Documentation Revision Date: 2018-12-31
Data Set Version: 1
Imnavait Creek is situated in a shallow basin at the foothills of the central Brooks Range and the Imnavait Creek vegetation area is located near the center of the Upper Kuparuk River region. The study area provides a good representation of the southern foothills of the Brooks Range, a glaciated region characterized by rolling tundra plains interspersed with hills, knobs and low ridges.
There are 13 data files with this data set. This includes 12 shapefiles (provided in .zip files) and one file in GeoTIFF (.tif) format. The shapefile data are also provided as companion files in .kmz format for viewing in Google Earth.

Figure 1. Elevation of Imnavait Creek 1 x 1 km grid near Toolik Lake, Alaska (from imnavait_grid_dem.tif).
Walker, D.A. 2018. Maps of Vegetation Types and Physiographic Features, Imnavait Creek, Alaska. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Table of Contents
- Data Set Overview
- Data Characteristics
- Application and Derivation
- Quality Assessment
- Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
- Data Access
- References
Data Set Overview
This data set provides the spatial distributions of vegetation types, soil carbon, and physiographic features in the Imnavait Creek area, Alaska. Specific attributes include vegetation, percent water, glacial geology, soil carbon, a digital elevation model (DEM), surficial geology and surficial geomorphology. The map data are from a variety of sources and encompass the period 1970-06-01 to 2015-08-31.
The Imnavait Creek vegetation area is located near the center of the Upper Kuparuk River region, east of Toolik Lake. It encloses a 20-km^2 area south of the Dalton Highway that includes both Imnavait Creek and the Toolik River in the center and stretches from the Kuparuk River on the west to the headwaters of Oksrukuyik Creek on the east. It includes the experimental areas around Imnavait Creek and the ridges that run north to south between the drainages. The area contains surfaces with irregular topography that were glaciated during the mid-Pleistocene.
The vegetation map portrays the physiognomy of the dominant plant communities in each mapped polygon. Fifty-one landcover types were recognized in the field (minimum mapping unit approximately 250 m^2). These were later grouped into the 14 physiognomic vegetation units on the map.
The geobotanical map is a vector map (shp) with fields for vegetation, surficial geomorphology, surficial geology, glacial geology, and percent water.
The Imnavait 1-km grid is mapped in more detail and is the area that has been investigated and been the subject of experimentation by numerous researchers based at the Toolik Research Station.
Project: Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment is a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program field campaign that will take place in Alaska and western Canada between 2016 and 2021. Climate change in the Arctic and Boreal region is unfolding faster than anywhere else on Earth. ABoVE seeks a better understanding of the vulnerability and resilience of ecosystems and society to this changing environment.
Related data set:
During August 1984 and August-September 1985, environmental, soil, and vegetation data were collected from 84 study plots at the Imnavait Creek research site.
Walker, D.A. 2016. Pre-ABoVE: Arctic Vegetation Plots at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, 1984-1985. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
These data were obtained from the Alaska Arctic Geoecological Atlas (, which provides access to existing Arctic vegetation plot and map data in support of the ABoVE campaign.
Data Characteristics
Spatial Coverage: Imnavait Creek, North Slope, Alaska
ABoVE Grid Location:
Domain: Core ABoVE
State/territory: Alaska
Grid cells: Ahh1Avv0
Region: Northern Alaska
Spatial Resolution: 1 meter (GeoTIFF)
Temporal Coverage: 1970-06-01 to 2015-08-31
Temporal Resolution: Annual
Study Area (All latitude and longitude given in decimal degrees)
Site | Westernmost Longitude | Easternmost Longitude | Northernmost Latitude | Southernmost Latitude |
Imnavait Creek, North Slope, Alaska | -149.375888 | -149.258261 | 68.632095 | 68.61 |
Data file information
There are 13 data files with this data set. This includes 12 shapefiles (provided in .zip files) and one file in GeoTIFF (.tif) format. The *.zip files contain the .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj, .sbn, .sbx and a .lyr file. The shapefile data are also provided as companion files in .kmz format for viewing in Google Earth.
The data files with “area" in the file name provide mapped data for the Imnavait Creek study area. The files with “grid” in the name provide data on the Imnavait Creek 1-km2 research grid within the study area.
