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LBA-ECO CD-08 Tree Diameter Measurements, Jacaranda Plots, Manaus, Brazil: 1999-2001


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Citations1 publication cited this dataset


This data set provides diameter at breast height (DBH) measurements made of trees in a dense terra-firme tropical moist forest at the ZF-2 Experimental Station, 90 km north of Manaus, Brazil. DBH was measured over two transects (East to West and North to South) which were established in 1996 by the Jacaranda Project (agreement between the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA). For each tree, a metal dendrometer band was fixed to the trunk and growth in circumference was measured monthly with digital calipers. The transects measured 20-m x 2500-m, and were stratified by plateau, slope, and baixio (lowland areas near small streams). Topography location, distance along the transect, height at which the band was installed, local tree name, and field notes are also provided in the data files. Measurements were taken between June 1999 and December 2001.

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Chambers, J.Q., R.P. da Silva, E.S. Tribuzy, J. dos Santos, and N. Higuchi. 2013. LBA-ECO CD-08 Tree Diameter Measurements, Jacaranda Plots, Manaus, Brazil: 1999-2001. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

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Dataset has 1 companion files.

  • CD08_Tree_Growth_Manaus.pdf