. Beard. 2017. Host-Seeking Phenology ofIxodes pacificus(Acari: Ixodidae) Nymphs in Northwestern California in Relation to Calendar Week, Woodland Type, and Weather Conditions. Journal of Medical Entomology. 54(1):125-131. |
2017 | Gerst, K.L., N.L. Rossington, and S.J. Mazer. 2017. Phenological responsiveness to climate differs among four species of Quercus in North America. Journal of Ecology. 105(6):1610-1622. |
2017 | Giersch, J.J., S. Hotaling, R.P. Kovach, L.A. Jones, and C.C. Muhlfeld. 2017. Climate-induced glacier and snow loss imperils alpine stream insects. Global Change Biology. 23(7):2577-2589. |
2017 | Gustafson, E.J., A. de Bruijn, N. Lichti, D.F. Jacobs, B.R. Sturtevant, J. Foster, B.R. Miranda, and H.J. Dalgleish. 2017. The implications of American chestnut reintroduction on landscape dynamics and carbon storage. Ecosphere. 8(4):e01773. |
2017 | Hallema, D.W., G. Sun, P.V. Caldwell, S.P. Norman, E.C. Cohen, Y. Liu, E.J. Ward, and S.G. McNulty. 2017. Assessment of wildland fire impacts on watershed annual water yield: Analytical framework and case studies in the United States. Ecohydrology. 10(2):e1794. |
2017 | Henault-Ethier, L., M.P. Gomes, M. Lucotte, E. Smedbol, S. Maccario, L. Lepage, P. Juneau, and M. Labrecque. 2017. High yields of riparian buffer strips planted with Salix miyabena 'SX64' along field crops in Quebec, Canada. Biomass and Bioenergy. 105:219-229. |
2017 | Hudiburg, T.W., P.E. Higuera, and J.A. Hicke. 2017. Fire-regime variability impacts forest carbon dynamics for centuries to millennia. Biogeosciences. 14(17):3873-3882. |
2017 | Hughes, M., J.D. Lundquist, and B. Henn. 2017. Dynamical downscaling improves upon gridded precipitation products in the Sierra Nevada, California. Climate Dynamics. |
2017 | Huntington, J.L., K.C. Hegewisch, B. Daudert, C.G. Morton, J.T. Abatzoglou, D.J. McEvoy, and T. Erickson. 2017. Climate Engine: Cloud Computing and Visualization of Climate and Remote Sensing Data for Advanced Natural Resource Monitoring and Process Understanding. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 98(11):2397-2410. |
2017 | Jin, Z., G. Azzari, and D.B. Lobell. 2017. Improving the accuracy of satellite-based high-resolution yield estimation: A test of multiple scalable approaches. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 247:207-220. |
2017 | Jing, X., B. Geerts, Y. Wang, and C. Liu. 2017. Evaluating Seasonal Orographic Precipitation in the Interior Western United States Using Gauge Data, Gridded Precipitation Estimates, and a Regional Climate Simulation. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 18(9):2541-2558. |
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2017 | Lacasella, F., S. Marta, A. Singh, K. Stack Whitney, K. Hamilton, P. Townsend, C.J. Kucharik, T.D. Meehan, and C. Gratton. 2017. From pest data to abundance-based risk maps combining eco-physiological knowledge, weather, and habitat variability. Ecological Applications. 27(2):575-588. |
2017 | Lee, S.R., E.L. Berlow, S.M. Ostoja, M.L. Brooks, A. Genin, J.R. Matchett, and S.C. Hart. 2017. A multi-scale evaluation of pack stock effects on subalpine meadow plant communities in the Sierra Nevada. PLOS ONE. 12(6):e0178536. |
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2017 | Lobell, D.B. and G. Azzari. 2017. Satellite detection of rising maize yield heterogeneity in the U.S. Midwest. Environmental Research Letters. 12(1):014014. |
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2017 | Martin, K.L., T. Hwang, J.M. Vose, J.W. Coulston, D.N. Wear, B. Miles, and L.E. Band. 2017. Watershed impacts of climate and land use changes depend on magnitude and land use context. Ecohydrology. 10(7):e1870. |
