Betts, A. K., S. R. Shewchuk, H. Osborne, K. Young, and V. Wittrock. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On HMet-04 1996-1998 NSA Meteorological Data. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.
1.2 Data Set Introduction
This data set contains near-surface
data collected and averaged over 15 minutes from two sites at and near
the Thompson, Manitoba airport (SRC-Airport) and at the BOREAS NSA-OBS
flux tower site (SRC-Old Black Spruce).
One data set is a continuation of the
Thompson Airport site, which collected "Suite A" (meteorological) data
throughout BOREAS (1994-1996). Data processing and quality checks continued
though July 4, 1997, using the procedures in place for BOREAS. After this
date, the work was subcontracted by SRC, the sites were visited only to
change the data loggers, and data quality was significantly reduced. A
separate data logger, and instruments to measure diffuse radiation and
incoming long-wave (Suite B), were added to this site in the Fall 1997.
A second site was established at the
northern Old Black Spruce location (BOREAS TF03 team) in summer of 1997,
which ran for about one year, when measurements terminated at both sites.
This site too was visited only to change the data loggers. The flux and
separate meteorological measurements associated with TF-03/FLX-01 continue
at this site.
Because of missing data (primarily when
data loggers failed), researchers may have to merge the 2 data sets to
get a single atmospheric driver set for Thompson for 1997 and the first
half of 1998.
1.4 Summary of Parameters
Note that the file structure is identical
for both sites:
Parameter | Units |
TIME_OBS | HHMM (start-time) |
PAR_RAD | Wm^-2 |
S_PAR_RAD | Wm^-2 |
NET_RAD | Wm^-2 |
S_NET_RAD | Wm^-2 |
SOL_DOWN | Wm^-2 |
S_SOL_DOWN | Wm^-2 |
SOL_REFL | Wm^-2 |
S_SOL_REFL | Wm^-2 |
SOIL_10CM | Deg_C |
S_SOIL_10CM | Deg_C |
SOIL_20CM | Deg_C |
S_SOIL_20CM | Deg_C |
SOIL_50CM | Deg_C |
S_SOIL_50CM | Deg_C |
IR_TEMP | Deg_C |
S_IR_TEMP | Deg_C |
WIND_SPEED | ms^-1 |
S_WIND_SPEED | ms^-1 |
WIND_DIR | Deg_True |
S_WIND_DIR | Deg_True |
TIP_B_15MIN | mm |
DIFFUSE | Wm^-2 |
LW_DOWN | Wm^-2 |
The data values are forward looking, that is, the data value at TIME_OBS=0 represents an average of the data stream from Time>=0 through Time<15 min. TIME_OBS is in GMT. Local time is GMT - 6 hours.
1.5 Discussion
Missing data. There are major blocks
of time when the data are missing, primarily because of data logger failure.
See section 6.1.
1.6 Related Data Sets
BOREAS AFM-07 SRC Surface Meteorological Data
BOREAS AES Campbell Scientific Surface Meteorological Data
BOREAS AES MARSII Surface Meteorological Data
BOREAS AES READAC Surface Meteorological Data
BOREAS TF-03 NSA-OBS Tower Flux, Meteorological, and Soil Temperature
2.2 Title of Investigation
BOREAS Follow-on HMet-4 1996-1998 NSA Meteorological
2.3 Contact Information
Although these data were collected by
a sub-contractor to SRC, the data set was assembled by Alan Betts and John
Ball, as the data files sent to the archive were not usable, nor were they
Contact 1:
Alan K. Betts
Atmospheric Research
Pittsford, VT
(802) 483-2087
(802) 483-6167 (FAX)
Contact 2:
Stanley R. Shewchuk
Sask. Research Council
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(306) 933-5437
(306) 933-7817
Contact 3:-
Heather Osborne/Kim Young
Saskatchewan Research Council
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(306) 933-6759
Contact 4:
Virginia Wittrock
Saskatchewan Research Council
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(306) 933-8122
4.1.1 Collection Environment
The collection environment for the SRC AMS stations varied greatly from season to season and site to site. All instruments, except where otherwise noted, were exposed to the elements at all times. The sites were located in relatively undisturbed locations.