Table 1. Data file names and descriptions
Data File | Description |
imnavait_grid_dem.tif | Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Imnavait Creek research grid in GeoTIFF (.tif) format. | | Vegetation types surrounding the Imnavait Creek area, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Vegetation types on the experimental research grid provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format. Includes a layer file | | Spatial distributions of the surficial geomomorphology surrounding the Imnavait Creek area, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Surficial geomorphology on the experimental research grid provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format Includes a layer file | | Spatial distributions of the surficial geology in the area surrounding Imnavait Creek, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Surficial geology on the experimental research grid provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format. Includes a layer file | | Grid contours on the research grid at Imnavait Creek, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Geobotanical features of the area surrounding Imnavait Creek, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Geobotanical features on the experimental research grid, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Glacial geologic features of the area surrounding Imnavait Creek, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Landforms of the area surrounding Imnavait Creek, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format | | Percent water of the area surrounding Imnavait Creek, provided as a shapefile (.shp) in compressed (*.zip) format |
Properties of the GeoTIFF file: imnavait_grid_dem.tif
Table 2. Attributes of the GeoTIFF file
File Name | Map units | Fill Value | Data Type | Number of Bands |
imnavait_grid_dem.tif | meters | -9999 | Float32 | 1 |
Table 3. Extent of the GeoTIFF
File Name | West | East | North | South |
imnavait_grid_dem.tif | -149.322 | -149.288 | 68.62694 | 68.61 |
Properties of the shapefiles
The shapefile attributes in each data file are provided below. The codes and descriptions of the attributes are described in Section Five, Materials and Methods, of this document.
Table 4. Attributes of the shapefile imnavait_grid_veg.shp
Attributes |
veg_code: vegetation numerical code name_long: long description of code descry: short description of code |
Table 5. Attribute in the shapefile imnavait_area_veg.shp
Attribute |
PRI_VEG: short description of code |
Table 6. Attributes of the shapefiles imnavait_grid_surfgeomorphology.shp and imnavait_area_surfgeom.shp
Attributes |
ic5c_surfg: Surficial geomorphology FIRST_ic5c: Surficial geomorphology |
Table 7. Attribute of the shapefiles imnavait_grid_surfgeology.shp and imnavait_area_surfgeol.shp
Attribute |
PRI_SGEOL: Primary Surficial Geology |
Table 8. Attribute of the shapefile imnavait_grid_contours.shp
Attribute |
CONTOUR: Elevation in meters |
Table 9. Attributes of the shapefile imnavait_grid_geobotanical.shp
Attributes |
PRI_VEG, SEC_VEG, TER_VEG: primary, secondary, and tertiary vegetation |
PRI_SGEOL: Primary Surficial Geology |
PRI_SGEOM, SEC_SGEOM: Primary Surficial Geomorphology and Secondary Surficial Geomorphology |
GLAC_GEOL: Glacial Geology |
Table 10. Attributes of the shapefile imnavait_area_geobotany.shp
Attributes |
PRI_VEG, SEC_VEG, TER_VEG: Primary Vegetation, Secondary Vegetation, and Tertiary Vegetation |
LANDFORM: Landforms |
PRI_SGEOL, SEC_SGEOL: Primary Vegetation, Secondary Vegetation, and Tertiary Vegetation |
GLAC_GEOL: Glacial Geology |
SOIL_COMPL: Soil complex |
SOIL_CARBO: Soil carbon |
PERCENT_WA: Percent water |
PRI_SGEOM, SEC_SGEOM: Glacial Geology |
Table 11. Attribute of the shapefile imnavait_area_glacgeol.shp
Attribute |
GLAC_GEOL: Glacial geology |
Table 12. Attribute of the shapefile imnavait_area_landform.shp
Attribute |
LANDFORM: Landforms |
Table 13.Attribute of the shapefile imnavait_area_pctwtr.shp
Attribute |
PERCENT_WA: Percent water |
Table 14. Extents of the shapefiles
Filename | North | South | East | West |
imnavait_grid_contours.shp | 68.618311 | 68.607575 | -149.296518 | -149.325649 |
imnavait_grid_geobotanical.shp | 68.617251 | 68.608711 | -149.300906 | -149.318705 |
imnavait_grid_surfgeology.shp | 68.617251 | 68.608711 | -149.300906 | -149.318705 |
imnavait_grid_surfgeomorphology.shp | 68.617251 | 68.608711 | -149.300906 | -149.318705 |
imnavait_grid_veg.shp | 68.617251 | 68.608711 | -149.300906 | -149.318705 |
imnavait_area_pctwtr.shp | 68.632095 | 68.589011 | -149.258261 | -149.375888 |
imnavait_area_landform.shp | 68.632095 | 68.589011 | -149.258261 | -149.375888 |
imnavait_area_surfgeom.shp | 68.632095 | 68.589011 | -149.258261 | -149.375888 |
imnavait_area_glacgeol.shp | 68.632095 | 68.589011 | -149.258261 | -149.375888 |
imnavait_area_surfgeol.shp | 68.632095 | 68.589011 | -149.258261 | -149.375888 |
imnavait_area_geobotany.shp | 68.632095 | 68.589011 | -149.258261 | -149.375888 |
imnavait_area_veg.shp | 68.632095 | 68.589011 | -149.258261 | -149.375888 |
Application and Derivation
These data provide a historical baseline for studies of climate change impacts in Alaskan ecosystems.