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2017 | Murphy, R.K., J.R. Dunk, B. Woodbridge, D.W. Stahlecker, D.W. LaPlante, B.A. Millsap, and K.V. Jacobson. 2017. First-Year Dispersal of Golden Eagles from Natal Areas in the Southwestern United States and Implications for Second-year Settling. Journal of Raptor Research. 51(3):216-233. |
2017 | Peterman, W.E. and M. Gade. 2017. The importance of assessing parameter sensitivity when using biophysical models: a case study using plethodontid salamanders. Population Ecology. 59(3):275-286. |
2017 | Ramcharan, A.M. and T.L. Richard. 2017. Carbon and nitrogen environmental trade-offs of winter rye cellulosic biomass in the Chesapeake Watershed. Agricultural Systems. 156:85-94. |
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2017 | Sanchez-Mejia, Z.M. and S.A. Papuga. 2017. Empirical Modeling of Planetary Boundary Layer Dynamics Under Multiple Precipitation Scenarios Using a Two-Layer Soil Moisture Approach: An Example From a Semiarid Shrubland. Water Resources Research. 53(11):8807-8824. |
2017 | Srivastava, A., J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot, E.S. Brooks, and D.C. Flanagan. 2017. Modeling Streamflow in a Snow-Dominated Forest Watershed Using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(4):1171-1187. |
2017 | Strachan, S. and C. Daly. 2017. Testing the daily PRISM air temperature model on semiarid mountain slopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 122(11):5697-5715. |
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2017 | Turner, D.P., D.R. Conklin, K.B. Vache, C. Schwartz, A.W. Nolin, H. Chang, E. Watson, and J.P. Bolte. 2017. Assessing mechanisms of climate change impact on the upland forest water balance of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Ecohydrology. 10(1):e1776. |
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2017 | Yagci, A.L., J.A. Santanello, J.W. Jones, and J. Barr. 2017. Estimating evaporative fraction from readily obtainable variables in mangrove forests of the Everglades, U.S.A. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 38(14):3981-4007. |
2017 | Zhang, Y. and G.F. Hepner. 2017. Short-Term Phenological Predictions of Vegetation Abundance Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Earth Interactions. 21(1):1-26. |
2016 | Ahlering, M., J. Fargione, and W. Parton. 2016. Potential carbon dioxide emission reductions from avoided grassland conversion in the northern Great Plains. Ecosphere. 7(12):e01625. |
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2016 | Ashfaq, M., D. Rastogi, R. Mei, S.C. Kao, S. Gangrade, B.S. Naz, and D. Touma. 2016. High-resolution ensemble projections of near-term regional climate over the continental United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 121(17):9943-9963. |
2016 | Badr, G., L.J. Klein, M. Freitag, C.M. Albrecht, F.J. Marianno, S. Lu, X. Shao, N. Hinds, G. Hoogenboom, and H.F. Hamann. 2016. Toward large-scale crop production forecasts for global food security. IBM Journal of Research and Development. 60(5/6):5:1-5:11. |
2016 | Barnes, M.L., M.S. Moran, R.L. Scott, T.E. Kolb, G.E. Ponce-Campos, D.J.P. Moore, M.A. Ross, B. Mitra, and S. Dore. 2016. Vegetation productivity responds to sub-annual climate conditions across semiarid biomes. Ecosphere. 7(5):e01339. |
2016 | Beever, E.A., J.D. Perrine, T. Rickman, M. Flores, J.P. Clark, C. Waters, S.S. Weber, B. Yardley, D. Thoma, T. Chesley-Preston, K.E. Goehring, M. Magnuson, N. Nordensten, M. Nelson, and G.H. Collins. 2016. Pika (Ochotona princeps) losses from two isolated regions reflect temperature and water balance, but reflect habitat area in a mainland region. Journal of Mammalogy. 97(6):1495-1511. |
