Note that some of the data files have been compressed using Zip compression. See Section 8.2 for details.
Roujean, J.-L., and R. Lacaze. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On DSP-08 POLDER Atmospherically Corrected Surface Parameters, SSA. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.
1.2 Data Set Introduction
The POLarization and Directionality
of Earth Reflectances (POLDER) instrument measures Bidirectional Reflectance
Distribution Function (BRDF) and Bidirectional Polarization Distribution
Function (BPDF) of terrestrial surfaces in several visible and near-infrared
spectral bands. POLDER data was collected over several surface types (pine,
spruce, fen, and others) in the BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS)
Southern Study Area (SSA) during the Intensive Field Campaigns (IFCs) in
1994. Only data from the SSA conifer tower sites are provided here.
1.3 Objective/Purpose
The objective was to provide regional
maps of biophysical parameters that are important to the simulation of
energy exchanges at the atmospheric boundary layer in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere
Transfer (SVAT) models. Key variables are albedo, the fractional vegetation
cover, and the Leaf Area Index (LAI). The algorithms rely on the use of
the coefficients from the BRDF (Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution
Function) kernel-driven model of Roujean et al.(1992) which were adjusted
against airborne POLDER (POLarization and Directionality of Earth Reflectance)
data sets.
1.4 Summary of Parameters
Albedo, fractional vegetation cover,
1.5 Discussion
The POLDER instrument measures surface
reflectance as a function of wavelength and observation geometry. The algorithms
used to derive the parameter images rely on the use of the coefficients
from the BRDF kernel-driven model of Roujean et al.(1992) which were adjusted
against airborne POLDER data sets.
1.6 Related Data Sets
BOREAS RSS-20 POLDER C-130 Measurements of Surface BRDF
BOREAS RSS-11 Ground Network of Sunphotometer Measurements
2.2 Title of Investigation
Estimation of Photosynthetic Capacity
using POLDER Polarization
2.3 Contact Information
Contact 1:
Dr. Jean-Louis Roujean
GAME/Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques
Toulouse Cedex, France
Tel : 33 5 61 07 93 43
Fax : 33 5 61 07 96 26
Email :
Contact 2:
Dr. Roselyne Lacaze
GAME/Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques
Toulouse Cedex, France
Tel : 33 5 61 07 96 91
Fax : 33 5 61 07 96 26
Email :
Contact 3:
Jaime Nickeson
Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
Greenbelt, MD
(301) 286-3373
(301) 286-0239 (fax)
4.1.1 Collection Environment
It is mandatory to operate POLDER in totally clear sky conditions, so that the distribution of irradiance does not change from one measurement to another, and so that calculation of reflectance in absolute units from radiance is possible.4.1.2 Source/Platform
During IFC-1 and IFC-2, the POLDER instrument was installed alternatively on the NASA ARC C-130 aircraft or the NASA WFF helicopter. The POLDER instrument was deployed on the C-130 only in the SSA. The data described in this document were collected from the C-130 platform.4.1.3 Source/Platform Mission Objectives
The POLDER mission objective was to collect multiangle and multispectral bidirectional reflectance data over flux tower and auxiliary sites to study the boreal forest canopy.4.1.4 Key Variables
POLDER measures multispectral radiance in the visible and near infrared domain as a function of solar and view geometry.4.1.5 Principles of Operation
The POLDER optical system consists of a telecentric lens, a filter wheel, and a CCD array as a detector. The light is almost vertically incident on the filter wheel after passing the telecentric lens. The CCD array (288 x 384 elements) can collect 2-D images. The filter wheel contains 10 slots for spectral filters and polarizers. The first channel is reserved for dark current measurement, while the others allow measurements in five spectral bands (443, 550, 670, 864, and 910 nm). Two spectral bands (443 and 864 nm) are associated with three polarized filters oriented by steps of 60°. A 10-channel image, corresponding to the 10 positions of the filter wheel, is collected within 3 seconds, and this acquisition is repeated every 10 seconds.
