Documentation Revision Date: 2018-12-29
Data Set Version: 1
The study plots occur in four plant communities that occur in three habitat types including: 1) Coastal moist tundra - Carex stans, Saxifraga cernua communities (16 plots), 2) Dry coastal rush tundra (Luzula confusa) (4 plots), and 3) Wet non-acidic tundra Carex spp., Eriophorum spp.-Amblystegiaceae communities (28 plots).
The 1 x 1 m plots are designated with the corners permanently marked with white, 1-inch, PVC tubing. The canopy was assumed to have two layers i.e., the sum of vascular plant species coverage was 100 percent and the sum of moss/lichen coverage and bare ground were 100 percent.
There are two data files in comma-separated format (.csv) with this data set and one companion file with a series of plot photos.

Figure 1: NGEE Arctic Study Area A - Polygon 1, a low-centered polygon, showing demarcated vegetation plots: A1E (edge) at left; A1T (trough) at rear; and A1C (center) at right. Located on the Barrow Environmental Observatory, Barrow, Alaska
Sloan, V.L. 2018. Arctic Vegetation Plots for NGEE-Arctic at Barrow, Alaska, 2012. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
Table of Contents
- Data Set Overview
- Data Characteristics
- Application and Derivation
- Quality Assessment
- Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
- Data Access
- References
Data Set Overview
This data set provides vegetation cover and environmental plot data collected on the Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO), Barrow, Alaska in 2012. Forty-eight 1 x 1 m plots were established in homogenous plant communities along two perpendicular transects across ice wedge polygon geomorphic features on the BEO. Plots were distinguished as to their location within the polygons – center, edge, or trough.
The plots occur in four plant communities that occur in 3 habitat types including: 1) Coastal moist tundra - Carex stans, Saxifraga cernua communities (16 plots), 2) Dry coastal rush tundra (Luzula confusa) (4 plots), and 3) Wet non-acidic tundra Carex spp., Eriophorum spp.-Amblystegiaceae communities (28 plots).
The 1 x 1 m plots are designated with the corners permanently marked with white-1-inch PVC tubing. The canopy was assumed to have two layers i.e., the sum of vascular plant species coverage was 100 percent and the sum of moss/lichen coverage and bare ground were 100 percent.
The Pre-ABoVE vegetation plot datasets were curated to create the Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK; Walker et al. 2016b, Walker 2013). The AVA-AK is a regional database that is part of the larger Arctic Vegetation Archive (Walker 2016a, Walker et al. 2013, Walker and Raynolds 2011). The database contains vegetation plots from homogeneous plant communities with tables of cover or cover-abundance scores for all species and accompanying environmental site data. Field data were collected using Braun-Blanquet, US National Vegetation Classification protocols, or comparable methods.
The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) is a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program field campaign that will take place in Alaska and western Canada between 2016 and 2021. Climate change in the Arctic and Boreal region is unfolding faster than anywhere else on Earth. ABoVE seeks a better understanding of the vulnerability and resilience of ecosystems and society to this changing environment.
Vegetation data were originally collected (Sloan et al., 2014a) by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE) Arctic Program as part of a larger study to understand the structure and function of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems response to climate change.
These data files were edited by Donald A. Walker, Amy L. Breen and Lisa A. Druckenmiller at the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Alaska Geobotany Center and obtained via the Arctic Geoecological Atlas (, which provides access to existing Arctic vegetation plot and map data in support of the ABoVE campaign.
Data Characteristics
Spatial Coverage: Data were collected near Barrow, Alaska, USA.
ABoVE Site Designation:
Domain: Core ABoVE region
State/territory: Alaska (study sites around Barrow)
Grid cells: Ahh1Avv0Bh2Bv1
Spatial Resolution: Point resolution. Each plot had a minimum area of 1 square meter.
Temporal Coverage: 2012-07-17 to 2012-07-21
Temporal Resolution: Each plot was sampled once.
