Note that some of the data files have been compressed using Zip compression. See Section 8.2 for details.
Smith, E. A., J. Gu, and J. Nickeson. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On HMet-01 Level-2 GOES-8 1996 Shortwave and Longwave Radiation. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.
1.2 Data Set Introduction
For the BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere
Study (BOREAS) Follow-on, these the level-2 data were processed in order
to extend the temporal coverage of the existing spatially extensive data
over the primary study areas. These level-2 GOES-8 shortwave and longwave
images acquired and processed by Dr. Eric Smith's group at FSU, serve to
define the surface radiation budget (SRB) for the BOREAS region.
1.3 Objective/Purpose
The primary objectives are 1) to retrieve
the SRB from the level-1 GOES-8 visible imagery over the BOREAS region
at a high temporal and spatial resolution, and 2) to quantify the uncertainties
of satellite-derived SRB products.
1.4 Summary of Parameters
The level-2 GOES-8 SW/LW product contains
the following parameters:
Scaled Shortwave Down at Surface
Scaled Surface Shortwave Albedo
Scaled PAR down
Scaled PAR Albedo
Scaled Net Longwave at Surface
Scaled Narrow-band Albedo at TOA*
Scaled Shortwave Down at TOA*
Scaled Narrow-band Cloud albedo
Scaled Surface Skin Temperature
Scaled Column Water Vapor Amount
Scaled Narrow_Band Minimum Albedo
* where TOA is the top of the atmosphere, and PAR is photosynthetically active radiation.
1.5 Discussion
Dr. Eric Smith, from Florida State University
(FSU), team collected and processed several GOES image data sets from 1994
through 1996 to provide high temporal and spatial resolution for BOREAS.
1.6 Related Data Sets
BOREAS RSS-14 Level-1 GOES-7 Visible, Infrared, and Water-Vapor Images
BOREAS RSS-14 Level-3 Gridded Radiometer and Satellite Surface Radiation
BOREAS RSS-14 Level-1 GOES-8 Visible, Infrared, and Water-Vapor Images
BOREAS RSS-14 Level-1a GOES-8 Visible, Infrared, and Water-Vapor Images
2.2 Title of Investigation
Retrieval of Surface Radiation Fluxes
2.3 Contact Information
Contact 1:
Ms. Jiujing Gu
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
(904) 644-7511
(904) 644-9639 (fax)
Contact 2:
Dr. Eric A. Smith
Greenbelt, MD
(301) 286-7858
(301) 286-0239 (fax)
(this work was performed while Dr. Smith was still affiliate with FSU)
Contact 3:
Jaime Nickeson
Raytheon ITSS
Greenbelt, MD
(301) 286-7858
(301) 286-0239 (fax)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imager Instrument Characteristics Spectral Bands (micrometers) VIS IR2 IR3 IR4 IR5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wavelength (micrometers) 0.55 3.80 6.50 10.20 11.50 to to to to to 0.75 4.00 7.00 11.20 12.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clouds X X X X X Water Vapor X X X Surface Temp 0 X 0 Winds X X X Albedo & IR Flux X 0 X 0 Fires & Smoke X X 0 0 X: Primary Spectral Channel 0: Secondary (supplementary) Spectral Channel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field of View Defining Element: Detector Optical Field of View: Square 5-channel Imaging: Simultaneously Scan Capability: Full Earth/Sector/Area -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Channel/Detector Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) Visible/Silicon : 1 km Shortwave/InSb : 4 km Moisture/HgCdTe : 8 km Longwave 1/HgCdTe : 4 km Longwave 2/HgCdTe : 4 km -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radiometric Calibration: Space and 290 Kelvin IR internal blackbody Signal Quantizing (NE'delta'T) : 10 bits all channels S/N : Minimum 3X better than specifications Frequency of Calibration Space : 2.2 sec for full disk; : 9.2 or 36.6 sec for sector/area Infrared : 30 minutes typical System Absolute Accuracy : IR channel less than 0.1 K Transmit Frequency : 1676.00 MHz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.1.1 Collection Environment
The GOES-8 data were acquired using the FSU Direct Readout Ground System located in Tallahassee, FL, starting on 14-Jul-1995 and continuing through 23-Oct-1996. The GOES-8 satellite orbited Earth in a geostationary orbit at an altitude of 35,788 km (19,324 nautical miles).4.1.2 Source/Platform
Launch and data available dates for the GOES-8 satellite are:Satellite Launch Date Data Range --------- ----------- ----------------------- GOES-8 13-Apr-1994 0-10244.1.3 Source/Platform Mission Objectives
The mission of the GOES satellite series is to provide the nearly continuous observations that are needed to predict, detect, and track severe weather. GOES spacecraft are equipped to observe and measure cloud cover, surface conditions, snow and ice cover, surface temperatures, and the vertical distributions of atmospheric temperature and humidity. They are also instrumented to measure solar X-rays and other energetics, collect and relay environmental data from platforms, and broadcast instrument data and environmental information products to ground stations.