Quality Assessment
The maps were devised from several data sources. Refer to Walker et al. (2008) for additional information.
Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
Site description
The Imnavait Creek vegetation area is located near the center of the Upper Kuparuk River region, east of Toolik Lake. It encloses a 20-km^2 area south of the Dalton Highway that includes both Imnavait Creek and the Toolik River in the center and stretches from the Kuparuk River on the west to the headwaters of Oksrukuyik Creek on the east. It includes the experimental areas around Imnavait Creek and the ridges that run north to south between the drainages. The area contains surfaces with irregular topography that were glaciated during the mid-Pleistocene.
During August 1984 and August-September 1985, environmental, soil, and vegetation data were collected from 84 study plots at the Imnavait Creek research site. These data are provided in a related data set archived at the ORNL DAAC.
The Imnavait 1-km grid is mapped in more detail and is the area that has been investigated and been the subject of experimentation by numerous researchers based at the Toolik Research Station.
Data Attribute Descriptions and Codes
The data provided in the shapefiles with this data set include attributes from individual maps, including gridded maps, of the Imnavait Creek area. These attributes are described below and include vegetation, percent water, glacial geology, soil carbon, DEM, and surficial geology and geomorphology. Unless otherwise noted, the attributes are in both the area and grid files.
The vegetation map portrays the physiognomy of the dominant plant communities in each mapped polygon. Fifty-one landcover types were recognized in the field (minimum mapping unit approximately 250 m^2). These were later grouped into the 14 physiognomic vegetation units on the map, which correspond to the same units on the 1:63,360-scale map of the upper Kuparuk River region (Walker & Maier 2008).
Table 15. Codes and descriptions in the files imnavait_area_veg.shp and imnavait_grid_veg.shp
Attribute: Primary Vegetation | |
Codes | Description |
10 | Water |
21 | Forb or graminoid marsh |
31 | Wet sedge moss tundra(fen) - Caraqu/Eriang aquatic |
32 | Wet sedge moss tundra (poor fen)- Carrot-Erisch |
33 | Wet sedge moss tundra (poor fen – Carcho) |
41 | Forb or graminoid marsh - Spahyp-Hipvul |
211 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen- Caraqu/Eriang/Drerev) |
212 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen- Carrot/Carrar) |
213 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen– Eriang) |
241 | Wet sedge moss tundra (poor fen - Erisch/Carrar) |
242 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen- Caraqu-Salfus) |
243 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen- Caraqu-Salcha) |
251 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul-Eriang |
411 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra - Carbig-Dryint |
412 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra -Carbig-Leddec |
421 | Tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss -Erivag-Leddec |
431 | Tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss - Erivag-Leddec/Salpul and Betnan |
441 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra - Carbig-Leddec/Salpul and Betnan |
451 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra - Castet-Hylspl |
452 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra -Salrot-Saxriv |
453 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra - Castet-Vaculi |
461 | Dwarf- to low-shrub sedge moss tundra - Betnan-Rubcha |
471 | Dwarf- to low-shrub sedge moss tundra - Betnan-Vaculi |
472 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul (closed low shrub) |
481 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul (closed canopy riparian shrubland) |
482 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul-Calcan (open canopy low shrub) |
611 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra - Castet-Geugla |
612 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (nonacidic) - Vaculi-Arcalp |
613 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (acidic) - Salphl-Dialap |
671 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (nonacidic) - Dryoct-Smecal |
672 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (acidic) - Dryoct-Vacvit |
681 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra - Fesalt-Carmic |
821 | Lichens on rocks - Rhigeo-Umbisp |
831 | Partially vegetated barrens - Fesrub-Poagla |
991 | Barren |
Surficial Geomorphology
The surfaces of the landscapes in the Imnavait Creek area have been modified by a variety of geomorphological processes including alluviation (movement of material by water), colluviation (movement of material by gravity), and periglacial processes (freezing and permafrost-related phenomena). Common surficial geomorphological features within the mapped area include frost scars, turf hummocks, gelifluction lobes and terraces, water tracks, high- and low-centered ice-wedge polygons, wetland features and thermokarst features.