During winter, the instruments were exposed to frequent snow storms and temperatures that reached -40° C. During the summer months, temperatures at the sites reached 30° C. No covers were built to protect the instrumentation from precipitation, wind, animal damage, or vandalism.4.1.2 Source/Platform
Suite A sites use a triangular cross-section Rohn tower as a platform for mounting the majority of the suite A instruments. Each side of the tower is roughly 0.5 meters across and is internally supported by solid steel "zigzag" cross braces. The tower is designed with a hinge roughly halfway along its length that allows the tower to be folded down so that instruments may be attached and serviced without climbing gear. When the installation is complete the tower can be extended to its full height. Components mounted on the tower include the data logger, pressure sensor, solar panel, albedometer, net radiometer, air temperature and relative humidity sensors, PAR sensor and wind speed and direction sensor. A lightning rod is also attached to the top of each tower.
The precipitation gauges at each site are mounted on a separate wooden platform located a short distance from the Rohn tower. The distance varies by site. The platform is three meters high and 0.9 meters wide, and 2.4 meters long.
The Suite B sites are usually located a fair distance away from the Rohn tower that holds the suite A instrumentation. The suite B sites recorded information on a separate data logger (usually a CR10).4.1.3 Source/Platform Mission Objectives
The objective of the Rohn tower is to provide a stable place to hang instrumentation for the duration of the experiment. Additionally, the tower provides a method of placing instruments at various levels within the canopy.4.1.4 Key Variables
Instrument Type Measured Parameters PAR radiometer PAR radiation Net radiometer Net radiation Albedometer Incoming solar radiation
Reflected solar radiationTemperature and relative humidity probe Upper canopy air temperature
Relative humidityTemperature probe Lower canopy air temperature Soil temperature probe Soil temperature Barometric pressure Air pressure IR temperature Surface IR temperature Wind monitor Wind direction
Wind speedBelfort rainfall transmitter Precipitation Ultrasonic depth gauge Snow depth Soil moisture sensor Soil moisture Tipping bucket rain gauge Precipitation Pyrgeometer Incoming longwave radiation
Outgoing longwave radiationPyranometer with shadow band Diffuse solar radiation 4.1.5 Principles of Operation
Instrument Principle of Operation Data Logger This instrument is used to store and partially manipulate the data. Multiplexer The Multiplexer is used to increase the number of sensors that may be scanned by Campbell Scientific (CS) data loggers. Spark Gapped Junction Box The Junction Box is designed to minimize damage to instruments connected to wires on which a high voltage could be induced through electrostatic discharge due to lightening. There are two per tower. Modem The DC112 Modem is a 300/1200 baud modem employing the "AT" command set. It is used as a remote site modem connected to a CS data logger. Solar Panels The Model MSX-30 Solarex Solar Panel photovoltaic module is designed to operate DC loads with small to moderate energy requirements. PAR Radiometer The Skye Single Channel PAR Sensor is used to measure PAR Radiation. These sensors have cosine-corrected heads, each containing a semiconductor diode and filter system responding to light. Net Radiometer The Fritschen Q-6 Net Radiometer is a high output instrument that is designed to measure net radiation. Net radiation is defined as the sum of all incoming radiation minus the outgoing radiation. Incoming radiation consists of direct and diffuse shortwave radiation and longwave sky radiation. Outgoing radiation consists of reflected and terrestrial longwave radiation. Albedometer (Solar & Reflected) None given Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe (Above Canopy) None given Temperature Probe (Lower Canopy) None given Soil Temperature Probe None given Barometric Pressure sensor None give IR Thermometer The Everest Interscience Model 4000AL Infrared Thermometer measures the IR radiation emitted by objects and outputs the temperature, or a signal that is related to the temperature, of the object. The major advantage of this IR sensor is that no physical contact is made with the object being measured. Wind Direction/Wind Speed sensor: None given Belfort Precipitation Gauge None given Snow Depth Sensor None given Soil Moisture Sensor The Matrix Water Potential Soil Moisture Sensor measures soil moisture by measuring the heat differential between a warmed temperature probe and an unwarmed probe. The theory is that when a probe is heated the temperature rise will be a function of the water content of the medium (the soil). By inserting a heater and a temperature sensor in a fixed porous block in contact with soil, the temperature rise of the heater can be correlated to the water potential of the soil. Tipping Bucket Precipitation Gauge None given Pyrgeometer This instrument measures the exchange of radiation between a horizontal blackened surface and the target viewed. For the measurement of longwave radiation in general, and for the isolation of this from the solar shortwave radiation in daytime, a 30 mm diameter hemisphere of silicon is used. This instrument is measuring downward longwave radiation from the atmosphere only. Pyranometer None given Shadow Band Stand The shadow band attaches to the suite B pyranometer that measures incoming solar radiation. The shadow band is intended to block out the direct rays of the sun, forcing the pyranometer to measure only the diffuse component of solar radiation. The band is wide enough to block the sun's direct rays for a few weeks at a time and requires regular manual adjustment. This was not performed for this post-BOREAS data. 4.1.6 Sensor/Instrument Measurement Geometry
Unless otherwise noted, all instruments are on the suite A tower present at each site. A negative height indicates that the instrument is located below ground surface.Thompson Airport
Instrument Height on tower/Location PAR radiometer 18.9 m Net radiometer 18.9 m Albedometer 18.9 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 18.9 m Lower canopy temperature probe 1.8 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, 2 m northwest of the tower Soil temperature probe -20 cm, 2 m northwest of the tower Soil temperature probe -50 cm, 2 m northwest of the tower Barometric pressure 5.5 m IR temperature 18.9 m Wind monitor 18.9 m Belfort precipitation gauge 7.3 m, 10 m northeast of tower Snow depth gauge 2100 cm, 50 m east-northeast of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, Not available Tipping bucket precipitation 50 m east-northeast of tower NSA-OBS
The NSA-OBS instruments were installed on a temporary walkup wooden tower, nominally above the canopy at 15m, but exact heights and locations are unknown.