For BOREAS, the level-1 GOES-8 imagery, along with the other remotely sensed images, was collected in order to provide spatially extensive information over the primary study areas at varying spatial scales. The primary objective for BOREAS was to collect visible, IR, and water-vapor channel data covering the BOREAS region at a sufficiently high temporal frequency for subsequent use in analyzing weather events and deriving temporal surface radiation parameters and patterns that existed during the field campaigns. The GOES-8 data set has a significant improvement in spatial resolution over the GOES-7 data from 1994 and early 1995.4.1.4 Key Variables
Reflected radiation
Emitted radiation
Water vapor4.1.5 Principles of Operation
The GOES I-M program is a continuation of the previous National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) collaboration to provide continuous monitoring of Earth's environment for weather forecasting and research. The objectives of the GOES I-M program are to maintain and expand the operational, environmental, and storm warning capabilities; to monitor Earth's atmosphere and surface and space environmental conditions; and to introduce improved atmospheric and oceanic observations and data dissemination capabilities.
GOES I-M is a new series of five satellites that meet these objectives, providing significant improvements in weather imagery and atmospheric sounding information in accordance with current weather service requirements, particularly in regard to the forecasting of life- and property-threatening severe storms. A novel space- and ground-based computer and communication system provides users with calibrated and navigated (i.e., Earth-located) imagery and sounding data, in real time.
The GOES I-M spacecraft meet the mission's objectives by providing:The GOES I-M Imaging and Sounding instruments provide significantly improved measurement capability over the previous GOES sensors. The GOES I-M five-channel Imager processes higher spatial resolution (i.e., 4 km for its IR channels) and higher radiometric sensitivity to improve the measurement of cloud and Earth's surface features. Sounding quality is improved by having more spectral channels (18 IR and 1 visible) with greatly improved radiometric sensitivity. The three-axis stabilized platform enables higher quality imagery and sounding data to be achieved through its dwell time advantage over a spinning satellite. The flexibility of scan control by both instruments combined with the three-axis stability enables rapid small-area coverage in addition to hemispheric or full-disk coverage. The new limited-area, higher frequency observation capability permits more continuous monitoring of severe weather development.