Table 16. Codes and descriptions used for the attributes of the shapefiles imnavait_grid_surfgeomorphology.shp and imnavait_area_surfgeom.shp
Attributes: Surficial geomorphology-numerical surficial geomorphology code | |
Codes | Description |
ic5c_surfg and FIRST_ic5c | Surficial geomorphology-numerical surficial geomorphology code. Includes a layer file |
1 | High-centered polygons |
6 | Frost scars |
7 | Strangmoor or aligned hummocks in bogs |
8 | Hummocky terrain |
10 | Featureless |
13 | Active floodplain alluvium |
14 | Thermokarst pits |
15 | Well defined hill-slope water tracks greater than 1-m relief |
16 | Weakly defined hill-slope water tracks less than 1-m relief |
17 | Incised stream drainage |
18 | Nonsorted stone stripes |
21 | Rocky terrain (till and bedrock) |
22 | Palsas and elevated terrain in basin colluvium (excluding high-centered polygons) |
23 | Pond complex |
24 | Blockfields and sorted stone stripes |
25 | Irregular relief associated with stream drainage |
26 | Gelifluction features |
98 | Disturbed |
99 | Water |
Surficial Geology
Surficial geology affects vegetation patterns and disturbance recovery rates. The attributes below are for the Imnavait Creek area and grid.
Table 17. Codes and descriptions of the attributes in the shapefiles imnavait_grid_surfgeology.shp and imnavait_area_surfgeol.shp.
Attribute: Primary Surficial Geology | |
Code | Description |
240 | Sandstone and shale |
330 | Hillslope deposits (undifferentiated retransported deposits) |
340 | Basin colluvium |
400 | Nonmeander floodplain |
420 | Alluvial fan |
440 | Nonmeander floodplain |
450 | Meander floodplain |
500 | Hillslope deposits (undifferentiated retransported deposits) |
650 | Till sheet |
711 | Glaciofluvial outwash |
810 | Emergent lake bottom |
890 | Basin colluvium |
980 | Road or excavation |
991 | Stream/river |
992 | Pond/lake |
Elevation of the research area grid.
Table 18. Attributes of the shapefile imnavait_grid_contours.shp
Attribute: Contour | |
Code | Description |
Not Applicable | Elevation in meters |
The geobotanical map is a vector map (shp) with fields for vegetation, surficial geomorphology, surficial geology, and glacial geology.
There are seven attributes in this data file described below.
Table 19. Codes and descriptions of the seven attributes in the imnavait_grid_geobotanical.shp.
