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The Boston University team collected several data sets along the Kalahari Transect during the SAFARI 2000 wet season field campaign between March 3 and March 18, 2000, to support the validation of the MODIS LAI/FPAR algorithm. Ground measurements of LAI, FPAR, leaf hemispherical reflectance and transmittance, and canopy transmittance were made using a LAI-2000 plant canopy analyzer, an AccuPAR ceptometer, a LiCor 1800-12S External Integrating Sphere (LI-1800) portable spectroradiometer, and an ASD handheld spectroradiometer.

Leaf spectral data are provided in this data set. Leaf spectral measurements were made on samples from dominant tree, shrub, and grass species at five different Kalahari Transect sites -- Mongu in Zambia and Pandamatenga, Maun, Okwa River, and Tshane in Botswana (from north to south) -- where vegetation ranges from moist closed woodlands to arid sparsely-shrub-covered grasslands. Measurements were made on site with a LI-1800 portable spectroradiometer right after the leaves were cut from the trees or shrubs. Three or four sample leaves of each dominant species were measured.

The data files, in ASCII comma-delimited (.csv) format, contain the wavelength of the measurement (from 400 nm to 1100 nm, at an interval of 1 nm ) and the corresponding fraction of leaf reflectance, transmittance, and albedo (reflectance+transmittance). There is a separate data file for each tree and shrub species sampled at each site and a single file containing unidentified grass species collected from all of the sites. Average values for combined samples of trees and of shrubs at different sites are also provided.

Data Citation:

Cite this data set as follows:

Myneni, R. B., Y. Tian, and Y. Wang. 2005. SAFARI 2000 Leaf Spectral Measurements, Kalahari Transect, Wet Season 2000. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/773.


Tian, Y., C. E. Woodcock, Y. Wang, J. L. Privette, N. V. Shabanov, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, W. Buermann, J. Dong, B. Veikkanen, T. Hame, K. Andersson, M. Ozdogan, Y. Knyazikhin, and R. B. Myneni. 2002. Multiscale analysis and validation of MODIS LAI product. I. Uncertainty assessment. Remote Sens. Environ. 83: 414-430.

Tian, Y., C. E. Woodcock, Y. Wang, J. L. Privette, N. V. Shabanov, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, W. Buermann, J. Dong, B. Veikkanen, T. Hame, K. Andersson, M. Ozdogan, Y. Knyazikhin, and R. B. Myneni. 2002. Multiscale analysis and validation of the MODIS LAI product over Maun, Botswana. II. Sampling Strategy. Remote Sens. Environ, 83: 431-441.

Data Format:

Each data file is organized as described below, in ASCII comma-delimited (.csv) format.

Column Name Definition Units/Format
Wavelength Wavelength of measurement (from 400 nm to 1100 nm) nm
Reflectance Leaf reflectance fraction (0-1)
Transmittance Leaf transmittance fraction (0-1)
Albedo Leaf albedo (reflectance+transmittance) fraction (0-1)

A summary of the leaf spectal measurement files the Kalahari Transect sites is provided below.

Pandamatenga Species
7 species of tree leaves and 3 species of shrub leaves File Name
Shinzophyton rautenii (Tree species 1) panda_sp1.csv
Pterocarpus angolensis (Tree species 2) panda_sp2.csv
Kirkia africana (Tree species 3) panda_sp3.csv
Baikaeia plurijuga (Tree species 4) panda_sp4.csv
Erythropleum africanum (Tree species 5) panda_sp5.csv
Burkea africana (Tree species 6) panda_sp6.csv
Diplorhynchus condylocapo (Tree species 7) panda_sp7.csv
Bauhinia deteriana (Shrub species 1) panda_sp8.csv
Grevia maticola (Shrub species 2) panda_sp9.csv
Baphia massaiensis (Shrub species 3) panda_sp10.csv
Averaged value of tree species 1-3 panda_sp1-3.csv
Averaged value of tree species 1-7 panda_sp1-7.csv
Averaged value of shrub species 1-3 panda_sp8-10.csv
Averaged value of all tree and shrub leaves panda_sp1-10.csv
Maun Species
3 species of tree leaves measured File Name
Colophospermum mopane maun_sp1.csv
Grewia flava maun_sp2.csv
Bauhinia petersiana maun_sp3.csv
Okwa Species
3 species of shrub leaves measured
Each one of the species has several leaf samples.
Data are average values for each of the species
File Name
Terminalia sericea (7 samples) okwa_sp1.csv
Grewia flava (5 samples) okwa_sp3.csv
Bauhinia petersiana (5 samples) okwa_sp5.csv
Tshane Species
2 species of low tree/shrub leaves measured
File Name
Acacia leuderitzii tshane_sp1.csv
Acacia mellifera tshane_sp2.csv
Mongu Species
4 species of tree leaves and 1 species of shrub leaves measured File Name
Brachystegia spiciformis mongu_sp1.csv
Brachystegia bakeriana mongu_sp2.csv
Burkea africana mongu_sp3.csv
Guibourtia coleosperma mongu_sp4.csv
Copaifera batokana (shrub) mongu_sp5.csv
All 4 tree species (above) mongu_all_tree_sp.csv

Grass Species, All Sites

File Name
Unidentified grass species, collected from all sites all_sites_grass.csv
Grass Species, All Sites File Name
Unidentified grass species, collected from all sites all_sites_grass.csv

Additional information about the study sites, data acquisition methods, and data format, including sample plots from each site, is found in the companion file:

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