- Independent imaging and sounding functions with instrument resolution, navigation, channelization, and signal-to-noise characteristics representing improvements over previous GOES missions
- Full-time weather facsimile transmission
- Data collection system transponder functions
- Space environment monitor system
- Search and rescue transponder functions
The GOES I-M generation of spacecraft has been developed by Space Systems/Loral, Inc. (SS/L). These satellites are three-axis body stabilized, meaning that the three axes of the satellite remain stationary relative to nadir. These satellites use internal momentum wheels to provide attitude control and require corrective action from the ground to compensate for the effects of thermal gradients and solar winds. Unlike the previous GOES D-H series, the GOES I-M spacecraft's Imaging and Sounding instruments can be operated simultaneously and independently of one another.4.1.6 Sensor/Instrument Measurement Geometry
The flexible nature of the Imager is used to provide a star-sensing capability. Time and location of a star are predicted very accurately and related to the spacecraft location and optical field. From a set of these data, the ground control system chooses a location and time that are convenient within the imaging schedule. At the time for the scheduled starlook, the Imager is pointed to the predicted star location, which can be anywhere within its 21 degrees N-S by 23 degrees E-W view. (These viewing limits are for star sensing only. The maximum frame size during normal imaging operations is 19 degrees N-S by 19.2 degrees E-W.) As the star passes through one or two of the eight elements of the visible array, it is sampled for Instrument Navigation & Registration (INR) purposes. The data are in the normal format and data stream for extraction and use at the ground station. During data acquisition for BOREAS, the GOES-8 satellite was stationed at approximately 0.0 degrees N, 75.0 degrees W.
The Imager is a multichannel instrument designed to sense radiant and solar-reflected energy from sampled areas of Earth's surface and atmosphere. The Imager's multi-element spectral channels simultaneously sweep an 8-km north-south (N-S) (longitudinal) swath along an east-west (E-W) (latitudinal) path by means of a two-axis gimbaled mirror scan system. Position and size of an area scan are controlled by command. Beam splitters separate the spectral channels to the various IR detector sets, which are redundant. The 1- by 8-km visible detector array consisting of eight individual detectors is not redundant.
Control of the Imager comes from a defined set of command inputs. The instrument is capable of full Earth imagery, sector imagery that contains the edges of Earth, and various sizes of area scans totally enclosed within the Earth scene. Area scan selection permits rapid, continuous viewing of local areas for monitoring of mesoscale phenomena and accurate wind determination. Area scan size and location are definable to less than one visible pixel to provide complete flexibility.
Motion of the Imager and Sounder scan mirrors causes a small but well-defined disturbance of the spacecraft attitude. This effect is gradually reduced by spacecraft control but at a rate too slow for total compensation. Since all the physical factors of the scanners and spacecraft are known and the scan positions are continuously provided to the Imager and Sounder, the disturbances caused by each scan motion on the spacecraft and distributed to each instrument are calculated by the Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS). The Mirror Motion Compensation (MMC) signal is developed and used in the scan system server control loop to slightly modify the scan rate and position to offset the disturbance. This simple signal and control interface provides corrections that reduce any combination of effects. With this system in place, the Imager and Sounder are totally independent, maintaining image location accuracy regardless of the other unit's operational status. If need be, this MMC scheme can be disabled by command.
The AOCS also provides an Image Motion Compensation (IMC) signal that counteracts the spacecraft attitude, orbit effects, and predictable structural-thermal effects within the spacecraft-instrument combination. These effects are detected from ranging, star sensing, and landmark features. Corrective algorithms developed on the ground are fed through the AOCS to the instruments as a total IMC signal, which includes the MMC described above.
The Imager scans the selected image area in alternate directions on alternate lines. The imaging area is defined by a coordinate system related to the instrument's orthogonal scan axis. During imaging operations a scan line is generated by rotating the scanning mirror in the E-W direction while concurrently sampling each of the active imaging detectors. At the end of the line, the Imager scan mirror performs a turnaround, which involves stepping the mirror to the next scan line and reversing the direction of the mirror. The next scan line is then acquired by rotating the scanning mirror in the opposite, west-east direction, again with concurrent detector sampling. Detector sampling occurs within the context of a repeating data block format. In general, all visible detectors are sampled four times for each data block (four times 1 km wide), while each of the active IR detectors is sampled once per data block (one times 4 km wide).4.1.7 Manufacturer of Sensor/Instrument
Aerospace/Communications Divisions of ITT
McLean, VA
4.2 Calibration
The calibration of the IR data and the
normalization of the visible data are performed by the Operations Ground
Equipment (OGE) on the raw data received from the spacecraft Imaging and
Sounding sensors. The calibration/normalization function can be described
in terms of those functions that occur during online processing and those
that are performed during non-real-time operating modes.