Attributes: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Vegetation | |
Code | Description |
0 | Primary vegetation. No secondary or tertiary type (SEC_SGEOM and TER_SGEOM only) |
1 | Arctous alpina-Hierochloe alpina |
2 | Salix phlebophylls-Vaccinium vitis-idaea |
3 | Vaccinium vitis-idaea-Cetraria richardsonii |
4 | Calamagrostis inexpansa-Vaccinium vitis-idaea |
5 | Cassiope tetragona-Calamagrostis inexpansa |
6 | Betula nana-Hierochloe alpinum |
7 | Dry lichen barren. Lichen communities on rocks, including Cetraria nigricans-Rhizocarpon geographicum. |
8 | Dry rush, forb lichen barren,usually on frost scars. Juncus biglumis-Luzula arctica. |
9 | Cassiope tetragona-Carex macrochaeta |
10 | Eriophorum vaginatum-Sphagnum rubellum |
11 | Carex bigelowii-Sphagnum rubellum |
12 | Betula nana-Eriophorum vaginatum |
13 | Salix pulchra-Carex bigelowii |
14 | Cassiope tetragona-Carex bigelowii |
15 | Betula nana-Rubus chamaemorus. Dwarf-shrub variant |
16 | Salix pulchra (low shrub)-Sphagnum rubellum |
17 | Salix pulchra (dwarf shrub)-Sphagnum rubellum |
18 | Arctagrostis latifolia-Bistorta plumose |
19 | Arctagrostis latifolia-Salix chamissonis |
20 | Carex rotundata-Sphagnum lindbergii |
21 | Eriophorum angustifolium |
22 | Eriophorum angustifolium |
23 | Salix fuscescens-Sphagnum lenense |
24 | Carex aquatilis-Sphagnum lenense. |
25 | Carex aquatilis-Salix chamissonis |
26 | Eriophorum angustifolium-Salix pulchra |
27 | Carex aquatilis-Eriophorum angustifolium |
28 | Eriophorum scheuchzeri-Sphagnum orientale |
29 | Sparganium hyperboreum-Hippuris vulgaris |
30 | Calliergon giganteum-Drepanocladus revolvens |
31 | Water |
32 | Barren roads and pads; unvegetated. |
33 | Partially vegetated disturbed barrens on gravel pads, bulldozed areas. |
34 | Experimental structure (boardwalk, etc.) |
Attribute: Primary Surficial Geology- refer to the code descriptions under Surficial Geology in the attribute descriptions table for the file imnavait_grid_surfgeology.shp | |
Attributes: Primary Surficial Geomorphology and Secondary Surficial Geomorphology-refer to Surficial Geomorphology and the codes and descriptions for the attribute in the file imnavait_grid_surfgeomorphology | |
Attribute: Glacial Geology-refer to the code description under Glacial Geology for the file imnavait_area_glacgeol.shp |
Geobotanical features of the Imnavait Creek area.
Table 20. Codes and descriptions in the data file imnavait_area_geobotany.shp. There are 12 attributes in this data file described in the tables below.
Attributes: Primary Vegetation, Secondary Vegetation, and Tertiary Vegetation | |
Code | Description |
10 | Water |
21 | Forb or graminoid marsh |
31 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen) - Caraqu/Eriang aquatic |
32 | Wet sedge moss tundra, poor fen - Carrot-Erisch |
33 | Wet sedge moss tundra, poor fen – Carcho |
41 | Forb or graminoid marsh - Spahyp-Hipvul |
211 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen - Caraqu/Eriang/Drerev) |
212 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen - Carrot/Carrar) |
213 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen – Eriang) |
241 | Wet sedge moss tundra (poor fen - Erisch/Carrar) |
242 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen - Caraqu-Salfus) |
243 | Wet sedge moss tundra (fen) - Caraqu-Salcha) |
251 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul-Eriang |
411 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra - Carbig-Dryint |
412 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra -Carbig-Leddec |
421 | Tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss -Erivag-Leddec |
431 | Tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss - Erivag-Leddec/Salpul and Betnan |
441 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra - Carbig-Leddec/Salpul and Betnan |
451 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra - Castet-Hylspl |
452 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra -Salrot-Saxriv |
453 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra - Castet-Vaculi |
461 | Dwarf- to low-shrub sedge moss tundra - Betnan-Rubcha |
471 | Dwarf- to low-shrub sedge moss tundra - Betnan-Vaculi |
472 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul closed low shrub |
481 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul closed canopy riparian shrubland |
482 | Low to tall shrublands - Salpul-Calcan open canopy low shrub |
611 | Hemi-prostrate dwarf-shrub fruticose-lichen tundra - Castet-Geugla |
612 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (nonacidic - Vaculi-Arcalp) |