The POLDER optical system was installed in the forward bay of the C-130. Aircraft position and attitude parameters provided by the onboard navigation system were recorded by the POLDER electronics subsystem for data post-processing. Typical flight altitude was 5500 m. Different flight lines were flown at each site to collect images in the principal, perpendicular, and 45° solar planes.4.1.6 Sensor/Instrument Measurement Geometry
The long axis of the CCD array was set parallel to the aircraft longitudinal axis. An inclinometer was used to record the initial bias between the optical axis and true nadir.4.1.7 Manufacturer of Sensor/Instrument
The instrument was designed and manufactured by:Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique (LOA)
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Lille, France
4.2 Calibration
Radiometric calibration data were acquired
at LOA by J.-Y. Balois before and after the BOREAS experiment (11-May-1994,
24-Oct-1994) using a calibrated integration sphere. The whole exit port
of the integration sphere is used to derive the equalization coefficients.
For absolute calibration, the exit port is reduced by a diaphragm to illuminate
only a small circular area in the center of the CCD array. Readings of
15 x 15 pixel windows are corrected for dark current and averaged to obtain
the absolute calibration coefficients.
Other calibration experiments were made
during the BOREAS experiment using a 30-inch (0.76-m) diameter portable
hemisphere that is owned and operated by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
(GSFC). This portable hemisphere was made available to Remote Sensing Science
(RSS)-20 by Brian Markham and John Schaffer. The calibration of POLDER
was performed at the Prince Albert airport when POLDER was installed in
C-130 aircraft on 27-May-1994 and 21-Jul-1994.
There is a good agreement between the
LOA calibration and the first in situ calibration. The second in situ calibration
shows discrepancies greater than 10% for all channels. The reasons for
such discrepancies are still unknown.
4.2.1 Specifications
The general specifications of the POLDER calibration accuracy were 5% absolute accuracy, 3% interband relative calibration accuracy, and 2% multitemporal relative calibration accuracy. Tolerance
A general rise in sensitivity was noted between the two calibration experiments made at LOA (11-May-1994, 24-Oct-1994); 8% in the blue (443 nm), 3.5% in the green (550 nm) and in the red (670 nm), 5.5% for the 864-nm channel, and 5% for the 910-nm channel. For subsequent processing, mean coefficients obtained at LOA are used.
4.2.2 Frequency of Calibration
The instrument is generally calibrated once before an experimental campaign and once after the campaign. Calibration was performed at LOA on 11-May-1994 and 24-Oct-1994. Onsite calibration was performed on 27-May-1994 and 21-Jul-1994.4.2.3 Other Calibration Information
For details see the relevant sections of other POLDER documents referenced in section 1.6.
6.2 Field Notes
7.1.1 Spatial Coverage
The POLDER study areas for this data set are centered on the Old Jack Pine (OJP) and Old Black Spruce (OBS) sites of the SSA. The image centered on the OJP site is about 130 km2, i.e. is 10.5 km from south to north and 12.25 km from east to west. It includes the Young Jack Pine (YJP) site and a large disturbed area, either cut or burned. Dominant species are pine stands and pine mixed with spruce and deciduous trees. The image centered on the OBS site is smaller, about 85 km2, 10.5 km from south to north and 8.05 km from east to west. The dominant specie is spruce, with pure stands or mixed with pines and aspen. A large part of the area is occupied by muskeg. The two images include small lakes.
The following are North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates for tower sites within this data set:BORIS West North UTM UTM UTM Site Grid ID Longitude Latitude Easting Northing Zone ----- ------- --------- -------- ------- -------- ---- SSA Old Black Spruce (OBS) G8I4T 105.11779 53.98718 492306.1 5981879 13 SSA Old Jack Pine (OJP) G2L3T 104.69203 53.91634 520257.0 5974035 13 SSA Young Jack Pine (YJP) F8L6T 104.64527 53.87581 523350.7 5969540 137.1.2 Spatial Coverage Map
Not available.7.1.3 Spatial Resolution
The pixel size for POLDER images from the C-130, at an altitude of 5500m, is 35m.7.1.4 Projection
The atmospherically clear images were projected on a UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid and geolocated by referencing to a land cover map derived from LANDSAT/TM imagery. Using anchor points, a warping transformation has been performed by applying a second-degree polynomial least-squares method. The accuracy assessment on the geo-location is assessed to be better than the pixel resolution.7.1.5 Grid Description
Not applicable.
7.2 Temporal Characteristics
7.2.1 Temporal CoverageSites Day of Year Sun Angle ------- ------------ --------- SSAñOJP June 1 1994 50.05° SSAñOJP July 21 1994 33.51° SSAñOBS July 21 1994 35.69°7.2.3 Temporal Resolution
See Section 7.2.1.