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2016 | Choi, S., C.P. Kempes, T. Park, S. Ganguly, W. Wang, L. Xu, S. Basu, J.L. Dungan, M. Simard, S.S. Saatchi, S. Piao, X. Ni, Y. Shi, C. Cao, R.R. Nemani, Y. Knyazikhin, and R.B. Myneni. 2016. Application of the metabolic scaling theory and water-energy balance equation to model large-scale patterns of maximum forest canopy height. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 25(12):1428-1442. |
2016 | Dijak, W.D., B.B. Hanberry, J.S. Fraser, H.S. He, W.J. Wang, and F.R. Thompson. 2016. Revision and application of the LINKAGES model to simulate forest growth in central hardwood landscapes in response to climate change. Landscape Ecology. 32(7):1365-1384. |
2016 | Essou, G.R.C., R. Arsenault, and F.P. Brissette. 2016. Comparison of climate datasets for lumped hydrological modeling over the continental United States. Journal of Hydrology. 537:334-345. |
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2016 | Glotter, M. and J. Elliott. 2016. Simulating US agriculture in a modern Dust Bowl drought. Nature Plants. 3(1): |
2016 | Gomez-Casanovas, N., T.W. Hudiburg, C.J. Bernacchi, W.J. Parton, and E.H. DeLucia. 2016. Nitrogen deposition and greenhouse gas emissions from grasslands: uncertainties and future directions. Global Change Biology. 22(4):1348-1360. |
2016 | Graves, R.A., S.M. Pearson, and M.G. Turner. 2016. Landscape dynamics of floral resources affect the supply of a biodiversity-dependent cultural ecosystem service. Landscape Ecology. 32(2):415-428. |
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2016 | Hand, B.K., C.C. Muhlfeld, A.A. Wade, R.P. Kovach, D.C. Whited, S.R. Narum, A.P. Matala, M.W. Ackerman, B.A. Garner, J.S. Kimball, J.A. Stanford, and G. Luikart. 2016. Climate variables explain neutral and adaptive variation within salmonid metapopulations: the importance of replication in landscape genetics. Molecular Ecology. 25(3):689-705. |
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2016 | Huang, X., A.M. Rhoades, P.A. Ullrich, and C.M. Zarzycki. 2016. An evaluation of the variable-resolution CESM for modeling California's climate. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 8(1):345-369. |
2016 | Hunt, N.D., S.T. Gower, K. Nadelhoffer, K. Lajtha, K. Townsend, and K.R. Brye. 2016. Validation of an agroecosystem process model (AGRO-BGC) on annual and perennial bioenergy feedstocks. Ecological Modelling. 321:23-34. |
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2016 | Mani, A., F.T.C. Tsai, S.C. Kao, B.S. Naz, M. Ashfaq, and D. Rastogi. 2016. Conjunctive management of surface and groundwater resources under projected future climate change scenarios. Journal of Hydrology. 540:397-411. |
2016 | Mehan, S., N. Kannan, R. Neupane, R. McDaniel, and S. Kumar. 2016. Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrological Processes of a Small Agricultural Watershed. Climate. 4(4):56. |
2016 | Melaas, E.K., M.A. Friedl, and A.D. Richardson. 2016. Multiscale modeling of spring phenology across Deciduous Forests in the Eastern United States. Global Change Biology. 22(2):792-805. |
2016 | Miliaresis, G.C. 2016. Revealing the precipitation dependency of regional in time and in space thermal anomaly peaks in SW USA. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 2(1): |
2016 | Naz, B.S., S.C. Kao, M. Ashfaq, D. Rastogi, R. Mei, and L.C. Bowling. 2016. Regional hydrologic response to climate change in the conterminous United States using high-resolution hydroclimate simulations. Global and Planetary Change. 143:100-117. |
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2016 | Rhoades, A.M., X. Huang, P.A. Ullrich, and C.M. Zarzycki. 2016. Characterizing Sierra Nevada Snowpack Using Variable-Resolution CESM. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 55(1):173-196. |
2016 | Saunders, S.P., L. Ries, K.S. Oberhauser, and E.F. Zipkin. 2016. Evaluating confidence in climate-based predictions of population change in a migratory species. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 25(8):1000-1012. |