Instrument Height on tower/Location PAR radiometer 15.8 m Net radiometer 15.8 m Albedometer 15.8 m Temperature/relative humidity probe 15.8 m Lower canopy temperature probe 4.6 m Soil temperature probe -10 cm, Not available Soil temperature probe -20 cm, Not available Soil temperature probe -50 cm, Not available Barometric pressure 16.2 m, north of the tower IR temperature 15.8 m Wind monitor 15.8 m Belfort precipitation gauge northwest of tower Snow depth gauge 2200 cm, northwest of tower Soil moisture sensor -10 cm, Not available Tipping bucket precipitation northwest of tower Pyrgeometer 3.7 m Pyranometer 3.7 m Shadow Band Stand 3.7 m 4.1.7 Manufacturer of Sensor/Instrument
Instrument Description Manufacturer PAR radiometer Skye Single Channel PAR Sensor Skye Instruments Ltd. Net radiometer Fritschen Q-6 Net Radiometer Radiation and Energy Balance Systems, Inc. Albedometer (Solar and reflected) Eppley Model PSP Precision Spectral Pyranometers The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Temperature and relative humidity probe Model HMP35CF Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe Campbell Scientific Lower canopy temperature probe Model 107F Temperature Probe Campbell Scientific Soil temperature probe Model 108BAM Temperature Probe Campbell Scientific Barometric pressure sensor Model SBP270 Barometric Pressure Sensor Setra IR temperature sensor Model 4000AL Infrared Thermometer Everest Interscience Wind monitor Model 05103-10 Wind Monitor R.M. Young Belfort precipitation gauge Belfort Rainfall Transmitter Belfort Instrument Company Snow depth gauge UDG01 Ultrasonic Depth Gauge Campbell Scientific. Soil moisture sensor Matrix Water Potential Soil Moisture Sensor Matrix Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Model TE525 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge Texas Electronics Pyrgeometer Model PIR Precision Infrared Radiometer The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Pyranometer Model PSP Precision Pyranometer The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. Shadow band stand The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. The following tables list the instrument serial numbers by site.