The real-time calibration and normalization
of Imager and Sounder data can be divided into a continual application
process and a periodic calibration coefficient generating process. In the
real-time continual application process, factory-measured detector response
characteristics together with in-flight measurements made while viewing
space and BB targets are used by the Sensor Processing Subsystem (SPS)
to convert raw Imager and Sounder sensor data to theoretical target radiance.
All radiometric image data produced by the Imager and Sounder instruments
must undergo calibration/normalization processing. This function is performed
in the SPS and involves the conversion of instrument output from raw digital
counts to its final physical units. For IR data calibration, this process
uses the recalculated gain and bias factors to adjust for detector variations
over time. This calibration process takes place in the SPS. The visible
data normalization is performed so that all detectors of the same instrument
produce the same readings when viewing an area of uniform brightness. The
data produced by the eight Imager visible channels must be normalized to
prevent striping. The normalization process is performed in the SPS with
data provided by the Product Monitor (PM). These data are generated by
an operator performing a histogram matching using data with the full range
of intensities.
The SPS maintains a current calibration
data base for each satellite to be used in the real-time calibration of
raw Imager and Sounder sensor data. The data base is maintained for both
primary and redundant detectors. The SPS maintains the coefficients for
the calibration equations that have been supplied to the data base prior
to launch. This factory detector response information consists of Imager
and Sounder IR nominal coefficients. The SPS data base has the equations
for converting the BB thermistor output to temperature and BB temperature
to equivalent target radiance. In addition, the data base contains the
current calibration coefficients for the IR channels, which are based on
the space and BB measurements. These calibration coefficients, computed
by the SPS, are the gain and bias factors and coefficients of the quadratic
terms. They must be recalculated periodically because it is expected that
these factors will vary with the age and temperature of the instruments.
This information is maintained, for both the Imager and Sounder, in a data
base that resides in the SPS memory.
Normalization for Imager visible data
is performed in real time by the Sensor Data Interface (SDI) hardware,
through use of look-up tables. For Imager and Sounder IR data, calibration
is performed by the SPS software, using the calculated calibration coefficients.
For additional calibration details,
see the BOREAS RSS-14 Level-1 GOES-8 Visible, Infrared, and Water-Vapor
Images documentation.
4.2.1 Specifications
The level-1 GOES-8 images did not have any calibration applied. Tolerance
None given.
4.2.2 Frequency of Calibration
None given.4.2.3 Other Calibration Information
None given.
6.2 Field Notes
Not applicable.
7.1.1 Spatial Coverage
1000x1000 km BOREAS regionThe NAD83 corner coordinates of the BOREAS region are:
Latitude Longitude ---------- ----------- Northwest 59.97907°N 111.00000°W Northeast 58.84379°N 93.50224°W Southwest 51.00000°N 111.00000°W Southeast 50.08913°N 96.96951°W7.1.2 Spatial Coverage Map
Not available at this time.7.1.3 Spatial Resolution
The spatial resolution of the gridded data is 4 km E-W and 4 km N-S.7.1.4 Projection
The area mapped is projected in the BOREAS Grid projection, which is based on the ellipsoidal version of the Albers Equal-Area Conic (AEAC) projection. The projection has the following parameters:Datum: North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) Ellipsoid: GRS80 or WGS84 Origin: 111.000 degrees West Longitude 51.000 degrees North Latitude Standard Parallels: N 52° 30' 00" N 58° 30' 00"7.1.5 Grid Description
The data are gridded in 4-km intervals based on the projection given in Section 7.1.4. Please note that the data are ordered from south to north, i.e., the first 250 values are for the southern boundary of the domain, while the last 250 values are for the northern boundary of the domain (c.f. the lat/lon file for details).
