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Publications Citing Daymet

The following 1118 publications cited the Daymet project.

YearCitationDataset or Project
2024Akinsanola, A.A., C. Jung, J. Wang, and V.R. Kotamarthi. 2024. Evaluation of precipitation across the contiguous United States, Alaska, and Puerto Rico in multi-decadal convection-permitting simulations. Scientific Reports. 14(1).
2024Ali, G., K. Siebert, and S.M. Mizero. 2024. Spatiotemporal variability of runoff events in response to rainfall, snowmelt, and rain-on-snow in the Lake Erie Basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 53:101774.
2024Argiroff, W.A., A.A. Carrell, D.M. Klingeman, N.C. Dove, W. Muchero, A.M. Veach, T. Wahl, S.J. Lebreux, A.B. Webb, K. Peyton, C.W. Schadt, and M.A. Cregger. 2024. Seasonality and longer-term development generate temporal dynamics in the Populus microbiome. mSystems. 9(3).
2024Ariano, S.S., J. Bain, and G. Ali. 2024. Examining contaminant transport hotspots and their predictability across contrasted watersheds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 196(10).
2024Baniszewski, J.A., J. Barnett, M.E. Reding, and C.M. Ranger. 2024. Seasonal dominance of exotic ambrosia beetles compared to native species within deciduous and coniferous woodlots. Biological Invasions.
2024Berardi, D.M., M.D. Hartman, E.R. Brzostek, C.J. Bernacchi, E.H. DeLucia, A.C. von Haden, I. Kantola, C.E. Moore, W.H. Yang, T.W. Hudiburg, and W.J. Parton. 2024. Microbial-explicit processes and refined perennial plant traits improve modeled ecosystem carbon dynamics. Geoderma. 443:116851.
2024Berkeley, L.I., M. Szczypinski, S.P. Coons, V.J. Dreitz, and J.A. Gude. 2024. Greater sageâ€grouse chick mortality risk relative to livestock grazing management, environmental factors, and morphometric measurements. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 88(5).
2024Bhasme, P. and U. Bhatia. 2024. Improving the interpretability and predictive power of hydrological models: Applications for daily streamflow in managed and unmanaged catchments. Journal of Hydrology. 628:130421.
2024Bhat, S.A., S.A.A. Qadri, V. Dubbey, I.B. Sofi, and N. Huang. 2024. Impact of crop management practices on maize yield: Insights from farming in tropical regions and predictive modeling using machine learning. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. 18:101392.
2024Billet, L.S., Y.A. Alshwairikh, L.K. Freidenburg, A. Rubinstein, S. Tracy, S. Nelson, and D.K. Skelly. 2024. Long-Term Decline of the Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) in an Undeveloped Landscape. Herpetologica. 80(1).
2024Boudreault, J., A. Ruf, C. Campagna, and F. Chebana. 2024. Multi-region models built with machine and deep learning for predicting several heat-related health outcomes. Sustainable Cities and Society. 115:105785.
2024Boudreault, J., É. Lavigne, C. Campagna, and F. Chebana. 2024. Estimating the heat-related mortality and morbidity burden in the province of Quebec, Canada. Environmental Research. 257:119347.
2024Burke, M.W.V., B.C. Rundquist, and A. Caparó Bellido. 2024. Modelling vegetation phenology at six field stations within the U.S. Great Plains: constructing a 38-year timeseries of GCC, VCI, NDVI, and EVI2 using PhenoCam imagery and DAYMET meteorological records. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
2024Butler, R.A., M. PapeÅŸ, J.T. Vogt, D.J. Paulsen, C. Crowe, and R.T. Trout Fryxell. 2024. Human risk to tick encounters in the southeastern United States estimated with spatial distribution modeling. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 18(2):e0011919.
2024Crockett, J.L. and M.D. Hurteau. 2024. Climate limits vegetation green-up more than slope, soil erodibility, and immediate precipitation following high-severity wildfire. Fire Ecology. 20(1).