Thompson Airport Suite A
Instrument Serial Number PAR radiometer SKE51006937022 Net radiometer 93213 Albedometer - Solar 29876F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29877F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1187 Lower canopy temperature probe C1233 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1807 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1832 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1805 Barometric Pressure 414247 IR Temperature 2608-1 Wind monitor 14288 Belfort precipitation gauge 5-4057 Snow depth gauge C1341 Soil moisture sensor 1038 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Not available NSA-OBS Suite A
Instrument Serial Number PAR radiometer SKE51006937023 Net radiometer 93236 Albedometer - Solar 29806F3 Albedometer - Reflected 29807F3 Temperature and relative humidity probe C1053 Lower canopy temperature probe C1234 Soil temperature probe at -10 cm C1823 Soil temperature probe at -20 cm C1806 Soil temperature probe at -50 cm C1808 Barometric Pressure 395168 IR Temperature 2608-9 Wind monitor 14681 Belfort precipitation gauge Not available Snow depth gauge C1505 Soil moisture sensor 1039 Tipping bucket precipitation gauge Not available NSA-OBS Suite B
Instrument Serial Number Pyrgeometer 29754F3 Pyranometer 29721F3 Shadow band stand Not available
4.2 Calibration
4.2.1 Specifications
The following tables give the calibration multiplier and constant (if applicable) for each instrument at each site.Thompson Airport Suite A
Instrument Type Multiplier Calibration Constant PAR radiometer 0.5 Not available Net radiometer 0.0645 12.9 w^2/(mVm^2) Albedometer - Solar 0.58343 8.57 microV/wm^2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.57274 8.73 microV/wm^2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp)
0.1 (humidity)10 feet Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 80 IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed)
0.071 (direction)None given Belfort precipitation gauge 0.11518 None given Snow depth gauge 1 None given Soil moisture None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge None given None given NSA-OBS Suite A
Instrument Type Multiplier Calibration Constant PAR radiometer None given None given Net radiometer 0.0645 12.9 w^2/(mVm^2) Albedometer - Solar 0.59595 8.39 microV/wm^2 Albedometer - Reflected 0.61652 8.11 microV/wm^2 Temperature and relative humidity probe 0.001 (temp)
0.1 (humidity)None given Lower canopy temperature probe 0.001 None given Soil temperature probe at -10 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -20 cm None given None given Soil temperature probe at -50 cm None given None given Barometric Pressure 0.12 80 IR Temperature None given None given Wind monitor 0.098 (speed)
0.071 (direction)None given Belfort precipitation gauge 0.07824 None given Snow depth gauge None given None given Soil moisture sensor None given None given Tipping bucket precipitation gauge 0.025 None given NSA-OBS Suite B
Instrument Type Multiplier Calibration Constant Pyrgeometer None given 3.42 W/m^2 Pyranometer None given 8.55 W/m^2 Tolerance
The following list gives information relating to the tolerances of the instruments used:
Instrument Tolerance PAR radiation Without filters, this instrument is sensitive to electromagnetic energy with wavelengths between 300 and 1000 nanometers. The instrument contains glass and metal interference filters that cut the response to between 400 and 700 nanometers. Net radiation A 5 degree error in leveling the net radiometer may result in an error of up to 6 percent under normal conditions (e.g. the sun is relatively high in the sky). Errors greater than 6 percent may occur when the sun is near the horizon. Albedometer The albedometers used in the BOREAS study are sensitive to electromagnetic energy with wavelengths between 285 and 2800 nanometers. Temperature and relative humidity probe The temperature piece of this ensemble has an accuracy rating of +/- 0.4° C over a temperature range from -53 to +48° C. The humidity probe has an accuracy of +/- 2 percent relative humidity from 0 to 90 percent and a rating of +/- 3 percent over a relative humidity of 90 percent. Lower canopy temperature probe This probe has an accuracy rating of +/- 0.4° C over a temperature range from -53 to +48° C. Soil temperature probes The soil temperature probes located at the BOREAS sites have an accuracy of +/- 0.4° C over a from of temperature from -33 to +48° C. Barometric pressure sensor The accuracy of the Setra SBP270 is +/- 0.2 millibars. IR Thermometer None given. Wind sensor The range in wind speeds measured by the R.M. Young Wind Monitor is - to 60 meters/second with a maximum gust survival of 100 meters/second. Belfort precipitation gauge None given. Snow depth sensor The snow depth sensor can measure depths between 0.6 meters and 10 meters with an accuracy of +/- 1 centimeter or 0.4 percent of the distance from the sensor to the target. The vertical resolution of the sensor is 0.5 millimeters. Soil moisture None given. Tipping bucket precipitation gauge None given. Pyrgeometer The Eppley pyrgeometer has a temperature dependence of +/- 2 percent when the temperature is between -20 and +40° C. Pyranometer The pyranometers used for Suite B sites have a temperature dependence of +/- 1 percent over a range in ambient temperatures from -20 to +40° C.
4.2.2 Frequency of Calibration
All instruments were calibrated by the manufacturer or by SRC before being installed in the sites before the first BOREAS field campaigns. Most of the instruments were again calibrated at the end of March, 1994 during the spring inspection tour. Due to the relative brevity of the experiments the instruments were not required to have full laboratory calibrations. Not calibration was performed after 1994.4.2.3 Other Calibration Information
None given.