7.2 Temporal Characteristics
7.2.1 Temporal Coverage
12-Feb-1996 to 22-Oct-19967.2.2 Temporal Coverage Map
GOES-8 Level-2 Images
Shows the number of image files available for each day
96-02-12 3 96-02-13 11 96-02-14 14 96-02-16 19 96-02-17 7 96-02-18 7 96-02-19 18 96-02-20 12 96-02-23 2 96-02-26 17 96-02-27 20 96-02-28 17 96-02-29 19 96-03-01 19 96-03-02 20 96-03-03 15 96-03-04 18 96-03-05 19 96-03-06 17 96-03-07 5 96-03-11 6 96-03-12 19 96-03-13 15 96-03-14 20 96-03-15 21 96-03-16 22 96-03-17 16 96-03-18 16 96-03-19 22 96-03-20 20 96-03-21 22 96-03-22 21 96-03-23 22 96-03-24 10 96-03-25 20 96-03-26 19 96-03-27 21 96-03-28 22 96-03-29 22 96-03-30 21 96-03-31 22 96-04-01 23 96-04-02 23 96-04-03 23 96-04-04 23 96-04-05 23 96-04-06 23 96-04-07 24 96-04-08 23 96-04-09 23 96-04-10 24 96-04-11 22 96-04-12 15 96-04-14 13 96-04-15 24 96-04-16 22 96-04-17 24 96-04-18 23 96-04-19 24 96-04-20 23 96-04-21 24 96-04-22 24 96-04-23 24 96-04-24 18 96-04-25 19 96-04-26 23 96-04-27 24 96-04-28 5 96-04-29 22 96-04-30 20 96-05-01 15 96-05-02 4 96-05-03 21 96-05-04 24 96-05-05 2 96-05-06 22 96-05-07 22 96-05-08 24 96-05-09 23 96-05-10 18 96-05-11 2 96-05-13 22 96-05-14 24 96-05-15 23 96-05-16 23 96-05-17 23 96-05-18 12 96-05-19 1 96-05-20 14 96-05-21 12 96-05-22 17 96-05-23 7 96-05-24 18 96-05-25 20 96-05-26 20 96-05-27 4 96-05-28 17 96-05-29 24 96-05-30 8 96-05-31 23 96-06-01 4 96-06-03 17 96-06-04 17 96-06-05 18 96-06-06 19 96-06-07 9 96-06-08 8 96-06-09 23 96-06-10 25 96-06-11 21 96-06-12 11 96-06-13 1 96-06-14 15 96-06-15 24 96-06-16 1 96-06-17 17 96-06-18 4 96-07-04 27 96-07-05 26 96-07-06 15 96-07-08 18 96-07-09 27 96-07-10 26 96-07-11 20 96-07-12 21 96-07-13 27 96-07-14 27 96-07-15 24 96-07-16 22 96-07-17 26 96-07-18 4 96-07-19 23 96-07-20 23 96-07-21 26 96-07-22 27 96-07-23 26 96-07-24 26 96-07-25 26 96-07-26 27 96-07-27 5 96-07-28 24 96-07-29 20 96-07-30 25 96-07-31 12 96-08-01 26 96-08-02 26 96-08-03 26 96-08-04 26 96-08-05 25 96-08-06 23 96-08-07 22 96-08-08 26 96-08-09 25 96-08-10 25 96-08-11 26 96-08-12 24 96-08-13 25 96-08-14 25 96-08-15 25 96-08-16 26 96-08-17 25 96-08-18 25 96-08-19 26 96-08-20 25 96-08-21 25 96-08-22 24 96-08-23 26 96-08-24 26 96-08-25 23 96-08-26 25 96-08-27 20 96-08-28 25 96-08-29 24 96-08-30 25 96-08-31 25 96-09-01 22 96-09-02 6 96-09-03 16 96-09-04 13 96-09-05 10 96-09-06 19 96-09-07 22 96-09-08 14 96-09-09 20 96-09-10 19 96-09-11 22 96-09-12 20 96-09-13 7 96-09-16 21 96-09-17 21 96-09-18 21 96-09-19 18 96-09-20 22 96-09-21 21 96-09-22 22 96-09-23 21 96-09-24 21 96-09-25 1 96-09-26 10 96-09-27 22 96-09-28 21 96-09-29 21 96-09-30 21 96-10-02 15 96-10-03 9 96-10-04 20 96-10-05 20 96-10-06 19 96-10-07 20 96-10-08 20 96-10-09 19 96-10-10 20 96-10-11 20 96-10-12 6 96-10-13 21 96-10-14 21 96-10-15 21 96-10-16 21 96-10-17 21 96-10-18 20 96-10-19 21 96-10-20 10 96-10-21 21 96-10-22 217.2.3 Temporal Resolution
The satellite data are collected every 30 minutes (on the hour and half-hour), note, however, that data are not available each day for all 30 minute periods.
