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Publications Citing NACP MCI: Tower Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations, Upper Midwest Region, USA, 2007-2009

The following 4 publications cited the product NACP MCI: Tower Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations, Upper Midwest Region, USA, 2007-2009.

Year Citation
2019 Diaz-Isaac, L.I., T. Lauvaux, M. Bocquet, and K.J. Davis. 2019. Calibration of a multi-physics ensemble for estimating the uncertainty of a greenhouse gas atmospheric transport model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19(8):5695-5718.
2018 Diaz-Isaac, L.I., T. Lauvaux, M. Bocquet, and K.J. Davis. 2018. Calibration of a multi-physics ensemble for greenhouse gas atmospheric transport model uncertainty estimation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. 1-40.
2018 Diaz-Isaac, L.I., T. Lauvaux, and K.J. Davis. 2018. Impact of physical parameterizations and initial conditions on simulated atmospheric transport and CO<sub>2</sub> mole fractions in the US Midwest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18(20):14813-14835.
2018 Shiga, Y.P., J.M. Tadic, X. Qiu, V. Yadav, A.E. Andrews, J.A. Berry, and A.M. Michalak. 2018. Atmospheric CO2 Observations Reveal Strong Correlation Between Regional Net Biospheric Carbon Uptake and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(2):1122-1132.