7.1.1 Spatial Coverage:Site Latitude Longitude Elevation ----------------------- -------- --------- --------- NSA-9BS-YTHSA (Airport) 55.8° N -97.87° W 221m NSA-OBS-FLXTR 55.879° N -98.48° W 250mNSA-9BS-YTHSA (Airport)
The Thompson Airport is a fully-instrumented Suite A AMS site. The instruments are located in an area that is dominated by spruce and poplar. The tops of the trees nearest the tower are approximately 13 meters while the top of the tower extends to 19 meters. This site is about 1 kilometer away from the town of Thompson.NSA-OBS-FLXTR
The NSA-OBS site was installed new in summer 1997 on a new makeshift tower, near the NSA-OBS TF03 site. The suite A and B instruments were moved from the NSA-OJP and NSA-FEN sites, and reinstalled here. The site is a 70-100 year old Black Spruce site of medium to high density, with an average height of approximately 10 m.7.1.2 Spatial Coverage Map
Not available.7.1.3 Spatial Resolution
The data represent point source measurements taken at the sites indicated.7.1.4 Projection
Not applicable7.1.5 Grid Description
Not applicable
7.2 Temporal Characteristics
7.2.1 Temporal Coverage
See section Temporal Coverage Map
The table below gives detailed date ranges for individual sites:Site Dates of Data Set Type of Data ----------------------- ----------------------------- ------------ NSA-9BS-YTHSA (Airport) Dec 1, 1996 - June 30, 1998 Suite A&B* NSA-OBS-FLXTR July 24, 1997 - June 26, 1998 Suite A&BNote: This table gives nominal start and end dates for data collection at site. Specific instruments did not necessarily begin or end data collection at the above times. *See section 6.1 Data Notes.7.2.3 Temporal Resolution
To fully understand the microclimate of the boreal forest, it was necessary to make consistent measurements over a long time period. Consequently, the nominal sampling period did not change for the duration of the experiment. Individual cases of instrument error or data logger failure occasionally caused the period between recorded data to change. A list of known errors of this type are given in Section 11.
For the most part, the BOREAS SRC AMS sites collected data with the same sampling strategy. Samples of each variable were acquired every five seconds. These samples were then averaged over fifteen minute periods to get the actual data values. The standard deviations given are for the five-second samples that make up the fifteen minute averages.
The exceptions to this strategy were the Belfort precipitation, Snow depth, Tipping bucket precipitation, and Soil moisture data. The Belfort precipitation and Snow depth data were sampled every minute, the reported data for each hour were the average from minute 55 to minute 59, and the standard deviations were recorded from those five minute periods. The Tipping bucket precipitation was sampled every five seconds, the data values are the running total, and the standard deviations of the samples are given every fifteen minutes. The Soil Moisture data were sampled every 30 seconds, the data value is given at minute 50, and the standard deviation of the samples are taken every minute.
7.3 Data Characteristics
"Suite A" Data are a set of 14 meteorological
variables and their standard deviations plus precipitation measurements
(see section 1.4). "Suite B" Data measures the two additional fluxes of
DIFFUSE and LW-DOWN radiation. There are major blocks of time when the
data is missing, primarily because of data logger failure: see section
7.3.1 Parameter/Variable
The descriptions of the parameters contained in the data files are:Column Name Description ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ SITE_NAME The identifier assigned to the site by BOREAS, in the format SSS-TTT-CCCCC, where SSS identifies the portion of the study area: NSA, SSA, REG, TRN, and TTT identifies the cover type for the site, 999 if unknown, and CCCCC is the identifier for site, exactly what it means will vary with site type. LOCATION A more detailed description of the location. DATE_OBS The date on which the data were collected. TIME_OBS The Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) of the start of the 15 minute observation period. PAR_RAD Photosynthetically active radiation. S_PAR_RAD Standard deviation of the photosynthetically active radiation. NET_RAD Net radiation. S_NET_RAD Standard deviation of the net radiation. SOL_DOWN Incoming solar radiation. S_SOL_DOWN Standard deviation of the incoming solar radiation. SOL_REFL Reflected solar radiation. S_SOL_REFL Standard deviation of the reflected solar radiation. TEMP_UPPER Upper canopy air temperature. S_TEMP_UPPER Standard deviation of the upper canopy air temperature. TEMP_LOWER Lower canopy air temperature. S_TEMP_LOWER Standard deviation of the lower canopy air temperature. SOIL_10CM Soil temperature at 10 cm. S_SOIL_10CM Standard deviation of the soil temperature at 10 cm. SOIL_20CM Soil temperature at 20 cm. S_SOIL_20CM Standard deviation of the soil temperature at 20 cm. SOIL_50CM Soil temperature at 50 cm. S_SOIL_50CM Standard deviation of the soil temperature at 50 cm. HUMIDITY Relative humidity. S_HUMIDITY Standard deviation of the relative humidity. PRESSURE Air pressure. S_PRESSURE Standard deviation of the air pressure. IR_TEMP Surface IR temperature. S_IR_TEMP Standard deviation of the surface IR temperature. WIND_SPEED Wind speed. S_WIND_SPEED Standard deviation of the wind speed. WIND_DIR Wind direction. S_WIND_DIR Standard deviation of the wind direction. PRECIP_BELFORT Precipitation from a Belfort rainfall transmitter. SNOW_DEPTH Snow depth. TIP_B_15MIN Precipitation from a tipping bucket, amount within the 15 minute period. TIP_B_TOTAL Precipitation from a tipping bucket (running total since the instrument was reset). DIFFUSE Diffuse solar radiation. LW_DOWN Incoming longwave radiation. CRTFCN_CODE The BOREAS certification level of the data. Examples are CPI (Checked by PI), CGR (Certified by Group), PRE (Preliminary), and CPI-??? (CPI but questionable). REVISION_DATE The most recent date when the information in the referenced data base table record was revised.