7.3 Data Characteristics
7.3.1 Parameter/Variable1 - Scaled Shortwave Down at Surface 2 - Scaled Surface Shortwave Albedo 3 - Scaled PAR down 4 - Scaled PAR Albedo 5 - Scaled Net Longwave at Surface 6 - Scaled Narrow-band Albedo at TOA 7 - Scaled Shortwave Down at TOA 8 - Scaled Narrow-band Cloud albedo 9 - Scaled Surface Skin Temperature 10 - Scaled Column Water Vapor Amount 11 - Scaled Narrow_Band Minimum Albedo7.3.2 Variable Description/DefinitionVariable Wavelength Region ------------------------------------------------ ----------------- 1 - Scaled Shortwave Down at Surface (0.3 to 3.0 µm) 2 - Scaled Surface Shortwave Albedo (0.3 to 3.0 µm) 3 - Scaled PAR down (0.4 to 0.7 µm)) 4 - Scaled PAR Albedo (0.4 to 0.7 µm) 5 - Scaled Net Longwave at Surface (4.0 to 100.0 µm) 6 - Scaled Narrow-band Albedo at TOA (0.5 to 0.7 µm) 7 - Scaled Shortwave Down at TOA (0.3 to 3.0 µm) 8 - Scaled Narrow-band Cloud albedo (0.5 to 0.7 µm) 9 - Scaled Surface Skin Temperature () 10 - Scaled Column Water Vapor Amount () 11 - Scaled Narrow_Band Minimum Albedo (0.5 to 0.7 µm)
7.3.3 Unit of MeasurementVariable Units ------------------------------------------------ -------------------- 1 - Scaled Shortwave Down at Surface (units=0.0500 w/m*m) 2 - Scaled Surface Shortwave Albedo (units=0.0001 ) 3 - Scaled PAR down (units=0.0500 w/m*m) 4 - Scaled PAR Albedo (units=0.0001 ) 5 - Scaled Net Longwave at Surface (units=0.0500 w/m*m) 6 - Scaled Narrow-band Albedo at TOA (units=0.0001 ) 7 - Scaled Shortwave Down at TOA (units=0.0500 w/m*m) 8 - Scaled Narrow-band Cloud albedo (units=0.0001 ) 9 - Scaled Surface Skin Temperature (units=0.0100 deg c) 10 - Scaled Column Water Vapor Amount (units=0.0100 cm ) 11 - Scaled Narrow_Band Minimum Albedo (units=0.0001 )
7.3.4 Data Source
The level-2 SW/LW images were derived from the level-1 GOES-8 images by Dr. Eric Smith and his staff at Florida State University.
7.3.5 Data Range
Not available.
7.4 Sample Data Record
The following is a sample header from
one of the image data files:
*Note that the naming of the contents of the images are altered from the rest of this document. This was done to make the names consistent with previous GOES products delivered as part of BOREAS.