2024Darrow, L.A., M. Huang, J.L. Warren, M.J. Strickland, H.A. Holmes, A.J. Newman, and H.H. Chang. 2024. Preterm and Early-Term Delivery After Heat Waves in 50 US Metropolitan Areas. JAMA Network Open. 7(5):e2412055.
2024DeCesare, N.J., R.B. Harris, M.P. Atwood, E.J. Bergman, A.B. Courtemanch, P.C. Cross, G.L. Fralick, K.R. Hersey, M.A. Hurley, T.M. Koser, R.L. Levine, K.L. Monteith, J.R. Newby, C.J. Peterson, S. Robertson, and B.L. Wise. 2024. Warm places, warm years, and warm seasons increase parasitizing of moose by winter ticks. Ecosphere. 15(3).
2024Delottier, H., O.S. Schilling, and R. Therrien. 2024. Assessing the impact of surface water and groundwater interactions for regional-scale simulations of water table elevation. Journal of Hydrology. 639:131641.
2024Deng, X., L.J. Launer, K.G. Lawrence, E.J. Werder, I.D. Buller, W.B. Jackson, and D.P. Sandler. 2024. Association between solar radiation and mood disorders among Gulf Coast residents. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.
2024Dey, P., S. Roy, J.R. Bathi, and A. Mishra. 2024. Evaluation of Uncertainty in Stream Flow Prediction Using Monte Carlo Simulation for Watershed-Scale Hydrological Modeling. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 29(1).
2024East, A.E., J.B. Logan, H.W. Dow, D.P. Smith, P. Iampietro, J.A. Warrick, T.D. Lorenson, L. Hallas, and B. Kozlowicz. 2024. Postâ€Fire Sediment Yield From a Central California Watershed: Field Measurements and Validation of the WEPP Model. Earth and Space Science. 11(7).
2024Elmstrom, E.J., G.W. Holtgrieve, M.D. Scheuerell, A.J. Schauer, and K. Leazer. 2024. Climate and landform interact to control the source and transport of nitrate in Pacific Northwest rivers. Communications Earth & Environment. 5(1).
2024Emery, S.E., J.A. Rosenheim, R. Chaplin-Kramer, R. Sharp, and D.S. Karp. 2024. Leveraging satellite observations to reveal ecological drivers of pest densities across landscapes. Science of The Total Environment. 924:171591.
2024Farmonov, N., K. Amankulova, S.N. Khan, M. Abdurakhimova, J. Szatmári, T. Khabiba, R. Makhliyo, M. Khodicha, and L. Mucsi. 2024. Effectiveness of machine learning and deep learning models at county-level soybean yield forecasting. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin. 72(4):383-398.
2024Farr, M.T., E.R. Zylstra, L. Ries, and E.F. Zipkin. 2024. Overcoming data gaps using integrated models to estimate migratory species' dynamics during cryptic periods of the annual cycle. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 15(2):413-426.
2024Gao, B., E. Coon, P. Thornton, and D. Lu. 2024. Improving the estimation of atmospheric water vapor pressure using interpretable long short-term memory networks. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 347:109907.
2024Gao, B., E. Coon, P. Thornton, and D. Lu. 2024. Improving the estimation of atmospheric water vapor pressure using interpretable long short-term memory networks. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 347:109907.
2024Gese, E.M., C.A. Bleke, S.B. Roberts, P. Atwood, and P.A. Terletzky. 2024. Population growth rates of pronghorn: influence of temporally and spatially explicit conditions, density dependence, and scale. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 102(4):337-349.
2024Grenier, M., J. Boudreault, S. Raymond, and M. Boudreault. 2024. Projected seasonal flooding in Canada under climate change with statistical and machine learning. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 53:101754.
2024Guo, X., K.R. Weinberger, L. Tamburic, C.E. Peters, and C.B. McLeod. 2024. Heat-related illness among workers in British Columbia, Canada: Extreme hot weather in 2021 compared to 2001–2020. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 50(7):545-554.
