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Soil moisture and temperature profile sensors were deployed at flux tower sites in Mongu, Zambia and Skukuza, South Africa. In addition, thermal infrared sensors were deployed to monitor surface temperature at the sites, and soil samples were collected for physical property analysis. A heat-flux plate was also installed at 10-cm depth at the Mongu site. The data cover the period variously from August 1999 to December 2001.

At the Mongu site three profiles of soil moisture and temperature were obtained to a maximum depth of 125 cm. These profiles were located approximately 30 m north of the Mongu flux tower, within the Kataba Local Forest. Surface radiometric temperature was measured by thermal infrared sensors deployed on top of the 30-m tower and on a tree.

At the Skukuza site two profiles of soil moisture and temperature were obtained to a maximum depth of 40 cm in a Combretum stand. The radiometric temperature of the tree crown and the background surface were monitored by infrared thermocouple sensors deployed on a pole at 2.5 m and 5 m heights.

Soil samples were collected at different depths in the vicinity of the soil profiles at each site and were analyzed at CSIR in Pretoria to determine bulk density, texture, and particle size distribution.

The data files are stored as ASCII text files, in comma-separated-value (.csv) format. Associated with each data file is a metadata (.txt ) file. Among other information, the metadata files indicate periods of missing data.

Data Citation:

Cite this data set as follows:

Pinheiro, A. C., and J. L. Privette. 2005. SAFARI 2000 Soil Properties, Moisture, and Temp., Skukuza and Mongu, 1999-2001. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/789.


Pinheiro, A. C., J. L. Privette, C. J. Tucker, D. Entekhabi, and J. A. Jerry. 2001. Assessing the relationship between temperature and soil moisture in southern Africa. Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000. (Proceedings of the symposium held at Santa Fe, New Mexico, 3-7 April 2000) IAHS Public. No. 267, pp.1-6.

Pinheiro, A. C., J. L. Privette, R. Mahoney, and C. J. Tucker. 2002. Directional effects in observations of land surface temperature with AVHRR over Africa. In: J. Sobrino (ed.). Proceedings of Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, Spain, 16-20 September 2002, pp. 971-976.

Pinheiro, A. C., J. L. Privette, R. Mahoney, and C. J. Tucker. 2004. Directional effects in a daily AVHRR land surface temperature dataset over Africa. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote, 42(9): 1941-1954.

Data Format:

The data files contain numeric values of soil temperature and moisture profiles, soil properties, and surface temperature at two SAFARI core sites. The data files are stored as ASCII text files, in comma-separated-value (.csv) format. Associated with each data file is a metadata file with the same file name and an extension of .txt. Among other information, the metadata files indicate periods of missing data.

The Soil Properties data files for each site contain the following columns.

Column Units/Fomat
sample ID, character
Bulk density g m-3
Sand %
Silt %
Clay %
character description

Each of the soil temperature, moisture, soil heat flux, and radiometric temperature files contain five columns of data as listed in the following table.

Column Column Name Units/Format
1 ID# numeric
2 Year numeric (YYYY)
3 Day Of Year numeric (DDD)
4 Time Local time (HHMM)
5 Measurement
soil temperature Degrees Celsius
soil moisture % Volume
radiometric temperature Degrees Celsius
soil heat flux W m-2

A complete list of the different parameters collected and associated file name are described in the tables below.

Mongu Site
Parameter Description Root File Name
Soil Temperature Profiles Soil temperature, profile A - 5 cm Mongu_soil_temp_A005
Soil temperature, profile A - 15 cm Mongu_soil_temp_A015
Soil temperature, profile A - 30 cm Mongu_soil_temp_A030
Soil temperature, profile A - 60 cm Mongu_soil_temp_A060
Soil temperature, profile A - 125 cm Mongu_soil_temp_A125
Soil temperature, profile B - 15 cm Mongu_soil_temp_B015
Soil temperature, profile B - 30 cm Mongu_soil_temp_B030
Soil temperature, profile C - 15 cm Mongu_soil_temp_C015
Soil Moisture Profiles Soil moisture, profile A - 5 cm Mongu_soil_moist_A005
Soil moisture, profile A -15 cm Mongu_soil_moist_A015
Soil moisture, profile A - 30 cm Mongu_soil_moist_A030
Soil moisture, profile A - 60 cm Mongu_soil_moist_A060
Soil moisture, profile A - 125 cm Mongu_soil_moist_A125
Soil moisture, profile B - 15 cm Mongu_soil_moist_B015
Soil moisture, profile B - 30 cm Mongu_soil_moist_B030
Soil moisture, profile C - 15 cm Mongu_soil_moist_C015
Soil Heat Flux Soil heat flux, profile A - 10 cm Mongu_soil_heatflux_A010
Surface radiometric temperature Sensor mounted at 20 degrees off nadir, facing NE, looking at background (bare soil and dead leaves). Mongu_tir_background20d
Canopy radiometric temperature Sensor mounted at 20 degrees off nadir, on top of main tower, facing North, looking at mixed canopy and background. Mongu_tir_canopy20d
Sensor mounted at 57 degrees off nadir, on top of main tower, facing North, looking at mixed canopy and background. Mongu_tir_canopy57d
Soil physical properties Soil physical properties Mongu_soil_properties_A

Skukuza Site
Parameter Description Root File Name
Soil Temperature Profiles Soil temperature, profile A - 5 cm Skukuza_soil_temp_A005
Soil temperature, profile A - 15 cm Skukuza_soil_temp_A015
Soil temperature, profile A - 30 cm Skukuza_soil_temp_A030
Soil temperature, profile B - 15 cm Skukuza_soil_temp_B015
Soil temperature, profile B - 30 cm Skukuza_soil_temp_B030
Soil Moisture Profiles Soil moisture, profile A - 5 cm Skukuza_soil_moist_A005
Soil moisture, profile A - 15 cm Skukuza_soil_moist_A015
Soil moisture, profile A - 30 cm Skukuza_soil_moist_A030
Soil moisture, profile B - 5 cm Skukuza_soil_moist_A040
Soil moisture, profile B - 15 cm Skukuza_soil_moist_B005
Soil moisture, profile B - 30 cm Skukuza_soil_moist_B015
Soil moisture, profile B - 40 cm Skukuza_soil_moist_B040
Surface radiometric temperature Sensor mounted at 57 degrees off nadir, looking at grass. Skukuza_tir_herb57d
Canopy radiometric temperature Sensor mounted at 57 degrees off nadir, looking at tree crown. Skukuza_tir_tree57d
Soil physical properties Soil physical properties Skukuza_soil_properties

Information about the site descriptions, data collection, instrumentation, and parameters measured is found in the following file:

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