7.3.3 Unit of Measurement
The measurement units for the parameters contained in the data files are:Column Name Units ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ SITE_NAME [none] LOCATION [none] DATE_OBS [DD-MON-YY] TIME_OBS [HHMM GMT] PAR_RAD [Watts][meter^-2] S_PAR_RAD [Watts][meter^-2] NET_RAD [Watts][meter^-2] S_NET_RAD [Watts][meter^-2] SOL_DOWN [Watts][meter^-2] S_SOL_DOWN [Watts][meter^-2] SOL_REFL [Watts][meter^-2] S_SOL_REFL [Watts][meter^-2] TEMP_UPPER [Degrees C] S_TEMP_UPPER [Degrees C] TEMP_LOWER [Decrees C] S_TEMP_LOWER [Degrees C] SOIL_10CM [Degrees C] S_SOIL_10CM [Degrees C] SOIL_20CM [Degrees C] S_SOIL_20CM [Degrees C] SOIL_50CM [Degrees C] S_SOIL_50CM [Degrees C] HUMIDITY [percent] S_HUMIDITY [percent] PRESSURE [millibars] S_PRESSURE [millibars] IR_TEMP [Degrees C] S_IR_TEMP [Degrees C] WIND_SPEED [meters][second^-1] S_WIND_SPEED [meters][second^-1] WIND_DIR [Degrees true] S_WIND_DIR [Degrees true] PRECIP_BELFORT [millimeters] SNOW_DEPTH [millimeters] TIP_B_15MIN [millimeters] TIP_B_TOTAL [millimeters] DIFFUSE [Watts][meter^-2] LW_DOWN [Watts][meter^-2] CRTFCN_CODE [none] REVISION_DATE [DD-MON-YY]7.3.4 Data Source
The source of the parameter values contained in the data are (see Table 9.2 for detailed information):Column Name Data Source ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ SITE_NAME [BORIS Designation] LOCATION [BORIS Designation] DATE_OBS [Human Observer] TIME_OBS [Human Observer] PAR_RAD [Instrument] S_PAR_RAD [Calculated] NET_RAD [Instrument] S_NET_RAD [Calculated] SOL_DOWN [Instrument] S_SOL_DOWN [Calculated] SOL_REFL [Instrument] S_SOL_REFL [Calculated] TEMP_UPPER [Instrument] S_TEMP_UPPER [Calculated] TEMP_LOWER [Instrument] S_TEMP_LOWER [Calculated] SOIL_10CM [Instrument] S_SOIL_10CM [Calculated] SOIL_20CM [Instrument] S_SOIL_20CM [Calculated] SOIL_50CM [Instrument] S_SOIL_50CM [Calculated] HUMIDITY [Instrument] S_HUMIDITY [Calculated] PRESSURE [Instrument] S_PRESSURE [Calculated] IR_TEMP [Instrument] S_IR_TEMP [Calculated] WIND_SPEED [Instrument] S_WIND_SPEED [Calculated] WIND_DIR [Instrument] S_WIND_DIR [Calculated] PRECIP_BELFORT [Instrument] SNOW_DEPTH [Instrument] TIP_B_15MIN [Instrument] TIP_B_TOTAL [Instrument] DIFFUSE [Instrument] LW_DOWN [Instrument] CRTFCN_CODE [BORIS Designation] REVISION_DATE [BORIS Designation]7.3.5 Data Range
The actual ranges for the various parameters were not determined.