2024Han, Y., G. Wang, D. Xiang, S. Zhou, and L. Xiong. 2024. Biophysical control of daytime and nighttime soil respiration during growing and non-growing seasons in a temperate deciduous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 350:109998.
2024Hawman, P.A., D.L. Cotten, and D.R. Mishra. 2024. Canopy Heterogeneity and Environmental Variability Drive Annual Budgets of Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in a Tidal Marsh. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 129(4).
2024Herring, T., A. Lewkowicz, R. Way, Y. Wang, A. Chiasson, and D. Froese. 2024. Large-scale assessment of permafrost conditions using the Canadian Permafrost Electrical Resistivity Survey (CPERS) database.
2024Holdrege, M.C., D.R. Schlaepfer, K.A. Palmquist, M. Crist, K.E. Doherty, W.K. Lauenroth, T.E. Remington, K. Riley, K.C. Short, J.C. Tull, L.A. Wiechman, and J.B. Bradford. 2024. Wildfire probability estimated from recent climate and fine fuels across the big sagebrush region. Fire Ecology. 20(1).
2024Huck, M.A., H.L. Bateman, F.S. de Albuquerque, and J.S. Lewis. 2024. Anuran occupancy varies with stream characteristics and flow across Arizona wilderness areas. Freshwater Biology.
2024Isaak, D.J., D.L. Horan, and S.P. Wollrab. 2024. Air temperature data source affects inference from statistical stream temperature models in mountainous terrain. Journal of Hydrology X. 22:100172.
2024Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E. and R. Zurita-Milla. 2024. A multi-decadal 1 km gridded database of continental-scale spring onset products. Scientific Data. 11(1).
2024Jacquot, J.L., X. Shen, M. Abou-Ghanem, K.D. Froyd, M. Lawler, G.P. Schill, K. Slovacek, D.S. Thomson, D.J. Cziczo, and D.M. Murphy. 2024. A new airborne single particle mass spectrometer: PALMS-NG. Aerosol Science and Technology. 1-17.
2024Jarchow, C.J., J. Du, J.S. Kimball, A. Kuhlman, and D. Steckley. 2024. Multi-source machine learning and spaceborne remote sensing data accurately predict three-dimensional soil moisture in an in-service uranium disposal cell. Journal of Environmental Management. 369:122254.
2024Jenckes, J., S. Muñoz, D.E. Ibarra, D.F. Boutt, and L.A. Munk. 2024. Geochemical Weathering Variability in High Latitude Watersheds of the Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 129(3).
2024Katz, D.S., C.M. Zigler, D. Bhavnani, S. Balcer-Whaley, and E.C. Matsui. 2024. Pollen and viruses contribute to spatio-temporal variation in asthma-related emergency department visits. Environmental Research. 257:119346.
2024Keefe, H.E. and H.M. Kharouba. 2024. Growing degreeâ€days do not explain moth species' distributions at broad scales. Ecosphere. 15(7).
2024Khand, K. and G.B. Senay. 2024. Evaluation of streamflow predictions from LSTM models in water- and energy-limited regions in the United States. Machine Learning with Applications. 16:100551.
2024Khattak, A.J. and A. Hamm. 2024. Limited control of microtopography evolution on ground subsidence in polygonal tundra landscapes. Science of The Total Environment. 948:174741.
2024Kodama, K.M., E. Kourkchi, R.J. Longman, M.P. Lucas, S.M. Bateni, Y. Huang, A. Kagawaâ€Viviani, J. Mclean, S.B. Cleveland, and T.W. Giambelluca. 2024. Mapping Daily Air Temperature Over the Hawaiian Islands From 1990 to 2021 via an Optimized Piecewise Linear Regression Technique. Earth and Space Science. 11(1).
2024Kovalenko, V., L. Bate, and D.L. Six. 2024. Can climate variability and landscape position predict white pine blister rust incidence, mortality due to the disease, and regeneration in whitebark pine? Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 54(10):1114-1128.