613 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (acidic - Salphl-Dialap) |
671 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (nonacidic - Dryoct-Smecal) |
672 | Prostrate dwarf-shrub sedge forb fruticose-lichen tundra (acidic - Dryoct-Vacvit) |
681 | Non-tussock sedge dwarf-shrub moss tundra - Fesalt-Carmic |
821 | Lichens on rocks - Rhigeo-Umbisp |
831 | Partially vegetated barrens - Fesrub-Poagla |
991 | Barren |
Attribute: Landforms-refer to the code descriptions in the file imnavait_area_landforms.shp | |
Attribute: Primary Surficial Geology- refer to the code descriptions under Surficial Geology in the attribute descriptions table for the file imnavait_grid_surfgeology.shp | |
Attribute: Glacial Geology- Refer to the attribute code description for the file imnavait_area_glacgeol.shp | |
Not Applicable | Attribute: Soil Carbon-Soil Carbon: kg carbon / m^2 |
Attribute: Soil Complex | |
Code | Description |
1 | Water |
2 | Disturbed |
3 | River alluvium |
4 | Blockfield |
11 | Dry acidic soil complex |
12 | Dry non acidic soil complex |
13 | Acidic snowbed soil complex |
14 | Nonacidic snowbed soil complex |
15 | Dry acidic frost-scar soil complex |
16 | Dry nonacidic frost--scar soil complex |
17 | Dry high-centered polygon soil complex |
18 | Zoogenic soil complex |
21 | Active alluvium |
22 | Stabilized floodplain soil complex |
23 | Acidic water-track soil complex |
24 | Nonacidic water-track soil complex |
31 | Bog and poor-fen soil complex |
32 | Rich-fen soil complex |
33 | Palsas and high-centered polygon soil complex |
34 | Marsh and pond soil complex |
41 | Acidic nonsorted -stripe soil complex |
42 | Nonacidic nonsorted-stripe soil complex |
43 | Moist acidic frost-scar soil complex |
44 | Moist nonacidic frost-scar soil complex |
45 | Acidic hillslope soil complex |
46 | Nonacidic hillslope soil complex |
Attribute: Percent Water-refer to the codes and description in the file imnavait_area_pctwtr.shp | |
Attributes: Primary Surficial Geomorphology and Secondary Surficial Geomorphology-refer to the attribute code descriptions in the file imnavait_grid_geobotanical.shp |
Glacial Geology
The glacial geology of the region affects a wide variety of landscape and ecosystem properties including topography, abundance of lakes, plant production, soil carbon, spectral reflectance, biodiversity, trace-gas fluxes and heat flux of the landscape. Glacial deposits are assigned to Itkillik I (late Pleistocene, about 120-150 kya) and Itkillik II (late Pleistocene, about 25-11.5 kya) glaciations of the central Brooks Range glacial succession.
Table 21. Codes and descriptions of the attribute found in the file imnavait_area_glacgeol.shp
Attribute: Glacial Geology (also pertains to the same attributes in the file imnavait_area_glacgeol.shp) | |
Code | Description |
1 | Drift of Sagavanirktok River, undifferentiated |
2 | Ice-rich silt deposits and colluvial basins |
3 | Drift of Itkillik Phase I |
4 | Hummocky terrain |
5 | Drift of Sagavanirktok River, late advance |
6 | Outwash of Sagavanirktok River, late advance |
7 | Bedrock |
8 | Undifferentiated alluvium |
Landforms surrounding the Imnavait Creek study area.
Table 22. Codes and descriptions for the attribute in the file imnavait_area_landform.shp
Attribute: Landforms | |
Code | Description |
1 | Distinct drained lake basin |
2 | Colluvial basin |
5 | Hill slope |
6 | Hill crest |
12 | Active floodplain |
14 | Stabilized floodplain |
15 | Small stream drainage including water tracks |
20 | Bluff |
21 | Alluvial fan |
26 | Glaciofluvial outwash plain |
51 | Lake or pond |
52 | River or stream |
98 | Disturbed |
Percent Water
The amount of water (lakes, ponds, streams, wetlands), strongly affects the reflectance of the land surface over large areas of Alaska. The percent water was based on the number of AVHRR water pixels in each polygon divided by the number of pixels in each polygon.
Table 23. Codes and descriptions for the attributes in the file imnavait_area_pctwtr.shp
Attribute: Percent Water | |
Code | Description |
1 | 0 –5 % |
2 | 6 –30 % |
3 | 31 –60 %, |
4 | 61 –90 % |
5 | 91 –100 % |
Data Access
These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).
Maps of Vegetation Types and Physiographic Features, Imnavait Creek, Alaska
Contact for Data Center Access Information:
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Walker, D.A. and H.A. Maier. 2008. Vegetation in the vicinity of the Toolik Field Station, Alaska. Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Biological Papers of the University of Alaska #28.