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Publications Citing SIF-ESDR

The following 22 publications cited the SIF-ESDR project.

YearCitationDataset or Project
2024Cheng, R. 2024. Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF): Towards a Better Understanding of Vegetation Dynamics and Carbon Uptake in Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems. Current Climate Change Reports. 10(2):13-32.
2024Cordonnier, V., K.A. Covarrubias, and A.P. de la O Campos. 2024. The impacts of widespread agricultural interventions on yields and food security in Ethiopia☆. Food Policy. 124:102626.
2024Jin, Y., Y. Ge, H. Fan, Z. Li, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, and H. Liu. 2024. Downscaling Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to a 0.05° Monthly Product Using AVHRR Data in East Asia (1995–2003). IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 17:6379-6393.
2024Joiner, J., Y. Yoshida, L. Guanter, L. Lamsal, C. Li, Z. Fasnacht, P. Köhler, C. Frankenberg, Y. Sun, and N. Parazoo. 2024. Noise Reduction for Solar-Induced Fluorescence Retrievals Using Machine Learning and Principal Component Analysis: Simulations and Applications to GOME-2 Satellite Retrievals. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems. 3(3).
2024Zou, C., S. Du, X. Liu, and L. Liu. 2024. TCSIF: a temporally consistent global Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2A (GOME-2A) solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence dataset with the correction of sensor degradation. Earth System Science Data. 16(6):2789-2809.
2023Scherrer, S., G. De Lannoy, Z. Heyvaert, M. Bechtold, C. Albergel, T.S. El-Madany, and W. Dorigo. 2023. Bias-blind and bias-aware assimilation of leaf area index into the Noah-MP land surface model over Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 27(22):4087-4114.
2021Somkuti, P., C.W. O'Dell, S. Crowell, P. Kohler, G.R. McGarragh, H.Q. Cronk, and E.B. Burgh. 2021. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from the Geostationary Carbon Cycle Observatory (GeoCarb): An extensive simulation study. Remote Sensing of Environment. 263:112565.
2022Raychaudhuri, B. and S. Roy. 2022. A Proof of Concept for Estimating the Annual Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Variation From Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 vEarly Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 19:1-5.
2021Braghiere, R.K., Y. Wang, R. Doughty, D. Sousa, T. Magney, J.L. Widlowski, M. Longo, A.A. Bloom, J. Worden, P. Gentine, and C. Frankenberg. 2021. Accounting for canopy structure improves hyperspectral radiative transfer and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence representations in a new generation Earth System model. Remote Sensing of Environment. 261:112497.
2021Maguire, A.J., J.U.H. Eitel, T.S. Magney, C. Frankenberg, P. Kohler, E.L. Orcutt, N.C. Parazoo, R. Pavlick, and Z.A. Pierrat. 2021. Spatial covariation between solar-induced fluorescence and vegetation indices from Arctic-Boreal landscapes. Environmental Research Letters. 16(9):095002.
2020Liu, J., P.O. Wennberg, N.C. Parazoo, Y. Yin, and C. Frankenberg. 2020. Observational Constraints on the Response of High-Latitude Northern Forests to Warming. AGU Advances. 1(4):.
2020Shekhar, A., J. Chen, J.C. Paetzold, F. Dietrich, X. Zhao, S. Bhattacharjee, V. Ruisinger, and S.C. Wofsy. 2020. Anthropogenic CO2 emissions assessment of Nile Delta using XCO2 and SIF data from OCO-2 satellite. Environmental Research Letters. 15(9):095010.
2020Taylor, T.E., A. Eldering, A. Merrelli, M. Kiel, P. Somkuti, C. Cheng, R. Rosenberg, B. Fisher, D. Crisp, R. Basilio, M. Bennett, D. Cervantes, A. Chang, L. Dang, C. Frankenberg, V.R. Haemmerle, G.R. Keller, T. Kurosu, J.L. Laughner, R. Lee, Y. Marchetti, R.R. Nelson, C.W. O'Dell, G. Osterman, R. Pavlick, C. Roehl, R. Schneider, G. Spiers, C. To, C. Wells, P.O. Wennberg, A. Yelamanchili, and S. Yu. 2020. OCO-3 early mission operations and initial (vEarly) XCO2 and SIF retrievals. Remote Sensing of Environment. 251:112032.
2020van Schaik, E., M.L. Kooreman, P. Stammes, L.G. Tilstra, O.N.E. Tuinder, A.F.J. Sanders, W.W. Verstraeten, R. Lang, A. Cacciari, J. Joiner, W. Peters, and K.F. Boersma. 2020. Improved SIFTER v2 algorithm for long-term GOME-2A satellite retrievals of fluorescence with a correction for instrument degradation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 13(8):4295-4315.
2019Bacour, C., F. Maignan, P. Peylin, N. MacBean, V. Bastrikov, J. Joiner, P. Kohler, L. Guanter, and C. Frankenberg. 2019. Differences Between OCO-2 and GOME-2 SIF Products From a Model-Data Fusion Perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 124(10):3143-3157.
2019Hakkarainen, J., I. Ialongo, S. Maksyutov, and D. Crisp. 2019. Analysis of Four Years of Global XCO2 Anomalies as Seen by Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2. Remote Sensing. 11(7):850.
2019Yu, L., J. Wen, C.Y. Chang, C. Frankenberg, and Y. Sun. 2019. High-Resolution Global Contiguous SIF of OCO-2. Geophysical Research Letters. 46(3):1449-1458.
2017Bowman, K.W., J. Liu, A.A. Bloom, N.C. Parazoo, M. Lee, Z. Jiang, D. Menemenlis, M.M. Gierach, G.J. Collatz, K.R. Gurney, and D. Wunch. 2017. Global and Brazilian Carbon Response to El Nino Modoki 2011-2010. Earth and Space Science. 4(10):637-660.
2017Wood, J.D., T.J. Griffis, J.M. Baker, C. Frankenberg, M. Verma, and K. Yuen. 2017. Multiscale analyses of solar-induced florescence and gross primary production. Geophysical Research Letters. 44(1):533-541.
2016Julitta, T., L. Corp, M. Rossini, A. Burkart, S. Cogliati, N. Davies, M. Hom, A. Mac Arthur, E. Middleton, U. Rascher, A. Schickling, and R. Colombo. 2016. Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Estimates Obtained from Four Portable Field Spectroradiometers. Remote Sensing. 8(2):122.
2016Sanders, A., W. Verstraeten, M. Kooreman, T. van Leth, J. Beringer, and J. Joiner. 2016. Spaceborne Sun-Induced Vegetation Fluorescence Time Series from 2007 to 2015 Evaluated with Australian Flux Tower Measurements. Remote Sensing. 8(11):895.
2014Frankenberg, C., C. O'Dell, J. Berry, L. Guanter, J. Joiner, P. Kohler, R. Pollock, and T.E. Taylor. 2014. Prospects for chlorophyll fluorescence remote sensing from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2. Remote Sensing of Environment. 147:1-12.