2024Li, K. and S. Razavi. 2024. What controls hydrology? An assessment across the contiguous United States through an interpretable machine learning approach. Journal of Hydrology. 642:131835.
2024Liu, A., X. Cheng, C. Wang, and Y. Chen. 2024. Evidence of Ecosystem Tipping Point on St. Lawrence Island: Widespread Lake Drainage Events After 2018. Geophysical Research Letters. 51(15).
2024Liu, S. and H.C. Ho. 2024. Effects of socioeconomic status and greenspace on respiratory emergency department visits under short-term temperature variations: An age-stratified case time-series study. Social Science & Medicine. 343:116613.
2024Lu, X., Y. Kanno, G.P. Valentine, J.M. Rash, and M.B. Hooten. 2024. Using multiâ€scale spatial models of dendritic ecosystems to infer abundance of a stream salmonid. Journal of Applied Ecology. 61(7):1703-1715.
2024Lu, X., Y. Kanno, G.P. Valentine, M.A. Kulp, and M.B. Hooten. 2024. Regularized Latent Trajectory Models for Spatio-temporal Population Dynamics. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics.
2024Memarsadeghi, N.P., S. Rowan, A.W. Sisco, and A.A. Tavakoly. 2024. Enhancing resilience: Integrating future flood modeling and socio-economic analysis in the face of climate change impacts. Science of The Total Environment. 948:174893.
2024Miller, P.W. and C. Ramseyer. 2024. The Relationship Between the Saharan Air Layer, Convective Environmental Conditions, and Precipitation in Puerto Rico. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 129(1).
2024Moraglia, G., S.C. Pryor, and P. Crippa. 2024. Quantifying the Impacts of an Urban Area on Clouds and Precipitation Patterns: A Modeling Perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 129(12).
2024Morrison, M., J.M. Cohen, E. Gurarie, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2024. Environmental drivers and fitness consequences of partial migration under climate change. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
2024Murdoch, A., B. Connors, N. Lapointe, J. Mills Flemming, S. Cooke, and C. Mantyka-Pringle. 2024. Multiple environmental drivers across life stages influence Yukon River Chinook salmon productivity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 81(1):97-114.
2024Muñoz-Albiter, M.E., A.S. Velázquez-Rodríguez, and Z.M. Sanchez-Mejia. 2024. Seasonal gross primary production in response to environmental drivers from arid mangroves in the Gulf of California. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 33:101096.
2024Nagler, P.L., I. Sall, M.M. Gómezâ€Sapiens, K.W. Flessa, A. Barretoâ€Muñoz, and K. Didan. 2024. Effect of water delivery and irrigation for riparian restoration in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Restoration Ecology.
2024Nandan, R., V. Bandaru, P. Meduri, C. Jones, and R. Lollato. 2024. Evaluating the utility of weather generators in crop simulation models for in-season yield forecasting. Agricultural Systems. 220:104082.
2024Nattino, F., E. Izquierdo-Verdiguier, P. Chandramouli, M.W. Grootes, O. Ku, F. Alidoost, and R. Zurita-Milla. 2024. Using a Deployable Analysis Environment to Study Continental-Scale Phenology at High-Spatial Resolution. IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 996-999.
2024Olson, S.A., G. Shabestanipour, J. Lamontagne, and S. Steinschneider. 2024. Characterizing future streamflows in Massachusetts using stochastic modeling—A pilot study. Scientific Investigations Report.
2024Onwukwe, C., P.L. Jackson, S.u. Islam, S.J. Déry, B. Menounos, K. Marini, and M. Tilson. 2024. Climatic effects of the Williston Reservoir on Tsay Keh Dene Nation Territory of northern British Columbia, Canada. Climatic Change. 177(2).
2024Ott, T.J., S. Majumdar, J.L. Huntington, C. Pearson, M. Bromley, B.A. Minor, P. ReVelle, C.G. Morton, S. Sueki, J.P. Beamer, and R.L. Jasoni. 2024. Toward field-scale groundwater pumping and improved groundwater management using remote sensing and climate data. Agricultural Water Management. 302:109000.