7.3 Data Characteristics
7.3.1 Parameter/Variable
The parameters contained in the data files are:Parameter Name ---------------------------- Albedo Fractional Vegetation Cover LAI7.3.2 Variable Description/Definition
The descriptions of the parameters contained in the data files are:Parameter Name Description ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Albedo Hemispherical reflectance, or directional albedo is defined as the integration of the bi-directional reflectance over the upper viewing hemisphere. Fractional Vegetation Cover Percentage of ground covered by vegetation. LAI Leaf Area Index, the total one-sided leaf area per unit ground surface area.7.3.3 Unit of Measurement
The measurement units for the parameters contained in the data files are:Parameter Name Units ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Albedo Values in the albedo files need to be divided by 1000 to get physical values in the range [0, 1]. Fractional Vegetation Cover Values in the fraction of vegetation files need to be divided by 1000 to get physical values in the range [0, 1]. LAI Values in the LAI files need to be divided by 100 to get physical values in the range [0, 6].7.3.4 Data Source
The source of the original data was the POLDER instrument onboard the NASA C-130 aircraft.
7.3.5 Data Range
The data range for the parameters contained in the data files are:Parameter Name Data Range ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Albedo [0, 1] Fractional Vegetation Cover [0, 1] LAI [0, 6] Missing values were set to -99.
7.4 Sample Data Record
Not applicable to image data.
8.2 Data Format(s)
The following list gives image file
names and sizes:
Image File Name Pixels/Line # of Lines Bits/Pixel --------------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Directional Albedo 94-06-01_ssa-ojp_albedo670.img 350 300 16 94-06-01_ssa-ojp_albedo864.img 350 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-obs_albedo670.img 230 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-obs_albedo864.img 230 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-ojp_albedo670.img 350 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-ojp_albedo864.img 350 300 16 Fraction of Vegetation 94-06-01_ssa-ojp_fract-veg.img 350 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-obs_fract-veg.img 200 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-ojp_fract-veg.img 350 300 16 LAI 94-06-01_ssa-ojp_lai.img 350 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-obs_lai.img 200 300 16 94-07-21_ssa-ojp_lai.img 350 300 16The image files have been compressed with the MS Windows-standard Zip compression scheme. These files were compressed using Aladdin's DropZip on a Macintosh. DropZip uses the Lempel-Ziv algorithm (Welch, 1994), also used in Zip and PKZIP programs. The compressed files may be uncompressed using PKZIP (with the -expand option) on MS Windows and UNIX, or with StuffIt Expander on the Mac OS. You can get newer versions from the PKZIP Web site at [Internet Link].
9.1.1 Derivation Techniques and AlgorithmsMETHOD FOR THE RETRIEVAL OF SURFACE PARAMETERS
The atmospherically corrected POLDER images were processed using the model of Roujean et al. (1992) which describes the bi-directional reflectance as:
s ,
v ,
) = k0 + k1 * f1(
s ,
v ,
) + k2 * f2(
s ,
v ,
) (1)
The angular functions f1 and f2, respectively, describe the geometric effects and the volume scattering. The coefficients ki=0,1,2 are retrieved from the inversion of the model using POLDER data. Albedo product
The hemispherical reflectance, or directional albedo, a, is defined as the integration of the bi-directional reflectance over the upper viewing hemisphere. It is expressed as:a(
s) = k0 + k1 * I1(
s) + k2 * I2(
s) (2)
I1(s) = - 0.7733 - 1.1033 * (
s) + 2.4895 * (
s)2 - 1.7621 * (
s)3 (3a)
I2(s) = - 0.0160 + 0.0806 * (
s) - 0.1476 * (
s)2 + 0.1784 * (
s)3 (3b)
The functions I1(
s) and I2(
s) approximate the numerical integration of the kernels f1(
s) and f2(
s), respectively, over the upper viewing hemisphere (Lacaze, 1999). The directional albedo is calculated for the average sun angle of the POLDER flight. Those are:
Sites Day of Year Sun Angle ------- ------------ --------- SSA-OJP June 1 1994 50.05° SSA-OJP July 21 1994 33.51° SSA-OBS July 21 1994 35.69° Fractional vegetation coverf
The conifer forest canopies form a highly discontinuous landscape that can be described by tree density and crown characteristics (shape, dimension). Actually, the crown properties as well as the Sun position influence the radiation regime within the canopy. Therefore, two cases must be distinguished:In order to improve the description of the forest canopy, we take advantage of the BRDF sampling of the POLDER instrument to select appropriate angular data sets and the model most adapted to each radiation regime:
- At large zenith angles, only top crown layers are illuminated, or seen by the sensor, and therefore the forest canopy can be assimilated in first approximation by a turbid medium composed of a homogeneous horizontal crown layer. In this case, the gap fraction within-crown has to be considered and volume scattering is the dominant phenomenon
- At a near-nadir sun angle, the solar beam, or sensor field of view, can travel deeply into the canopy and hence the forest rather resembles a heterogeneous horizontal medium. In this case, the gap fraction between-crown has to be considered. Shading effects are the dominant phenomena in this case.
