A guide document which includes more information about this data set can be found at https://daac.ornl.gov/daacdata/boreas/HYD/h02swed/comp/HYD02_Aircraft_SWE.txt .
ORNL DAAC maintains information on the entire BOREAS Project.
Powell, H., A. T. C. Chang, and D. Knapp. 1998. BOREAS HYD-02 Estimated Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) from Microwave Measurements. Data set. Available on-line [http://www.daac.ornl.gov] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/256.
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Goodison, B.E., and A.E. Walker, Use of snow cover derived from satellite passive microwave data as an indicator of climate change. Annals of Glaciology, 17, 137-142, 1993.
Goodison, G., A.E. Walker and F.W. Thirkettle, Determination of snowcover on the Canadian prairies using passive microwave data, "proceedings for the International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Water Resources", Enschede, The Netherlands, 127-136, 1990
Hall, D.K. , J.L. Foster and A.T.C. Chang, "Mapping snow cover during the BOREAS Winter Experiment," AGU Annual Fall Meeting, 1994.
Hallikainen, M.T., and P.A. Jolma, Comparison of algorithms for retrieval of snow water equivalent from Nimbus-7 SMMR data in Finland. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 30, 124-131, 1992.
Hallikainen, M.T., P.A. Jolma and J.M. Hyyppa, Satellite microwave radiometry of forest and surface types in Finland. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 26, 622-628, 1988.
Rott, H. and J. Aschbacher, On the use of satellite microwave radiometers for large-scale hydrology, Proc. IASH 3rd Int. Assembly on Remote Sensing and large Scale Global Processes, Baltimore, 21-30, 1989.
Walker, A.E. and B.E. Goodison, Discrimination of a wet snow cover using passive microwave data, "Annals of Glaciology", 17, 307-311, 1993.
Wang, J.R., R. Meneghini, H. Kumagai, T.T. Wilheit, W.C. Boncyk, P. Racette, J.R. Tesmer and B. Maves, Airborne active and passive microwave observations of super typhoon Flo, "IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing", 32, 231-242, 1994.