2024Partridge, T.F., Z.C. Johnson, R.R. Sleeter, S.L. Qi, M.A. Walvoord, S.F. Murphy, C. Petermanâ€Phipps, and B.A. Ebel. 2024. Opportunities and challenges for precipitation forcing data in postâ€wildfire hydrologic modeling applications. WIREs Water.
2024Pastore, M.A., A.T. Classen, A.W. D'Amato, M.E. English, K. Rand, J.R. Foster, and E.C. Adair. 2024. Frequent and strong coldâ€air pooling drives temperate forest composition. Ecology and Evolution. 14(4).
2024Renne, R.R., D.R. Schlaepfer, K.A. Palmquist, W.K. Lauenroth, and J.B. Bradford. 2024. Estimating multivariate ecological variables at high spatial resolution using a costâ€effective matching algorithm. Ecosphere. 15(3).
2024Rincon, D.F., E.D. Esch, J. Gutierrez-Illan, M. Tesche, and D.W. Crowder. 2024. Predicting insect population dynamics by linking phenology models and monitoring data. Ecological Modelling. 493:110763.
2024Rogne, T., R. Wang, P. Wang, N.C. Deziel, C. Metayer, J.L. Wiemels, K. Chen, J.L. Warren, and X. Ma. 2024. High ambient temperature in pregnancy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: an observational study. The Lancet Planetary Health. 8(7):e506-e514.
2024Ross, B.E., M.A. Boggie, A. Anders, and D. Shaver. 2024. Quantifying the effects of nest management and environmental change on demography of an endangered sea turtle. Ecosphere. 15(8).
2024Rowan, C., R. R D’Souza, X. Zheng, J. Crooks, K. Hohsfield, D. Tong, H.H. Chang, and S. Ebelt. 2024. Dust storms and cardiorespiratory emergency department visits in three Southwestern United States: application of a monitoring-based exposure metric. Environmental Research: Health. 2(3):031003.
2024Saha, A. and S. Ravela. 2024. Statisticalâ€Physical Adversarial Learning From Data and Models for Downscaling Rainfall Extremes. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 16(6).
2024Sandoval, D., I.C. Prentice, and R.L.B. Nóbrega. 2024. Simple process-led algorithms for simulating habitats (SPLASH v.2.0): robust calculations of water and energy fluxes. Geoscientific Model Development. 17(10):4229-4309.
2024Sandoval, D., I.C. Prentice, and R.L.B. Nóbrega. 2024. Simple process-led algorithms for simulating habitats (SPLASH v.2.0): robust calculations of water and energy fluxes. Geoscientific Model Development. 17(10):4229-4309.
2024Santos, R.S., E.K. Hamilton, P.L. Stanley, K. Paustian, M.F. Cotrufo, and Y. Zhang. 2024. Simulating adaptive grazing management on soil organic carbon in the Southeast U.S.A. using MEMS 2. Journal of Environmental Management. 365:121657.
2024Scher, C.L., S.M. Roberts, K.P. Krause, and J.S. Clark. 2024. Leveraging relationships between species abundances to improve predictions and inform conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology. 61(7):1662-1672.
2024Shabestanipour, G., Z. Brodeur, B. Manoli, A. Birnbaum, S. Steinschneider, and J.R. Lamontagne. 2024. Risk-based hydrologic design under climate change using stochastic weather and watershed modeling. Frontiers in Water. 6.
2024Shi, M., M. Keller, B. Bomfim, L. Li, C. Koven, L. Kueppers, R. Knox, J. Needham, S. Kao, P.E. Thornton, M.M. Thornton, and L.R. Leung. 2024. Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) for Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 16(1).
2024Shrestha, R.K., I. Sevcenco, P. Casari, H. Ngo, A. Erickson, M. Lavoie, D. Hinshaw, B. Henry, and X. Ye. 2024. Estimating the impacts of nonoptimal temperatures on mortality: A study in British Columbia, Canada, 2001–2021. Environmental Epidemiology. 8(2):e303.