-----------------------------Begin Sample Header------------------------------ *** BOREAS LEVEL-3 GOES SURFACE RADIATION IMAGE PRODUCT *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Record Contents Scale Factor Number 1 Header Record (This record) (80 Ascii Characters/Line ) 02- 11 Scaled Shortwave Down (16 bit integers, units=0.0500 w/m*m) 12- 21 Scaled Surface Albedo (16 bit integers, units=0.0001 ) 22- 31 Scaled PAR Down (16 bit integers, units=0.0500 w/m*m) 32- 41 Scaled PAR Albedo (16 bit integers, units=0.0001 ) 42- 51 Scaled L Net (16 bit integers, units=0.0500 w/m*m) 52- 61 Scaled Visible Reflectance at TOA (16 bit integers, units=0.0001 ) 62- 71 Scaled Shortwave Down at TOA (16 bit integers, units=0.0500 w/m*m) 72- 81 Scaled Cloud Visible Albedo (16 bit integers, units=0.0001 ) 82- 91 Scaled Surface Temperature (16 bit integers, units=0.0100 deg c) 92-101 Scaled Column Water Vapor (16 bit integers, units=0.0100 cm ) 102-111 Scaled Minimum Reflectance (16 bit integers, units=0.0001 ) E-W Resolution : 4 km N-S Resolution : 4 km Date : 10/03/96 Time (UTC) : 1800 Julian Day : 277 Image File Specifactions Bytes / Grid Cell : 2 Grid Cells/ Line : 250 Lines / Image : 250 Image : 125000 bytes Image : 10 records Record : 12500 bytes ______________________________________________________________ The following radiation parameters can be derived from the above parameters. Shortwave Up = Shortwave Down * Surface Albedo Shortwave Net = Shortwave Down - Shortwave Up PAR Up = PAR Down * PAR Albedo PAR Net = PAR Down - PAR Up Longwave Up = eps * sigma * (Surface Temperature+273.15)**4 (eps = 0.98, sigma = 5.6697e-8) Longwave Down = L Net + Longwave Up Net Radiation = Shortwave Net + Longwave Net All these variables are in W/m**2 -------------------------------End Sample Header------------------------------
8.2 Data Format
The data are stored in binary image
format files, with an ASCII header record. The image data are stored as
16-bit-integers. The data may need to be byte-swapped to display correctly.
8.2.1 Uncompressed Format
The level 2 GOES 8 1996 gridded radiation image data set contains 224 files (see section 7.2.1). The 11-band images (corresponding to the 11 parameters listed sections 1.4 and 7) are stored in band sequential (BSQ) format files (with headers) for each 30 minute time period. To view the image data, a 12,500-byte ASCII header record must be skipped first. The images are 250 samples by 250 lines, each pixel is a two-byte integer, low order byte first. Thus, each file contains 1387500 bytes [12500 header bytes + (250 lines x 250 samples x 2 bytes pixels x 11 bands)].8.2.2 Compressed Format
The image files have been compressed with the MS Windows-standard Zip compression scheme. These files were compressed using Aladdin's DropZip on a Macintosh. DropZip uses the Lempel-Ziv algorithm (Welch, 1994), also used in Zip and PKZIP programs. The compressed files may be uncompressed using PKZIP (with the -expand option) on MS Windows and UNIX, or with StuffIt Expander on the Mac OS. You can get newer versions from the PKZIP Web site at [Internet Link].
9.1.1 Derivation Techniques and Algorithms
The solar parameters were retrieved from Level-1 GOES-8 visible images using a physical retrieval algorithm described in Gu et al. (1999). The algorithm includes parameterization of Rayleigh scattering, water vapor and ozone absorption, aerosol and cloud attenuation, and surface reflection.
The surface net LW flux was obtained from surface downward solar flux and in situ measured near-surface temperature using a statistical algorithm described in Gu et al. (1999). The basic theory behind this approach is that solar radiation provides the primary energy load modulating the fundamental daily cycle of net LW flux. Variation of surface temperature is the response of the surface to the incident solar energy, which affects the net LW flux through its effect on upward LW flux.
