Before using this data set in a publication, please contact the data originator with a brief explanation of the intended use.
Wolfgang Cramer
Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research
Tel.: +49-331-288-2521 Fax : +49-331-288-2600
Cramer, W. P., and R. Leemans. 2001. Global 30-Year Mean Monthly Climatology, 1930-1960, V2.1 (Cramer and Leemans).
ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Leemans, R., and W. P. Cramer. 1991. The IIASA database for mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation and cloudiness of a global terrestrial grid. Report no. RR-91-018. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Laxenburg, Austria.
clou.grd (2f6.1,12f3.0) : lon, lat, monthly sunshine hours in & of possible
prec.grd (2f6.1,12f5.0) : lon, lat, monthly mean precipitation
rd.grd (2f6.1,12f3.0) : lon, lat, monthly mean number of rain days
tmean.grd (14f6.1) : lon, lat, monthly mean temperature
tran.grd (14f6.1) : lon, lat, monthly mean temperature range
All grd-files contain the same 62483 pixels in the same order, with 30' latitude and longitude resolution. The coordinates are in degree-decimals and indicate the SW corner of each pixel. Topography is from ETOPO5 and indicates modal elevation. Other resolutions may be added later.
The data files are compressed using the gzip command under unix. Uncompress them with gunzip under unix, or with winzip or something similar on a non-unix machine.