The following 771 publications cited the Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) project.
Year | Citation | Dataset or Project |
2024 | Blessing, S., R. Giering, and C. van der Tol. 2024. OptiSAIL: A system for the simultaneous retrieval of soil, leaf, and canopy parameters and its application to Sentinel-3 Synergy (OLCI+SLSTR) top-of-canopy reflectances. Science of Remote Sensing. 10:100148. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2024 | Borana, S.L. and S.K. Yadav. 2024. Satellite Image-Based Drought Monitoring: Vision to Enhance Drought Resilience. Geospatial Technology to Support Communities and Policy, Geotechnologies and the Environment. 129-148. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2024 | Montaghi, A., S. Bregaglio, and S. Bajocco. 2024. An open-source cloud-based procedure for MODIS remote sensing products: The nasawebservicepython package. Ecological Informatics. 79:102433. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2024 | Sridharan, A., G. Gutjahr, and S. Gopalan. 2024. Markov–Switching Spatio–Temporal Generalized Additive Model for Landslide Susceptibility. Environmental Modelling & Software. 173:105892. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2024 | Zheng, H., Y. Sun, H. Bao, P. Niu, Z. Jin, and Z. Niu. 2024. Drought effects on evapotranspiration and energy exchange over a rain-fed maize cropland in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agricultural Water Management. 293:108711. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Ashraf, H., T.A.E. Seoud, S. Sodoudi, and A.e. Zafarany. 2023. Anisotropic Surface Urban Heat Island in Cairo, Egypt: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Local Climate Change from 2000 to 2021. Civil Engineering and Architecture. 11(1):331-350. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2023 | Balogun, O., R. Bello, and K. Higuchi. 2023. Terrestrial CO2 exchange diagnosis using a peatland-optimized vegetation photosynthesis and respiration model (VPRM) for the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Science of The Total Environment. 875:162591. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Bloom, D.E., B. Bomfim, Y. Feng, and L.M. Kueppers. 2023. Combining field and remote sensing data to estimate forest canopy damage and recovery following tropical cyclones across tropical regions. Environmental Research: Ecology. 2(3):035004. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Chemisquy, M.A., R.E. Gonzlez-Ittig, and G.M. Martin. 2023. Hidden in plain sight: Didelphis albiventris (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) might not be a single species. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 30(4):873-889. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Feng, X., X. Zhang, and J. Wang. 2023. Update of SO2 emission inventory in the Megacity of Chongqing, China by inverse modeling. Atmospheric Environment. 294:119519. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Hoeltgebaum, L.E. and N.L. Dias. 2023. Evaluation of the storage and evapotranspiration terms of the water budget for an agricultural watershed using local and remote-sensing measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 341:109615. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Huemmrich, K.F., J. Gamon, P. Campbell, M. Mora, S. Vargas Z, B. Almanza, and C. Tweedie. 2023. 20 years of change in tundra NDVI from coupled field and satellite observations. Environmental Research Letters. 18(9):094022. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Maltese, A. 2023. On the Choice of the Most Suitable Period to Map Hill Lakes via Spectral Separability and Object-Based Image Analyses. Remote Sensing. 15(1):262. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Micaela Rosas, Y., P.L. Peri, J. Bentez, M. Vanessa Lencinas, N. Politi, and G. Martnez Pastur. 2023. Potential biodiversity map of bird species (Passeriformes): Analyses of ecological niche, environmental characterization and identification of priority conservation areas in southern Patagonia. Journal for Nature Conservation. 73:126413. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Pelak, N., M. Sohrabi, M. Safeeq, and M. Conklin. 2023. Improving snow water equivalent simulations in an alpine basin by blending precipitation gauge and snow pillow measurements. Hydrological Processes. 37(1). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Pendiuk, J.E., L. Guarracino, M. Reich, and A. Gntner. 2023. Estimating cumulative evapotranspiration using superconducting gravimeter data: a study in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 68(15):2262-2275. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Poczta, P., M. Urbaniak, T. Sachs, K.M. Harenda, A. Klarzyńska, R. Juszczak, D. Schüttemeyer, B. Czernecki, A. Kryszak, and B.H. Chojnicki. 2023. A multi-year study of ecosystem production and its relation to biophysical factors over a temperate peatland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 338:109529. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Rozanov, A.P. and K.G. Gribanov. 2023. A Neural Network Model for Estimating Carbon Fluxes in Forest Ecosystems from Remote Sensing Data. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. 36(4):323-328. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Savastru, D.M., M.A. Zoran, R.S. Savastru, M.N. Tautan, and D.V. Tenciu. 2023. Time-series satellite data for assessment of Bucharest city thermal environment. Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Scott, R.L., M.R. Johnston, J.F. Knowles, N. MacBean, K. Mahmud, M.C. Roby, and M.P. Dannenberg. 2023. Interannual variability of spring and summer monsoon growing season carbon exchange at a semiarid savanna over nearly two decades. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 339:109584. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2023 | Sfîcă, L., A. Corocăescu, C. Crețu, V. Amihăesei, and P. Ichim. 2023. Spatiotemporal Features of the Surface Urban Heat Island of Bacău City (Romania) during the Warm Season and Local Trends of LST Imposed by Land Use Changes during the Last 20 Years. Remote Sensing. 15(13):3385. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Sindhu, S., C.D. Jain, M.V. Ratnam, and P.R. Sinha. 2023. Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds at a rural site in India: Variability and sources during the seasonal transition. Science of The Total Environment. 897:165493. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Smith, J.W., R.Q. Thomas, and L.R. Johnson. 2023. Parameterizing Lognormal state space models using moment matching. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 30(3):385-419. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2023 | Tian, Z., C. Yi, Y. Fu, E. Kutter, N.Y. Krakauer, W. Fang, Q. Zhang, and H. Luo. 2023. Fusion of Multiple Models for Improving Gross Primary Production Estimation With Eddy Covariance Data Based on Machine Learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 128(3). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2023 | Xu, J., M. Feng, Y. Sui, D. Yan, K. Zhang, and K. Shi. 2023. Identifying Alpine Lakes in the Eastern Himalayas Using Deep Learning. Water. 15(2):229. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Zimba, H., M. Coenders-Gerrits, K. Banda, B. Schilperoort, N. van de Giesen, I. Nyambe, and H.H.G. Savenije. 2023. Phenophase-based comparison of field observations to satellite-based actual evaporation estimates of a natural woodland: miombo woodland, southern Africa. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 27(8):1695-1722. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2023 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, D.M. Savastru, and M.N. Tautan. 2023. Peculiar weather patterns effects on air pollution and COVID-19 spread in Tokyo metropolis. Environmental Research. 228:115907. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Ba, R., M. Lovallo, W. Song, H. Zhang, and L. Telesca. 2022. Multifractal Analysis of MODIS Aqua and Terra Satellite Time Series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Enhanced Vegetation Index of Sites Affected by Wildfires. Entropy. 24(12):1748. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Ba, R., W. Song, M. Lovallo, H. Zhang, and L. Telesca. 2022. Informational analysis of MODIS NDVI and EVI time series of sites affected and unaffected by wildfires. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 604:127911. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Campero-Taboada, M.J., E. Luquin, M. Montesino-SanMartin, M. Gonzlez-Audcana, and M.A. Campo-Bescs. 2022. Evaluation of R Tools for Downloading MODIS Images and Their Use in Urban Growth Analysis of the City of Tarija (Bolivia). Remote Sensing. 14(14):3404. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) RESTful Web Service |
2022 | Davidson, A.D., D.J. Augustine, H. Jacobsen, D. Pellatz, L.M. Porensky, G. McKee, and C. Duchardt. 2022. Boom and bust cycles of black-tailed prairie dog populations in the Thunder Basin grassland ecosystem. Journal of Mammalogy. 103(5):1112-1126. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Dokoohaki, H., B.D. Morrison, A. Raiho, S.P. Serbin, K. Zarada, L. Dramko, and M. Dietze. 2022. Development of an open-source regional data assimilation system in PEcAn v. 1.7.2: application to carbon cycle reanalysis across the contiguous US using SIPNET. Geoscientific Model Development. 15(8):3233-3252. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Florio, E.L., and M.D. Nosetto. 2022. A modeling approach to explore the influence of different crop rotations on water-table depths and crop yields in the Pampas. Soil and Tillage Research. 223:105496. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Kim, J., Y. Kim, J. Kim, K. Cho, J. Hong, J. Hong, S. Jo, C. Park, and J.H. Chun. 2022. A transiting temperate-subtropical mixed forest: carbon cycle projection and uncertainty. Environmental Research Letters. 17(9):094010. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Kitzberger, T., F. Tiribelli, I. Barber, J.H. Gowda, J.M. Morales, L. Zalazar, and J. Paritsis. 2022. Projections of fire probability and ecosystem vulnerability under 21st century climate across a trans-Andean productivity gradient in Patagonia. Science of The Total Environment. 839:156303. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Li, H., J. Zhang, S. Zhang, and Y. Bai. 2022. Machine learning and remote sensing-based modeling of the optimal stomatal behavior of crops. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 200:107261. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) RESTful Web Service |
2022 | Mouser, J.B., S.K. Brewer, M.L. Niemiller, R. Mollenhauer, and R.A. Van Den Bussche. 2022. Lithology and disturbance drive cavefish and cave crayfish occurrence in the Ozark Highlands ecoregion. Scientific Reports. 12(1). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Renjana, E., I.P. Astuti, E. Munawaroh, S. Mursidawati, J.R. Witono, Yuzammi, I.A. Fijridiyanto, P.D. Raharjo, S.M. Solihah, I. Robiansyah, W.P. Cropper, and A. Yudaputra. 2022. Assessing potential habitat suitability of parasitic plant: A case study of Rafflesia arnoldii and its host plants. Global Ecology and Conservation. 34:e02063. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Steger, C., R.B. Boone, B.W. Dullo, P. Evangelista, S. Alemu, K. Gebrehiwot, and J.A. Klein. 2022. Collaborative agent-based modeling for managing shrub encroachment in an Afroalpine grassland. Journal of Environmental Management. 316:115040. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2022 | Wang, K. and P. Kumar. 2022. Virtual laboratory for understanding impact of heterogeneity on ecohydrologic processes across scales. Environmental Modelling & Software. 149:105283. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2021 | Achille, L.S., K. Zhang, K.M. Eloge, C.J.A. Kouassi, and M.M. Michel. 2021. Influence of Spatial Distribution on the Regeneration of <i>Piptadeniastrum africanum</i> and <i>Ocotea usambaernsis</i> in Kalikuku, Lubero, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. Open Journal of Ecology. 11(07):527-539. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Applestein, C., A.B. Simler-Williamson, and M.J. Germino. 2021. Weather and distance to fire refugia limit landscape-level occurrence of fungal disease in an exotic annual grass. Journal of Ecology. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Beal, M.R.W., B. O'Reilly, K.R. Hietpas, and P. Block. 2021. Development of a sub-seasonal cyanobacteria prediction model by leveraging local and global scale predictors. Harmful Algae. 108:102100. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Francis, D., K.S. Mattingly, S. Lhermitte, M. Temimi, and P. Heil. 2021. Atmospheric extremes caused high oceanward sea surface slope triggering the biggest calving event in more than 50 years at the Amery Ice Shelf. The Cryosphere. 15(5):2147-2165. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Justino, F., D. Bromwich, A. Wilson, A. Silva, A. Avila-Diaz, A. Fernandez, and J. Rodrigues. 2021. Estimates of temporal-spatial variability of wildfire danger across the Pan-Arctic and extra-tropics. Environmental Research Letters. 16(4):044060. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Kistner-Thomas, E., S. Kumar, L. Jech, and D.A. Woller. 2021. Modeling Rangeland Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Population Density Using a Landscape-Level Predictive Mapping Approach. Journal of Economic Entomology. 114(4):1557-1567. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Lee, E., P. Kumar, J.F. Knowles, R.L. Minor, N. Tran, G.A. Barron-Gafford, and R.L. Scott. 2021. Convergent Hydraulic Redistribution and Groundwater Access Supported Facilitative Dependency Between Trees and Grasses in a Semi-Arid Environment. Water Resources Research. 57(6):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Liu, F., C. Wang, and X. Wang. 2021. Can vegetation index track the interannual variation in gross primary production of temperate deciduous forests?. Ecological Processes. 10(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Possinger, A.R., T.L. Weiglein, M.M. Bowman, A.C. Gallo, J.A. Hatten, K.A. Heckman, L.M. Matosziuk, L.E. Nave, M.D. SanClements, C.W. Swanston, and B.D. Strahm. 2021. Climate Effects on Subsoil Carbon Loss Mediated by Soil Chemistry. Environmental Science & Technology. 55(23):16224-16235. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2021 | Randazzo, N.A., A.M. Michalak, C.E. Miller, S.M. Miller, Y.P. Shiga, and Y. Fang. 2021. Higher Autumn Temperatures Lead to Contrasting CO 2 Flux Responses in Boreal Forests Versus Tundra and Shrubland . Geophysical Research Letters. 48(18):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2021 | Rogers, C., J.M. Chen, H. Croft, A. Gonsamo, X. Luo, P. Bartlett, and R.M. Staebler. 2021. Daily leaf area index from photosynthetically active radiation for long term records of canopy structure and leaf phenology. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 304-305:108407. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2021 | Rosas, Y.M., P.L. Peri, M.V. Lencinas, R. Lasagno, and G.J. Martinez Pastur. 2021. Improving the knowledge of plant potential biodiversity-ecosystem services links using maps at the regional level in Southern Patagonia. Ecological Processes. 10(1):. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2021 | Seagren, E.G. and L.M. Schoenbohm. 2021. Drainage Reorganization Across the Puna Plateau Margin (NW Argentina): Implications for the Preservation of Orogenic Plateaus. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 126(8):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Simon, J.N., N. Nuthammachot, T. Titseesang, K.E. Okpara, and K. Techato. 2021. Spatial Assessment of Para Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) above Ground Biomass Potentials in Songkhla Province, Southern Thailand. Sustainability. 13(16):9344. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Wiesner, S., G. Starr, L.R. Boring, J.A. Cherry, P.C. Stoy, and C.L. Staudhammer. 2021. Forest structure and composition drive differences in metabolic energy and entropy dynamics during temperature extremes in longleaf pine savannas. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 297:108252. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2021 | Yudaputra, A. 2021. Predicting habitat suitability of critically endangered Nepenthes sumatrana. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 948(1):012020. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Antonson, N.D., D.R. Rubenstein, M.E. Hauber, and C.A. Botero. 2020. Ecological uncertainty favours the diversification of host use in avian brood parasites. Nature Communications. 11(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Ba, R., W. Song, M. Lovallo, S. Lo, and L. Telesca. 2020. Analysis of Multifractal and Organization/Order Structure in Suomi-NPP VIIRS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Series of Wildfire Affected and Unaffected Sites by Using the Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and the Fisher-Shannon Analysis. Entropy. 22(4):415. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Brown, L.A., C. Meier, H. Morris, J. Pastor-Guzman, G. Bai, C. Lerebourg, N. Gobron, C. Lanconelli, M. Clerici, and J. Dash. 2020. Evaluation of global leaf area index and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation products over North America using Copernicus Ground Based Observations for Validation data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 247:111935. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Calvo-Rodriguez, S., R. Kiese, and G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa. 2020. Seasonality and Budgets of Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions From a Tropical Dry Forest Successional Gradient in Costa Rica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 125(9):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Deb Burman, P.K., N.J. Shurpali, S. Chowdhuri, A. Karipot, S. Chakraborty, S.E. Lind, P.J. Martikainen, S. Chellappan, A. Arola, Y.K. Tiwari, P. Murugavel, D. Gurnule, K. Todekar, and T.V. Prabha. 2020. Eddy covariance measurements of CO2 exchange from agro-ecosystems located in subtropical (India) and boreal (Finland) climatic conditions. Journal of Earth System Science. 129(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Griffis, T., D. Roman, J. Wood, J. Deventer, L. Fachin, J. Rengifo, D. Del Castillo, E. Lilleskov, R. Kolka, R. Chimner, J. del Aguila-Pasquel, C. Wayson, K. Hergoualc'h, J. Baker, H. Cadillo-Quiroz, and D. Ricciuto. 2020. Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 295:108167. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2020 | Ibrahim, S.A., J. Kaduk, K. Tansey, H. Balzter, and U.M. Lawal. 2020. Detecting phenological changes in plant functional types over West African savannah dominated landscape. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 42(2):567-594. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Kjellman, S.E., A. Schomacker, E.K. Thomas, L. Hakansson, S. Duboscq, A.A. Cluett, W.R. Farnsworth, L. Allaart, O.C. Cowling, N.P. McKay, S. Brynjolfsson, and O. Ingolfsson. 2020. Holocene precipitation seasonality in northern Svalbard: Influence of sea ice and regional ocean surface conditions. Quaternary Science Reviews. 240:106388. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Mahoney, P.J., K. Joly, B.L. Borg, M.S. Sorum, T.A. Rinaldi, D. Saalfeld, H. Golden, A.D.M. Latham, A.P. Kelly, B. Mangipane, C.L. Koizumi, L. Neufeld, M. Hebblewhite, N.T. Boelman, and L.R. Prugh. 2020. Denning phenology and reproductive success of wolves in response to climate signals. Environmental Research Letters. 15(12):125001. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Nosetto, M.D., E. Luna Toledo, P.N. Magliano, P. Figuerola, L.J. Blanco, and E.G. Jobbagy. 2020. Contrasting CO 2 and water vapour fluxes in dry forest and pasture sites of central Argentina . Ecohydrology. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Reyer, C.P.O., R. Silveyra Gonzalez, K. Dolos, F. Hartig, Y. Hauf, M. Noack, P. Lasch-Born, T. Rotzer, H. Pretzsch, H. Meesenburg, S. Fleck, M. Wagner, A. Bolte, T.G.M. Sanders, P. Kolari, A. Makela, T. Vesala, I. Mammarella, J. Pumpanen, A. Collalti, C. Trotta, G. Matteucci, E. D'Andrea, L. Foltynova, J. Krejza, A. Ibrom, K. Pilegaard, D. Loustau, J.M. Bonnefond, P. Berbigier, D. Picart, S. Lafont, M. Dietze, D. Cameron, M. Vieno, H. Tian, A. Palacios-Orueta, V. Cicuendez, L. Recuero, K. Wiese, M. Buchner, S. Lange, J. Volkholz, H. Kim, J.A. Horemans, F. Bohn, J. Steinkamp, A. Chikalanov, G.P. Weedon, J. Sheffield, F. Babst, I. Vega del Valle, F. Suckow, S. Martel, M. Mahnken, M. Gutsch, and K. Frieler. 2020. The PROFOUND Database for evaluating vegetation models and simulating climate impacts on European forests. Earth System Science Data. 12(2):1295-1320. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2020 | Richardson, M. and P. Kumar. 2020. Discerning the thermodynamic feasibility of the spontaneous coexistence of multiple functional vegetation groups. Scientific Reports. 10(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Rizinjirabake, F., P. Pilesjo, and D.E. Tenenbaum. 2020. Data for assessment of leached dissolved organic carbon in watersheds. Data in Brief. 32:106163. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Serrano-Ortiz, P., S. Aranda-Barranco, A. Lopez-Ballesteros, C. Lopez-Canfin, E.P. Sanchez-Canete, A. Meijide, and A.S. Kowalski. 2020. Transition Period Between Vegetation Growth and Senescence Controlling Interannual Variability of C Fluxes in a Mediterranean Reed Wetland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 125(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Tian, X., F. Minunno, T. Cao, M. Peltoniemi, T. Kalliokoski, and A. Makela. 2020. Extending the range of applicability of the semi-empirical ecosystem flux model PRELES for varying forest types and climate. Global Change Biology. 26(5):2923-2943. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2020 | Tian, X., F. Minunno, T. Cao, M. Peltoniemi, T. Kalliokoski, and A. Makela. 2020. Extending the range of applicability of the semi-empirical ecosystem flux model PRELES for varying forest types and climate. Global Change Biology. 26(5):2923-2943. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2020 | Zhang, S., V. Butt, S. Khare, A. Deslauriers, H. Morin, J. Huang, H. Ren, and S. Rossi. 2020. Calibrating PhenoCam Data with Phenological Observations of a Black Spruce Stand. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 46(2):154-165. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Baldovin, T., I. Amoruso, D. Zangrando, S. Cocchio, M. Maharjan, R. Lazzari, A. Buja, V. Baldo, and C. Bertoncello. 2019. Soil-transmitted helminthiases in Nepal: Transmission boundaries and implications for local communities and international travelers. Acta Tropica. 196:155-164. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Choi, K., G.R. Maharjan, and B. Reineking. 2019. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Spatially Reconfiguring Erosion Hot Spots to Reduce Stream Sediment Load in an Upland Agricultural Catchment of South Korea. Water. 11(5):957. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Choi, K., G.R. Maharjan, and B. Reineking. 2019. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Spatially Reconfiguring Erosion Hot Spots to Reduce Stream Sediment Load in an Upland Agricultural Catchment of South Korea. Water. 11(5):957. | MODIS Collection 6 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2019 | Correa-Diaz, A., L.C.R. Silva, W.R. Horwath, A. Gomez-Guerrero, J. Vargas-Hernandez, J. Villanueva-Diaz, A. Velazquez-Martinez, and J. Suarez-Espinoza. 2019. Linking Remote Sensing and Dendrochronology to Quantify Climate-Induced Shifts in High-Elevation Forests Over Space and Time. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 124(1):166-183. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Donnelly, A., R. Yu, L. Liu, J.M. Hanes, L. Liang, M.D. Schwartz, and A.R. Desai. 2019. Comparing in-situ leaf observations in early spring with flux tower CO2 exchange, MODIS EVI and modeled LAI in a northern mixed forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 278:107673. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Donnelly, A., R. Yu, L. Liu, J.M. Hanes, L. Liang, M.D. Schwartz, and A.R. Desai. 2019. Comparing in-situ leaf observations in early spring with flux tower CO2 exchange, MODIS EVI and modeled LAI in a northern mixed forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 278:107673. | MODIS Collection 6 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2019 | El Masri, B., A.F. Rahman, and D. Dragoni. 2019. Evaluating a new algorithm for satellite-based evapotranspiration for North American ecosystems: Model development and validation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 268:234-248. | MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2019 | Haynes, K.D., I.T. Baker, A.S. Denning, R. Stockli, K. Schaefer, E.Y. Lokupitiya, and J.M. Haynes. 2019. Representing Grasslands Using Dynamic Prognostic Phenology Based on Biological Growth Stages: 1. Implementation in the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB4). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 11(12):4423-4439. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2019 | Haynes, K.D., I.T. Baker, A.S. Denning, S. Wolf, G. Wohlfahrt, G. Kiely, R.C. Minaya, and J.M. Haynes. 2019. Representing Grasslands Using Dynamic Prognostic Phenology Based on Biological Growth Stages: Part 2. Carbon Cycling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 11(12):4440-4465. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2019 | Kang, M., K. Ichii, J. Kim, Y.M. Indrawati, J. Park, M. Moon, J.H. Lim, and J.H. Chun. 2019. New Gap-Filling Strategies for Long-Period Flux Data Gaps Using a Data-Driven Approach. Atmosphere. 10(10):568. | MODIS Collection 6 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2019 | Lee, H., J. Park, S. Cho, M. Lee, and H.S. Kim. 2019. Impact of leaf area index from various sources on estimating gross primary production in temperate forests using the JULES land surface model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 276-277:107614. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Liu, F., X. Wang, and C. Wang. 2019. Autumn phenology of a temperate deciduous forest: Validation of remote sensing approach with decadal leaf-litterfall measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 279:107758. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | McNew, S.M., S.A. Knutie, G.B. Goodman, A. Theodosopoulos, A. Saulsberry, J. Yepez R., S.E. Bush, and D.H. Clayton. 2019. Annual environmental variation influences host tolerance to parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286(1897):20190049. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Mello, C.R., L.F. Avila, H. Lin, M.C.N.S. Terra, and N.A. Chappell. 2019. Water balance in a neotropical forest catchment of southeastern Brazil. CATENA. 173:9-21. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Milkovic, M., J.M. Paruelo, and M.D. Nosetto. 2019. Hydrological impacts of afforestation in the semiarid Patagonia: A modelling approach. Ecohydrology. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Morel, X., B. Decharme, C. Delire, G. Krinner, M. Lund, B.U. Hansen, and M. Mastepanov. 2019. A New Process-Based Soil Methane Scheme: Evaluation Over Arctic Field Sites With the ISBA Land Surface Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 11(1):293-326. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2019 | Muramatsu, K. 2019. The Reproducibility of Gross Primary Production Estimation From GPP Capacity and Canopy Conductance Index in Dry Area. 6752-6755. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2019 | Ossohou, M., C. Galy-Lacaux, V. Yoboue, J.E. Hickman, E. Gardrat, M. Adon, S. Darras, D. Laouali, A. Akpo, M. Ouafo, B. Diop, and C. Opepa. 2019. Trends and seasonal variability of atmospheric NO2 and HNO3 concentrations across three major African biomes inferred from long-term series of ground-based and satellite measurements. Atmospheric Environment. 207:148-166. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Peng, L., Z. Zeng, Z. Wei, A. Chen, E.F. Wood, and J. Sheffield. 2019. Determinants of the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration. Global Change Biology. 25(4):1326-1343. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2019 | Pepin, N., H. Deng, H. Zhang, F. Zhang, S. Kang, and T. Yao. 2019. An Examination of Temperature Trends at High Elevations Across the Tibetan Plateau: The Use of MODIS LST to Understand Patterns of Elevation-Dependent Warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Prasad, N., T. Das, and D. Adhikari. 2019. Impacts of Anthropogenic Land Use/Land Cover on the Distribution of Invasive Aquatic Macrophytes in Tropical Floodplains: a Case Study from the Barak River Basin in Northeast India. Human Ecology. 47(2):245-262. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2019 | Renwick, K.M., A. Fellows, G.N. Flerchinger, K.A. Lohse, P.E. Clark, W.K. Smith, K. Emmett, and B. Poulter. 2019. Modeling phenological controls on carbon dynamics in dryland sagebrush ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 274:85-94. | MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2019 | Rizinjirabake, F., P. Pilesjo, and D.E. Tenenbaum. 2019. Dissolved organic carbon leaching flux in a mixed agriculture and forest watershed in Rwanda. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 26:100633. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Robertson, A.D., K. Paustian, S. Ogle, M.D. Wallenstein, E. Lugato, and M.F. Cotrufo. 2019. Unifying soil organic matter formation and persistence frameworks: the MEMS model. Biogeosciences. 16(6):1225-1248. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2019 | Rosas, Y.M., P.L. Peri, M.V. Lencinas, and G. Martinez Pastur. 2019. Potential biodiversity map of understory plants for Nothofagus forests in Southern Patagonia: Analyses of landscape, ecological niche and conservation values. Science of The Total Environment. 682:301-309. | MODIS Collection 6 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2019 | Rossger, N., C. Wille, D. Holl, M. Gockede, and L. Kutzbach. 2019. Scaling and balancing carbon dioxide fluxes in a heterogeneous tundra ecosystem of the Lena River Delta. Biogeosciences. 16(13):2591-2615. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Wagle, P., P.H. Gowda, and B.K. Northup. 2019. Annual dynamics of carbon dioxide fluxes over a rainfed alfalfa field in the U.S. Southern Great Plains. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 265:208-217. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Yan, D., R.L. Scott, D.J.P. Moore, J.A. Biederman, and W.K. Smith. 2019. Understanding the relationship between vegetation greenness and productivity across dryland ecosystems through the integration of PhenoCam, satellite, and eddy covariance data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 223:50-62. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2019 | Yu, R., B.L. Ruddell, M. Kang, J. Kim, and D. Childers. 2019. Anticipating global terrestrial ecosystem state change using FLUXNET. Global Change Biology. 25(7):2352-2367. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Chocce, M.E.P.2018. Uso de indices de vegetacion del sensor MODIS terra en la estimacion de biomasa aerea de pajonales altoandinos. Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Fox, A.M., T.J. Hoar, J.L. Anderson, A.F. Arellano, W.K. Smith, M.E. Litvak, N. MacBean, D.S. Schimel, and D.J.P. Moore. 2018. Evaluation of a Data Assimilation System for Land Surface Models Using CLM4.5. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 10(10):2471-2494. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Kang, X., L. Yan, X. Zhang, Y. Li, D. Tian, C. Peng, H. Wu, J. Wang, and L. Zhong. 2018. Modeling Gross Primary Production of a Typical Coastal Wetland in China Using MODIS Time Series and CO2 Eddy Flux Tower Data. Remote Sensing. 10(5):708. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Lee, E., P. Kumar, G.A. Barron-Gafford, S.M. Hendryx, E.P. Sanchez-Canete, R.L. Minor, T. Colella, and R.L. Scott. 2018. Impact of Hydraulic Redistribution on Multispecies Vegetation Water Use in a Semiarid Savanna Ecosystem: An Experimental and Modeling Synthesis. Water Resources Research. 54(6):4009-4027. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Lehnherr, I., V.L. St. Louis, M. Sharp, A.S. Gardner, J.P. Smol, S.L. Schiff, D.C.G. Muir, C.A. Mortimer, N. Michelutti, C. Tarnocai, K.A. St. Pierre, C.A. Emmerton, J.A. Wiklund, G. Kock, S.F. Lamoureux, and C.H. Talbot. 2018. The world's largest High Arctic lake responds rapidly to climate warming. Nature Communications. 9(1):. | MODIS Land Products Subsets, V4 |
2018 | Markevych, I., F. Tesch, T. Datzmann, M. Romanos, J. Schmitt, and J. Heinrich. 2018. Outdoor air pollution, greenspace, and incidence of ADHD: A semi-individual study. Science of The Total Environment. 642:1362-1368. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Martinez, B., S. Sanchez-Ruiz, M.A. Gilabert, A. Moreno, M. Campos-Taberner, F.J. Garcia-Haro, I.F. Trigo, M. Aurela, C. Brummer, A. Carrara, A. De Ligne, D. Gianelle, T. Grunwald, J.M. Limousin, A. Lohila, I. Mammarella, M. Sottocornola, R. Steinbrecher, and T. Tagesson. 2018. Retrieval of daily gross primary production over Europe and Africa from an ensemble of SEVIRI/MSG products. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 65:124-136. | MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2018 | Mzobe, P., M. Berggren, P. Pilesjo, E. Lundin, D. Olefeldt, N.T. Roulet, and A. Persson. 2018. Dissolved organic carbon in streams within a subarctic catchment analysed using a GIS/remote sensing approach. PLOS ONE. 13(7):e0199608. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Parker, G., A. Martinez-Yrizar, J.C. Alvarez-Yepiz, M. Maass, and S. Araiza. 2018. Effects of hurricane disturbance on a tropical dry forest canopy in western Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management. 426:39-52. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Parmentier, F.J.W., D.P. Rasse, M. Lund, J.W. Bjerke, B.G. Drake, S. Weldon, H. Tommervik, and G.H. Hansen. 2018. Vulnerability and resilience of the carbon exchange of a subarctic peatland to an extreme winter event. Environmental Research Letters. 13(6):065009. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Peri, P., Y. Rosas, B. Ladd, S. Toledo, R. Lasagno, and G. Martinez Pastur. 2018. Modelling Soil Carbon Content in South Patagonia and Evaluating Changes According to Climate, Vegetation, Desertification and Grazing. Sustainability. 10(2):438. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Peri, P., Y. Rosas, B. Ladd, S. Toledo, R. Lasagno, and G. Martinez Pastur. 2018. Modelling Soil Carbon Content in South Patagonia and Evaluating Changes According to Climate, Vegetation, Desertification and Grazing. Sustainability. 10(2):438. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Richardson, A.D., K. Hufkens, T. Milliman, D.M. Aubrecht, M. Chen, J.M. Gray, M.R. Johnston, T.F. Keenan, S.T. Klosterman, M. Kosmala, E.K. Melaas, M.A. Friedl, and S. Frolking. 2018. Tracking vegetation phenology across diverse North American biomes using PhenoCam imagery. Scientific Data. 5:180028. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Fixed Sites Subsets |
2018 | Rizinjirabake, F., A.M. Abdi, D.E. Tenenbaum, and P. Pilesjo. 2018. Riverine dissolved organic carbon in Rukarara River Watershed, Rwanda. Science of The Total Environment. 643:793-806. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Sharma, I., P. Tongkumchum, and A. Ueranantasun. 2018. Modeling of Land Surface Temperatures to Determine Temperature Patterns and Detect their Association with Altitude in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences. 17(4):. | MODIS Collection 5 Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Tapia-Palacios, M.A., O. Garcia-Suarez, J. Sotomayor-Bonilla, M.A. Silva-Magana, G. Perez-Ortiz, A.C. Espinosa-Garcia, M.A. Ortega-Huerta, C. Diaz-Avalos, G. Suzan, and M. Mazari-Hiriart. 2018. Abiotic and biotic changes at the basin scale in a tropical dry forest landscape after Hurricanes Jova and Patricia in Jalisco, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management. 426:18-26. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Thomas, E.K., I.S. Castaneda, N.P. McKay, J.P. Briner, J.M. Salacup, K.Q. Nguyen, and A.D. Schweinsberg. 2018. A Wetter Arctic Coincident With Hemispheric Warming 8,000 Years Ago. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(19):10,637-10,647. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2018 | Wang, C., J. Chen, Y. Tang, T.A. Black, and K. Zhu. 2018. A Novel Method for Removing Snow Melting-Induced Fluctuation in GIMMS NDVI3g Data for Vegetation Phenology Monitoring: A Case Study in Deciduous Forests of North America. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(3):800-807. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services (TESViS) Global Subsets Tool |
2018 | Wilkinson, M., E.L. Eaton, and J.I.L. Morison. 2018. Can upward-facing digital camera images be used for remote monitoring of forest phenology?. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. 91(2):217-224. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Anderson, R.G., J.G. Alfieri, R. Tirado-Corbala, J. Gartung, L.G. McKee, J.H. Prueger, D. Wang, J.E. Ayars, and W.P. Kustas. 2017. Assessing FAO-56 dual crop coefficients using eddy covariance flux partitioning. Agricultural Water Management. 179:92-102. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Avendao, J.E.L, T.D. Valds, C.W. Thorp, J.C. Rodrguez, T.d.J.V. Alcarz and L.P. Ruvalcaba2017. Use of MODIS satellite data and energy balance to estimate evapotranspiration. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrcolas . 8(4):773-784. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Bai, Y., J. Zhang, S. Zhang, U.A. Koju, F. Yao, and T. Igbawua. 2017. Using precipitation, vertical root distribution, and satellite-retrieved vegetation information to parameterize water stress in a Penman-Monteith approach to evapotranspiration modeling under Mediterranean climate. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 9(1):168-192. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Baker, I.T., P.J. Sellers, A.S. Denning, I. Medina, P. Kraus, K.D. Haynes, and S.C. Biraud. 2017. Closing the scale gap between land surface parameterizations and GCMs with a new scheme, SiB3-Bins. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 9(1):691-711. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Brookshire, E.N.J., S. Gerber, W. Greene, R.T. Jones, and S.A. Thomas. 2017. Global bounds on nitrogen gas emissions from humid tropical forests. Geophysical Research Letters. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Choi, K., S. Arnhold, B. Huwe, and B. Reineking. 2017. Daily Based Morgan-Morgan-Finney (DMMF) Model: A Spatially Distributed Conceptual Soil Erosion Model to Simulate Complex Soil Surface Configurations. Water. 9(4):278. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Gemitzi, A., H. Ajami, and H.H. Richnow. 2017. Developing empirical monthly groundwater recharge equations based on modeling and remote sensing data - Modeling future groundwater recharge to predict potential climate change impacts. Journal of Hydrology. 546:1-13. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Hwang, T., H. Gholizadeh, D.A. Sims, K.A. Novick, E.R. Brzostek, R.P. Phillips, D.T. Roman, S.M. Robeson, and A.F. Rahman. 2017. Capturing species-level drought responses in a temperate deciduous forest using ratios of photochemical reflectance indices between sunlit and shaded canopies. Remote Sensing of Environment. 199:350-359. | MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2017 | McNew, S.M., D. Beck, I. Sadler-Riggleman, S.A. Knutie, J.A.H. Koop, D.H. Clayton, and M.K. Skinner. 2017. Epigenetic variation between urban and rural populations of Darwin's finches. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17(1):. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Metras, R., G. Fournie, L. Dommergues, A. Camacho, L. Cavalerie, P. Merot, M.J. Keeling, C. Cetre-Sossah, E. Cardinale, and W.J. Edmunds. 2017. Drivers for Rift Valley fever emergence in Mayotte: A Bayesian modelling approach. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 11(7):e0005767. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Pumo, D., F. Lo Conti, F. Viola, and L.V. Noto. 2017. An automatic tool for reconstructing monthly time-series of hydro-climatic variables at ungauged basins. Environmental Modelling & Software. 95:381-400. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Rosas, Y.M., P.L. Peri, A. Huertas Herrera, H. Pastore, and G. Martinez Pastur. 2017. Modeling of potential habitat suitability of Hippocamelus bisulcus: effectiveness of a protected areas network in Southern Patagonia. Ecological Processes. 6(1):. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Sacchi, L.V., P.A. Powell, N.I. Gasparri, and R. Grau. 2017. Air quality loss in urban centers of the Argentinean Dry Chaco: Wind and dust control as two scientifically neglected ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 24:234-240. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Scholz, K., A. Hammerle, E. Hiltbrunner, and G. Wohlfahrt. 2017. Analyzing the Effects of Growing Season Length on the Net Ecosystem Production of an Alpine Grassland Using Model-Data Fusion. Ecosystems. 21(5):982-999. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Song, J., Z.H. Wang, and C. Wang. 2017. Biospheric and anthropogenic contributors to atmospheric CO2 variability in a residential neighborhood of Phoenix, Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 122(6):3317-3329. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Soria-Diaz, L., M.S. Fowler, and O. Monroy-Vilchis. 2017. Top-down and bottom-up control on cougar and its prey in a central Mexican natural reserve. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 63(5):. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Van Soesbergen, A., K. Nilsen, N.D. Burgess, S. Szabo, and Z. Matthews. 2017. Food and nutrition security trends and challenges in the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna (GBM) delta. Elem Sci Anth. 5:56. | MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service |
2017 | Wagner-Riddle, C., K.A. Congreves, D. Abalos, A.A. Berg, S.E. Brown, J.T. Ambadan, X. Gao, and M. Tenuta. 2017. Globally important nitrous oxide emissions from croplands induced by freeze-thaw cycles. Nature Geoscience. 10(4):279-283. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Yan, H., S.Q. Wang, K.L. Yu, B. Wang, Q. Yu, G. Bohrer, D. Billesbach, R. Bracho, F. Rahman, and H.H. Shugart. 2017. A Novel Diffuse Fraction-Based Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Model: An Application Quantifying Photosynthetic Seasonality across 20 AmeriFlux Flux Tower Sites. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 9(6):2317-2332. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2017 | Yang, Y., Z. Wang, J. Li, C. Gang, Y. Zhang, I. Odeh, and J. Qi. 2017. Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamic of global grassland carbon use efficiency in response to climate change from 2000 to 2013. Acta Oecologica. 81:22-31. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2016 | Ajami, H., U. Khan, N.K. Tuteja, and A. Sharma. 2016. Development of a computationally efficient semi-distributed hydrologic modeling application for soil moisture, lateral flow and runoff simulation. Environmental Modelling & Software. 85:319-331. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2016 | Gwate, O., S.K. Mantel, A.R. Palmer, and L.A. Gibson. 2016. Modelling evapotranspiration using the modified Penman-Monteith equation and MODIS data over the Albany Thicket in South Africa . 9998:99980P. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2016 | Kelly, A.E. and M.L. Goulden. 2016. A montane Mediterranean climate supports year-round photosynthesis and high forest biomass. Tree Physiology. 36(4):459-468. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2016 | Niu, B., Y. He, X. Zhang, G. Fu, P. Shi, M. Du, Y. Zhang, and N. Zong. 2016. Tower-Based Validation and Improvement of MODIS Gross Primary Production in an Alpine Swamp Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing. 8(7):592. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2015 | Chen, Z., G. Yu, X. Zhu, Q. Wang, S. Niu, and Z. Hu. 2015. Covariation between gross primary production and ecosystem respiration across space and the underlying mechanisms: A global synthesis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 203:180-190. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2015 | D'Odorico, P., A. Gonsamo, C.M. Gough, G. Bohrer, J. Morison, M. Wilkinson, P.J. Hanson, D. Gianelle, J.D. Fuentes, and N. Buchmann. 2015. The match and mismatch between photosynthesis and land surface phenology of deciduous forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 214-215:25-38. | MODIS Collection 5 Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool |
2023 | Sfîcă, L., A. Corocăescu, C. Crețu, V. Amihăesei, and P. Ichim. 2023. Spatiotemporal Features of the Surface Urban Heat Island of Bacău City (Romania) during the Warm Season and Local Trends of LST Imposed by Land Use Changes during the Last 20 Years. Remote Sensing. 15(13):3385. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2023 | Sun, H., Z. Xu, and H. Liu. 2023. An evaluation of the response of vegetation greenness, moisture, fluorescence, and temperature-based remote sensing indicators to drought stress. Journal of Hydrology. 625:130125. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2023 | Wu, C., X. Zhang, L. Guo, J. Zhong, D. Wang, C. Miao, X. Gao, and X. Zhang. 2023. An inversion model based on GEOS-Chem for estimating global and China's terrestrial carbon fluxes in 2019. Advances in Climate Change Research. 14(1):49-61. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2023 | Zhang, J., A. Gonsamo, X. Tong, J. Xiao, C.A. Rogers, S. Qin, P. Liu, P. Yu, and P. Ma. 2023. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthetic phenology better than traditional vegetation indices. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 203:183-198. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | Bandaru, V., R. Yaramasu, C. Jones, R. Cesar Izaurralde, A. Reddy, F. Sedano, C.S.T. Daughtry, I. Becker-Reshef, and C. Justice. 2022. Geo-CropSim: A Geo-spatial crop simulation modeling framework for regional scale crop yield and water use assessment. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 183:34-53. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | Carrin, P.L., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, L.F. De Len, J.A. Chaves, D.M.T. Sharpe, S.K. Huber, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, K.M. Gotanda, J.A.H. Koop, S.A. Knutie, D.H. Clayton, J. Podos, and A.P. Hendry. 2022. The terroir of the finch: How spatial and temporal variation shapes phenotypic traits in Darwin's finches. Ecology and Evolution. 12(10). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | Chiesi, M., L. Angeli, P. Battista, L. Fibbi, B. Rapi, B. Gozzini, and F. Maselli. 2022. Monitoring and analysis of crop irrigation dynamics in Central Italy through the use of MODIS NDVI data. European Journal of Remote Sensing. 55(1):23-36. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | Hu, Z., S. Piao, A.K. Knapp, X. Wang, S. Peng, W. Yuan, S. Running, J. Mao, X. Shi, P. Ciais, D.N. Huntzinger, J. Yang, and G. Yu. 2022. Decoupling of greenness and gross primary productivity as aridity decreases. Remote Sensing of Environment. 279:113120. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | Li, H., J. Zhang, S. Zhang, and Y. Bai. 2022. Machine learning and remote sensing-based modeling of the optimal stomatal behavior of crops. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 200:107261. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | Shin, N., T.M. Saitoh, Y. Takeuchi, T. Miura, M. Aiba, H. Kurokawa, Y. Onoda, K. Ichii, K.N. Nasahara, R. Suzuki, T. Nakashizuka, and H. Muraoka. 2022. Review: Monitoring of land cover changes and plant phenology by remote‐sensing in East Asia. Ecological Research. 38(1):111-133. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | WANG, M., Y. LUO, Z. ZHANG, Q. XIE, X. WU, and X. MA. 2022. Recent advances in remote sensing of vegetation phenology: Retrieval algorithm and validation strategy. National Remote Sensing Bulletin. 26(3):431-455. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2022 | Zeng, Y., D. Hao, A. Huete, B. Dechant, J. Berry, J.M. Chen, J. Joiner, C. Frankenberg, B. Bond-Lamberty, Y. Ryu, J. Xiao, G.R. Asrar, and M. Chen. 2022. Optical vegetation indices for monitoring terrestrial ecosystems globally. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 3(7):477-493. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2021 | Chaves, M.E.D., M.d.C. Alves, T. Safadi, M.S.d. Oliveira, M.C.A. Picoli, R.E.O. Simoes, and G.A.V. Mataveli. 2021. Time-weighted dynamic time warping analysis for mapping interannual cropping practices changes in large-scale agro-industrial farms in Brazilian Cerrado. Science of Remote Sensing. 3:100021. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2021 | Gardin, L., M. Chiesi, L. Fibbi, and F. Maselli. 2021. Mapping soil organic carbon in Tuscany through the statistical combination of ground observations with ancillary and remote sensing data. Geoderma. 404:115386. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2020 | Madani, N., N.C. Parazoo, J.S. Kimball, A.P. Ballantyne, R.H. Reichle, M. Maneta, S. Saatchi, P.I. Palmer, Z. Liu, and T. Tagesson. 2020. Recent Amplified Global Gross Primary Productivity Due to Temperature Increase Is Offset by Reduced Productivity Due to Water Constraints. AGU Advances. 1(4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2020 | Schreiner-McGraw, A.P. and H. Ajami. 2020. Impact of Uncertainty in Precipitation Forcing Data Sets on the Hydrologic Budget of an Integrated Hydrologic Model in Mountainous Terrain. Water Resources Research. 56(12):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Alves, M., B. Music, D.F. Nadeau, and F. Anctil. 2019. Comparing the Performance of the Maximum Entropy Production Model With a Land Surface Scheme in Simulating Surface Energy Fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 124(6):3279-3300. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Balzarolo, M., J. Penuelas, and F. Veroustraete. 2019. Influence of Landscape Heterogeneity and Spatial Resolution in Multi-Temporal In Situ and MODIS NDVI Data Proxies for Seasonal GPP Dynamics. Remote Sensing. 11(14):1656. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Benedictto, M.N., B. Gomez-Valencia, and S.A. Torrella. 2019. Structural and functional characterization of the dry forest in central Argentine Chaco. Madera y Bosques. 25(2):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Donnelly, A., R. Yu, L. Liu, J.M. Hanes, L. Liang, M.D. Schwartz, and A.R. Desai. 2019. Comparing in-situ leaf observations in early spring with flux tower CO2 exchange, MODIS EVI and modeled LAI in a northern mixed forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 278:107673. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | El Masri, B., A.F. Rahman, and D. Dragoni. 2019. Evaluating a new algorithm for satellite-based evapotranspiration for North American ecosystems: Model development and validation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 268:234-248. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Gemitzi, A., N. Koutsias, and V. Lakshmi. 2019. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Guzman Q., J.A., G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, and M.M. Espirito-Santo. 2019. MODIS and PROBA-V NDVI Products Differ when Compared with Observations from Phenological Towers at Four Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas. Remote Sensing. 11(19):2316. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Huang, X., J. Xiao, and M. Ma. 2019. Evaluating the Performance of Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices for Estimating Gross Primary Productivity Using FLUXNET Observations across the Globe. Remote Sensing. 11(15):1823. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Ibrahim, Balzter, Mathieu, and Tsutsumida. 2019. Impact of Soil Reflectance Variation Correction on Woody Cover Estimation in Kruger National Park Using MODIS Data. Remote Sensing. 11(8):898. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Kang, M., K. Ichii, J. Kim, Y.M. Indrawati, J. Park, M. Moon, J.H. Lim, and J.H. Chun. 2019. New Gap-Filling Strategies for Long-Period Flux Data Gaps Using a Data-Driven Approach. Atmosphere. 10(10):568. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Kim, H. and J. J. Kaluarachchi. 2019. An Advanced Evapotranspiration Method and Application. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Ling, G.H.T. and J. Chyi Pung. 2019. An urban governance approach in the development of commercial brownfield: A case study of Iskandar Malaysia. International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability. 6(1):31-38. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Liu, F., X. Wang, and C. Wang. 2019. Autumn phenology of a temperate deciduous forest: Validation of remote sensing approach with decadal leaf-litterfall measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 279:107758. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Muramatsu, K. 2019. The Reproducibility of Gross Primary Production Estimation From GPP Capacity and Canopy Conductance Index in Dry Area. 6752-6755. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Silva, A.M., R.M. da Silva, and C.A.G. Santos. 2019. Automated surface energy balance algorithm for land (ASEBAL) based on automating endmember pixel selection for evapotranspiration calculation in MODIS orbital images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 79:1-11. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Yadav, S.K. and S.L. Borana. 2019. MODIS DERIVED NDVI BASED TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF VEGETATION IN THE JODHPUR AREA. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. XLII-3/W6:535-539. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2019 | Zhang, L., D. Zhou, J. Fan, Q. Guo, S. Chen, R. Wang, and Y. Li. 2019. Contrasting the Performance of Eight Satellite-Based GPP Models in Water-Limited and Temperature-Limited Grassland Ecosystems. Remote Sensing. 11(11):1333. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Adhikari, D., A.H. Mir, K. Upadhaya, V. Iralu, and D.K. Roy. 2018. Abundance and habitat-suitability relationship deteriorate in fragmented forest landscapes: a case of Adinandra griffithii Dyer, a threatened endemic tree from Meghalaya in northeast India. Ecological Processes. 7(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Ai, J., G. Jia, H.E. Epstein, H. Wang, A. Zhang, and Y. Hu. 2018. MODIS-Based Estimates of Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Respiration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 123(2):326-352. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Bai, Y., J. Zhang, S. Zhang, F. Yao, and V. Magliulo. 2018. A remote sensing-based two-leaf canopy conductance model: Global optimization and applications in modeling gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration of crops. Remote Sensing of Environment. 215:411-437. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Baidai, Y., Amande, M. J., Gaertner, D., Dagorn, L., & Capello, M. 2018. Recent advances on the use of supervised learning algorithms for detecting tuna aggregations under fads from echosounder buoys data. Proceedings. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Carter, C. and S. Liang. 2018. Comprehensive evaluation of empirical algorithms for estimating land surface evapotranspiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 256-257:334-345. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Chen, Z. 2018. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Chen, Z., G. Yu, and Q. Wang. 2018. Ecosystem carbon use efficiency in China: Variation and influence factors. Ecological Indicators. 90:316-323. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Chiwara, P., B.O. Ogutu, J. Dash, E.J. Milton, J. Ardo, M. Saunders, and G. Nicolini. 2018. Estimating terrestrial gross primary productivity in water limited ecosystems across Africa using the Southampton Carbon Flux (SCARF) model. Science of The Total Environment. 630:1472-1483. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Datzmann, T., I. Markevych, F. Trautmann, J. Heinrich, J. Schmitt, and F. Tesch. 2018. Outdoor air pollution, green space, and cancer incidence in Saxony: a semi-individual cohort study. BMC Public Health. 18(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Fellows, A.W., G.N. Flerchinger, K.A. Lohse, and M.S. Seyfried. 2018. Rapid Recovery of Gross Production and Respiration in a Mesic Mountain Big Sagebrush Ecosystem Following Prescribed Fire. Ecosystems. 21(7):1283-1294. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | He, F.2018. Statistical Modeling of CO2 Flux Data . Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Hund, S.V., D.M. Allen, L. Morillas, and M.S. Johnson. 2018. Groundwater recharge indicator as tool for decision makers to increase socio-hydrological resilience to seasonal drought. Journal of Hydrology. 563:1119-1134. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Ira, S.2018. Modeling of Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in Nepal: 2000-2015. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Li, X., H. Zhang, G. Yang, Y. Ding, and J. Zhao. 2018. Post-Fire Vegetation Succession and Surface Energy Fluxes Derived from Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing. 10(7):1000. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Luo, D.L., H.J. Jin, R.X. He, X.F. Wang, R.R. Muskett, S.S. Marchenko, and V.E. Romanovsky. 2018. Characteristics of Water-Heat Exchanges and Inconsistent Surface Temperature Changes at an Elevational Permafrost Site on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 123(18):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Majumdar, K., D. Adhikari, B.K. Datta, and S.K. Barik. 2018. Identifying corridors for landscape connectivity using species distribution modeling of Hydnocarpus kurzii (King) Warb., a threatened species of the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 15(1):13-23. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Marshall, M., K. Tu, and J. Brown. 2018. Optimizing a remote sensing production efficiency model for macro-scale GPP and yield estimation in agroecosystems. Remote Sensing of Environment. 217:258-271. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Muramatsu, K. 2018. Canopy conductance index for GPP estimation from it's capacity. 29. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Peri, P., Y. Rosas, B. Ladd, S. Toledo, R. Lasagno, and G. Martinez Pastur. 2018. Modelling Soil Carbon Content in South Patagonia and Evaluating Changes According to Climate, Vegetation, Desertification and Grazing. Sustainability. 10(2):438. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Purdy, A. J.2018. Improvements to and applications of remotely sensed evapotranspiration. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Purdy, A.J., J.B. Fisher, M.L. Goulden, A. Colliander, G. Halverson, K. Tu, and J.S. Famiglietti. 2018. SMAP soil moisture improves global evapotranspiration. Remote Sensing of Environment. 219:1-14. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Rajesh, T.A. and S. Ramachandran. 2018. Black carbon aerosols over urban and high altitude remote regions: Characteristics and radiative implications. Atmospheric Environment. 194:110-122. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Sharma, I., A. Ueranantasun, and P. Tongkumchum. 2018. MODELING OF SATELLITE DATA TO IDENTIFY THE SEASONAL PATTERNS AND TRENDS OF VEGETATION INDEX IN KATHMANDU VALLEY, NEPAL FROM 2000 TO 2015. Jurnal Teknologi. 80(4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Sharma, I., P. Tongkumchum, and A. Ueranantasun. 2018. Modeling of Land Surface Temperatures to Determine Temperature Patterns and Detect their Association with Altitude in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences. 17(4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Sharma, I.2018. Modeling of vegetation index and land surface temperature to identify and compare the changing trends, using generalized estimating equations. Int. J. Hum. Capital Urban Manage. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Sharp, I., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., & Musilek, P. 2018. Land Product Validation of MODIS Derived FPAR products over a tropical dry-forest. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Sillett, S.C., R. Van Pelt, J.A. Freund, J. Campbell-Spickler, A.L. Carroll, and R.D. Kramer. 2018. Development and dominance of Douglas-fir in North American rainforests. Forest Ecology and Management. 429:93-114. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Verduzco, V.S., E.R. Vivoni, E.A. Yepez, J.C. Rodriguez, C.J. Watts, T. Tarin, J. Garatuza-Payan, A. Robles-Morua, and V.Y. Ivanov. 2018. Climate Change Impacts on Net Ecosystem Productivity in a Subtropical Shrubland of Northwestern Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 123(2):688-711. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Wang, C., J. Chen, Y. Tang, T.A. Black, and K. Zhu. 2018. A Novel Method for Removing Snow Melting-Induced Fluctuation in GIMMS NDVI3g Data for Vegetation Phenology Monitoring: A Case Study in Deciduous Forests of North America. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(3):800-807. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Wohlfahrt, G., K. Gerdel, M. Migliavacca, E. Rotenberg, F. Tatarinov, J. Muller, A. Hammerle, T. Julitta, F.M. Spielmann, and D. Yakir. 2018. Sun-induced fluorescence and gross primary productivity during a heat wave. Scientific Reports. 8(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Wu, Q., K. Liu, C. Song, J. Wang, L. Ke, R. Ma, W. Zhang, H. Pan, and X. Deng. 2018. Remote Sensing Detection of Vegetation and Landform Damages by Coal Mining on the Tibetan Plateau. Sustainability. 10(11):3851. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Zhang, S., J. Zhang, Y. Bai, U.A. Koju, T. Igbawua, Q. Chang, D. Zhang, and F. Yao. 2018. Evaluation and improvement of the daily boreal ecosystem productivity simulator in simulating gross primary productivity at 41 flux sites across Europe. Ecological Modelling. 368:205-232. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Zhang, Y., X. Xiao, Y. Zhang, S. Wolf, S. Zhou, J. Joiner, L. Guanter, M. Verma, Y. Sun, X. Yang, E. Paul-Limoges, C.M. Gough, G. Wohlfahrt, B. Gioli, C. van der Tol, N. Yann, M. Lund, and A. de Grandcourt. 2018. On the relationship between sub-daily instantaneous and daily total gross primary production: Implications for interpreting satellite-based SIF retrievals. Remote Sensing of Environment. 205:276-289. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Zhao, Y., X. Wang, C.J. Novillo, P. Arrogante-Funes, R. Vazquez-Jimenez, and F.T. Maestre. 2018. Albedo estimated from remote sensing correlates with ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylands. Journal of Arid Environments. 157:116-123. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2018 | Zhao, Y., X. Wang, and R. Vazquez-Jimenez. 2018. Evaluating the performance of remote sensed rain-use efficiency as an indicator of ecosystem functioning in semi-arid ecosystems. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 39(10):3344-3362. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Abdi, A., N. Boke-Olen, D. Tenenbaum, T. Tagesson, B. Cappelaere, and J. Ardo. 2017. Evaluating Water Controls on Vegetation Growth in the Semi-Arid Sahel Using Field and Earth Observation Data. Remote Sensing. 9(3):294. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Abdolghafoorian, A., L. Farhadi, S.M. Bateni, S. Margulis, and T. Xu. 2017. Characterizing the Effect of Vegetation Dynamics on the Bulk Heat Transfer Coefficient to Improve Variational Estimation of Surface Turbulent Fluxes. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 18(2):321-333. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Al Zayed, I.S. and N.A. Elagib. 2017. Implications of non-sustainable agricultural water policies for the water-food nexus in large-scale irrigation systems: A remote sensing approach. Advances in Water Resources. 110:408-422. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Barcel\-Basa?ez, A.2017. Vegetation responses to temporal variability of climatic drivers: mangroves in the Mexican semiarid region. Book Chapter. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Barrera, F.d.l. and C. Henriquez. 2017. Monitoring the Change in Urban Vegetation in 13 Chilean Cities Located in a Rainfall Gradient. What is the Contribution of the Widespread Creation of New Urban Parks?. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 245:072023. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Ben, N., Z. Xianzhou, H. Yongtao, S. Peili, F. Gang, D. Mingyuan, Z. Yangjian, Z. Ning, Z. Jing, and W. Jianshuang. 2017. Satellite-Based Estimation of Gross Primary Production in an Alpine Swamp Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau: A Multi-Model Comparison. Journal of Resources and Ecology. 8(1):57-66. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Brooks, B.G.J., D.C. Lee, L.Y. Pomara, W.W. Hargrove, and A.R. Desai. 2017. Quantifying Seasonal Patterns in Disparate Environmental Variables Using the PolarMetrics R Package. 296-302. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Choi, M., Q. Mu, H. Kim, K. Hwang, and J. Hur. 2017. Ecosystem-dynamics link to hydrologic variations for different land-cover types. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 28(3):437-462.\%2fTAO.2016.09.13.01 | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Chooprateep, S.2017. Comparison of Temperatures between Bureau of Meteorology and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. Proceedings. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Fang, L., & Zhou, S.2017. Landslide susceptibility mapping in Longmen Shan Mountainous, East Himalaya with weight of evidence method. International Journal of Landslide and Environment. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Gilmanov, T.G., J.A. Morgan, N.P. Hanan, B.K. Wylie, N. Rajan, D.P. Smith, and D.M. Howard. 2017. Productivity and CO 2 Exchange of Great Plains Ecoregions. I. Shortgrass Steppe: Flux Tower Estimates. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 70(6):700-717. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Goswami, S., J.A. Gamon, S. Vargas, and C.E. Tweedie. 2017. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Hashimoto, S., M. Wattenbach, and P. Smith. 2017. Litter carbon inputs to the mineral soil of Japanese Brown forest soils: comparing estimates from the RothC model with estimates from MODIS. Journal of Forest Research. 16(1):16-25. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Haverkamp, P.J., J. Shekeine, R. de Jong, M. Schaepman, L.A. Turnbull, R. Baxter, D. Hansen, N. Bunbury, F. Fleischer-Dogley, and G. Schaepman-Strub. 2017. Giant tortoise habitats under increasing drought conditions on Aldabra Atoll--Ecological indicators to monitor rainfall anomalies and related vegetation activity. Ecological Indicators. 80:354-362. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Hirano, T., K. Suzuki, and R. Hirata. 2017. Energy balance and evapotranspiration changes in a larch forest caused by severe disturbance during an early secondary succession. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 232:457-468. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Hu, Z., G. Wu, L. Zhang, S. Li, X. Zhu, H. Zheng, L. Zhang, X. Sun, and G. Yu. 2017. Modeling and Partitioning of Regional Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Driven Water-Carbon Coupling Model. Remote Sensing. 9(1):54. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Jarchow, C.J., P.L. Nagler, E.P. Glenn, J. Ramirez-Hernandez, and J.E. Rodriguez-Burgueno. 2017. Evapotranspiration by remote sensing: An analysis of the Colorado River Delta before and after the Minute 319 pulse flow to Mexico. Ecological Engineering. 106:725-732. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | KAHANA-SUTIN, E., E. KLEMENT, I. LENSKY, and Y. GOTTLIEB. 2017. High relative abundance of the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans is associated with lumpy skin disease outbreaks in Israeli dairy farms. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 31(2):150-160. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Landi, M.A., S. Ojeda, C.M. Di Bella, P. Salvatierra, J.P. Arganaraz, and L.M. Bellis. 2017. Seleccion de parcelas control para estudios de la dinamica post-incendio: desempeno de rutinas no parametricas y autorregresivas. Revista de Teledeteccion. 79. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Landi, MA; Di Bella, C; Ojeda, S; Salvatierra, P; Arga araz, JP; Bellis, LM2017. Selecting control sites for post-fire ecological studies using biological criteria and MODIS time series. Fire Ecology. 13(2):42752. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Li, Z., X. Deng, X. Chu, G. Jin, and W. Qi. 2017. An Outlook on the Biomass Energy Development Out to 2100 in China. Computational Economics. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Liang, L.L., R.G. Anderson, S.A. Shiflett, and G.D. Jenerette. 2017. Urban outdoor water use and response to drought assessed through mobile energy balance and vegetation greenness measurements. Environmental Research Letters. 12(8):084007. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Liu, C., G. Sun, S.G. McNulty, A. Noormets, and Y. Fang. 2017. Environmental controls on seasonal ecosystem evapotranspiration/potential evapotranspiration ratio as determined by the global eddy flux measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 21(1):311-322. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Metras, R., G. Fournie, L. Dommergues, A. Camacho, L. Cavalerie, P. Merot, M.J. Keeling, C. Cetre-Sossah, E. Cardinale, and W.J. Edmunds. 2017. Drivers for Rift Valley fever emergence in Mayotte: A Bayesian modelling approach. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 11(7):e0005767. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Muramatsu, K., K. Ono, N. Soyama, Juthasinee Thanyapraneedkul, A. Miyata, and M. Mano. 2017. Determination of rice paddy parameters in the global gross primary production capacity estimation algorithm using 6 years of JP-MSE flux observation data. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 73(3):119-132. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Oliveira Hagen, E., O. Hagen, J.D. Ibanez-Alamo, O.L. Petchey, and K.L. Evans. 2017. Impacts of Urban Areas and Their Characteristics on Avian Functional Diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 5:. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Petrakis, R., W. van Leeuwen, M.L. Villarreal, P. Tashjian, R. Dello Russo, and C. Scott. 2017. Historical Analysis of Riparian Vegetation Change in Response to Shifting Management Objectives on the Middle Rio Grande. Land. 6(2):29. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Pugh, C.A., D.E. Reed, A.R. Desai, and B.N. Sulman. 2017. Wetland flux controls: how does interacting water table levels and temperature influence carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in northern Wisconsin?. Biogeochemistry. 137(1-2):15-25. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Pumo, D., F. Lo Conti, F. Viola, and L.V. Noto. 2017. An automatic tool for reconstructing monthly time-series of hydro-climatic variables at ungauged basins. Environmental Modelling & Software. 95:381-400. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Rahmat, A. 2017. Simple Estimation Air Temperature From Modis Lst in Gifu City, Japan. Journal of Science and Application Technology. 2(1):1-6. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Rankine, C., G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, J.A. Guzman, M.M. Espirito-Santo, and I. Sharp. 2017. Comparing MODIS and near-surface vegetation indexes for monitoring tropical dry forest phenology along a successional gradient using optical phenology towers. Environmental Research Letters. 12(10):105007. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Rasanen, M., M. Aurela, V. Vakkari, J.P. Beukes, J.P. Tuovinen, P.G. Van Zyl, M. Josipovic, A.D. Venter, K. Jaars, S.J. Siebert, T. Laurila, J. Rinne, and L. Laakso. 2017. Carbon balance of a grazed savanna grassland ecosystem in South Africa. Biogeosciences. 14(5):1039-1054. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Ren, S., S. Yi, M. Peichl, and X. Wang. 2017. Diverse Responses of Vegetation Phenology to Climate Change in Different Grasslands in Inner Mongolia during 2000-2016. Remote Sensing. 10(2):17. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Robert, E., L. Kergoat, N. Soumaguel, S. Merlet, J.M. Martinez, M. Diawara, and M. Grippa. 2017. Analysis of Suspended Particulate Matter and Its Drivers in Sahelian Ponds and Lakes by Remote Sensing (Landsat and MODIS): Gourma Region, Mali. Remote Sensing. 9(12):1272. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Sharma, I.2017. Modeling of Temperature Patterns in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal from 2000 to 2016. Proceedings. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Sherman, J.P., P. Gupta, R.C. Levy, and P.J. Sherman. 2017. An Evaluation of MODIS-Retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth over a Mountainous AERONET Site in the Southeastern US. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 16(12):3243-3255. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Smith, D. C.2017. Using remotely sensed fluorescence and soil moisture to better understand the seasonal cycle of tropical grasslands . Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Sulis, M., J.L. Williams, P. Shrestha, M. Diederich, C. Simmer, S.J. Kollet, and R.M. Maxwell. 2017. Coupling Groundwater, Vegetation, and Atmospheric Processes: A Comparison of Two Integrated Models. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 18(5):1489-1511. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Suwanwong, A.2017. Statistical Analysis for NDVI Trend and Variation Using MODIS Data in the Cloud Forest of Khao Nan National Park, Thailand during 2000-2015. Proceedings. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Tang, X., M. Ma, Z. Ding, X. Xu, L. Yao, X. Huang, Q. Gu, and L. Song. 2017. Remotely Monitoring Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Grassland and Cropland in China's Arid and Semi-Arid Regions with MODIS Data. Remote Sensing. 9(6):616. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Tian, L., J. Chen, and Y. Zhang. 2017. Growing season carries stronger contributions to albedo dynamics on the Tibetan plateau. PLOS ONE. 12(9):e0180559. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Tompoulidou, M., A. Stefanidou, E. Dragozi, I. Gitas, D. Stavrakoudis, T. Katagis, D. Grigoriadis, and L. Stepanidou. 2017. Mid-term fire danger index based on satellite imagery and ancillary geographic data. 32. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Verma, M., D. Schimel, B. Evans, C. Frankenberg, J. Beringer, D.T. Drewry, T. Magney, I. Marang, L. Hutley, C. Moore, and A. Eldering. 2017. Effect of environmental conditions on the relationship between solar-induced fluorescence and gross primary productivity at an OzFlux grassland site. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122(3):716-733. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Wagle, P., X. Xiao, P. Gowda, J. Basara, N. Brunsell, J. Steiner, and A. K.C. 2017. Analysis and estimation of tallgrass prairie evapotranspiration in the central United States. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 232:35-47. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Wang, C., J. Chen, J. Wu, Y. Tang, P. Shi, T.A. Black, and K. Zhu. 2017. A snow-free vegetation index for improved monitoring of vegetation spring green-up date in deciduous ecosystems. Remote Sensing of Environment. 196:1-12. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Wang, K., S. Jiang, J. Wang, C. Zhou, X. Wang, and X. Lee. 2017. Comparing the diurnal and seasonal variabilities of atmospheric and surface urban heat islands based on the Beijing urban meteorological network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 122(4):2131-2154. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Wang, Y., L. Zhou, Q. Jia, and W. Yu. 2017. Water use efficiency of a rice paddy field in Liaohe Delta, Northeast China. Agricultural Water Management. 187:222-231. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Wolters, E.L.A., E. Swinnen, M. Luffarelli, C. Goossens, and Y. Govaerts. 2017. Joint Surface Reflectance and AeRosol properties retrieval in the PV-LAC framework, part II: Validation. 1-4. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Wongsai, N., S. Wongsai, and A. Huete. 2017. Annual Seasonality Extraction Using the Cubic Spline Function and Decadal Trend in Temporal Daytime MODIS LST Data. Remote Sensing. 9(12):1254. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Xu, X., H. Du, G. Zhou, and P. Li. 2017. Method for improvement of MODIS leaf area index products based on pixel-to-pixel correlations. European Journal of Remote Sensing. 49(1):57-72. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Zhao, H., X. Zhang, S. Zhang, W. Chen, D. Tong, and A. Xiu. 2017. Effects of Agricultural Biomass Burning on Regional Haze in China: A Review. Atmosphere. 8(12):88. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Zheng, H., G. Yu, Q. Wang, X. Zhu, J. Yan, H. Wang, P. Shi, F. Zhao, Y. Li, L. Zhao, J. Zhang, and Y. Wang. 2017. Assessing the ability of potential evapotranspiration models in capturing dynamics of evaporative demand across various biomes and climatic regimes with ChinaFLUX measurements. Journal of Hydrology. 551:70-80. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Zhou, Y., T. Hilker, W. Ju, N.C. Coops, T.A. Black, J.M. Chen, and X. Wu. 2017. Modeling Gross Primary Production for Sunlit and Shaded Canopies Across an Evergreen and a Deciduous Site in Canada. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 55(4):1859-1873. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | Zoran, M., R. Savastru, and D. Savastru. 2017. Earthquake anomalies recognition through satellite and in-situ monitoring data. European Journal of Remote Sensing. 49(1):1011-1032. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2017 | de la Piedra, S. C.2017. Nesting ecology and home range sizes of lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico: relationships to remotely-sensed vegetation seasonality patterns. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Al Zayed, I.S., N.A. Elagib, L. Ribbe, and J. Heinrich. 2016. Satellite-based evapotranspiration over Gezira Irrigation Scheme, Sudan: A comparative study. Agricultural Water Management. 177:66-76. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Alton, P.B. 2016. The sensitivity of models of gross primary productivity to meteorological and leaf area forcing: A comparison between a Penman-Monteith ecophysiological approach and the MODIS Light-Use Efficiency algorithm. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 218-219:11-24. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Arganaraz, J.P., M.A. Landi, S.J. Bravo, G.I. Gavier-Pizarro, C.M. Scavuzzo, and L.M. Bellis. 2016. Estimation of Live Fuel Moisture Content From MODIS Images for Fire Danger Assessment in Southern Gran Chaco. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 9(12):5339-5349. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Autovino, D., M. Minacapilli, and G. Provenzano. 2016. Modelling bulk surface resistance by MODIS data and assessment of MOD16A2 evapotranspiration product in an irrigation district of Southern Italy. Agricultural Water Management. 167:86-94. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Baldi, G., M. Texeira, F. Murray, and E.G. Jobbagy. 2016. Vegetation Productivity in Natural vs. Cultivated Systems along Water Availability Gradients in the Dry Subtropics. PLOS ONE. 11(12):e0168168. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Balzarolo, M., S. Vicca, A.L. Nguy-Robertson, D. Bonal, J.A. Elbers, Y.H. Fu, T. Grunwald, J.A. Horemans, D. Papale, J. Penuelas, A. Suyker, and F. Veroustraete. 2016. Matching the phenology of Net Ecosystem Exchange and vegetation indices estimated with MODIS and FLUXNET in-situ observations. Remote Sensing of Environment. 174:290-300. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Bertolini, T., C.R. Flechard, F. Fattore, G. Nicolini, P. Stefani, S. Materia, R. Valentini, G. Vaglio Laurin, and S. Castaldi. 2016. DRY and BULK atmospheric nitrogen deposition to a West-African humid forest exposed to terrestrial and oceanic sources. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 218-219:184-195. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Boke-Olen, N., V. Lehsten, J. Ardo, J. Beringer, L. Eklundh, T. Holst, E. Veenendaal, and T. Tagesson. 2016. Estimating and Analyzing Savannah Phenology with a Lagged Time Series Model. PLOS ONE. 11(4):e0154615. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Chen, C., J. Cleverly, L. Zhang, Q. Yu, and D. Eamus. 2016. Modelling Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations in Carbon and Water Fluxes in an Arid-Zone Acacia Savanna Woodland, 1981-2012. Ecosystems. 19(4):625-644. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Cleverly, J., D. Eamus, E. Van Gorsel, C. Chen, R. Rumman, Q. Luo, N.R. Coupe, L. Li, N. Kljun, R. Faux, Q. Yu, and A. Huete. 2016. Productivity and evapotranspiration of two contrasting semiarid ecosystems following the 2011 global carbon land sink anomaly. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 220:151-159. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Constantin, S., & Cheval, S. 2016. AUTOMATED GEODATA PROCESSING FOR BLACK SEA INFLUENCE ASSESSMENT ON THE LAND SURFACE TEMPERATURE. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Curry, R. A.2016. Impacts of drought on grassland productivity across the wet-dry gradient in the U.S. Great Plains in 2010-2012. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Curti, R.N., A.J. de la Vega, A.J. Andrade, S.J. Bramardi, and H.D. Bertero. 2016. Adaptive responses of quinoa to diverse agro-ecological environments along an altitudinal gradient in North West Argentina. Field Crops Research. 189:10-18. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Davies, C., M. Coetzee, and C.L. Lyons. 