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2016 | Turner, D.P., W.D. Ritts, R.E. Kennedy, A.N. Gray, and Z. Yang. 2016. Regional carbon cycle responses to 25 years of variation in climate and disturbance in the US Pacific Northwest. Regional Environmental Change. 16(8):2345-2355. |
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2016 | Wang, W.J., H.S. He, F.R. Thompson, J.S. Fraser, and W.D. Dijak. 2016. Changes in forest biomass and tree species distribution under climate change in the northeastern United States. Landscape Ecology. 32(7):1399-1413. |
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2016 | Wood, A.W., T. Hopson, A. Newman, L. Brekke, J. Arnold, and M. Clark. 2016. Quantifying Streamflow Forecast Skill Elasticity to Initial Condition and Climate Prediction Skill. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 17(2):651-668. |
2016 | Xin, Q. 2016. A risk-benefit model to simulate vegetation spring onset in response to multi-decadal climate variability: Theoretical basis and applications from the field to the Northern Hemisphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 228-229:139-163. |
2016 | Xu, B., Y. Pan, A.H. Johnson, and A.F. Plante. 2016. Method Comparison for Forest Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Estimates in the Delaware River Basin. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 80(1):227. |
2015 | Adler, P.R., J.G. Mitchell, G. Pourhashem, S. Spatari, S.J. Del Grosso, and W.J. Parton. 2015. Integrating biorefinery and farm biogeochemical cycles offsets fossil energy and mitigates soil carbon losses. Ecological Applications. 25(4):1142-1156. |
2015 | Allen, M.G. and H.E. Burkhart. 2015. A comparison of alternative data sources for modeling site index in loblolly pine plantations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 45(8):1026-1033. |
2015 | Ames, G.M., D.L. Vineyard, S.M. Anderson, and J.P. Wright. 2015. Annual growth in longleaf (Pinus palustris) and pond pine (P. serotina) in the Sandhills of North Carolina is driven by interactions between fire and climate. Forest Ecology and Management. 340:1-8. |
2015 | Caldwell, P.V., J.G. Kennen, G. Sun, J.E. Kiang, J.B. Butcher, M.C. Eddy, L.E. Hay, J.H. LaFontaine, E.F. Hain, S.A.C. Nelson, and S.G. McNulty. 2015. A comparison of hydrologic models for ecological flows and water availability. Ecohydrology. 8(8):1525-1546. |
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2015 | Cleaver, C.M., W.R. Jacobi, K.S. Burns, and R.E. Means. 2015. Limber pine in the central and southern Rocky Mountains: Stand conditions and interactions with blister rust, mistletoe, and bark beetles. Forest Ecology and Management. 358:139-153. |
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2015 | Duval, B.D., M. Hartman, E. Marx, W.J. Parton, S.P. Long, and E.H. DeLucia. 2015. Biogeochemical consequences of regional land use change to a biofuel crop in the southeastern United States. Ecosphere. 6(12):art265. |
2015 | Dwivedi, P., W. Wang, T. Hudiburg, D. Jaiswal, W. Parton, S. Long, E. DeLucia, and M. Khanna. 2015. Cost of Abating Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Cellulosic Ethanol. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(4):2512-2522. |
2015 | Efstratiadis, A., I. Nalbantis, and D. Koutsoyiannis. 2015. Hydrological modelling of temporally-varying catchments: facets of change and the value of information. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 60(7-8):1438-1461. |
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2015 | Homer, C.G., G. Xian, C.L. Aldridge, D.K. Meyer, T.R. Loveland, and M.S. O'Donnell. 2015. Forecasting sagebrush ecosystem components and greater sage-grouse habitat for 2050: Learning from past climate patterns and Landsat imagery to predict the future. Ecological Indicators. 55:131-145. |