s ,
v ,
) = k0 + k2 * f2(
s ,
v ,
) is applied to the observations acquired with a view angle larger than 35°. (SSA-OJP, June 1)
s ,
v ,
) = k0 + k1 * f1(
s ,
v ,
) is applied to the observations acquired with a view angle smaller than 35°. (SSA-OJP, July 21 and SSA-OBS, July 21)
To calculate the fractional vegetation cover
f, we need to minimize the effects of soil reflectance. We use a relationship based on the difference vegetation index (DVI) built from the spectral coefficients k0:
DVI = (k0)NIR - (k0)VIS (4)
f = 5.39 * DVI - 0.38 for DVI <= 0.2 (5a)
f = 1.00 * DVI + 0.50 for DVI >= 0.2 (5b)
These relationships were used to map the biophysical parameters from space-borne POLDER data (Lacaze and Roujean, 2001). Leaf Area Index (LAI)
The LAI is derived from the fractional vegetation cover as follows:LAIe = ln(1-of) / bG(
s=0) (6a)
LAI = LAIe /
where b is a function of the leaf albedo (b=0.95), G(
s) is the leaf projection factor, here G=0.5, and LAIe is the effective LAI which assumes a random distribution of the foliage (Chen, 1996).
is the clumping index (Nilson, 1971) which quantifies the foliage aggregation. An adjustment between the retrieved LAIe and ground measurements of LAI (Chen et al., 1997) served to yield an estimate of the clumping index for primary and auxiliary sites. A simple relationship was established between clumping index and DVI:
= -0.923 + 9.126 * DVI (7)
It has been applied at the regional scale over forested areas according to a threshold value determined empirically by:
0.13 <= DVI <= 0.20
9.2 Data Processing Sequence
9.2.1 Processing Steps
See section Processing Changes
9.3 Calculations
9.3.1 Special Corrections/Adjustments
See section Calculated Variables
All parameters were calculated. See section 9.1.1.
9.4 Graphs and Plots
10.2 Quality Assessment
10.2.1 Data Validation by Source
The POLDER data have been tested against the four-scale BRDF reflectance model (Leblanc et al., 1997) as well as against the PARABOLA data and the DART 3-D BRDF model (Gastellu-Etchegorry et al., 1997).10.2.2 Confidence Level/Accuracy Judgment
The uncertainty associated with POLDER spectral reflectances, taking into account only error in the absolute calibration coefficient, is approximately less than 0.005 for the visible channels and 0.01 for the near-infrared channel.10.2.3 Measurement Error for Parameters
Albedo 0.03 (absolute units) Fractional vegetation cover 0.05 (absolute units) LAI 0.2 for LAI < 1 (absolute units) 20% otherwise (relative units)10.2.4 Additional Quality Assessments
None.10.2.5 Data Verification by Data Center
BORIS staff have viewed the POLDER imagery and worked with the DSP08 team on the format and structure of the image files.
11.2 Known Problems with the Data
11.3 Usage Guidance
Not applicable.
11.4 Other Relevant Information
14.2 Software Access
Zip is available from many Web sites
across the Internet. You can get newer versions from the PKZIP Web site
[Internet Link]. Versions of the decompression software for MS Windows,
Mac OS, and several varieties of UNIX systems are included in this archive.
ORNL DAAC User Services
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 241-3952
15.2 Procedures for Obtaining Data
BOREAS data may be obtained through
the ORNL DAAC World Wide Web site at
[Internet Link] or users may place requests for data by telephone
or electronic mail.