2016. Characteristics of Larval Breeding Sites and Insecticide Resistance in theAnopheles gambiaeComplex in Mpumalanga, South Africa. African Entomology. 24(2):421-431. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Davies, C.2016. Influence of environmental characteristics on the habitat of and behavioural interactions between Anopheles species in South Africa . Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Delgado-Baquerizo, M., F.T. Maestre, P.B. Reich, T.C. Jeffries, J.J. Gaitan, D. Encinar, M. Berdugo, C.D. Campbell, and B.K. Singh. 2016. Microbial diversity drives multifunctionality in terrestrial ecosystems. Nature Communications. 7(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Desai, A.R., G. Wohlfahrt, M.J. Zeeman, G. Katata, W. Eugster, L. Montagnani, D. Gianelle, M. Mauder, and H.P. Schmid. 2016. Montane ecosystem productivity responds more to global circulation patterns than climatic trends. Environmental Research Letters. 11(2):024013. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Diaz-Hernandez, J.L. and A. Sanchez-Navas. 2016. Saharan dust outbreaks and iberulite episodes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 121(12):7064-7078. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Dirihan, S., M. Helander, H. Vare, P.E. Gundel, L.A. Garibaldi, J.G.N. Irisarri, I. Saloniemi, and K. Saikkonen. 2016. Geographic Variation in Festuca rubra L. Ploidy Levels and Systemic Fungal Endophyte Frequencies. PLOS ONE. 11(11):e0166264. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Esau, I., V.V. Miles, R. Davy, M.W. Miles, and A. Kurchatova. 2016. Trends in normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) associated with urban development in northern West Siberia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 16(15):9563-9577. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Fang, Y., G. Sun, P. Caldwell, S.G. McNulty, A. Noormets, J.C. Domec, J. King, Z. Zhang, X. Zhang, G. Lin, G. Zhou, J. Xiao, and J. Chen. 2016. Monthly land cover-specific evapotranspiration models derived from global eddy flux measurements and remote sensing data. Ecohydrology. 9(2):248-266. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Ferrer-Paris, J.R., C. Lozano, A. Cardozo-Urdaneta, and A. Thomas Cabianca. 2016. Indicative response of Oxysternon festivum Linne (Coleoptera: Scarabaidae) to vegetation condition in the basin of the Orinoco river, Venezuela. Journal of Insect Conservation. 20(3):527-538. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | French, N.H.F., M.A. Whitley, and L.K. Jenkins. 2016. Fire disturbance effects on land surface albedo in Alaskan tundra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121(3):841-854. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Gibson, G.R., N.L. Taylor, N.C. Lamo, and J.K. Lackey. 2016. Effects of Recent Instability on Cultivated Area Along the Euphrates River in Iraq. The Professional Geographer. 69(2):163-176. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Glade, F.E., M.D. Miranda, F.J. Meza, and W.J.D. van Leeuwen. 2016. Productivity and phenological responses of natural vegetation to present and future inter-annual climate variability across semi-arid river basins in Chile. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188(12):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Glenn, E.P., C.J. Jarchow, and W.J. Waugh. 2016. Evapotranspiration dynamics and effects on groundwater recharge and discharge at an arid waste disposal site. Journal of Arid Environments. 133:1-9. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Gonzalez, M. L.2016. Patterns of groundwater salinization regulated by topography and plant transpiration. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Graham, S.L., J. Kochendorfer, A.M.S. McMillan, M.J. Duncan, M.S. Srinivasan, and G. Hertzog. 2016. Effects of agricultural management on measurements, prediction, and partitioning of evapotranspiration in irrigated grasslands. Agricultural Water Management. 177:340-347. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Guo, Q., Z.m. Hu, S.g. Li, G.r. Yu, X.m. Sun, L.h. Li, N.s. Liang, and W.m. Bai. 2016. Exogenous N addition enhances the responses of gross primary productivity to individual precipitation events in a temperate grassland. Scientific Reports. 6(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Gwate, O., S.K. Mantel, A.R. Palmer, and L.A. Gibson. 2016. Modelling evapotranspiration using the modified Penman-Monteith equation and MODIS data over the Albany Thicket in South Africa . 9998:99980P. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Hermance, J.F., H.M. Sulieman, and A.G. Mustafa. 2016. Predicting intra-seasonal fluctuations of NDVI phenology from daily rainfall in the East Sahel: a simple linear reservoir model. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37(14):3293-3321. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Hinojo-Hinojo, C., A.E. Castellanos, J.C. Rodriguez, J. Delgado-Balbuena, J.R. Romo-Leon, H. Celaya-Michel, and T.E. Huxman. 2016. Carbon and Water Fluxes in an Exotic Buffelgrass Savanna. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 69(5):334-341. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Hopkinson, C., L. Chasmer, A.G. Barr, N. Kljun, T.A. Black, and J.H. McCaughey. 2016. Monitoring boreal forest biomass and carbon storage change by integrating airborne laser scanning, biometry and eddy covariance data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 181:82-95. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Ismael, H.2016. Monitoring drought trends induced climate variability over Egypt using MODIS NDVI satellite data and Drought Indices. Bulletin of the Egyptian geographical society. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Kang, X., Y. Hao, X. Cui, H. Chen, S. Huang, Y. Du, W. Li, P. Kardol, X. Xiao, and L. Cui. 2016. Variability and Changes in Climate, Phenology, and Gross Primary Production of an Alpine Wetland Ecosystem. Remote Sensing. 8(5):391. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Kross, A., J.W. Seaquist, and N.T. Roulet. 2016. Light use efficiency of peatlands: Variability and suitability for modeling ecosystem production. Remote Sensing of Environment. 183:239-249. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Kuusk, A., Kuusk, J., & Lang, M. A. I. T.2016. Albedo of the forested landscape at the SMEAR-Estonia research station. Baltic Forestry. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Laura, M.M., M.K. Adriana, B. Cecilia, M. La Ludmila, P.Y.D. Cecilia, P. Gabriela, and B. Jose. 2016. Ecological Status of a Patagonian Mountain River: Usefulness of Environmental and Biotic Metrics for Rehabilitation Assessment. Environmental Management. 57(6):1166-1187. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Lepine, L.C., S.V. Ollinger, A.P. Ouimette, and M.E. Martin. 2016. Examining spectral reflectance features related to foliar nitrogen in forests: Implications for broad-scale nitrogen mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment. 173:174-186. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Lesorogol, C.K. and R.B. Boone. 2016. Which Way Forward? Using simulation models and ethnography to understand changing livelihoods among Kenyan pastoralists in a "new commons". International Journal of the Commons. 10(2):747. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Li, H., F. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Wang, L. Zhang, L. Zhao, G. Cao, X. Zhao, and M. Du. 2016. Seasonal and inter-annual variations in CO 2 fluxes over 10 years in an alpine shrubland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 228-229:95-103. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Liu, Y., C. Wu, D. Peng, S. Xu, A. Gonsamo, R.S. Jassal, M. Altaf Arain, L. Lu, B. Fang, and J.M. Chen. 2016. Improved modeling of land surface phenology using MODIS land surface reflectance and temperature at evergreen needleleaf forests of central North America. Remote Sensing of Environment. 176:152-162. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Lucas, P.M., M. Gonzalez-Suarez, and E. Revilla. 2016. Toward multifactorial null models of range contraction in terrestrial vertebrates. Ecography. 39(11):1100-1108. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Mineshita, Yukiko; Muramatu, Kanako; Soyama, Noriko; Thanyapraneedkul, Juthasinee; Daigo, Motomasa2016. Determination of Parameters for Shrubs in the Global GrossPrimary Production Capacity Estimation Algorithm. Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan. 36(3):236-246. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Moore, C.E., T. Brown, T.F. Keenan, R.A. Duursma, A.I.J.M. van Dijk, J. Beringer, D. Culvenor, B. Evans, A. Huete, L.B. Hutley, S. Maier, N. Restrepo-Coupe, O. Sonnentag, A. Specht, J.R. Taylor, E. van Gorsel, and M.J. Liddell. 2016. Reviews and syntheses: Australian vegetation phenology: new insights from satellite remote sensing and digital repeat photography. Biogeosciences. 13(17):5085-5102. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Nagler, P.L., T.M. Doody, E.P. Glenn, C.J. Jarchow, A. Barreto-Munoz, and K. Didan. 2016. Wide-area estimates of evapotranspiration by red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and associated vegetation in the Murray-Darling River Basin, Australia. Hydrological Processes. 30(9):1376-1387. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Nestola, E., C. Calfapietra, C. Emmerton, C. Wong, D. Thayer, and J. Gamon. 2016. Monitoring Grassland Seasonal Carbon Dynamics, by Integrating MODIS NDVI, Proximal Optical Sampling, and Eddy Covariance Measurements. Remote Sensing. 8(3):260. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Piazza, M.V., L.A. Garibaldi, T. Kitzberger, and E.J. Chaneton. 2016. Impact of introduced herbivores on understory vegetation along a regional moisture gradient in Patagonian beech forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 366:11-22. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Purdy, A.J., J.B. Fisher, M.L. Goulden, and J.S. Famiglietti. 2016. Ground heat flux: An analytical review of 6 models evaluated at 88 sites and globally. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121(12):3045-3059. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Qu, J., M. Yang, W. Li, Q. Chen, Z. Mi, W. Xu, and Y. Zhang. 2016. Effects of climate change on the reproduction and offspring sex ratio of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments. 134:66-72. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Rankine, Cassidy J.2016. Monitoring Seasonal and Secondary Succession Processes in Deciduous Forests using Near-Surface Optical Remote Sensing and Wireless Sensor Networks. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Rasul, A., H. Balzter, and C. Smith. 2016. Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of Surface Urban Cool and Heat Islands in the Semi-Arid City of Erbil, Iraq. Climate. 4(3):42. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Rufino, M.C., C. Atzberger, G. Baldi, K. Butterbach-Bahl, T.S. Rosenstock, and D. Stern. 2016. Targeting Landscapes to Identify Mitigation Options in Smallholder Agriculture. 15-36. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Savastru, D.M., M.A. Zoran, and R.S. Savastru. 2016. Integrated remote sensing for multi-temporal analysis of urban land cover-climate interactions . 9688:968822. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Sawalhah, Mohammed N.; Cibils, Andr?s F.; Maladi, Aditya; Cao, Huiping; Vanleeuwen, Dawn M.; Holechek, Jerry L.; Rubio, Christina M. Black; Wesley, Robert L.; Endecott, Rachel L.; Mulliniks, Travis J.; Petersen, Mark K.2016. Forage and Weather Influence Day versus Nighttime Cow Behavior and Calf Weaning Weights on Rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 69(2):134-143. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Schiaffini, M.I. 2016. A test of the Resource's and Bergmann's rules in a widely distributed small carnivore from southern South America, Conepatus chinga (Molina, 1782) (Carnivora: Mephitidae). Mammalian Biology. 81(1):73-81. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Song, G., J. Hou, Y. Li, J. Zhang, and N. He. 2016. Leaf Caloric Value from Tropical to Cold-Temperate Forests: Latitudinal Patterns and Linkage to Productivity. PLOS ONE. 11(6):e0157935. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Tagesson, T., J. Ardo, I. Guiro, F. Cropley, C. Mbow, S. Horion, A. Ehammer, E. Mougin, C. Delon, C. Galy-Lacaux, and R. Fensholt. 2016. Very high CO2exchange fluxes at the peak of the rainy season in a West African grazed semi-arid savanna ecosystem. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography. 116(2):93-109. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Tan, Z. and J. Jiang. 2016. Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Wetland Vegetation Related to Water Level Fluctuations in Poyang Lake, China. Water. 8(9):397. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Tang, X., H. Li, X. Xu, J. Luo, X. Li, Z. Ding, and J. Xie. 2016. Potential of MODIS data to track the variability in ecosystem water-use efficiency of temperate deciduous forests. Ecological Engineering. 91:381-391. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Thomas, E.K., J.P. Briner, J.J. Ryan-Henry, and Y. Huang. 2016. A major increase in winter snowfall during the middle Holocene on western Greenland caused by reduced sea ice in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea. Geophysical Research Letters. 43(10):5302-5308. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Tillman, F.D., S.M. Wiele, and D.R. Pool. 2016. A comparison of estimates of basin-scale soil-moisture evapotranspiration and estimates of riparian groundwater evapotranspiration with implications for water budgets in the Verde Valley, Central Arizona, USA. Journal of Arid Environments. 124:278-291. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Tramontana, G., M. Jung, C.R. Schwalm, K. Ichii, G. Camps-Valls, B. Raduly, M. Reichstein, M.A. Arain, A. Cescatti, G. Kiely, L. Merbold, P. Serrano-Ortiz, S. Sickert, S. Wolf, and D. Papale. 2016. Predicting carbon dioxide and energy fluxes across global FLUXNET sites with regression algorithms. Biogeosciences. 13(14):4291-4313. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Vargas, L., L. Hein, and R.P. Remme. 2016. Accounting for ecosystem assets using remote sensing in the Colombian Orinoco River basin lowlands . 10005:1000510. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Vepraskas, M., White, J., Richter, D., & Moorberg, C. 2016. Phosphorus Fluxes in a Restored Carolina Bay Wetland Following Eight Years of Restoration. Report. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Verrot, L. and G. Destouni. 2016. Data-model comparison of temporal variability in long-term time series of large-scale soil moisture. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 121(17):10,056-10,073. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Vicca, S., M. Balzarolo, I. Filella, A. Granier, M. Herbst, A. Knohl, B. Longdoz, M. Mund, Z. Nagy, K. Pinter, S. Rambal, J. Verbesselt, A. Verger, A. Zeileis, C. Zhang, and J. Penuelas. 2016. Remotely-sensed detection of effects of extreme droughts on gross primary production. Scientific Reports. 6(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Wagle, P., P.H. Gowda, X. Xiao, and A. KC. 2016. Parameterizing ecosystem light use efficiency and water use efficiency to estimate maize gross primary production and evapotranspiration using MODIS EVI. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 222:87-97. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Wagle, P., Y. Zhang, C. Jin, and X. Xiao. 2016. Comparison of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, light-use efficiency, and process-based GPP models in maize. Ecological Applications. 26(4):1211-1222. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Wang, Y., X. Tang, L. Yu, X. Hou, and J.W. Munger. 2016. Comparison of net ecosystem carbon exchange estimation in a mixed temperate forest using field eddy covariance and MODIS data. SpringerPlus. 5(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Wehlage, D., J. Gamon, D. Thayer, and D. Hildebrand. 2016. Interannual Variability in Dry Mixed-Grass Prairie Yield: A Comparison of MODIS, SPOT, and Field Measurements. Remote Sensing. 8(10):872. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Wijayanti, S.P.M., T. Porphyre, M. Chase-Topping, S.M. Rainey, M. McFarlane, E. Schnettler, R. Biek, and A. Kohl. 2016. The Importance of Socio-Economic Versus Environmental Risk Factors for Reported Dengue Cases in Java, Indonesia. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 10(9):e0004964. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Xie, J., J. Chen, G. Sun, T. Zha, B. Yang, H. Chu, J. Liu, S. Wan, C. Zhou, H. Ma, C.P.A. Bourque, C. Shao, R. John, and Z. Ouyang. 2016. Ten-year variability in ecosystem water use efficiency in an oak-dominated temperate forest under a warming climate. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 218-219:209-217. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zanella De Arruda, P.H., G.L. Vourlitis, F.B. Santanna, O.B. Pinto Jr., F. De Almeida Lobo, and J. De Souza Nogueira. 2016. Large net CO2 loss from a grass-dominated tropical savanna in south-central Brazil in response to seasonal and interannual drought. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121(8):2110-2124. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zaninovich, S.C., J.L. Fontana, and M.G. Gatti. 2016. Atlantic Forest replacement by non-native tree plantations: Comparing aboveground necromass between native forest and pine plantation ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management. 363:39-46. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zhang, G., F. Chen, and Y. Gan. 2016. Assessing uncertainties in the Noah-MP ensemble simulations of a cropland site during the Tibet Joint International Cooperation program field campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 121(16):9576-9596. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zhang, Y., C. Song, G. Sun, L.E. Band, S. McNulty, A. Noormets, Q. Zhang, and Z. Zhang. 2016. Development of a coupled carbon and water model for estimating global gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration based on eddy flux and remote sensing data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 223:116-131. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zheng, H., G. Yu, Q. Wang, X. Zhu, H. He, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Li, L. Zhao, F. Zhao, P. Shi, H. Wang, J. Yan, and Y. Zhang. 2016. Spatial variation in annual actual evapotranspiration of terrestrial ecosystems in China: Results from eddy covariance measurements. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 26(10):1391-1411. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zhou, Y., X. Wu, W. Ju, J.M. Chen, S. Wang, H. Wang, W. Yuan, T. Andrew Black, R. Jassal, A. Ibrom, S. Han, J. Yan, H. Margolis, O. Roupsard, Y. Li, F. Zhao, G. Kiely, G. Starr, M. Pavelka, L. Montagnani, G. Wohlfahrt, P. D'Odorico, D. Cook, M.A. Arain, D. Bonal, J. Beringer, P.D. Blanken, B. Loubet, M.Y. Leclerc, G. Matteucci, Z. Nagy, J. Olejnik, K.T. Paw U, and A. Varlagin. 2016. Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121(4):1045-1072. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zoran, M., D. Savastru, and D. Mateciuc. 2016. Earthquake Precursors Assessment in Vrancea Region Through Satellite and In Situ Monitoring Data. 305-314. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zoran, M., R. Savastru, and D. Savastru. 2016. Lithosphere-Surfacesphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling model for Vrancea seismic zone in Romania. 1722:120001. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zoran, M.A. and A.I. Dida. 2016. Remote sensing of climate changes effects on urban green biophysical variables . 10005:100051K. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zoran, M.A., L.F.V. Zoran, and A.I. Dida. 2016. Forest vegetation dynamics and its response to climate changes . 9998:99981V. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, D.M. Savastru, and A.I. Dida. 2016. Impacts of urban growth and heat waves events on the urban heat island in Bucharest city . 10008:1000813. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, and D.M. Savastru. 2016. Earthquake signature revealed by time series satellite and ground-based data . 10005:100050A. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2016 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, and D.M. Savastru. 2016. Synergistic use of geospatial and in-situ data for earthquake hazard assessment in Vrancea area . 9688:96880L. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Acosta, V.T., T.F. Schildgen, B.A. Clarke, D. Scherler, B. Bookhagen, H. Wittmann, F. von Blanckenburg, and M.R. Strecker. 2015. Effect of vegetation cover on millennial-scale landscape denudation rates in East Africa. Lithosphere. 7(4):408-420. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Al Zayed, I.S., N.A. Elagib, L. Ribbe, and J. Heinrich. 2015. Spatio-temporal performance of large-scale Gezira Irrigation Scheme, Sudan. Agricultural Systems. 133:131-142. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Alvarez-Taboada, F., D. Tammadge, M. Schlerf, and A. Skidmore. 2015. Assessing MODIS GPP in Non-Forested Biomes in Water Limited Areas Using EC Tower Data. Remote Sensing. 7(3):3274-3292. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Anderson, R.G., R. Tirado-Corbala, D. Wang, and J.E. Ayars. 2015. Long-rotation sugarcane in Hawaii sustains high carbon accumulation and radiation use efficiency in 2nd year of growth. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 199:216-224. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Baldi, G., J. Houspanossian, F. Murray, A.A. Rosales, C.V. Rueda, and E.G. Jobbagy. 2015. Cultivating the dry forests of South America: Diversity of land users and imprints on ecosystem functioning. Journal of Arid Environments. 123:47-59. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Barraza, V., N. Restrepo-Coupe, A. Huete, F. Grings, and E. Van Gorsel. 2015. Passive microwave and optical index approaches for estimating surface conductance and evapotranspiration in forest ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 213:126-137. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Bhaskar, A.S., C. Welty, R.M. Maxwell, and A.J. Miller. 2015. Untangling the effects of urban development on subsurface storage in Baltimore. Water Resources Research. 51(2):1158-1181. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Biudes, M.S., G.L. Vourlitis, N.G. Machado, P.H.Z. de Arruda, G.A.R. Neves, F. de Almeida Lobo, C.M.U. Neale, and J. de Souza Nogueira. 2015. Patterns of energy exchange for tropical ecosystems across a climate gradient in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 202:112-124. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Bright, R.M., C. Anton-Fernandez, R. Astrup, and A.H. Stromman. 2015. Empirical models of albedo transitions in managed boreal forests: analysis of performance and transportability. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 45(2):195-206. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Bright, R.M., K. Zhao, R.B. Jackson, and F. Cherubini. 2015. Quantifying surface albedo and other direct biogeophysical climate forcings of forestry activities. Global Change Biology. 21(9):3246-3266. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Chen, Y., W. Yuan, J. Xia, J.B. Fisher, W. Dong, X. Zhang, S. Liang, A. Ye, W. Cai, and J. Feng. 2015. Using Bayesian model averaging to estimate terrestrial evapotranspiration in China. Journal of Hydrology. 528:537-549. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Chen, Z., G. Yu, J. Ge, Q. Wang, X. Zhu, and Z. Xu. 2015. Roles of Climate, Vegetation and Soil in Regulating the Spatial Variations in Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in the Northern Hemisphere. PLOS ONE. 10(4):e0125265. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Christian, B., N. Joshi, M. Saini, N. Mehta, S. Goroshi, R.R. Nidamanuri, P. Thenkabail, A.R. Desai, and N.S.R. Krishnayya. 2015. Seasonal variations in phenology and productivity of a tropical dry deciduous forest from MODIS and Hyperion. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 214-215:91-105. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Davies, J.M., P.J. Beggs, D.E. Medek, R.M. Newnham, B. Erbas, M. Thibaudon, C.H. Katelaris, S.G. Haberle, E.J. Newbigin, and A.R. Huete. 2015. Trans-disciplinary research in synthesis of grass pollen aerobiology and its importance for respiratory health in Australasia. Science of The Total Environment. 534:85-96. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Di, S.C., Z.L. Li, R. Tang, H. Wu, B.H. Tang, and J. Lu. 2015. Integrating two layers of soil moisture parameters into the MOD16 algorithm to improve evapotranspiration estimations. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(19-20):4953-4971. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Docherty, K.M., H.M. Borton, N. Espinosa, M. Gebhardt, J. Gil-Loaiza, J.L.M. Gutknecht, P.W. Maes, B.M. Mott, J.J. Parnell, G. Purdy, P.A.P. Rodrigues, L.F. Stanish, O.N. Walser, and R.E. Gallery. 2015. Key Edaphic Properties Largely Explain Temporal and Geographic Variation in Soil Microbial Communities across Four Biomes. PLOS ONE. 10(11):e0135352. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Ershadi, A., M.F. McCabe, J.P. Evans, and E.F. Wood. 2015. Impact of model structure and parameterization on Penman-Monteith type evaporation models. Journal of Hydrology. 525:521-535. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Fatras, C., F. Frappart, E. Mougin, P.L. Frison, G. Faye, P. Borderies, and L. Jarlan. 2015. Spaceborne altimetry and scatterometry backscattering signatures at C- and Ku-bands over West Africa. Remote Sensing of Environment. 159:117-133. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Feng, Y. and X. Zhao. 2015. Daily temperature trend and sensitivity to grassland and cropland in eastern China during the past 32 years. International Journal of Climatology. 35(7):1510-1518. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Garcia Millan, V.E., G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, and G.C. Malvarez. 2015. Mapping Tropical Dry Forest Succession With CHRIS/PROBA Hyperspectral Images Using Nonparametric Decision Trees. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(6):3081-3094. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Garcia, E.S. and C.L. Tague. 2015. Subsurface storage capacity influences climate-evapotranspiration interactions in three western United States catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19(12):4845-4858. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Gibson, G.R., J.B. Campbell, and C.E. Zipper. 2015. Sociopolitical influences on cropland area change in Iraq, 2001-2012. Applied Geography. 62:339-346. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Glenn, E.P., R.L. Scott, U. Nguyen, and P.L. Nagler. 2015. Wide-area ratios of evapotranspiration to precipitation in monsoon-dependent semiarid vegetation communities. Journal of Arid Environments. 117:84-95. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Guo, Q., S. Li, Z. Hu, W. Zhao, G. Yu, X. Sun, L. Li, N. Liang, and W. Bai. 2015. Responses of gross primary productivity to different sizes of precipitation events in a temperate grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Land. 8(1):36-46. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Ha, W., T.E. Kolb, A.E. Springer, S. Dore, F.C. O'Donnell, R. Martinez Morales, S. Masek Lopez, and G.W. Koch. 2015. Evapotranspiration comparisons between eddy covariance measurements and meteorological and remote-sensing-based models in disturbed ponderosa pine forests. Ecohydrology. 8(7):1335-1350. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Hassan, Md Shareful; Mahmud-ul-Islam, Syed (2015). Drought Vulnerability Assessment in the High Barind Tract of Bangladesh Using MODIS NDVI and Land Surface Temperature (LST) Imageries, International Journal of Science and Research (ISJR), 4 (2). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Hassan, Md Shareful; Mahmud-ul-Islam, Syed (2015). Estimation of Winter Crops and Open Water Bodies in the Brahmaputra Floodplain of Northern Bangladesh using MODIS Imageries, Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, 4 (6). (nodoi) | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | He-Song, W., J. Gen-Suo, F. Jin-Ming, Z. Tian-Bao, and M. Zhu-Guo. 2015. Modeling Gross Primary Production by Integrating Satellite Data and Coordinated Flux Measurements in Arid and Semi-Arid China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 3(1):7-13. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Helman, D., A. Givati, and I.M. Lensky. 2015. Annual evapotranspiration retrieved from satellite vegetation indices for the eastern Mediterranean at 250 m spatial resolution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 15(21):12567-12579. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Hermance, J.F., D.J. Augustine, and J.D. Derner. 2015. Quantifying characteristic growth dynamics in a semi-arid grassland ecosystem by predicting short-term NDVI phenology from daily rainfall: a simple four parameter coupled-reservoir model. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(22):5637-5663. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Jansen, V.S., C.A. Kolden, R.V. Taylor, and B.A. Newingham. 2015. Quantifying livestock effects on bunchgrass vegetation with Landsat ETM+ data across a single growing season. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37(1):150-175. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Lei-Ming, Z., C. Pei-Yu, Z. Ya-Ping, L. Qing-Kang, Z. Jun-Hui, W. Xiao-Ling, D. Guan-Hua, and a. LI Jin-Gong. 2015. Dynamics and regulations of ecosystem light use efficiency in a broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest, Changbai Mountain. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. 39(12):1156-1165. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Leong, M. and G.K. Roderick. 2015. Remote sensing captures varying temporal patterns of vegetation between human-altered and natural landscapes. PeerJ. 3:e1141. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Levy, P.E. and A. Gray. 2015. Greenhouse gas balance of a semi-natural peatbog in northern Scotland. Environmental Research Letters. 10(9):094019. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Li, H.Q., F.W. Zhang, Y.N. LI, G.M. Cao, L. Zhao, and X.Q. Zhao. 2015. Seasonal and interannual variations of ecosystem photosynthetic features in an alpine dwarf shrubland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Photosynthetica. 52(3):321-331. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Liu, J., S. Rambal, and F. Mouillot. 2015. Soil Drought Anomalies in MODIS GPP of a Mediterranean Broadleaved Evergreen Forest. Remote Sensing. 7(1):1154-1180. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Liu, L., L. Liang, M.D. Schwartz, A. Donnelly, Z. Wang, C.B. Schaaf, and L. Liu. 2015. Evaluating the potential of MODIS satellite data to track temporal dynamics of autumn phenology in a temperate mixed forest. Remote Sensing of Environment. 160:156-165. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Liu, S., Y. Peng, N. Brunsell, and Q. Guan. 2015. Remote estimation of GPP in temperate grassland: implications of the uncertainty in GPP estimation in semi-arid ecosystems using MODIS data. 9610:961015. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Mantas, V.M., Z. Liu, and A.J.S.C. Pereira. 2015. A web service and android application for the distribution of rainfall estimates and Earth observation data. Computers & Geosciences. 77:66-76. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Marshall, M. and P. Thenkabail. 2015. Advantage of hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion over multispectral IKONOS, GeoEye-1, WorldView-2, Landsat ETM+, and MODIS vegetation indices in crop biomass estimation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 108:205-218. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Muramatsu, K., S. Furumi, and M. Daigo. 2015. Algorithm developing of gross primary production from its capacity and a canopy conductance index using flux and global observing satellite data. 9637:96371A. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Nguyen, U., E.P. Glenn, P.L. Nagler, and R.L. Scott. 2015. Long-term decrease in satellite vegetation indices in response to environmental variables in an iconic desert riparian ecosystem: the Upper San Pedro, Arizona, United States. Ecohydrology. 8(4):610-625. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Nieto, S., P. Flombaum, and M.F. Garbulsky. 2015. Can temporal and spatial NDVI predict regional bird-species richness?. Global Ecology and Conservation. 3:729-735. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Oliveira, P.T.S., E. Wendland, M.A. Nearing, R.L. Scott, R. Rosolem, and H.R. da Rocha. 2015. The water balance components of undisturbed tropical woodlands in the Brazilian cerrado. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 19(6):2899-2910. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Perera, K.C., A.W. Western, B. George, and B. Nawarathna. 2015. Multivariate time series modeling of short-term system scale irrigation demand. Journal of Hydrology. 531:1003-1019. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Raab, N., F.J. Meza, N. Franck, and N. Bambach. 2015. Empirical stomatal conductance models reveal that the isohydric behavior of an Acacia caven Mediterranean Savannah scales from leaf to ecosystem. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 213:203-216. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Rauset, G.R., M. Low, and J. Persson. 2015. Reproductive patterns result from age-related sensitivity to resources and reproductive costs in a mammalian carnivore. Ecology. 96(12):3153-3164. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Rawlins, M.A., A.D. McGuire, J.S. Kimball, P. Dass, D. Lawrence, E. Burke, X. Chen, C. Delire, C. Koven, A. MacDougall, S. Peng, A. Rinke, K. Saito, W. Zhang, R. Alkama, T.J. Bohn, P. Ciais, B. Decharme, I. Gouttevin, T. Hajima, D. Ji, G. Krinner, D.P. Lettenmaier, P. Miller, J.C. Moore, B. Smith, and T. Sueyoshi. 2015. Assessment of model estimates of land-atmosphere CO<sub>2</sub> exchange across Northern Eurasia. Biogeosciences. 12(14):4385-4405. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Reimer, J.J., R. Vargas, D. Rivas, G. Gaxiola-Castro, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, and R. Lara-Lara. 2015. Sea Surface Temperature Influence on Terrestrial Gross Primary Production along the Southern California Current. PLOS ONE. 10(4):e0125177. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Roy, S.S. and R.B. Singh. 2015. Role of Local Level Relative Humidity on the Development of Urban Heat Island Across the Delhi Metropolitan Region. 99-118. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Scott, R.L., J.A. Biederman, E.P. Hamerlynck, and G.A. Barron-Gafford. 2015. The carbon balance pivot point of southwestern U.S. semiarid ecosystems: Insights from the 21st century drought. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 120(12):2612-2624. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Scuderi, L., G. Weissmann, P. Kindilien, and X. Yang. 2015. Evaluating the potential of database technology for documenting environmental change in China's deserts. CATENA. 134:87-97. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Slevin, D., S.F.B. Tett, and M. Williams. 2015. Multi-site evaluation of the JULES land surface model using global and local data. Geoscientific Model Development. 8(2):295-316. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Takagi, K., R. Hirata, R. Ide, M. Ueyama, K. Ichii, N. Saigusa, T. Hirano, J. Asanuma, S.G. Li, T. Machimura, Y. Nakai, T. Ohta, and Y. Takahashi. 2015. Spatial and seasonal variations of CO2flux and photosynthetic and respiratory parameters of larch forests in East Asia. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 61(1):61-75. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Tang, X., H. Li, G. Liu, X. Li, L. Yao, J. Xie, and S. Chang. 2015. Sensitivity of near real-time MODIS gross primary productivity in terrestrial forest based on eddy covariance measurements. Chinese Geographical Science. 25(5):537-548. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Tang, X., H. Li, T. Griffis, X. Xu, Z. Ding, and G. Liu. 2015. Tracking Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Cropland by Exclusive Use of MODIS EVI Data. Remote Sensing. 7(9):11016-11035. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Tang, X., Z. Ding, H. Li, X. Li, J. Luo, J. Xie, and D. Chen. 2015. Characterizing ecosystem water-use efficiency of croplands with eddy covariance measurements and MODIS products. Ecological Engineering. 85:212-217. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Tramontana, G., K. Ichii, G. Camps-Valls, E. Tomelleri, and D. Papale. 2015. Uncertainty analysis of gross primary production upscaling using Random Forests, remote sensing and eddy covariance data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 168:360-373. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Verma, M., M.A. Friedl, B.E. Law, D. Bonal, G. Kiely, T.A. Black, G. Wohlfahrt, E.J. Moors, L. Montagnani, B. Marcolla, P. Toscano, A. Varlagin, O. Roupsard, A. Cescatti, M.A. Arain, and P. D'Odorico. 2015. Improving the performance of remote sensing models for capturing intra- and inter-annual variations in daily GPP: An analysis using global FLUXNET tower data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 214-215:416-429. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Verrot, L. and G. Destouni. 2015. Screening variability and change of soil moisture under wide-ranging climate conditions: Snow dynamics effects. AMBIO. 44(S1):6-16. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Wagle, P., X. Xiao, and A.E. Suyker. 2015. Estimation and analysis of gross primary production of soybean under various management practices and drought conditions. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 99:70-83. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Wagle, Pradeep; Zhang, Yongguang; Jin, Cui; Xiao, Xiangming2015. Comparison of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, light-use efficiency, and process-based GPP models in maize. Ecological Applications. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Wang, R., G. Yu, N. He, Q. Wang, N. Zhao, Z. Xu, and J. Ge. 2015. Latitudinal variation of leaf stomatal traits from species to community level in forests: linkage with ecosystem productivity. Scientific Reports. 5(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Wang, S., K. Huang, H. Yan, H. Yan, L. Zhou, H. Wang, J. Zhang, J. Yan, L. Zhao, Y. Wang, P. Shi, F. Zhao, and L. Sun. 2015. Improving the light use efficiency model for simulating terrestrial vegetation gross primary production by the inclusion of diffuse radiation across ecosystems in China. Ecological Complexity. 23:1-13. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Wu, X., W. Ju, Y. Zhou, M. He, B. Law, T. Black, H. Margolis, A. Cescatti, L. Gu, L. Montagnani, A. Noormets, T. Griffis, K. Pilegaard, A. Varlagin, R. Valentini, P. Blanken, S. Wang, H. Wang, S. Han, J. Yan, Y. Li, B. Zhou, and Y. Liu. 2015. Performance of Linear and Nonlinear Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Models at Different Temporal Scales. Remote Sensing. 7(3):2238-2278. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Xiao, J., Y. Zhou, and L. Zhang. 2015. Contributions of natural and human factors to increases in vegetation productivity in China. Ecosphere. 6(11):art233. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Yan, H., S.q. Wang, D. Billesbach, W. Oechel, G. Bohrer, T. Meyers, T.A. Martin, R. Matamala, R.P. Phillips, F. Rahman, Q. Yu, and H.H. Shugart. 2015. Improved global simulations of gross primary product based on a new definition of water stress factor and a separate treatment of C3 and C4 plants. Ecological Modelling. 297:42-59. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Yan, W., Z. Hu, Y. Zhao, X. Zhang, Y. Fan, P. Shi, Y. He, G. Yu, and Y. Li. 2015. Modeling Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange of Alpine Grasslands with a Satellite-Driven Model. PLOS ONE. 10(4):e0122486. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Yang, Y. 2015. A Novel Method for Estimating Terrestrial Evapotranspiration by Exploiting the Linkage Between Water and Carbon Cycles. 129-139. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Yebra, M., A.I.J.M. Van Dijk, R. Leuning, and J.P. Guerschman. 2015. Global vegetation gross primary production estimation using satellite-derived light-use efficiency and canopy conductance. Remote Sensing of Environment. 163:206-216. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Yoshida, Y., J. Joiner, C. Tucker, J. Berry, J.E. Lee, G. Walker, R. Reichle, R. Koster, A. Lyapustin, and Y. Wang. 2015. The 2010 Russian drought impact on satellite measurements of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Insights from modeling and comparisons with parameters derived from satellite reflectances. Remote Sensing of Environment. 166:163-177. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Zhang, L.X., D.C. Zhou, J.W. Fan, and Z.M. Hu. 2015. Comparison of four light use efficiency models for estimating terrestrial gross primary production. Ecological Modelling. 300:30-39. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Zhang, Y., C. Song, G. Sun, L.E. Band, A. Noormets, and Q. Zhang. 2015. Understanding moisture stress on light use efficiency across terrestrial ecosystems based on global flux and remote-sensing data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 120(10):2053-2066. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Zhang, Y., M. Voigt, and H. Liu. 2015. Contrasting responses of terrestrial ecosystem production to hot temperature extreme regimes between grassland and forest. Biogeosciences. 12(2):549-556. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Zoran, M.A. and A.I. Dida. 2015. An assessment of the impact of climate change effects on forest land cover based on satellite data. 9637:96372P. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, D.M. Savastru, M.N. Tautan, and L.V. Baschir. 2015. Urban green spatio- temporal changes assessment through time-series satellite data. 9644:96441Q. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, and D.M. Savastru. 2015. An Integrated Geospatial System for earthquake precursors assessment in Vrancea tectonic active zone in Romania. 9644:96441R. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2015 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, and D.M. Savastru. 2015. Satellite thermal infrared anomalies associated with strong earthquakes in the Vrancea area of Romania. Open Geosciences. 7(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Anwar, M.S. and S. Takewaka. 2014. Analyses on phenological and morphological variations of mangrove forests along the southwest coast of Bangladesh. Journal of Coastal Conservation. 18(4):339-357. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Bagnara, M., M. Van Oijen, D. Cameron, D. Gianelle, F. Magnani, and M. Sottocornola. 2014. A user-friendly forest model with a multiplicative mathematical structure: a Bayesian approach to calibration. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions. 7(5):6997-7031. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Bateman, H.L., D.M. Merritt, E.P. Glenn, and P.L. Nagler. 2014. Indirect effects of biocontrol of an invasive riparian plant (Tamarix) alters habitat and reduces herpetofauna abundance. Biological Invasions. 17(1):87-97. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Biudes, M.S., M.C. Souza, N.G. Machado, V.H. de Morais Danelichen, G.L. Vourlitis, and J. de Souza Nogueira. 2014. Modelling gross primary production of a tropical semi-deciduous forest in the southern Amazon Basin. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 35(4):1540-1562. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Blanken, P.D. 2014. The effect of winter drought on evaporation from a high-elevation wetland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 119(7):1354-1369. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Bright, R.M., C. Anton-Fernandez, R. Astrup, F. Cherubini, M. Kvalevag, and A.H. Stromman. 2014. Climate change implications of shifting forest management strategy in a boreal forest ecosystem of Norway. Global Change Biology. 20(2):607-621. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Bunting, D.P., S.A. Kurc, E.P. Glenn, P.L. Nagler, and R.L. Scott. 2014. Insights for empirically modeling evapotranspiration influenced by riparian and upland vegetation in semiarid regions. Journal of Arid Environments. 111:42-52. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Chen, C., D. Eamus, J. Cleverly, N. Boulain, P. Cook, L. Zhang, L. Cheng, and Q. Yu. 2014. Modelling vegetation water-use and groundwater recharge as affected by climate variability in an arid-zone Acacia savanna woodland. Journal of Hydrology. 519:1084-1096. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Chen, T.2014. Terrestrial plant productivity and soil moisture constraints. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Chen, Y., J. Xia, S. Liang, J. Feng, J.B. Fisher, X. Li, X. Li, S. Liu, Z. Ma, A. Miyata, Q. Mu, L. Sun, J. Tang, K. Wang, J. Wen, Y. Xue, G. Yu, T. Zha, L. Zhang, Q. Zhang, T. Zhao, L. Zhao, and W. Yuan. 2014. Comparison of satellite-based evapotranspiration models over terrestrial ecosystems in China. Remote Sensing of Environment. 140:279-293. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Cheng, L., L. Zhang, Y.P. Wang, Q. Yu, D. Eamus, and A. O'Grady. 2014. Impacts of elevated CO 2 , climate change and their interactions on water budgets in four different catchments in Australia. Journal of Hydrology. 519:1350-1361. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Cheng, Y.B., Q. Zhang, A.I. Lyapustin, Y. Wang, and E.M. Middleton. 2014. Impacts of light use efficiency and fPAR parameterization on gross primary production modeling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 189-190:187-197. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Coleman, B.T. and R.A. Hill. 2014. Biogeographic Variation in the Diet and Behaviour of Cercopithecus mitis. Folia Primatologica. 85(5):319-334. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | D'Odorico, P., A. Gonsamo, B. Pinty, N. Gobron, N. Coops, E. Mendez, and M.E. Schaepman. 2014. Intercomparison of fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation products derived from satellite data over Europe. Remote Sensing of Environment. 142:141-154. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Darmawan, Yahya and Sofan, Parwati. (2014) Comparison of the vegetation indices to detect the tropical rain forest changes using breaks for additive seasonal and trend (BFAST) model. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES). 9(1). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | De Keersmaecker, W., S. Lhermitte, O. Honnay, J. Farifteh, B. Somers, and P. Coppin. 2014. How to measure ecosystem stability? An evaluation of the reliability of stability metrics based on remote sensing time series across the major global ecosystems. Global Change Biology. 20(7):2149-2161. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Destouni, G. and L. Verrot. 2014. Screening long-term variability and change of soil moisture in a changing climate. Journal of Hydrology. 516:131-139. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Dreps, C., A.L. James, G. Sun, and J. Boggs. 2014. Water Balances of Two Piedmont Headwater Catchments: Implications for Regional Hydrologic Landscape Classification. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 50(4):1063-1079. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Ernakovich, J.G., K.A. Hopping, A.B. Berdanier, R.T. Simpson, E.J. Kachergis, H. Steltzer, and M.D. Wallenstein. 2014. Predicted responses of arctic and alpine ecosystems to altered seasonality under climate change. Global Change Biology. 20(10):3256-3269. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Ershadi, A., M.F. McCabe, J.P. Evans, N.W. Chaney, and E.F. Wood. 2014. Multi-site evaluation of terrestrial evaporation models using FLUXNET data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 187:46-61. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Face-Collins, M. S. 2014. Evaluation of selected spectral vegetation indices in senescent rangeland canopy using Landsat imagery. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Fang, S., Y. Le, Q. Liang, and X. Liu. 2014. Leaf Area Index Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data in Different Types of Vegetation. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 42(4):733-743. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Farhadi, L., D. Entekhabi, G. Salvucci, and J. Sun. 2014. Estimation of land surface water and energy balance parameters using conditional sampling of surface states. Water Resources Research. 50(2):1805-1822. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Florio, E.L., J.L. Mercau, E.G. Jobbagy, and M.D. Nosetto. 2014. Interactive effects of water-table depth, rainfall variation, and sowing date on maize production in the Western Pampas. Agricultural Water Management. 146:75-83. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Gao, Y., G. Yu, H. Yan, X. Zhu, S. Li, Q. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Li, L. Zhao, and P. Shi. 2014. A MODIS-based Photosynthetic Capacity Model to estimate gross primary production in Northern China and the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing of Environment. 148:108-118. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Gonsamo, A. and J.M. Chen. 2014. Continuous observation of leaf area index at Fluxnet-Canada sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 189-190:168-174. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Gonsamo, A. and J.M. Chen. 2014. Improved LAI Algorithm Implementation to MODIS Data by Incorporating Background, Topography, and Foliage Clumping Information. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 52(2):1076-1088. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Goulden, M.L. and R.C. Bales. 2014. Mountain runoff vulnerability to increased evapotranspiration with vegetation expansion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(39):14071-14075. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Griffith, D.J., A. Ramkilowan, D. Sprung, E. Sucher, C.J. Willers, G.J.R. Coetzee, and R. van Staden. 2014. Exploration of satellite-derived data products for atmospheric turbulence studies. 9242:92421J. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Guarini, R., C. Nichol, R. Clement, R. Loizzo, J. Grace, and M. Borghetti. 2014. The utility of MODIS-sPRI for investigating the photosynthetic light-use efficiency in a Mediterranean deciduous forest. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 35(16):6157-6172. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Helman, D., I.M. Lensky, A. Mussery, and S. Leu. 2014. Rehabilitating degraded drylands by creating woodland islets: Assessing long-term effects on aboveground productivity and soil fertility. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 195-196:52-60. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Jacques, D.C., L. Kergoat, P. Hiernaux, E. Mougin, and P. Defourny. 2014. Monitoring dry vegetation masses in semi-arid areas with MODIS SWIR bands. Remote Sensing of Environment. 153:40-49. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Jagermeyr, J., D. Gerten, W. Lucht, P. Hostert, M. Migliavacca, and R. Nemani. 2014. A high-resolution approach to estimating ecosystem respiration at continental scales using operational satellite data. Global Change Biology. 20(4):1191-1210. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Jang, W., C.R. Keyes, S.W. Running, J.H. Lim, and P.S. Park. 2014. Climate-growth relationships of relictPicea jezoensisat Mt. Gyebang, South Korea. Forest Science and Technology. 11(1):19-26. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Jin, H. and L. Eklundh. 2014. A physically based vegetation index for improved monitoring of plant phenology. Remote Sensing of Environment. 152:512-525. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Joiner, J., Y. Yoshida, A.P. Vasilkov, K. Schaefer, M. Jung, L. Guanter, Y. Zhang, S. Garrity, E.M. Middleton, K.F. Huemmrich, L. Gu, and L. Belelli Marchesini. 2014. The seasonal cycle of satellite chlorophyll fluorescence observations and its relationship to vegetation phenology and ecosystem atmosphere carbon exchange. Remote Sensing of Environment. 152:375-391. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Jorgensen, S.V., F. Cherubini, and O. Michelsen. 2014. Biogenic CO 2 fluxes, changes in surface albedo and biodiversity impacts from establishment of a miscanthus plantation. Journal of Environmental Management. 146:346-354. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Kang, X., Y. Wang, H. Chen, J. Tian, X. Cui, Y. Rui, L. Zhong, P. Kardol, Y. Hao, and X. Xiao. 2014. Modeling Carbon Fluxes Using Multi-Temporal MODIS Imagery and CO2 Eddy Flux Tower Data in Zoige Alpine Wetland, South-West China. Wetlands. 34(3):603-618. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Knoche, M., C. Fischer, E. Pohl, P. Krause, and R. Merz. 2014. Combined uncertainty of hydrological model complexity and satellite-based forcing data evaluated in two data-scarce semi-arid catchments in Ethiopia. Journal of Hydrology. 519:2049-2066. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Kuusinen, N., E. Tomppo, Y. Shuai, and F. Berninger. 2014. Effects of forest age on albedo in boreal forests estimated from MODIS and Landsat albedo retrievals. Remote Sensing of Environment. 145:145-153. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Ladd, B., P.L. Peri, D.A. Pepper, L.C.R. Silva, D. Sheil, S.P. Bonser, S.W. Laffan, W. Amelung, A. Ekblad, P. Eliasson, H. Bahamonde, S. Duarte-Guardia, and M. Bird. 2014. Carbon isotopic signatures of soil organic matter correlate with leaf area index across woody biomes. Journal of Ecology. 102(6):1606-1611. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Leon, E., A. Beltzer, and M. Quiroga. 2014. El jilguero dorado (Sicalis flaveola) modifica la estructura de sus vocalizaciones para adaptarse a habitats urbanos. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 85(2):546-552. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Leon, E., R. Vargas, S. Bullock, E. Lopez, A.R. Panosso, and N. La Scala. 2014. Hot spots, hot moments, and spatio-temporal controls on soil CO2 efflux in a water-limited ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 77:12-21. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Leong, M.2014. Bees in a Changing World: How land surface phenology, bee community distributions, and pollinator-plant interactions are impacted by urbanization and agriculture. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Li, X., S. Liang, W. Yuan, G. Yu, X. Cheng, Y. Chen, T. Zhao, J. Feng, Z. Ma, M. Ma, S. Liu, J. Chen, C. Shao, S. Li, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, G. Sun, S. Chen, T. Ohta, A. Varlagin, A. Miyata, K. Takagi, N. Saiqusa, and T. Kato. 2014. Estimation of evapotranspiration over the terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecohydrology. 7(1):139-149. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Lukes, P., M. Rautiainen, T. Manninen, P. Stenberg, and M. Mottus. 2014. Geographical gradients in boreal forest albedo and structure in Finland. Remote Sensing of Environment. 152:526-535. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Mallick, K., A.J. Jarvis, E. Boegh, J.B. Fisher, D.T. Drewry, K.P. Tu, S.J. Hook, G. Hulley, J. Ardo, J. Beringer, A. Arain, and D. Niyogi. 2014. A Surface Temperature Initiated Closure (STIC) for surface energy balance fluxes. Remote Sensing of Environment. 141:243-261. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Mayo, C.E., C.J. Osborne, B.A. Mullens, A.C. Gerry, I.A. Gardner, W.K. Reisen, C.M. Barker, and N.J. MacLachlan. 2014. Seasonal Variation and Impact of Waste-Water Lagoons as Larval Habitat on the Population Dynamics of Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera:Ceratpogonidae) at Two Dairy Farms in Northern California. PLoS ONE. 9(2):e89633. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Mbufong, H.N., M. Lund, M. Aurela, T.R. Christensen, W. Eugster, T. Friborg, B.U. Hansen, E.R. Humphreys, M. Jackowicz-Korczynski, L. Kutzbach, P.M. Lafleur, W.C. Oechel, F.J.W. Parmentier, D.P. Rasse, A.V. Rocha, T. Sachs, M.K. van der Molen, and M.P. Tamstorf. 2014. Assessing the spatial variability in peak season CO<sub>2</sub> exchange characteristics across the Arctic tundra using a light response curve parameterization. Biogeosciences. 11(17):4897-4912. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Nagler, P.L., S. Pearlstein, E.P. Glenn, T.B. Brown, H.L. Bateman, D.W. Bean, and K.R. Hultine. 2014. Rapid dispersal of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) biocontrol beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) on a desert river detected by phenocams, MODIS imagery and ground observations. Remote Sensing of Environment. 140:206-219. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Newbold, T., L.N. Hudson, H.R.P. Phillips, S.L.L. Hill, S. Contu, I. Lysenko, A. Blandon, S.H.M. Butchart, H.L. Booth, J. Day, A. De Palma, M.L.K. Harrison, L. Kirkpatrick, E. Pynegar, A. Robinson, J. Simpson, G.M. Mace, J.P.W. Scharlemann, and A. Purvis. 2014. A global model of the response of tropical and sub-tropical forest biodiversity to anthropogenic pressures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 281(1792):20141371-20141371. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | O'Halloran, T.L., S.A. Acker, V.M. Joerger, J. Kertis, and B.E. Law. 2014. Postfire influences of snag attrition on albedo and radiative forcing. Geophysical Research Letters. 41(24):9135-9142. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Oliveira, P.T.S., E. Wendland, M.A. Nearing, R.L. Scott, R. Rosolem, and H.R. da Rocha. 2014. The water balance components of undisturbed tropical woodlands in the Brazilian Cerrado. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 11(11):12987-13018. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Ouyang, Z., J. Chen, R. Becker, H. Chu, J. Xie, C. Shao, and R. John. 2014. Disentangling the confounding effects of PAR and air temperature on net ecosystem exchange at multiple time scales. Ecological Complexity. 19:46-58. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Peng, D.L., B. Zhou, C.J. Li, W.J. Huang, Y.P. Wu, and X.H. Yang. 2014. Phenological characteristics of the main vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau based on vegetation and water indices. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 17:012077. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Portillo-Quintero, C., A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, and D. Culvenor. 2014. Using VEGNET In-Situ Monitoring LiDAR (IML) to Capture Dynamics of Plant Area Index, Structure and Phenology in Aspen Parkland Forests in Alberta, Canada. Forests. 5(5):1053-1068. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Potter, C. 2014. Monitoring the production of Central California coastal rangelands using satellite remote sensing. Journal of Coastal Conservation. 18(3):213-220. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Prichard, S. 2014. Modeling Regional-Scale Wildland Fire Emissions with the Wildland Fire Emissions Information System*. Earth Interactions. 18(16):26-Jan. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Ryo, M., O.C. Saavedra Valeriano, S. Kanae, and T.D. Ngoc. 2014. Temporal Downscaling of Daily Gauged Precipitation by Application of a Satellite Product for Flood Simulation in a Poorly Gauged Basin and Its Evaluation with Multiple Regression Analysis. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 15(2):563-580. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Sawalhah, M.N., A.F. Cibils, C. Hu, H. Cao, and J.L. Holechek. 2014. Animal-Driven Rotational Grazing Patterns on Seasonally Grazed New Mexico Rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 67(6):710-714. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Shim, C., J. Hong, J. Hong, Y. Kim, M. Kang, B. Malla Thakuri, Y. Kim, and J. Chun. 2014. Evaluation of MODIS GPP over a complex ecosystem in East Asia: A case study at Gwangneung flux tower in Korea. Advances in Space Research. 54(11):2296-2308. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Shrestha, P., M. Sulis, M. Masbou, S. Kollet, and C. Simmer. 2014. A Scale-Consistent Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform Based on COSMO, CLM, and ParFlow. Monthly Weather Review. 142(9):3466-3483. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Sun, J. and G.D. Salvucci. 2014. Performance Assessment of a New Stationarity-Based Parameter Estimation Method with a Simplified Land Surface Model Using In Situ and Remotely Sensed Surface States. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 15(1):340-358. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Sutherland, G., L.E. Chasmer, R.M. Petrone, N. Kljun, and K.J. Devito. 2014. Evaluating the use of spatially varying versus bulk average 3D vegetation structural inputs to modelled evapotranspiration within heterogeneous land cover types. Ecohydrology. 7(6):1545-1559. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Tang, X., H. Li, A.R. Desai, X. Xu, and J. Xie. 2014. Comparison of multiple models for remote sensing of carbon exchange using MODIS data in conifer-dominated forests. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 35(24):8252-8271. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Taugourdeau, S., G. le Maire, J. Avelino, J.R. Jones, L.G. Ramirez, M. Jara Quesada, F. Charbonnier, F. Gomez-Delgado, J.M. Harmand, B. Rapidel, P. Vaast, and O. Roupsard. 2014. Leaf area index as an indicator of ecosystem services and management practices: An application for coffee agroforestry. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 192:19-37. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Tian, L., Y. Zhang, and J. Zhu. 2014. Decreased surface albedo driven by denser vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters. 9(10):104001. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Tuck, S.L., H.R.P. Phillips, R.E. Hintzen, J.P.W. Scharlemann, A. Purvis, and L.N. Hudson. 2014. MODISTools - downloading and processing MODIS remotely sensed data in R. Ecology and Evolution. 4(24):4658-4668. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Verma, M., M.A. Friedl, A.D. Richardson, G. Kiely, A. Cescatti, B.E. Law, G. Wohlfahrt, B. Gielen, O. Roupsard, E.J. Moors, P. Toscano, F.P. Vaccari, D. Gianelle, G. Bohrer, A. Varlagin, N. Buchmann, E. van Gorsel, L. Montagnani, and P. Propastin. 2014. Remote sensing of annual terrestrial gross primary productivity from MODIS: an assessment using the FLUXNET La Thuile data set. Biogeosciences. 11(8):2185-2200. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Wagle, P., X. Xiao, M.S. Torn, D.R. Cook, R. Matamala, M.L. Fischer, C. Jin, J. Dong, and C. Biradar. 2014. Sensitivity of vegetation indices and gross primary production of tallgrass prairie to severe drought. Remote Sensing of Environment. 152:1-14. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Wang, J. and W. Sun. 2014. Comparison of Huanjing and Landsat satellite remote sensing of the spatial heterogeneity of Qinghai-Tibet alpine grassland. 9260:92603E. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Wang, Q., L. Zhang, T. Wu, Y. Cen, C. Huang, and Q. Tong. 2014. Evaluation of Multiple Spring Phenological Indicators of Yearly GPP and NEP at Three Canadian Forest Sites. Remote Sensing. 6(3):1991-2007. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Wang, S-Y Simon; Barandiaran, Danny; Hilburn, Kyle; Houser, Paul; Oglesby, Bob; Pan, Ming; Pinker, Rachel; Santanello, Joe; Schubert, Siegfried and Wang, Hailan. (2014) Could the 2012 Drought in Central US Have Been Anticipated?—A Review of NASA Working Group Research. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering. 4: 428-437. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Watanabe, M.D.B. and E. Ortega. 2014. Dynamic emergy accounting of water and carbon ecosystem services: A model to simulate the impacts of land-use change. Ecological Modelling. 271:113-131. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Wu, C., A. Gonsamo, F. Zhang, and J.M. Chen. 2014. The potential of the greenness and radiation (GR) model to interpret 8-day gross primary production of vegetation. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 88:69-79. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Wu, C., D. Gaumont-Guay, T. Andrew Black, R.S. Jassal, S. Xu, J.M. Chen, and A. Gonsamo. 2014. Soil respiration mapped by exclusively use of MODIS data for forest landscapes of Saskatchewan, Canada. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 94:80-90. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Xia, J., S. Liang, J. Chen, W. Yuan, S. Liu, L. Li, W. Cai, L. Zhang, Y. Fu, T. Zhao, J. Feng, Z. Ma, M. Ma, S. Liu, G. Zhou, J. Asanuma, S. Chen, M. Du, G. Davaa, T. Kato, Q. Liu, S. Liu, S. Li, C. Shao, Y. Tang, and X. Zhao. 2014. Satellite-Based Analysis of Evapotranspiration and Water Balance in the Grassland Ecosystems of Dryland East Asia. PLoS ONE. 9(5):e97295. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Xiao, J., K.J. Davis, N.M. Urban, and K. Keller. 2014. Uncertainty in model parameters and regional carbon fluxes: A model-data fusion approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 189-190:175-186. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Xiao, J., S.V. Ollinger, S. Frolking, G.C. Hurtt, D.Y. Hollinger, K.J. Davis, Y. Pan, X. Zhang, F. Deng, J. Chen, D.D. Baldocchi, B.E. Law, M.A. Arain, A.R. Desai, A.D. Richardson, G. Sun, B. Amiro, H. Margolis, L. Gu, R.L. Scott, P.D. Blanken, and A.E. Suyker. 2014. Data-driven diagnostics of terrestrial carbon dynamics over North America. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 197:142-157. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Xie, J., G. Sun, H.S. Chu, J. Liu, S.G. McNulty, A. Noormets, R. John, Z. Ouyang, T. Zha, H. Li, W. Guan, and J. Chen. 2014. Long-term variability in the water budget and its controls in an oak-dominated temperate forest. Hydrological Processes. 28(25):6054-6066. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Xie, J., J. Chen, G. Sun, H. Chu, A. Noormets, Z. Ouyang, R. John, S. Wan, and W. Guan. 2014. Long-term variability and environmental control of the carbon cycle in an oak-dominated temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 313:319-328. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Xie, M., K. Zhu, T. Wang, H. Yang, B. Zhuang, S. Li, M. Li, X. Zhu, and Y. Ouyang. 2014. Application of photochemical indicators to evaluate ozone nonlinear chemistry and pollution control countermeasure in China. Atmospheric Environment. 99:466-473. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Yu, Xiaolei; Guo, Xulin and Wu, Zhaocong. (2014) Investigating the Potential of Long Time Series Remote Sensing NDVI datasets for Forest Gross Primary Productivity Estimation over Continental US. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 4(4). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zhang, G., G. Zhou, F. Chen, M. Barlage, and L. Xue. 2014. A Trial to Improve Surface Heat Exchange Simulation through Sensitivity Experiments over a Desert Steppe Site. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 15(2):664-684. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zhang, Q., Y.B. Cheng, A.I. Lyapustin, Y. Wang, F. Gao, A. Suyker, S. Verma, and E.M. Middleton. 2014. Estimation of crop gross primary production (GPP): fAPAR chl versus MOD15A2 FPAR. Remote Sensing of Environment. 153:1-6. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zhou, Y., L. Zhang, J. Xiao, S. Chen, T. Kato, and G. Zhou. 2014. A Comparison of Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices for Approximating Gross Primary Productivity of Grasslands. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 67(1):9-18. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zobitz, J.M., D.J.P. Moore, T. Quaife, B.H. Braswell, A. Bergeson, J.A. Anthony, and R.K. Monson. 2014. Joint data assimilation of satellite reflectance and net ecosystem exchange data constrains ecosystem carbon fluxes at a high-elevation subalpine forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 195-196:73-88. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zoran, M., R. Savastru, and D. Savastru. 2014. Surveillance of Vrancea active seismic region in Romania through time series satellite data. Open Geosciences. 6(2):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zoran, M.A., A.I. Dida, and L.F.V. Zoran. 2014. Remote sensing of climate changes effects on forest biophysical variables. 9239:92391V. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, D.M. Savastru, M.N. Tautan, and L.A. Baschir. 2014. Analysis of urbanization and climate change impacts on the urban thermal environment based on MODIS satellite data. 9245:92451H. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, and D.M. Savastru. 2014. Time series satellite and ground-based data for detecting earthquake anomalies. 9245:92450C. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2014 | Zoran, Maria and Dida, Adrian. (2014) Analysis of forest vegetation-climate feedback Regimes through satellite remote sensing imagery. EARSeL 34th Symposium Proceedings. 34. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | . 2013. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Ali R., Pelkey, Neil.; (2013) Satellite images indicate vegetation degradation due to invasive herbivores in the Andaman Islands. Current Science (00113891). 105(2). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Alix-Garcia, J., A. Bartlett, and D. Saah. 2013. The landscape of conflict: IDPs, aid and land-use change in Darfur. Journal of Economic Geography. 13(4):589-617. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Baeza, K., L. Lopez-Hoffman, E.P. Glenn, K. Flessa, and J. Garcia-Hernandez. 2013. Salinity limits of vegetation in Cienega de Santa Clara, an oligotrophic marsh in the delta of the Colorado River, Mexico: Implications for an increase in salinity. Ecological Engineering. 59:157-166. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Baldi, G., S.R. Veron, and E.G. Jobbagy. 2013. The imprint of humans on landscape patterns and vegetation functioning in the dry subtropics. Global Change Biology. 19(2):441-458. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Bateman, H.L., P.L. Nagler, and E.P. Glenn. 2013. Plot- and landscape-level changes in climate and vegetation following defoliation of exotic saltcedar (Tamarix sp.) from the biocontrol agent Diorhabda carinulata along a stream in the Mojave Desert (USA). Journal of Arid Environments. 89:16-20. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Blunden, J. and D.S. Arndt. 2013. State of the Climate in 2012. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 94(8):S1-S258. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Bresloff, C.J., U. Nguyen, E.P. Glenn, J. Waugh, and P.L. Nagler. 2013. Effects of grazing on leaf area index, fractional cover and evapotranspiration by a desert phreatophyte community at a former uranium mill site on the Colorado Plateau. Journal of Environmental Management. 114:92-104. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Carrillo-Guerrero, Y., E.P. Glenn, and O. Hinojosa-Huerta. 2013. Water budget for agricultural and aquatic ecosystems in the delta of the Colorado River, Mexico: Implications for obtaining water for the environment. Ecological Engineering. 59:41-51. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Dandois, J.P. and E.C. Ellis. 2013. High spatial resolution three-dimensional mapping of vegetation spectral dynamics using computer vision. Remote Sensing of Environment. 136:259-276. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Deka J.; (2013) Mapping the potential distribution of Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vries. a vulnerable gymnosperm in eastern Arunachal Pradesh using Maximum Entropy model. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics. 13 (1). | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Desai, A.R. 2013. Influence and predictive capacity of climate anomalies on daily to decadal extremes in canopy photosynthesis. Photosynthesis Research. 119(1-2):31-47. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Deus, D. and R. Gloaguen. 2013. Remote Sensing Analysis of Lake Dynamics in Semi-Arid Regions: Implication for Water Resource Management. Lake Manyara, East African Rift, Northern Tanzania. Water. 5(2):698-727. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Eamus, D., J. Cleverly, N. Boulain, N. Grant, R. Faux, and R. Villalobos-Vega. 2013. Carbon and water fluxes in an arid-zone Acacia savanna woodland: An analyses of seasonal patterns and responses to rainfall events. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 182-183:225-238. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Gaitan, J.J., D. Bran, G. Oliva, G. Ciari, V. Nakamatsu, J. Salomone, D. Ferrante, G. Buono, V. Massara, G. Humano, D. Celdran, W. Opazo, and F.T. Maestre. 2013. Evaluating the performance of multiple remote sensing indices to predict the spatial variability of ecosystem structure and functioning in Patagonian steppes. Ecological Indicators. 34:181-191. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Gamon, J.A., K.F. Huemmrich, R.S. Stone, and C.E. Tweedie. 2013. Spatial and temporal variation in primary productivity (NDVI) of coastal Alaskan tundra: Decreased vegetation growth following earlier snowmelt. Remote Sensing of Environment. 129:144-153. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Glenn, E.P., L. Mexicano, J. Garcia-Hernandez, P.L. Nagler, M.M. Gomez-Sapiens, D. Tang, M.A. Lomeli, J. Ramirez-Hernandez, and F. Zamora-Arroyo. 2013. Evapotranspiration and water balance of an anthropogenic coastal desert wetland: Responses to fire, inflows and salinities. Ecological Engineering. 59:176-184. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Glenn, E.P., P.L. Nagler, K. Morino, and K.R. Hultine. 2013. Phreatophytes under stress: transpiration and stomatal conductance of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) in a high-salinity environment. Plant and Soil. 371(1-2):655-672. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Gonsamo, A., J.M. Chen, and P. D'Odorico. 2013. Deriving land surface phenology indicators from CO2 eddy covariance measurements. Ecological Indicators. 29:203-207. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Horner, J. K.2013. A Maximum Entropy/Ecological Niche Modeling Prediction of the Potential Distribution of Leischmaniasis under Climate Change. Proceedings. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Ichii, K., M. Kondo, Y. Okabe, M. Ueyama, H. Kobayashi, S.J. Lee, N. Saigusa, Z. Zhu, and R. Myneni. 2013. Recent Changes in Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity in Asia from 1982 to 2011. Remote Sensing. 5(11):6043-6062. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Jahan, N. and T.Y. Gan. 2013. Developing a gross primary production model for coniferous forests of northeastern USA from MODIS data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 25:11-20. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Jin, C., X. Xiao, L. Merbold, A. Arneth, E. Veenendaal, and W.L. Kutsch. 2013. Phenology and gross primary production of two dominant savanna woodland ecosystems in Southern Africa. Remote Sensing of Environment. 135:189-201. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Kross, A., J.W. Seaquist, N.T. Roulet, R. Fernandes, and O. Sonnentag. 2013. Estimating carbon dioxide exchange rates at contrasting northern peatlands using MODIS satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 137:234-243. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Kuusinen, N., E. Tomppo, and F. Berninger. 2013. Linear unmixing of MODIS albedo composites to infer subpixel land cover type albedos. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 23:324-333. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Kviljo M. (2013) Climate Change Impacts of Co-firing Forest Biomass from Russia with Coal in the Russian Power Sector. Department: Department of Energy and Process Engineering. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Master of Energy an. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Li, X., S. Liang, G. Yu, W. Yuan, X. Cheng, J. Xia, T. Zhao, J. Feng, Z. Ma, M. Ma, S. Liu, J. Chen, C. Shao, S. Li, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, S. Chen, T. Ohta, A. Varlagin, A. Miyata, K. Takagi, N. Saiqusa, and T. Kato. 2013. Estimation of gross primary production over the terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecological Modelling. 261-262:80-92. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Lin, W., Y. Wang, Y. Gorby, K. Nealson, and Y. Pan. 2013. Integrating niche-based process and spatial process in biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria. Scientific Reports. 3(1):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Loreto, P. A. Y.2013. Evaluation of MODIS-LAI products in the tropical dry secondary forest of Mata Seca, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Luo, X., X. Liang, and H.R. McCarthy. 2013. VIC+ for water-limited conditions: A study of biological and hydrological processes and their interactions in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Water Resources Research. 49(11):7711-7732. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Mexicano, L., P.L. Nagler, F. Zamora-Arrroyo, and E.P. Glenn. 2013. Vegetation dynamics in response to water inflow rates and fire in a brackish Typha domingensis Pers. marsh in the delta of the Colorado River, Mexico. Ecological Engineering. 59:167-175. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Mizunuma, T., M. Wilkinson, E. L. Eaton, M. Mencuccini, J. I. L. Morison, and J. Grace. 2013. The relationship between carbon dioxide uptake and canopy colour from two camera systems in a deciduous forest in southern England. Functional Ecology. 27(1):196-207. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Mizunuma, T.2013. Seasonal patterns of forest canopy and their relevance for the global carbon cycle. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Monteiro, A.T., F. Fava, J. Goncalves, A. Huete, F. Gusmeroli, G. Parolo, D. Spano, and S. Bocchi. 2013. Landscape context determinants to plant diversity in the permanent meadows of Southern European Alps. Biodiversity and Conservation. 22(4):937-958. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Morillas, L., R. Leuning, L. Villagarcia, M. Garcia, P. Serrano-Ortiz, and F. Domingo. 2013. Improving evapotranspiration estimates in Mediterranean drylands: The role of soil evaporation. Water Resources Research. 49(10):6572-6586. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Nilsson M.; (2013) Comparison of MODIS-Algorithms for Estimating Gross Primary Production from Satellite Data in semi-arid Africa. Department: Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science. Lund, Sweden: Lund University. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Nolte, C., A. Agrawal, K.M. Silvius, and B.S. Soares-Filho. 2013. Governance regime and location influence avoided deforestation success of protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110(13):4956-4961. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Pardyjak E., Veranth, John, Speckart, Scott, Moran, Sean, Price, Tim.; (2013), Development of a Windbreak Dust Predictive Model and Mitigation Planning Tool. Salt Lake City, UT, University of Utah. Report No: SERDP Project RC-1730. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Pepper, I.L., H.G. Zerzghi, S.A. Bengson, and E.P. Glenn. 2013. Revegetation of Copper Mine Tailings Through Land Application of Biosolids: Long-Term Monitoring. Arid Land Research and Management. 27(3):245-256. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Polhamus, A., J.B. Fisher, and K.P. Tu. 2013. What controls the error structure in evapotranspiration models?. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 169:12-24. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Puma, M.J., R.D. Koster, and B.I. Cook. 2013. Phenological versus meteorological controls on land-atmosphere water and carbon fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 118(1):14-29. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Rauset G.R. (2013) Life and death in wolverines. Department: Ecology. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Doctor of Philosophy. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Rioual, P., Y. Lu, H. Yang, L. Scuderi, G. Chu, J. Holmes, B. Zhu, and X. Yang. 2013. Diatom-environment relationships and a transfer function for conductivity in lakes of the Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Paleolimnology. 50(2):207-229. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Sharma, R.C., K. Kajiwara, and Y. Honda. 2013. Estimation of forest canopy structural parameters using kernel-driven bi-directional reflectance model based multi-angular vegetation indices. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 78:50-57. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Shibly, A. M., & Takewaka, S. 2013. Morphological changes and vegetation index variation along the western coastal zone of Bangladesh. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Shouse, M., L. Liang, and S. Fei. 2013. Identification of understory invasive exotic plants with remote sensing in urban forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 21:525-534. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Song, Y., A.K. Jain, and G.F. McIsaac. 2013. Implementation of dynamic crop growth processes into a land surface model: evaluation of energy, water and carbon fluxes under corn and soybean rotation. Biogeosciences. 10(12):8039-8066. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Stoy, P.C., M. Mauder, T. Foken, B. Marcolla, E. Boegh, A. Ibrom, M.A. Arain, A. Arneth, M. Aurela, C. Bernhofer, A. Cescatti, E. Dellwik, P. Duce, D. Gianelle, E. van Gorsel, G. Kiely, A. Knohl, H. Margolis, H. McCaughey, L. Merbold, L. Montagnani, D. Papale, M. Reichstein, M. Saunders, P. Serrano-Ortiz, M. Sottocornola, D. Spano, F. Vaccari, and A. Varlagin. 2013. A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape scale heterogeneity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 171-172:137-152. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Tang, H., K. Yu, O. Hagolle, K. Jiang, X. Geng, and Y. Zhao. 2013. A cloud detection method based on a time series of MODIS surface reflectance images. International Journal of Digital Earth. 6(sup1):157-171. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Tang, X., X. Wang, Z. Wang, D. Liu, M. Jia, Z. Dong, J. Xie, Z. Ding, H. Wang, and X. Liu. 2013. Influence of vegetation phenology on modelling carbon fluxes in temperate deciduous forest by exclusive use of MODIS time-series data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(23):8373-8392. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Tang, X., Z. Wang, J. Xie, D. Liu, A.R. Desai, M. Jia, Z. Dong, X. Liu, and B. Liu. 2013. Monitoring the seasonal and interannual variation of the carbon sequestration in a temperate deciduous forest with MODIS time series data. Forest Ecology and Management. 306:150-160. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Van Linn, P.F., K.E. Nussear, T.C. Esque, L.A. DeFalco, R.D. Inman, and S.R. Abella. 2013. Estimating wildfire risk on a Mojave Desert landscape using remote sensing and field sampling. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 22(6):770. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Vzquez P., Adema, Eduardo, Fernndez, Beatriz.; (2013) Dinmica de la fenologa de la vegetacin a partir de series temporales de NDVI de largo plazo en la provincia de La Pampa. Ecologa austral. 23 (2): 77-86. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Wang, H., M. Ma, W. Yu, and G. Huang. 2013. Estimation of evapotransipiration of grassland and cropland ecosystems in arid region based on MODIS satellite data and Penman-Monteith equation. 1763-1766. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Xu, X., G. Zhou, S. Liu, H. Du, L. Mo, Y. Shi, H. Jiang, Y. Zhou, and E. Liu. 2013. Implications of ice storm damages on the water and carbon cycle of bamboo forests in southeastern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 177:35-45. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Yang, Y., D. Long, and S. Shang. 2013. Remote estimation of terrestrial evapotranspiration without using meteorological data. Geophysical Research Letters. 40(12):3026-3030. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Yang, Y., S. Shang, H. Guan, and L. Jiang. 2013. A novel algorithm to assess gross primary production for terrestrial ecosystems from MODIS imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 118(2):590-605. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Yebra, M., A. Van Dijk, R. Leuning, A. Huete, and J.P. Guerschman. 2013. Evaluation of optical remote sensing to estimate actual evapotranspiration and canopy conductance. Remote Sensing of Environment. 129:250-261. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Zaccarelli, N., B.L. Li, I. Petrosillo, and G. Zurlini. 2013. Order and disorder in ecological time-series: Introducing normalized spectral entropy. Ecological Indicators. 28:22-30. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Zhang, Y., M. Susan Moran, M.A. Nearing, G.E. Ponce Campos, A.R. Huete, A.R. Buda, D.D. Bosch, S.A. Gunter, S.G. Kitchen, W. Henry McNab, J.A. Morgan, M.P. McClaran, D.S. Montoya, D.P.C. Peters, and P.J. Starks. 2013. Extreme precipitation patterns and reductions of terrestrial ecosystem production across biomes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 118(1):148-157. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Zhao, J.J. and L.Y. Liu. 2013. Linking satellite-based spring phenology to temperate deciduous broadleaf forest photosynthesis activity. International Journal of Digital Earth. 7(11):881-896. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Zhu, W., G. Chen, N. Jiang, J. Liu, and M. Mou. 2013. Estimating Carbon Flux Phenology with Satellite-Derived Land Surface Phenology and Climate Drivers for Different Biomes: A Synthesis of AmeriFlux Observations. PLoS ONE. 8(12):e84990. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Zoran, M., R. Savastru, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, S. Miclos, and L. Baschir. 2013. Analysis of climatic and anthropogenic changes effects on spectral vegetation indices of forested areas. 8882:88820X. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | Zoran, M., R. Savastru, D. Savastru, M. Tautan, S. Miclos, and L. Baschir. 2013. Optospectral techniques for urban forest state characterization. 8882:88820O. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2013 | de Beurs, K.M., R.B. Cook, S. Mazer, B. Haggerty, A. Hove, G.M. Henebry, L. Barnett, C.L. Thomas, and B.R. Pohlad. 2013. Phenology in Higher Education: Ground-Based and Spatial Analysis Tools. 585-602. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Adhikari, D., S.K. Barik, and K. Upadhaya. 2012. Habitat distribution modelling for reintroduction of Ilex khasiana Purk., a critically endangered tree species of northeastern India. Ecological Engineering. 40:37-43. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Alix-Garcia, J., A. Bartlett, and D. Saah. 2012. Displaced Populations, Humanitarian Assistance and Hosts: A Framework for Analyzing Impacts on Semi-urban Households. World Development. 40(2):373-386. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Argaman, E., S.D. Keesstra, and A. Zeiliguer. 2012. MONITORING THE IMPACT OF SURFACE ALBEDO ON A SALINE LAKE IN SW RUSSIA. Land Degradation & Development. 23(4):398-408. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Bright, R.M., F. Cherubini, and A.H. Stromman. 2012. Climate impacts of bioenergy: Inclusion of carbon cycle and albedo dynamics in life cycle impact assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 37:2-11. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Bunting, D. P. (2012). Riparian Restoration and Management of Arid and Semiarid Watersheds. Natural Resources, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Choi, M. and Y. Hur. 2012. A microwave-optical/infrared disaggregation for improving spatial representation of soil moisture using AMSR-E and MODIS products. Remote Sensing of Environment. 124:259-269. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Choi, M., W.P. Kustas, and R.L. Ray. 2012. Evapotranspiration models of different complexity for multiple land cover types. Hydrological Processes. 26(19):2962-2972. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Chu, T. and X. Guo. 2012. Characterizing Vegetation Response to Climatic Variations in Hovsgol, Mongolia Using Remotely Sensed Time Series Data. Earth Science Research. 1(2):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Contreras, S., C.S. Santoni, and E.G. Jobbagy. 2012. Abrupt watercourse formation in a semiarid sedimentary landscape of central Argentina: the roles of forest clearing, rainfall variability and seismic activity. Ecohydrology. n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Fang, Y.2012. Modeling Evapotranspiration by Land Cover Types with Global Eddy Flux and MODIS Data. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Gibson, G. R.; (2012). War and Agriculture: Three Decades of Agricultural Land Use and Land Cover Change in Iraq. Geospatial and Environmental Analysis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Girvetz, E.H., R. McDonald, M. Heiner, J. Kiesecker, G. Davaa, C. Pague, M. Durnin, and E. Oidov. 2012. Eastern Mongolian Grassland Steppe. 92-103. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Gonsamo, A., J.M. Chen, C. Wu, and D. Dragoni. 2012. Predicting deciduous forest carbon uptake phenology by upscaling FLUXNET measurements using remote sensing data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 165:127-135. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Gonsamo, A., J.M. Chen, D.T. Price, W.A. Kurz, and C. Wu. 2012. Land surface phenology from optical satellite measurement and CO2eddy covariance technique. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 117(G3):n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Goulden, M.L., R.G. Anderson, R.C. Bales, A.E. Kelly, M. Meadows, and G.C. Winston. 2012. Evapotranspiration along an elevation gradient in California's Sierra Nevada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 117(G3):n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Hashimoto, H., W. Wang, C. Milesi, M.A. White, S. Ganguly, M. Gamo, R. Hirata, R.B. Myneni, and R.R. Nemani. 2012. Exploring Simple Algorithms for Estimating Gross Primary Production in Forested Areas from Satellite Data. Remote Sensing. 4(1):303-326. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Hashimoto, S., S. Ugawa, K. Morisada, M. Wattenbach, P. Smith, and Y. Matsuura. 2012. Potential carbon stock in Japanese forest soils - simulated impact of forest management and climate change using the CENTURY model. Soil Use and Management. 28(1):45-53. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Hilton, T.W., K.J. Davis, K. Keller, and N.M. Urban. 2012. Improving terrestrial CO2 flux diagnosis using spatial structure in land surface model residuals. Biogeosciences Discussions. 9(6):7073-7116. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Huete, A.R. 2012. Vegetation Indices, Remote Sensing and Forest Monitoring. Geography Compass. 6(9):513-532. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Kovalskyy, V. and G.M. Henebry. 2012. A new concept for simulation of vegetated land surface dynamics – Part 1: The event driven phenology model. Biogeosciences. 9(1):141-159. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Kovalskyy, V., D.P. Roy, X.Y. Zhang, and J. Ju. 2012. The suitability of multi-temporal web-enabled Landsat data NDVI for phenological monitoring - a comparison with flux tower and MODIS NDVI. Remote Sensing Letters. 3(4):325-334. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | MORENO-GUTIERREZ, C., G. BATTIPAGLIA, P. CHERUBINI, M. SAURER, E. NICOLAS, S. CONTRERAS, and J.I. QUEREJETA. 2012. Stand structure modulates the long-term vulnerability of Pinus halepensis to climatic drought in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem. Plant, Cell & Environment. 35(6):1026-1039. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Meiyappan, P. and A.K. Jain. 2012. Three distinct global estimates of historical land-cover change and land-use conversions for over 200 years. Frontiers of Earth Science. 6(2):122-139. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Mexicano Vargas, M. D. L. 2012. Remote Sensing Methods To Classify a Desert Wetland. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Meyer, S., R.M. Bright, D. Fischer, H. Schulz, and B. Glaser. 2012. Albedo Impact on the Suitability of Biochar Systems To Mitigate Global Warming. Environmental Science & Technology. 46(22):12726-12734. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Miller, P.A. and B. Smith. 2012. Modelling Tundra Vegetation Response to Recent Arctic Warming. AMBIO. 41(S3):281-291. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Mou, M.-J., Zhu, W.-Q., Wang, L.-L., Xu, Y.-J., & Liu, J.-H; (2012). Evaluation of remote sensing extraction methods for vegetation phenology based on flux tower net ecosystem carbon exchange data. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. 23 (2): 319-327. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Munyati, C. and G. Mboweni. 2012. Variation in NDVI values with change in spatial resolution for semi-arid savanna vegetation: a case study in northwestern South Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34(7):2253-2267. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Muraoka, H., R. Ishii, S. Nagai, R. Suzuki, T. Motohka, H.M. Noda, M. Hirota, K.N. Nasahara, H. Oguma, and K. Muramatsu. 2012. Linking Remote Sensing and In Situ Ecosystem/Biodiversity Observations by "Satellite Ecology". 277-308. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Nagler, P.L., T. Brown, K.R. Hultine, C. van Riper, D.W. Bean, P.E. Dennison, R.S. Murray, and E.P. Glenn. 2012. Regional scale impacts of Tamarix leaf beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) on the water availability of western U.S. rivers as determined by multi-scale remote sensing methods. Remote Sensing of Environment. 118:227-240. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Neal, A.; (2012). Soil Moisture Controls on Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Drylands. Hydrology, The University of Arizona. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Nicolas Campos, A. and C. Marcelo Di Bella. 2012. Multi-Temporal Analysis of Remotely Sensed Information Using Wavelets. Journal of Geographic Information System. 04(04):383-391. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Nosetto, M.D., E.G. Jobbagy, A.B. Brizuela, and R.B. Jackson. 2012. The hydrologic consequences of land cover change in central Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 154:2-11. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Olsson, P.O., A.M. Jonsson, and L. Eklundh. 2012. A new invasive insect in Sweden - Physokermes inopinatus: Tracing forest damage with satellite based remote sensing. Forest Ecology and Management. 285:29-37. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Phillips, R.L., M.K. Ngugi, J. Hendrickson, A. Smith, and M. West. 2012. Mixed-Grass Prairie Canopy Structure and Spectral Reflectance Vary with Topographic Position. Environmental Management. 50(5):914-928. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Qi, Y., P.E. Dennison, J. Spencer, and D. Riano. 2012. MONITORING LIVE FUEL MOISTURE USING SOIL MOISTURE AND REMOTE SENSING PROXIES. Fire Ecology. 8(3):71-87. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Rincon-Romero, M. E., Jarvis, A., & Mulligan, M.; (2012). Cobertura vegetal de Colombia actualizada a partir de imagenes MODIS disponible a travs de Renata. e-Colabora. 2 (4): 41635. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Ryu, Y., J. Verfaillie, C. Macfarlane, H. Kobayashi, O. Sonnentag, R. Vargas, S. Ma, and D.D. Baldocchi. 2012. Continuous observation of tree leaf area index at ecosystem scale using upward-pointing digital cameras. Remote Sensing of Environment. 126:116-125. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | S.K. Barik, D. Adhikari, E. Kharlynghoh.2012. Ecological Impact Assessment and Predictive Modeling of Bamboo Flowering. Bamboo Flowering and Rodent Control (pp.79-95)Edition: 1stChapter: Ecological Impact Assessment and Predictive Modeling of Bamboo Flowering. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Schaefer, K., C.R. Schwalm, C. Williams, M.A. Arain, A. Barr, J.M. Chen, K.J. Davis, D. Dimitrov, T.W. Hilton, D.Y. Hollinger, E. Humphreys, B. Poulter, B.M. Raczka, A.D. Richardson, A. Sahoo, P. Thornton, R. Vargas, H. Verbeeck, R. Anderson, I. Baker, T.A. Black, P. Bolstad, J. Chen, P.S. Curtis, A.R. Desai, M. Dietze, D. Dragoni, C. Gough, R.F. Grant, L. Gu, A. Jain, C. Kucharik, B. Law, S. Liu, E. Lokipitiya, H.A. Margolis, R. Matamala, J.H. McCaughey, R. Monson, J.W. Munger, W. Oechel, C. Peng, D.T. Price, D. Ricciuto, W.J. Riley, N. Roulet, H. Tian, C. Tonitto, M. Torn, E. Weng, and X. Zhou. 2012. A model-data comparison of gross primary productivity: Results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 117(G3):n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Schubert, P., F. Lagergren, M. Aurela, T. Christensen, A. Grelle, M. Heliasz, L. Klemedtsson, A. Lindroth, K. Pilegaard, T. Vesala, and L. Eklundh. 2012. Modeling GPP in the Nordic forest landscape with MODIS time series data--Comparison with the MODIS GPP product. Remote Sensing of Environment. 126:136-147. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Scott, R.L., P. Serrano-Ortiz, F. Domingo, E.P. Hamerlynck, and A.S. Kowalski. 2012. Commonalities of carbon dioxide exchange in semiarid regions with monsoon and Mediterranean climates. Journal of Arid Environments. 84:71-79. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Sus, O., M.W. Heuer, T.P. Meyers, and M. Williams. 2012. A data assimilation framework for constraining upscaled cropland carbon flux seasonality and biometry with MODIS. Biogeosciences Discussions. 9(8):11139-11177. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Tagesson, T., M. Mastepanov, M.P. Tamstorf, L. Eklundh, P. Schubert, A. Ekberg, C. Sigsgaard, T.R. Christensen, and L. Strom. 2012. High-resolution satellite data reveal an increase in peak growing season gross primary production in a high-Arctic wet tundra ecosystem 1992-2008. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 18:407-416. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Tang, X., Z. Wang, D. Liu, K. Song, M. Jia, Z. Dong, J.W. Munger, D.Y. Hollinger, P.V. Bolstad, A.H. Goldstein, A.R. Desai, D. Dragoni, and X. Liu. 2012. Estimating the net ecosystem exchange for the major forests in the northern United States by integrating MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 156:75-84. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Tereshchenko, I., A.N. Zolotokrylin, T.B. Titkova, L. Brito-Castillo, and C.O. Monzon. 2012. Seasonal Variation of Surface Temperature-Modulating Factors in the Sonoran Desert in Northwestern Mexico. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 51(8):1519-1530. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Thanyapraneedkul, J., K. Muramatsu, M. Daigo, S. Furumi, N. Soyama, K. Nasahara, H. Muraoka, H. Noda, S. Nagai, T. Maeda, M. Mano, and Y. Mizoguchi. 2012. A Vegetation Index to Estimate Terrestrial Gross Primary Production Capacity for the Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C)/Second-Generation Global Imager (SGLI) Satellite Sensor. Remote Sensing. 4(12):3689-3720. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Tillman, F.D., J.B. Callegary, P.L. Nagler, and E.P. Glenn. 2012. A simple method for estimating basin-scale groundwater discharge by vegetation in the basin and range province of Arizona using remote sensing information and geographic information systems. Journal of Arid Environments. 82:44-52. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Tuck, S.; (2012). Modelling the relationship between local biodiversity and remotely-sensed vegetation indices: the effect of spatio-temporal scale. Quantitative Biology, Imperial College, London. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Vegas Galdos, F., C. Alvarez, A. Garcia, and J.A. Revilla. 2012. Estimated distributed rainfall interception using a simple conceptual model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Journal of Hydrology. 468-469:213-228. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Wang, H., M. Ma, X. Wang, W. Yuan, Y. Song, J. Tan, and G. Huang. 2012. Seasonal variation of vegetation productivity over an alpine meadow in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China: modeling the interactions of vegetation productivity, phenology, and the soil freeze-thaw process. Ecological Research. 28(2):271-282. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Wang, Y. and G. Zhou. 2012. Light Use Efficiency over Two Temperate Steppes in Inner Mongolia, China. PLoS ONE. 7(8):e43614. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Wehlage, D. C.2012. Monitoring year-to-year variability in dry mixed-grass prairie yield using multi-sensor remote sensing. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Yan, H., S.Q. Wang, D. Billesbach, W. Oechel, J.H. Zhang, T. Meyers, T.A. Martin, R. Matamala, D. Baldocchi, G. Bohrer, D. Dragoni, and R. Scott. 2012. Global estimation of evapotranspiration using a leaf area index-based surface energy and water balance model. Remote Sensing of Environment. 124:581-595. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Yu, X., Z. Wu, and W. Jiang. 2012. Gross primary production estimation by combining MODIS products and Ameriflux data through Artificial Neural Network for croplands. 6443-6446. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Zeilhofer, P., L. Sanches, G.L. Vourlitis, and N.L.R.D. Andrade. 2012. Seasonal variations in litter production and its relation with MODIS vegetation indices in a semi-deciduous forest of Mato Grosso. Remote Sensing Letters. 3(1):1-9. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Zoran, M. 2012. MODIS and NOAA-AVHRR l and surface temperature data detect a thermal anomaly preceding the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 33(21):6805-6817. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, D.M. Savastru, S.I. Miclos, M.N. Tautan, and L.V. Baschir. 2012. Thermal pollution assessment in nuclear power plant environment by satellite remote sensing data. 8531:853120. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2012 | Zoran, M.A., R.S. Savastru, and D.M. Savastru. 2012. Analysis of time series geospatial data for seismic precursors detection in Vrancea zone. 8538:853809. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Adachi, M., A. Ito, A. Ishida, W.R. Kadir, P. Ladpala, and Y. Yamagata. 2011. Carbon budget of tropical forests in Southeast Asia and the effects of deforestation: an approach using a process-based model and field measurements. Biogeosciences. 8(9):2635-2647. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Allard, S.2011. Data Citation: Supporting scholarly activity, encouraging data sharing. Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Chen, M., Q. Zhuang, D.R. Cook, R. Coulter, M. Pekour, R.L. Scott, J.W. Munger, and K. Bible. 2011. Quantification of terrestrial ecosystem carbon dynamics in the conterminous United States combining a process-based biogeochemical model and MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Biogeosciences. 8(9):2665-2688. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Chen, T., G.R. van der Werf, A.J. Dolman, and M. Groenendijk. 2011. Evaluation of cropland maximum light use efficiency using eddy flux measurements in North America and Europe. Geophysical Research Letters. 38(14):n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Gallo, K., R. Hale, D. Tarpley, and Y. Yu. 2011. Evaluation of the Relationship between Air and Land Surface Temperature under Clear- and Cloudy-Sky Conditions. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 50(3):767-775. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Glenn, E.P., T.M. Doody, J.P. Guerschman, A.R. Huete, E.A. King, T.R. McVicar, A.I.J.M. Van Dijk, T.G. Van Niel, M. Yebra, and Y. Zhang. 2011. Actual evapotranspiration estimation by ground and remote sensing methods: the Australian experience. Hydrological Processes. 25(26):4103-4116. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Groenendijk, M., A.J. Dolman, M.K. van der Molen, R. Leuning, A. Arneth, N. Delpierre, J.H.C. Gash, A. Lindroth, A.D. Richardson, H. Verbeeck, and G. Wohlfahrt. 2011. Assessing parameter variability in a photosynthesis model within and between plant functional types using global Fluxnet eddy covariance data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151(1):22-38. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Horn, J.E. and K. Schulz. 2011. Identification of a general light use efficiency model for gross primary production. Biogeosciences. 8(4):999-1021. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Horn, J.E. and K. Schulz. 2011. Spatial extrapolation of light use efficiency model parameters to predict gross primary production. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 3(4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Horn, Judith2011. Development and Extrapolation of a General Light Use Efficiency Model for the Gross Primary Production. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Leng, P., X. Song, and Z. Li. 2011. Estimation of net surface shortwave radiation from land surface temperature in regional scale. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences. 16(4):357-362. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Lhermitte, S., J. Verbesselt, W.W. Verstraeten, and P. Coppin. 2011. A comparison of time series similarity measures for classification and change detection of ecosystem dynamics. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115(12):3129-3152. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Liang, L., M.D. Schwartz, and S. Fei. 2011. Validating satellite phenology through intensive ground observation and landscape scaling in a mixed seasonal forest. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115(1):143-157. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Litvak, M. E., Schwinning, S., & Heilman, J. L.2011. Woody Plant Rooting Depth and Ecosystem Function of Savannas: A Case Study from the Edwards Plateau Karst, Texas. Ecosystem Function in Global Savannas: Measurement and Modeling at Landscape to Global Scales. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Lucht, W.2011. A Continental?Scale Estimate of Ecosystem Respiration Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Enhanced Vegetation Index. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Ma, S., G. Churkina, and K. Trusilova. 2011. Investigating the impact of climate change on crop phenological events in Europe with a phenology model. International Journal of Biometeorology. 56(4):749-763. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Marino, G.P., D.P. Kaiser, L. Gu, and D.M. Ricciuto. 2011. Reconstruction of false spring occurrences over the southeastern United States, 1901-2007: an increasing risk of spring freeze damage?. Environmental Research Letters. 6(2):024015. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Sea, W.B., P. Choler, J. Beringer, R.A. Weinmann, L.B. Hutley, and R. Leuning. 2011. Documenting improvement in leaf area index estimates from MODIS using hemispherical photos for Australian savannas. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151(11):1453-1461. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Solano Barajas, R.2011. Development and Evaluation of a MODIS Vegetation Index Compositing Algorithm for Long-term Climate Studies. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Tang, X., D. Liu, K. Song, J.W. Munger, B. Zhang, and Z. Wang. 2011. A new model of net ecosystem carbon exchange for the deciduous-dominated forest by integrating MODIS and flux data. Ecological Engineering. 37(10):1567-1571. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Wang, D., Z. Zhao, and S.L. Shaw. 2011. An approach to integrate a space-time GIS data model with high performance computers. 46-47. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Wang, T., P. Ciais, S.L. Piao, C. Ottle, P. Brender, F. Maignan, A. Arain, A. Cescatti, D. Gianelle, C. Gough, L. Gu, P. Lafleur, T. Laurila, B. Marcolla, H. Margolis, L. Montagnani, E. Moors, N. Saigusa, T. Vesala, G. Wohlfahrt, C. Koven, A. Black, E. Dellwik, A. Don, D. Hollinger, A. Knohl, R. Monson, J. Munger, A. Suyker, A. Varlagin, and S. Verma. 2011. Controls on winter ecosystem respiration in temperate and boreal ecosystems. Biogeosciences. 8(7):2009-2025. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Xiao, J., K.J. Davis, N.M. Urban, K. Keller, and N.Z. Saliendra. 2011. Upscaling carbon fluxes from towers to the regional scale: Influence of parameter variability and land cover representation on regional flux estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116(G3):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2011 | Xiao, J., Q. Zhuang, B.E. Law, D.D. Baldocchi, J. Chen, A.D. Richardson, J.M. Melillo, K.J. Davis, D.Y. Hollinger, S. Wharton, R. Oren, A. Noormets, M.L. Fischer, S.B. Verma, D.R. Cook, G. Sun, S. McNulty, S.C. Wofsy, P.V. Bolstad, S.P. Burns, P.S. Curtis, B.G. Drake, M. Falk, D.R. Foster, L. Gu, J.L. Hadley, G.G. Katul, M. Litvak, S. Ma, T.A. Martin, R. Matamala, T.P. Meyers, R.K. Monson, J.W. Munger, W.C. Oechel, U.K.T. Paw, H.P. Schmid, R.L. Scott, G. Starr, A.E. Suyker, and M.S. Torn. 2011. Assessing net ecosystem carbon exchange of U.S. terrestrial ecosystems by integrating eddy covariance flux measurements and satellite observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151(1):60-69. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Bradley, E.S., M.P. Toomey, C.J. Still, and D.A. Roberts. 2010. Multi-Scale Sensor Fusion With an Online Application: Integrating GOES, MODIS, and Webcam Imagery for Environmental Monitoring. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 3(4):497-506. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Choler, P., W. Sea, P. Briggs, M. Raupach, and R. Leuning. 2010. A simple ecohydrological model captures essentials of seasonal leaf dynamics in semi-arid tropical grasslands. Biogeosciences. 7(3):907-920. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Hanes, J.M. and M.D. Schwartz. 2010. Modeling land surface phenology in a mixed temperate forest using MODIS measurements of leaf area index and land surface temperature. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 105(1-2):37-50. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Harris, A. and J. Dash. 2010. The potential of the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index for carbon flux estimation. Remote Sensing of Environment. 114(8):1856-1862. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Hess, S. Tim Boucher, Andriy Dabrovskyy, E. Ter Hoorn, and P.Van Beukering.2010. Evaluating the effectiveness of community-based conservation in Mongolia?s Gobi desert. Report. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Horn, J. 2010. Post-processing analysis of MODIS leaf area index subsets. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 4(1):043557. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Ichii, K., T. Suzuki, T. Kato, A. Ito, T. Hajima, M. Ueyama, T. Sasai, R. Hirata, N. Saigusa, Y. Ohtani, and K. Takagi. 2010. Multi-model analysis of terrestrial carbon cycles in Japan: limitations and implications of model calibration using eddy flux observations. Biogeosciences. 7(7):2061-2080. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Ito, A. 2010. Evaluation of the impacts of defoliation by tropical cyclones on a Japanese forest's carbon budget using flux data and a process-based model. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115(G4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Ito, A., K. Ichii, and T. Kato. 2010. Spatial and temporal patterns of soil respiration over the Japanese Archipelago: a model intercomparison study. Ecological Research. 25(5):1033-1044. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Kampe, T.U. 2010. NEON: the first continental-scale ecological observatory with airborne remote sensing of vegetation canopy biochemistry and structure. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 4(1):043510. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Lizarraga-Celaya, C., C.J. Watts, J.C. Rodriguez, J. Garatuza-Payan, R.L. Scott, and J. Saiz-Hernandez. 2010. Spatio-temporal variations in surface characteristics over the North American Monsoon region. Journal of Arid Environments. 74(5):540-548. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Moore, A. H.2010. Deforestation and the Transformation of the Landscape of North China: prehistory-present . Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Munyati, C. and T. Ratshibvumo. 2010. Differentiating geological fertility derived vegetation zones in Kruger National Park, South Africa, using Landsat and MODIS imagery. Journal for Nature Conservation. 18(3):169-179. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Myneni, R., Knyazikhin, Y., & Shabanov, N. 2010. Leaf Area Index and Fraction of Absorbed PAR Products from Terra and Aqua MODIS Sensors: Analysis, Validation, and Refinement. Book Chapter. . .org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6749-7-27 | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Myneni, R., Knyazikhin, Y., & Shabanov, N. 2010. Leaf Area Index and Fraction of Absorbed PAR Products from Terra and Aqua MODIS Sensors: Analysis, Validation, and Refinement. Book Chapter. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Pinto-Junior, O.B., L. Sanches, F. de Almeida Lobo, A.A. Brandao, and J. de Souza Nogueira. 2010. Leaf area index of a tropical semi-deciduous forest of the southern Amazon Basin. International Journal of Biometeorology. 55(2):109-118. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Pisek, J., J.M. Chen, K. Alikas, and F. Deng. 2010. Impacts of including forest understory brightness and foliage clumping information from multiangular measurements on leaf area index mapping over North America. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115(G3):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Pisek, Jan., Department of Geogrpahy, (2010). Development and Refinement of New Products from Multi-angle Remote Sensing to Improve Leaf Area Index Retrieval. Doctor of Philosophy. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Rublev, A.N., G.Y. Grigoriev, T.A. Udalova, and T.B. Zhuravleva. 2010. Regression models for the estimation of carbon exchange in boreal forests. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics. 23(2):111-117. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Saigusa, N., K. Ichii, H. Murakami, R. Hirata, J. Asanuma, H. Den, S.J. Han, R. Ide, S.G. Li, T. Ohta, T. Sasai, S.Q. Wang, and G.R. Yu. 2010. Impact of meteorological anomalies in the 2003 summer on Gross Primary Productivity in East Asia. Biogeosciences. 7(2):641-655. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Schnur, M.T., H. Xie, and X. Wang. 2010. Estimating root zone soil moisture at distant sites using MODIS NDVI and EVI in a semi-arid region of southwestern USA. Ecological Informatics. 5(5):400-409. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Schubert, P., L. Eklundh, M. Lund, and M. Nilsson. 2010. Estimating northern peatland CO2 exchange from MODIS time series data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 114(6):1178-1189. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Schubert, P., M. Lund, L. Strom, and L. Eklundh. 2010. Impact of nutrients on peatland GPP estimations using MODIS time series data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 114(10):2137-2145. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Schwartz, M.D. and J.M. Hanes. 2010. Intercomparing multiple measures of the onset of spring in eastern North America. International Journal of Climatology. 30(11):1614-1626. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Scott, R.L., E.P. Hamerlynck, G.D. Jenerette, M.S. Moran, and G.A. Barron-Gafford. 2010. Carbon dioxide exchange in a semidesert grassland through drought-induced vegetation change. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115(G3):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Tang, X., K. Song, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, and D. Liu. 2010. Estimating the Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange for a Deciduous Broadleaf Forest by Exclusive Use of MODIS Data. 1-4. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Vargas, R., D.D. Baldocchi, M.F. Allen, M. Bahn, T.A. Black, S.L. Collins, J.C. Yuste, T. Hirano, R.S. Jassal, J. Pumpanen, and J. Tang. 2010. Looking deeper into the soil: biophysical controls and seasonal lags of soil CO2production and efflux. Ecological Applications. 20(6):1569-1582. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Vargas, R., N. Hasselquist, E.B. Allen, and M.F. Allen. 2010. Effects of a Hurricane Disturbance on Aboveground Forest Structure, Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Belowground Carbon in a Restored Tropical Forest. Ecosystems. 13(1):118-128. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Vizcarra, N.2010. Clues in the nectar. Sensing Our Planet: NASA Earth Science Research Features. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Vizcarra, N.2010. Clues in the nectar. Sensing Our Planet: NASA Earth Science Research Features. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Wang, H., G. Jia, C. Fu, J. Feng, T. Zhao, and Z. Ma. 2010. Deriving maximal light use efficiency from coordinated flux measurements and satellite data for regional gross primary production modeling. Remote Sensing of Environment. 114(10):2248-2258. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Wang, K., S. Liang, C.L. Schaaf, and A.H. Strahler. 2010. Evaluation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer land surface visible and shortwave albedo products at FLUXNET sites. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115(D17):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Wang, Y., A.I. Lyapustin, J.L. Privette, R.B. Cook, S.K. SanthanaVannan, E.F. Vermote, and C.L. Schaaf. 2010. Assessment of biases in MODIS surface reflectance due to Lambertian approximation. Remote Sensing of Environment. 114(11):2791-2801. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Xiao, J., Q. Zhuang, B.E. Law, J. Chen, D.D. Baldocchi, D.R. Cook, R. Oren, A.D. Richardson, S. Wharton, and S. Ma. 2010. A continuous measure of gross primary production for the conterminous United States derived from MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 114(3):576-591. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Yuan, W., S. Liu, G. Yu, J.M. Bonnefond, J. Chen, K. Davis, A.R. Desai, A.H. Goldstein, D. Gianelle, F. Rossi, A.E. Suyker, and S.B. Verma. 2010. Global estimates of evapotranspiration and gross primary production based on MODIS and global meteorology data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 114(7):1416-1431. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2010 | Yuan, W., S. Liu, H. Liu, J.T. Randerson, G. Yu, and L.L. Tieszen. 2010. Impacts of precipitation seasonality and ecosystem types on evapotranspiration in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska. Water Resources Research. 46(2):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Beitler, J.,Sensing Our Planet: NASA Earth Science Research Features (2009). Notebook and Satellite. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Chasmer, L., A. Barr, C. Hopkinson, H. McCaughey, P. Treitz, A. Black, and A. Shashkov. 2009. Scaling and assessment of GPP from MODIS using a combination of airborne lidar and eddy covariance measurements over jack pine forests. Remote Sensing of Environment. 113(1):82-93. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | FISHER, J.B., Y. MALHI, D. BONAL, H.R. DA ROCHA, A.C. DE ARAAJO, M. GAMO, M.L. GOULDEN, T. HIRANO, A.R. HUETE, H. KONDO, T.O. KUMAGAI, H.W. LOESCHER, S. MILLER, A.D. NOBRE, Y. NOUVELLON, S.F. OBERBAUER, S. PANUTHAI, O. ROUPSARD, S. SALESKA, K. TANAKA, N. TANAKA, K.P. TU, and C. VON RANDOW. 2009. The landa\atmosphere water flux in the tropics. Global Change Biology. 15(11):2694-2714. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Georgescu, M., G. Miguez-Macho, L.T. Steyaert, and C.P. Weaver. 2009. Climatic effects of 30 years of landscape change over the Greater Phoenix, Arizona, region: 1. Surface energy budget changes. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114(D5):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Goerner, A., M. Reichstein, and S. Rambal. 2009. Tracking seasonal drought effects on ecosystem light use efficiency with satellite-based PRI in a Mediterranean forest. Remote Sensing of Environment. 113(5):1101-1111. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Gu, L.; (2009). Estimation of Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange for the Conterminous United States by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data. Lawrence Berkeley Technical Report. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Ichii, K., T. Suzuki, T. Kato, A. Ito, T. Hajima, M. Ueyama, T. Sasai, R. Hirata, N. Saigusa, Y. Ohtani, and K. Takagi. 2009. Multi-model analysis of terrestrial carbon cycles in Japan: reducing uncertainties in model outputs among different terrestrial biosphere models using flux observations. Biogeosciences Discussions. 6(4):8455-8502. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Ichii, K., W. Wang, H. Hashimoto, F. Yang, P. Votava, A.R. Michaelis, and R.R. Nemani. 2009. Refinement of rooting depths using satellite-based evapotranspiration seasonality for ecosystem modeling in California. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149(11):1907-1918. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Kanniah, K.D., J. Beringer, L.B. Hutley, N.J. Tapper, and X. Zhu. 2009. Evaluation of Collections 4 and 5 of the MODIS Gross Primary Productivity product and algorithm improvement at a tropical savanna site in northern Australia. Remote Sensing of Environment. 113(9):1808-1822. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Kimball, J.S., L.A. Jones, K. Zhang, F.A. Heinsch, K.C. McDonald, and W.C. Oechel2009. A Satellite Approach to Estimate Land-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange for Boreal and Arctic Biomes Using MODIS and AMSR-E. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 47(2):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | LUND, M., P.M. LAFLEUR, N.T. ROULET, A. LINDROTH, T.R. CHRISTENSEN, M. AURELA, B.H. CHOJNICKI, L.B. FLANAGAN, E.R. HUMPHREYS, T. LAURILA, W.C. OECHEL, J. OLEJNIK, J. RINNE, P. SCHUBERT, and M.B. NILSSON. 2009. Variability in exchange of CO2 across 12 northern peatland and tundra sites. Global Change Biology. no-no. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Liang, L. and M.D. Schwartz. 2009. Landscape phenology: an integrative approach to seasonal vegetation dynamics. Landscape Ecology. 24(4):465-472. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | OMI, H., K. HASEGAWA, T. IZUMI, and H. MATSUYAMA. 2009. Temporal Variations of Satellite Indices at the Beginning of the Growing Period of Boreal Evergreen Forest as Detected by Terra/MODIS. JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES. 22(2):141-158. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Santhana Vannan, S.K., R.B. Cook, S.K. Holladay, L.M. Olsen, U. Dadi, and B.E. Wilson. 2009. A Web-Based Subsetting Service for Regional Scale MODIS Land Products. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2(4):319-328. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Tittebrand, A., U. Spank, and C. Bernhofer. 2009. Comparison of satellite- and ground-based NDVI above different land-use types. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 98(1-2):171-186. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2009 | Wessels, K. J., Bachoo, A. K., & Archibald, S.2009. Influence of composite period and date of observation on phenological metrics extracted from MODIS data. Proceedings. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | CHASMER, L., C. HOPKINSON, P. TREITZ, H. MCCAUGHEY, A. BARR, and A. BLACK. 2008. A lidar-based hierarchical approach for assessing MODIS fPAR. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112(12):4344-4357. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Chasmer, L. E.2008. Canopy structural and meteorological influences on CO2 exchange for MODIS product validation in a boreal jack pine chronosequence. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Chuvieco, E. and C. Justice. 2008. NASA Earth Observation Satellite Missions for Global Change Research. 23-47. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Fisher, J.B., K.P. Tu, and D.D. Baldocchi. 2008. Global estimates of the land-atmosphere water flux based on monthly AVHRR and ISLSCP-II data, validated at 16 FLUXNET sites. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112(3):901-919. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Hanes, J. 2008. Applying Smoothing Curves to AVHRR and MODIS Satellite Imagery to Detect the Onset of Spring in the Midwest and Northeast United States. III - 318-III - 321. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Huete, A.R., N. Restrepo-Coupe, P. Ratana, K. Didan, S.R. Saleska, K. Ichii, S. Panuthai, and M. Gamo. 2008. Multiple site tower flux and remote sensing comparisons of tropical forest dynamics in Monsoon Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148(5):748-760. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Liu, H. and J.T. Randerson. 2008. Interannual variability of surface energy exchange depends on stand age in a boreal forest fire chronosequence. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 113(G1):n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | MALENOVSKY, Z., E. MARTIN, L. HOMOLOVA, J. GASTELLUETCHEGORRY, R. ZURITAMILLA, M. SCHAEPMAN, R. POKORNY, J. CLEVERS, and P. CUDLIN. 2008. Influence of woody elements of a Norway spruce canopy on nadir reflectance simulated by the DART model at very high spatial resolution. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112(1):1-18. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Mahadevan, P., S.C. Wofsy, D.M. Matross, X. Xiao, A.L. Dunn, J.C. Lin, C. Gerbig, J.W. Munger, V.Y. Chow, and E.W. Gottlieb. 2008. A satellite-based biosphere parameterization for net ecosystem CO2exchange: Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM). Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 22(2):n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Muraoka, H. and H. Koizumi. 2008. Satellite Ecology (SATECO)--linking ecology, remote sensing and micrometeorology, from plot to regional scale, for the study of ecosystem structure and function. Journal of Plant Research. 122(1):3-20. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Nightingale, J.M., W.E. Esaias, R.E. Wolfe, J.E. Nickeson, and P.L.A. Ma. 2008. Assessing Honey Bee Equilibrium Range and Forage Supply using Satelite-Derived Phenology. III - 763-III - 766. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | SIMS, D., A. RAHMAN, V. CORDOVA, B. ELMASRI, D. BALDOCCHI, P. BOLSTAD, L. FLANAGAN, A. GOLDSTEIN, D. HOLLINGER, and L. MISSON. 2008. A new model of gross primary productivity for North American ecosystems based solely on the enhanced vegetation index and land surface temperature from MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112(4):1633-1646. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Stockli, R., T. Rutishauser, D. Dragoni, J. O'Keefe, P.E. Thornton, M. Jolly, L. Lu, and A.S. Denning. 2008. Remote sensing data assimilation for a prognostic phenology model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 113(G4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Xiao, J., Q. Zhuang, D.D. Baldocchi, B.E. Law, A.D. Richardson, J. Chen, R. Oren, G. Starr, A. Noormets, S. Ma, S.B. Verma, S. Wharton, S.C. Wofsy, P.V. Bolstad, S.P. Burns, D.R. Cook, P.S. Curtis, B.G. Drake, M. Falk, M.L. Fischer, D.R. Foster, L. Gu, J.L. Hadley, D.Y. Hollinger, G.G. Katul, M. Litvak, T.A. Martin, R. Matamala, S. McNulty, T.P. Meyers, R.K. Monson, J.W. Munger, W.C. Oechel, K.T. Paw U, H.P. Schmid, R.L. Scott, G. Sun, A.E. Suyker, and M.S. Torn. 2008. Estimation of net ecosystem carbon exchange for the conterminous United States by combining MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148(11):1827-1847. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2008 | Yang, F., A.X. Zhu, K. Ichii, M.A. White, H. Hashimoto, and R.R. Nemani. 2008. Assessing the representativeness of the AmeriFlux network using MODIS and GOES data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 113(G4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Archibald, S. and R.J. Scholes. 2007. Leaf green-up in a semi-arid African savanna -separating tree and grass responses to environmental cues. Journal of Vegetation Science. 18(4):583-594. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Barkley, M. P., P. S. Monks, et al.; (2007). Assessing the near surface sensitivity of SCIAMACHY atmospheric CO2 retrieved using (FSI) WFM-DOAS. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 7 (0): 3597-3619. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | COOPS, N., T. BLACK, R. JASSAL, J. TROFYMOW, and K. MORGENSTERN. 2007. Comparison of MODIS, eddy covariance determined and physiologically modelled gross primary production (GPP) in a Douglas-fir forest stand. Remote Sensing of Environment. 107(3):385-401. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Camacho-de Coca, F., J. Garcia-Haro, J. Melia, and J.L. Roujean. 2007. Prototyping algorithm for retrieving FAPAR using MSG data in the context of the LSA SAF project. 1016-1020. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Clark, D.B., P.C. Olivas, S.F. Oberbauer, D.A. Clark, and M.G. Ryan. 2007. First direct landscape-scale measurement of tropical rain forest Leaf Area Index, a key driver of global primary productivity. Ecology Letters. 071121035930001-???. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Cleugh, H.A., R. Leuning, Q. Mu, and S.W. Running. 2007. Regional evaporation estimates from flux tower and MODIS satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 106(3):285-304. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Costa, M.J., E. Cattani, V. Levizzan, and A.M. Silva. 2007. Cloud Microphysical Properties Retrieval During Intense Biomass Burning Events Over Africa and Portugal. 97-111. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Jones, L.A., J.S. Kimball, K.C. McDonald, S.T.K. Chan, E.G. Njoku, and W.C. Oechel. 2007. Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing of Boreal and Arctic Soil Temperatures From AMSR-E. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 45(7):2004-2018. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Nickeson, J.E., J.T. Morisette, J.L. Privette, C.O. Justice, and D.E. Wickland. 2007. Coordinating Earth Observing System Land Validation. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 88(7):81. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Olofsson, P., F. Lagergren, A. Lindroth, J. Lindstrom, L. Klemedtsson, and L. Eklundh. 2007. Towards operational remote sensing of forest carbon balance across Northern Europe. Biogeosciences Discussions. 4(5):3143-3193. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Pisek, J. and J.M. Chen. 2007. Comparison and validation of MODIS and VEGETATION global LAI products over four BigFoot sites in North America. Remote Sensing of Environment. 109(1):81-94. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Sirikul, N.2007. Comparisons of MODIS Vegetation Index Products with Biophysical and Flux Tower Measurements. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | WANG, Y.P., D. BALDOCCHI, R. LEUNING, E. FALGE, and T. VESALA. 2007. Estimating parameters in a land-surface model by applying nonlinear inversion to eddy covariance flux measurements from eight FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology. 13(3):652-670. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Weiss, M., F. Baret, S. Garrigues, and R. Lacaze. 2007. LAI and fAPAR CYCLOPES global products derived from VEGETATION. Part 2: validation and comparison with MODIS collection 4 products. Remote Sensing of Environment. 110(3):317-331. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Welp, L.R., J.T. Randerson, and H.P. Liu. 2007. The sensitivity of carbon fluxes to spring warming and summer drought depends on plant functional type in boreal forest ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 147(3-4):172-185. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Wilson, T.B. and T.P. Meyers. 2007. Determining vegetation indices from solar and photosynthetically active radiation fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 144(3-4):160-179. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Yang, F., K. Ichii, M.A. White, H. Hashimoto, A.R. Michaelis, P. Votava, A.X. Zhu, A. Huete, S.W. Running, and R.R. Nemani. 2007. Developing a continental-scale measure of gross primary production by combining MODIS and AmeriFlux data through Support Vector Machine approach. Remote Sensing of Environment. 110(1):109-122. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2007 | Yuan, W., S. Liu, G. Zhou, G. Zhou, L.L. Tieszen, D. Baldocchi, C. Bernhofer, H. Gholz, A.H. Goldstein, M.L. Goulden, D.Y. Hollinger, Y. Hu, B.E. Law, P.C. Stoy, T. Vesala, and S.C. Wofsy. 2007. Deriving a light use efficiency model from eddy covariance flux data for predicting daily gross primary production across biomes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 143(3-4):189-207. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2006 | Heinsch, F.A., Maosheng Zhao, S.W. Running, J.S. Kimball, R.R. Nemani, K.J. Davis, P.V. Bolstad, B.D. Cook, A.R. Desai, D.M. Ricciuto, B.E. Law, W.C. Oechel, Hyojung Kwon, Hongyan Luo, S.C. Wofsy, A.L. Dunn, J.W. Munger, D.D. Baldocchi, Liukang Xu, D.Y. Hollinger, A.D. Richardson, P.C. Stoy, M.B.S. Siqueira, R.K. Monson, S.P. Burns, and L.B. Flanagan. 2006. Evaluation of remote sensing based terrestrial productivity from MODIS using regional tower eddy flux network observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 44(7):1908-1925. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2006 | Schwalm, C.R., T.A. Black, B.D. Amiro, M.A. Arain, A.G. Barr, C.P.A. Bourque, A.L. Dunn, L.B. Flanagan, M.A. Giasson, P.M. Lafleur, H.A. Margolis, J.H. McCaughey, A.L. Orchansky, and S.C. Wofsy. 2006. Photosynthetic light use efficiency of three biomes across an east-west continental-scale transect in Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 140(1-4):269-286. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2006 | Sims, D.A., A.F. Rahman, V.D. Cordova, B.Z. El-Masri, D.D. Baldocchi, L.B. Flanagan, A.H. Goldstein, D.Y. Hollinger, L. Misson, R.K. Monson, W.C. Oechel, H.P. Schmid, S.C. Wofsy, and L. Xu. 2006. On the use of MODIS EVI to assess gross primary productivity of North American ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 111(G4):. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2006 | Yang, F., M.A. White, A.R. Michaelis, K. Ichii, H. Hashimoto, P. Votava, A.X. Zhu, and R.R. Nemani. 2006. Prediction of Continental-Scale Evapotranspiration by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data Through Support Vector Machine. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 44(11):3452-3461. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2006 | Yang, W., N.V. Shabanov, D. Huang, W. Wang, R.E. Dickinson, R.R. Nemani, Y. Knyazikhin, and R.B. Myneni. 2006. Analysis of leaf area index products from combination of MODIS Terra and Aqua data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 104(3):297-312. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2005 | Cordova, V. D. 2005. Regional-scale carbon flux estimation using MODIS imagery. Thesis. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2005 | Rahman, A.F., D.A. Sims, V.D. Cordova, and B.Z. El-Masri. 2005. Potential of MODIS EVI and surface temperature for directly estimating per-pixel ecosystem C fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters. 32(19):n/a-n/a. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2005 | Ratana, P., A.R. Huete, Yuan Yin, and A. Jacobson. 2005. Interrelationship among among MODIS vegetation products across an Amazon Eco-climatic gradient. 4:3009-3012. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2005 | Zhao, M., F.A. Heinsch, R.R. Nemani, and S.W. Running. 2005. Improvements of the MODIS terrestrial gross and net primary production global data set. Remote Sensing of Environment. 95(2):164-176. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2004 | Heinsch, F. A., Jolly, W. M., Kimball, J. S., Oechel, W. C., & Verma, S. B.2004. Using Biome-BGC to estimate production in annual crops - A study in Nebraska. Proceedings. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |
2004 | Olson, R.J., S.K. Holladay, R.B. Cook, E. Falge, D. Baldocchi, and L. Gu. 2004. | Terrestrial Ecology Subsetting & Visualization Services |