9.2 Data Processing Sequence
None given.
9.2.1 Processing Steps
None given.9.2.2 Processing Changes
None given.
9.3 Calculations
None given.
9.3.1 Special Corrections/Adjustments
None given.9.3.2 Calculated Variables
None given.
9.4 Graphs and Plots
10.2.1 Data Validation by Source
None given.10.2.2 Confidence Level/Accuracy Judgment
None given.10.2.3 Measurement Error for Parameters
See Section Additional Quality Assessments
None given.10.2.5 Data Verification by Data Center
BORIS staff have unpacked and inventoried files available and have.viewed a subset of the imagery to verify image sizes, data type, and format.
11.2 Known Problems with the Data
None given.
11.3 Usage Guidance
None given.
11.4 Other Relevant Information
None given.
Zip uses the Lempel-Ziv algorithm (Welch, 1994) used in the zip and PKZIP commands.
14.2 Software Access
Software are available as part of this
data set. Zip is available from many Web sites across the Internet. You
can get newer versions from the PKZIP Web site at
[Internet Link]. Versions of the decompression software for MS Windows,
Mac OS, and several varieties of UNIX systems are included in this archive.
ORNL DAAC User Services
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 241-3952
15.2 Procedures for Obtaining Data
BOREAS data may be obtained through
the ORNL DAAC World Wide Web site at
[Internet Link] or users may place requests for data by telephone
or by electronic mail.
15.3 Output Products and Availability
Requested data can be provided electronically
on the ORNL DAAC's anonymous FTP site or on various media including, CD-ROMs,
8-mm tapes, or diskettes.
16.2 Film Products
16.3 Other Products
Gu, J., E.A. Smith, and J.D. Merritt, 1999: Testing energy balance closure with GOES-retrieved net radiation and in situ measured eddy correlation fluxes in BOREAS. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 27881-27893.
Kelly, K.A. 1989. GOES I-M image navigation and registration and user Earth location. GOES I-M Operational Satellite Conf., Arlington, VA, US. Department of Commerce, NOAA, 154-167.
Rossow, W.B., C.L. Brest, and M. Roiter. 1996. International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) New Radiance Calibrations. WMO/TD-No. 736. World Meteorological Organization.
Rossow, W.B., C.L. Brest, and M.D. Roiter. 1995. International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP): Update of radiance calibration report. Technical Document, World Climate Research Programme (ICSU and WMO), Geneva, Switzerland, 76 pp.
Rossow, W.B., Y. Desormeaux, C.L. Brest, and A. Walker. 1992. International
Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP): Radiance calibration report.
WMO/Technical Document No. 520, World Climate Research Programme and World
Meteorological Organization (ICSU and WMO), Geneva, Switzerland, 104 pp.
17.2 Journal Articles and Study Reports
Gu, J. and E.A. Smith. 1997. High-resolution estimates of total solar
and PAR surface fluxes over large-scale BOREAS study area from GOES measurements.
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17.3 Archive/DBMS Usage Documentation
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange BOREAS - BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study BORIS - BOREAS Information System CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center EOS - Earth Observing System EOSDIS - EOS Data and Information System FFC - Focused Field Campaign FOV - Field of View FSU - Florida State University GMT - Greenwich Mean Time GOES - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center IFC - Intensive Field Campaign IFOV - Instantaneous Field of View ISCCP - International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project NAD83 - North American Datum of 1983 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NESDIS - National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSA - Northern Study Area ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory PAR - Photosynthetically Active Radiation RSS - Remote Sensing Science SRB - Surface Radiation Budget SSA - Southern Study Area TOA - Top of the Atmosphere URL - Uniform Resource Locator
Smith, E. A., J. Gu, and J. Nickeson. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On HMet-01 Level-2 GOES-8 1996 Shortwave and Longwave Radiation. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.