7.4 Sample Data Record
The following are samples of the first few
data records contained the data files (records will wrap if longer that
80 characters):
SITE_NAME,LOCATION,DATE_OBS,TIME_OBS,PAR_RAD,S_PAR_RAD,NET_RAD,S_NET_RAD, SOL_DOWN,S_SOL_DOWN,SOL_REFL,S_SOL_REFL,TEMP_UPPER,S_TEMP_UPPER,TEMP_LOWER, S_TEMP_LOWER,SOIL_10CM,S_SOIL_10CM,SOIL_20CM,S_SOIL_20CM,SOIL_50CM,S_SOIL_50CM, HUMIDITY,S_HUMIDITY,PRESSURE,S_PRESSURE,IR_TEMP,S_IR_TEMP,WIND_SPEED, S_WIND_SPEED,WIND_DIR,S_WIND_DIR,PRECIP_BELFORT,SNOW_DEPTH,TIP_B_15MIN, TIP_B_TOTAL,DIFFUSE,LW_DOWN,CRTFCN_CODE,REVISION_DATE NSA-9BS-YTHSA,SRC-Airport,1-Dec-96,15,0.03074,0,-0.19228,0.2,0.00216,0,0.14832, 0,-21.53,0.152,-21.19,0.025,-2.203,0.006,-0.707,0.005,0.161,0.005,83.9,0.433, 989.56,0.06,-21.23,0.104,1.022,0.61,79.5,27.98,497.57,260,-999,-999,-999,-999, CPI,28-Dec-00 NSA-9BS-YTHSA,SRC-Airport,1-Dec-96,30,0.0985,0,-0.03698,0,0.0043,0,0.01696,0, -21.42,0.027,-21.12,0.025,-2.208,0.005,-0.708,0.005,0.161,0.005,84.5,0.384, 989.4,0.04,-21.13,0.1,1.09,0.669,71.3,28.46,497.57,260,-999,-999,-999,-999, CPI,28-Dec-00 NSA-9BS-YTHSA,SRC-Airport,1-Dec-96,45,0.10249,0,0.03451,0,0.06673,0,0.00636,0, -21.31,0.039,-21,0.03,-2.212,0.005,-0.71,0.005,0.161,0.005,84.9,0.268,989.29, 0.02,-21.01,0.097,1.087,0.615,79.8,30.69,497.57,260,-999,-999,-999,-999,CPI, 28-Dec-00
8.2 Data Format
The data files contain a series of numerical
and character fields of varying length separated by commas. There are no
spaces between the fields.
9.1.1 Derivation Techniques and Algorithms
The data loggers accumulated radiation in KJ m^-2. The radiation data (PAR_RAD, NET_RAD, SOL_DOWN, SOL_REFL, LW_DOWN, DIFFUSE) have been corrected by a factor of (1000/900) to convert from KJ m^-2 to W m^-2 (900 seconds averaging interval).
The standard deviations of these radiation flux data have been multiplied by a factor of (1000/5) to convert the data logger calculation (based on 180 5-sec accumulated values in units of KJ m^-2 ) to Wm^-2 . Please note that these values are true standard deviation in Wm^-2. Please note also that these values, while correct, are not consistent with the radiation flux standard deviations in the BOREAS archive of AFM07 data for the preceding time period, 1994-1996. As of this date (12/15/98) these earlier data were incorrectly converted, and need to be divided by a factor of 5 (the 5-sec sampling period) to give standard deviation in Wm^-2 .This error is so large as to be obvious on partly cloudy days.
Some individual data files contained time errors of +/-6hrs, when the sub-contractor confused local time (GMT - 6) and GMT, and/or erred in correcting local time. These have been fixed, based on sunrise and sunset.
9.2 Data Processing Sequence
9.2.1 Processing Steps
None given9.2.2 Processing Changes
None given
9.3 Calculations
9.3.1 Special Corrections/Adjustments
See Section Calculated Variables
See Section 14.
9.4 Graphs and Plots
11.2 Known Problems with the Data
See section 9 and 10.
14.2 Software Access
None given.
ORNL DAAC User Services
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 241-3952
15.2 Procedures for Obtaining Data
BOREAS data may be obtained through
the ORNL DAAC World Wide Web site at
[Internet Link] or users may place requests for data by telephone
or by electronic mail.
15.3 Output Products and Availability
Requested data can be provided electronically
on the ORNL DAAC's anonymous FTP site or on various media including, CD-ROMs,
8-mm tapes, or diskettes.