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2015 | Hudiburg, T.W., S.C. Davis, W. Parton, and E.H. Delucia. 2015. Bioenergy crop greenhouse gas mitigation potential under a range of management practices. GCB Bioenergy. 7(2):366-374. |
2015 | Jager, H.I., L.M. Baskaran, P.E. Schweizer, A.F. Turhollow, C.C. Brandt, and R. Srinivasan. 2015. Forecasting changes in water quality in rivers associated with growing biofuels in the Arkansas-White-Red river drainage, USA. GCB Bioenergy. 7(4):774-784. |
2015 | Ji, L., G.B. Senay, and J.P. Verdin. 2015. Evaluation of the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) Air Temperature Data Products. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 16(6):2463-2480. |
2015 | Kaluthota, S., D.W. Pearce, L.M. Evans, M.G. Letts, T.G. Whitham, and S.B. Rood. 2015. Higher photosynthetic capacity from higher latitude: foliar characteristics and gas exchange of southern, central and northern populations ofPopulus angustifolia. Tree Physiology. 35(9):936-948. |
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2015 | Newman, A.J., M.P. Clark, J. Craig, B. Nijssen, A. Wood, E. Gutmann, N. Mizukami, L. Brekke, and J.R. Arnold. 2015. Gridded Ensemble Precipitation and Temperature Estimates for the Contiguous United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 16(6):2481-2500. |
2015 | Newman, A.J., M.P. Clark, K. Sampson, A. Wood, L.E. Hay, A. Bock, R.J. Viger, D. Blodgett, L. Brekke, J.R. Arnold, T. Hopson, and Q. Duan. 2015. Development of a large-sample watershed-scale hydrometeorological data set for the contiguous USA: data set characteristics and assessment of regional variability in hydrologic model performance. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19(1):209-223. |
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2015 | Schneiderman, J.E., H.S. He, F.R. Thompson, W.D. Dijak, and J.S. Fraser. 2015. Comparison of a species distribution model and a process model from a hierarchical perspective to quantify effects of projected climate change on tree species. Landscape Ecology. 30(10):1879-1892. |
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2015 | Wang, W.J., H.S. He, F.R. Thompson, J.S. Fraser, and W.D. Dijak. 2015. Landscape- and regional-scale shifts in forest composition under climate change in the Central Hardwood Region of the United States. Landscape Ecology. 31(1):149-163. |
2015 | Wang, W.J., H.S. He, F.R.T. III, J.S. Fraser, B.B. Hanberry, and W.D. Dijak. 2015. Importance of succession, harvest, and climate change in determining future composition in U.S. Central Hardwood Forests. Ecosphere. 6(12):art277. |
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2014 | Archontoulis, S.V., F.E. Miguez, and K.J. Moore. 2014. A methodology and an optimization tool to calibrate phenology of short-day species included in the APSIM PLANT model: Application to soybean. Environmental Modelling & Software. 62:465-477. |
2014 | Archontoulis, S.V., F.E. Miguez, and K.J. Moore. 2014. Evaluating APSIM Maize, Soil Water, Soil Nitrogen, Manure, and Soil Temperature Modules in the Midwestern United States. Agronomy Journal. 106(3):1025. |
2014 | Chang, N.B., S. Imen, L. Mullen, C.F. Chen, M. Valdez, and J. Yang. 2014. Multisensor analysis of teleconnection signals in relation to terrestrial precipitation and forest greenness in North and Central America. 649-654. |
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2014 | Garcia, E.S. and C.L. Tague. 2014. Climate regime and soil storage capacity interact to effect evapotranspiration in western United States mountain catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 11(2):2277-2319. |