15.3 Output Products and Availability
Requested data can be provided electronically
on the ORNL DAAC's anonymous FTP site or on various media including, CD-ROMs,
8-MM tapes, or diskettes.
16.2 Film Products
16.3 Other Products
17.2 Journal Articles and Study Reports
Chen, J.M., Optically-based methods for measuring seasonal variation
of leaf area index in boreal conifer stands, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology,80,
135-163, 1996
Chen, J.M., P.M. Rich, S.T. Gower, J.M. Norman et S. Plummer, Leaf area index of boreal forest: Theory, techniques, and measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 9,429-29,443, 1997.
Lacaze, R., Retrieval of land surfaces parameters useful in climate studies from multiangular data of optical remote sensing, Ph. D. Thesis, University Toulouse III, France, 1999.
Lacaze, R. and J.L. Roujean, Retrieval of biophysical parameters of land surface using POLDER hot spot measurements, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Aussois, France, January 8-12, 2001.
Lacaze, R., et J.L. Roujean, G-function and HOt SpoT (GHOST) reflectance model: Application to multi-scale airborne POLDER measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 76, 1-14, 2001.
Lacaze, R., J.M. Chen, J.L. Roujean, et S. Leblanc, Retrieval of vegetation clumping index using hot spot signatures measured by POLDER instrument, Remote Sensing of Environment, submitted.
Newcomer, J., D. Landis, S. Conrad, S. Curd, K. Huemmrich, D. Knapp, A. Morrell, J. Nickeson, A. Papagno, D. Rinker, R. Strub, T. Twine, F. Hall, and P. Sellers, eds. 2000. Collected Data of The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study. NASA. CD-ROM.
Nilson, T., A theoretical analysis of the frequency of gaps in plant stands, Agriculture and Meteorology, 8, 25-38, 1971.
Roujean, J.L., M. Leroy and P.Y. Deschamps, A bidirectional reflectance model of the Earth's surface for the correction of remote sensing data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 20,455-20,468, 1992.
Sellers, P. and F. Hall. 1994. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1994-3.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 94).
Sellers, P. and F. Hall. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1996-2.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 96).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, and K.F. Huemmrich. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1994 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 94).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, and K.F. Huemmrich. 1997. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1996 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPS DOC 96).
Sellers, P., F. Hall, H. Margolis, B. Kelly, D. Baldocchi, G. den Hartog, J. Cihlar, M.G. Ryan, B. Goodison, P. Crill, K.J. Ranson, D. Lettenmaier, and D.E. Wickland. 1995. The boreal ecosystem-atmosphere study (BOREAS): an overview and early results from the 1994 field year. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 76(9):1549-1577.
Sellers, P.J., F.G. Hall, R.D. Kelly, A. Black, D. Baldocchi, J. Berry,
M. Ryan, K.J. Ranson, P.M. Crill, D.P. Lettenmaier, H. Margolis, J. Cihlar,
J. Newcomer, D. Fitzjarrald, P.G. Jarvis, S.T. Gower, D. Halliwell, D.
Williams, B. Goodison, D.E. Wickland, and F.E. Guertin. 1997. BOREAS in
1997: Experiment Overview, Scientific Results and Future Directions. Journal
of Geophysical Research 102(D24): 28,731- 28,770.
17.3 Archive/DBMS Usage Documentation
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange BOREAS - BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study BORIS - BOREAS Information System BPDF - Bidirectional Polarization Distribution Function BRDF - Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function CCD - Change Coupled Device CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center EOS - Earth Observing System EOSDIS - EOS Data and Information System FOV - Field of View GIS - Geographic Information System GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center HTML - HyperText Markup Language IFC - Intensive Field Campaign LAI - Leaf Area Index LOA - Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique NAD83 - North American Datum of 1983 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NSA - Northern Study Area OBS - Old Black Spruce OJP - Old Jack Pine ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory POLDER - POLarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectances RSS - Remote Sensing Science SSA - Southern Study Area URL - Uniform Resource Locator UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator YJP - Young Jack Pine
Roujean, J.-L., and R. Lacaze. 2001. BOREAS Follow-On DSP-08 POLDER Atmospherically Corrected Surface Parameters, SSA. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.