2024Silva, T.S., S. Mourtzinis, A.J. McMechan, G.I. Carmona, B.D. Potter, K.J. Tilmon, L.S. Hesler, N.J. Seiter, R. Wright, S.L. Osborne, T.E. Hunt, and S.P. Conley. 2024. Cereal rye cover crop termination at or before soybean planting has minimal effect on soybean yield across the midwestern US. Field Crops Research. 312:109393.
2024Smith, J.W. and C.C. Lamborn. 2024. The influence of population growth and weather on the value of recreational angling trips within Utah (USA). Fisheries Research. 274:106976.
2024Snyder, S.D., C.S. Loftin, and A.S. Reeve. 2024. Vulnerability Assessment of Groundwater Influenced Ecosystems in the Northeastern United States. Water. 16(10):1366.
2024Stoy, P.C., G.T. Bromley, A.F. Prein, and S.E. Albeke. 2024. The Decline in Summer Fallow in the Northern Great Plains Cooled Nearâ€Surface Climate but had Minimal Impacts on Precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 129(12).
2024Tabor, J., A. Hernandez, D. Cox-Foster, B.G. Love, L.M. McCabe, M. Robbins, and J.B. Koch. 2024. Mapping Floral Resources in Montane Landscapes Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Two-step Random Forest Classifications. Rangeland Ecology & Management.
2024Tafelmeyer, L.E., T.N. LaSharr, J. Binfet, M. Bredehoft, G. Hiatt, D. Lutz, C.D. Mitchell, and K.L. Monteith. 2024. Cannot outrun the past: age, nutrition, and cohort influence horn size in pronghorn. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 88(8).
2024Tefera, G.W., R.L. Ray, and A.M. Wootten. 2024. Evaluation of statistical downscaling techniques and projection of climate extremes in central Texas, USA. Weather and Climate Extremes. 43:100637.
2024Terry, T.J., O.E. Sala, S. Ferrenberg, S.C. Reed, B. Osborne, S. Jordan, S. Lee, and P.B. Adler. 2024. Disturbance amplifies sensitivity of dryland productivity to precipitation variability. Science Advances. 10(30).
2024Vlah, M.J., M.R.V. Ross, S. Rhea, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2024. Leveraging gauge networks and strategic discharge measurements to aid the development of continuous streamflow records. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 28(3):545-573.
2024Wann, G., A. Seglund, P. Street, N. Parker, S. Nelson, J. Runge, C. Braun, and C. Aldridge. 2024. Estimates of Southern White-tailed Ptarmigan daily nest survival from multiple sites in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 19(1).
2024Weber, M., M. Wise, P. Lamers, Y. Wang, G. Avery, K.A. Morris, and J. Edmonds. 2024. Potential long-term, global effects of enhancing the domestic terrestrial carbon sink in the United States through no-till and cover cropping. Carbon Balance and Management. 19(1).
2024Wei, Y., H. Amini, X. Qiu, E. Castro, T. Jin, K. Yin, B.N. Vu, J. Healy, Y. Feng, J. Zhang, B. Coull, and J. Schwartz. 2024. Grouped mixtures of air pollutants and seasonal temperature anomalies and cardiovascular hospitalizations among U.S. Residents. Environment International. 187:108651.
2024Wheeler, K.I., M.C. Dietze, D. LeBauer, J.A. Peters, A.D. Richardson, A.A. Ross, R.Q. Thomas, K. Zhu, U. Bhat, S. Munch, R. Floreani Buzbee, M. Chen, B. Goldstein, J. Guo, D. Hao, C. Jones, M. Kelly-Fair, H. Liu, C. Malmborg, N. Neupane, D. Pal, V. Shirey, Y. Song, M. Steen, E.A. Vance, W.M. Woelmer, J.H. Wynne, and L. Zachmann. 2024. Predicting spring phenology in deciduous broadleaf forests: NEON phenology forecasting community challenge. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 345:109810.