2014 | Gutierrez, A.P. and L. Ponti. 2014. The new world screwworm: prospective distribution and role of weather in eradication. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 16(2):158-173. |
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2014 | Jones, J.D., M.J. Kauffman, K.L. Monteith, B.M. Scurlock, S.E. Albeke, and P.C. Cross. 2014. Supplemental feeding alters migration of a temperate ungulate. Ecological Applications. 24(7):1769-1779. |
2014 | Kang, S., S.W. Running, J.S. Kimball, D.B. Fagre, A. Michaelis, D.L. Peterson, J.E. Halofsky, and S. Hong. 2014. Effects of spatial and temporal climatic variability on terrestrial carbon and water fluxes in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Environmental Modelling & Software. 51:228-239. |
2014 | Nunes, L., S.T. Gower, S.D. Peckham, M. Magalhaes, D. Lopes, and F.C. Rego. 2014. Estimation of productivity in pine and oak forests in northern Portugal using Biome-BGC. Forestry. 88(2):200-212. |
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2014 | Sabatia, C.O. and H.E. Burkhart. 2014. Predicting site index of plantation loblolly pine from biophysical variables. Forest Ecology and Management. 326:142-156. |
2014 | Schipanski, M.E., M. Barbercheck, M.R. Douglas, D.M. Finney, K. Haider, J.P. Kaye, A.R. Kemanian, D.A. Mortensen, M.R. Ryan, J. Tooker, and C. White. 2014. A framework for evaluating ecosystem services provided by cover crops in agroecosystems. Agricultural Systems. 125:12-22. |
2014 | Senay, G.B., P.H. Gowda, S. Bohms, T.A. Howell, M. Friedrichs, T.H. Marek, and J.P. Verdin. 2014. Evaluating the SSEBop approach for evapotranspiration mapping with landsat data using lysimetric observations in the semi-arid Texas High Plains. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 11(1):723-756. |
2014 | Tingstad, A.H., D.G. Groves, and R.J. Lempert. 2014. Paleoclimate Scenarios to Inform Decision Making in Water Resource Management: Example from Southern California's Inland Empire. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 140(10):04014025. |
2013 | Johnson, Adelaide C., and J. Alan Yeakley.; (2013) Wood Microsites at Timberline-Alpine Meadow Borders: Implications for Conifer Seedling Regeneration and Alpine Meadow Conifer Invasion. Northwest Science. 87 (2): 140-160 |
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2013 | Li, Changsheng, et al. (2013) Calibrating, Validating, and Implementing Process Models for California Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Emissions..Final Report for Project Contract Number: 10-309. (): |
2013 | McGinnis, Megan; Holub, Scott; Myrold, David; 2013. Regional assessment of soil microbial functional diversity of Douglas-fir forests. Soil Science Society of America Journal. |
2013 | Riley, K.L., J.T. Abatzoglou, I.C. Grenfell, A.E. Klene, and F.A. Heinsch. 2013. The relationship of large fire occurrence with drought and fire danger indices in the western USA, 1984-2008: the role of temporal scale. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 22(7):894. |
2013 | Wei, Y., S. Liu, D.N. Huntzinger, A.M. Michalak, N. Viovy, W.M. Post, C.R. Schwalm, K. Schaefer, A.R. Jacobson, C. Lu, H. Tian, D.M. Ricciuto, R.B. Cook, J. Mao, and X. Shi. 2013. The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project - Part 2: Environmental driver data. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions. 6(4):5375-5422. |
2012 | Grisso, R. D., and E. G. Webb. (2012) Determining Available Work Days for Biomass Logistics Systems: Proposed Method..DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY Reports produced after January 1, 1996, are generally available free via the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Infor |
2012 | Ryals, Rebecca. (2012) Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Annual Grasslands: Effects of Management and Potential for Climate Change Mitigation... (): |