16.2 Film Products
16.3 Other Products
Belfort Instrument Company. 1987. Instruction Book for Rainfall Transmitter Cat. No. 5915 Series - Related Instruction Book Chart Drive Mechanism 12049. Belfort Instrument Company, Baltimore, Maryland.
Belfort Instrument Company. 1985. Instruction Manual Rain Gage Catalog Numbers 35-1558 and 35-1559: Instructions - Maintenance - Parts List.. Belfort Instrument Company, Baltimore, Maryland.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1994. 4000AL Everest Interscience Infrared Thermometer Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1994. Q-7 Net Radiometer. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1992. 036, 038 Spark Gapped Junction Box. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1992. RF95 Radio Frequency System. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. 05103-10, 05305-10 and 05701-10 R.M. Young Wind Monitors Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. 4000AL Everest Interscience Infrared Thermometer Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. Model 107F Temperature Probe Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. Model HMP35CF Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation.
Campbell Scientific, Inc. 1993. PC208 Data Logger Support Software Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1993. UDG01 Ultrasonic Depth Gauge Operator's Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1992. FP/BCD Interface Instruction Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. DC112 Modem. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. Precision Meteorological Instruments. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. Radiotelemetry Network Applications Manual. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1991. TE525 Tipping Bucket Raingage. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta..
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1987. Model TE525 Tipping Bucket Raingage. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation. 1985. Belfort Weighing Rain and Snow Gage Series 5915 and 6071P. Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta.
DSG Communications Inc. 1993. LineShare LS-2 User's Manual. DSG Communications Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
E.F. Johnson Data Telemetry Products. ND. 3410 Series Telemetry Modules. E.F. Johnson Data Telemetry Products, Pickering, Ontario.
Environment Canada. 1992. Manual of Surface Weather Observations (MANOBS). Environment Canada. Downsview, Ontario.
The Eppley Laboratory, Inc. ND. Instrumentation for the Measurement of the Components of Solar and Terrestrial Radiation. The Eppley Laboratory, Inc., Newport, Rhode Island.
Meteorology Research, Inc. 1967. Tipping Bucket Raingage Model 302.. Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, CA.
ROHN Towers. 1983. "Fold-over" Towers. ROHN, Peoria, Illinois.
17.2 Journal Articles and Study Reports
Sellers, P., F. Hall. 1994. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment
Plan. Version 1994-3.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 94).
Sellers, P., F. Hall. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1996-2.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 96).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, K.F. Huemmrich. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1994 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 94).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, K.F. Huemmrich. 1997. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1996 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 96).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, H. Margolis, B. Kelly, D. Baldocchi, G. den Hartog, J. Cihlar, M.G. Ryan, B. Goodison, P. Crill, K.J. Ranson, D. Lettenmaier, and D.E. Wickland. 1995. The boreal ecosystem-atmosphere study (BOREAS): an overview and early results from the 1994 field year. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 76(9):1549-1577.
Sellers, P. J., F. G. Hall, R. D. Kelly, A. Black, D. Baldocchi, J. Berry, M. Ryan, K. J. Ranson, P. M. Crill, D. P. Lettenmaier, H. Margolis, J. Cihlar, J. Newcomer, D. Fitzjarrald, P. G. Jarvis, S. T. Gower, D. Halliwell, D. Williams, B. Goodison, D. E. Wickland, and F. E. Guertin. 1997. BOREAS in 1997: Experiment Overview, Scientific Results and Future Directions. Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (D24): 28,731-28,770.
Shewchuk, S.R., 1997: Surface mesonet for BOREAS. J. Geophys. Res. 29077-29082.
17.3 Archive/DBMS Usage Documentation
AES - Atmospheric and Environmental Services AFM - Aircraft Flux and Meteorology AMS - Automatic Meteorological Station BOREAS - BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study BORIS - BOREAS Information System CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center EOS - Earth Observing System EOSDIS - EOS Data and Information System FAX - Facsimile GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center IFC - Intensive Field Campaign IR - Infrared ISLSCP - International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project MARSII - Meteorological Automatic Reporting System II MESONET - Mesoscale Network NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NSA - Northern Study Area OBS - Old Black Spruce ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory PAR - Photosynthetically Active Radiation READAC - Remote Environmental Automated Data Acquisition Concept SRC - Saskatchewan Research Council URL - Uniform Resource Locator
Betts, A. K., S. R. Shewchuk, H. Osborne, K. Young, and V. Wittrock. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On HMet-04 1996-1998 NSA Meteorological Data. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.