2024Wilcox, J.D., K.A. Stark, and R. Svetlov. 2024. Estimating stream sediment loads to assess management options for a Southern Appalachian mountain lake. Environmental Earth Sciences. 83(13).
2024Wootten, A.M., K.W. Dixon, D.J. Adamsâ€Smith, and R.A. McPherson. 2024. False springs and spring phenology: Propagating effects of downscaling technique and training data. International Journal of Climatology.
2024Xi, Y., Z.S. Wettstein, A.V. Kshirsagar, Y. Liu, D. Zhang, Y. Hang, and A.G. Rappold. 2024. Elevated Ambient Temperature Associated With Increased Cardiovascular Disease–Risk Among Patients on Hemodialysis. Kidney International Reports.
2024Xia, Y., J. Sanderman, J.D. Watts, M.B. Machmuller, S. Ewing, and C. Rivard. 2024. Leveraging legacy data with targeted field sampling for low-cost mapping of soil organic carbon stocks on extensive rangeland properties. Geoderma. 448:116952.
2024Yoo, E. and J.E. Roberts. 2024. Differential effects of air pollution exposure on mental health: Historical redlining in New York State. Science of The Total Environment. 948:174516.
2024Yoo, E., J.E. Roberts, and K. Chen. 2024. Effects of air pollution on emergency room visits for mental disorders: risks and effect modification by comorbid physical disorders and personal characteristics. Environmental Research: Health. 2(2):025001.
2024Yu, T., J. Zhou, S. Ranjbar, J. Chen, M.F. Digman, and Z. Zhang. 2024. Evaluation of the Effect of Sentinel-1 SAR and Environmental Factors in Alfalfa Yield and Quality Estimation. Agronomy. 14(4):859.
2024Zaghloul, M.A., A. Elshorbagy, and S. Michael Papalexiou. 2024. Enhancing regional flood frequency analysis by integrating site-similarity measures with watershed modeling. Journal of Hydrology. 641:131754.
2024Zahura, F.T., G. Bisht, Z. Li, S. McKnight, and X. Chen. 2024. Impact of topography and climate on post-fire vegetation recovery across different burn severity and land cover types through random forest. Ecological Informatics. 82:102757.
2024Zhao, B., J. Huntington, C. Pearson, G. Zhao, T. Ott, J. Zhu, A. Weinberg, K.D. Holman, S. Zhang, R. Anderson, M. Strickler, J. Cotter, N. Fernando, K. Nowak, and H. Gao. 2024. Developing a General Daily Lake Evaporation Model and Demonstrating Its Application in the State of Texas. Water Resources Research. 60(3).
2024Zhao, H., F. Gao, M. Anderson, R. Cirone, J. Chang, L. Lin, C. Zhang, H. Li, and H. Zhao. 2024. Phenologically Corrected Crop Condition Mapping and Assessment with Vegetation Index Time Series. 2024 12th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics). 1-6.
2024Zhao, Q., Q.S. Latif, B.L. Nuse, D.C. Pavlacky, C.L. Kilner, T.B. Ryder, and C.E. Latimer. 2024. Integrating counts from rigorous surveys and participatory science to better understand spatiotemporal variation in population processes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 15(8):1380-1393.
2024Zhou, B., G.S. Okin, J. Zhang, S.L. Savage, C.J. Cole, and M.C. Duniway. 2024. Ecological Dissimilarity Matters More Than Geographical Distance When Predicting Land Surface Indicators Using Machine Learning. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 62:1-11.
2024da Silva, T.E. and V.E. Cabrera. 2024. The DairyPrint Model: A Decision-Support Model to Help Dairy Farmers and Other Stakeholders Towards Improved Sustainability. Journal of Dairy Science.
2024Ãvila-Guzmán, M.P., M. Terrier, H. Rakotoarimanga, and O. Delestre. 2024. Flood Compound Modelling: Framework and Application to a Coastal Environment. Springer Water, Advances in Hydroinformatics—SimHydro 2023 Volume 1. 301-316.
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