Study Area (All latitude and longitude given in decimal degrees)
Site |
Westernmost Longitude |
Easternmost Longitude |
Northernmost Latitude |
Southernmost Latitude |
Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO), Barrow, Alaska |
-156.61166 |
-156.59957 |
71.28216 |
71.27914 |
Data File Information:
There are two data files with this data set in comma-separated (.csv) format. These data may also be found in the TURBOVEG database.
Missing data are represented as -9999.
Barrow DOE NGEE-Arctic Species Cover: Barrow_NGEE_Arctic_Species_Data.csv
This file contains species cover data for the vegetation plots. Both the author's determination and the current taxonomy according to the Panarctic Species List (PASL) are listed. Taxa are listed in alphabetical order according to the accepted PASL name. The plot numbers in the source data are the author’s. Author plot numbers follow the pattern letter/number/letter and represent: letter (areas A-D in Intensive Study Site 1), number (plot number), and letter (where in the polygon the plot is located, C-center, E-edge, or T-trough).
Column Numbers | Column Name | Units | Description |
1 | PASL_TAXON_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_NO_AUTHORS | Current Taxonomy according to the Panarctic Species List (PASL) without authors names | |
2 | PASL_TAXON_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_WITH_AUTHOR(S) | Current Taxonomy according to the Panarctic Species List (PASL) | |
3 | DATASET_TAXON | Data set taxonomy | |
4 to 84 | A1C to D4T |
Column headings are all 48 plot numbers. Species cover data are given as percentage. |
Barrow DOE NGEE-Arctic Environmental Data: Barrow_NGEE_Arctic_Environmental_Data.csv
This file contains environmental data and vegetation-type coverage for the vegetation plots. The plot numbers in the source data are the author’s. Author plot numbers follow the pattern letter/number/letter and represent: letter (areas A-D in Intensive Study Site 1), number (plot number), and letter (where in the polygon the plot is located, C-center, E-edge, or T-trough).
Column Name | Units / Format | Description |
FIELD_PLOT_NUMBER | The plot numbers in the modified source data are the author’s. The main plot numbers in the Turboveg database are accession numbers and will differ. The author’s plot numbers are retained in the ‘Field releve number’ field in the Turboveg database | |
DATE | YYYY-MM-DD | Survey date |
RELEVE_AREA | SQUARE METERS | Arctic or Boreal |
SHAPE | Shape of sample area | |
SPECIES_COVERSCALE | land cover units | |
LOCATION | Description of study plot location | |
LATITUDE | DECIMAL DEGREES | Latitude of the study plot in decimal degrees. All coordinates were projected to the WGS84 datum |
LONGITUDE | DECIMAL DEGREES | Longitude of the study plot in decimal degrees. All coordinates were projected to the WGS84 datum |
ELEVATION | M | Elevation of plot area in meters |
SLOPE | DEGREES | Slope of plot area in degrees |
ASPECT | DEGREES | Aspect of plot area in degrees |
HABITAT_TYPE | Description of the habitat at the plot | |
ORGANIC_DEPTH | CM | Depth of organic layer |
SOIL_PH | pH of soil | |
COVER_OF_TREES | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is trees |
COVER_OF_SHRUBS | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is shrubs |
COVER_OF_TALL_SHRUB | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is tall shrubs |
COVER_OF_LOW_SHRUB | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is low shrubs |
COVER_OF_DWARF_SHRUB | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is dwarf shrubs |
COVER_OF_PROSTRATE_DWARF_SHRUB | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is prostrate dwarf shrubs |
COVER_OF_GRAMINOID | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is graminoids |
COVER_OF_TUSSOCK_GRAMINOID | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is tussock graminoids |
COVER_OF_FORB | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is forbs |
COVER_OF_SEEDLESS_VASCULAR_PLANTS | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is seedless vascular plants |
COVER_OF_MOSS | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is moss |
COVER_OF_LICHEN | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is lichen |
COVER_OF_SOIL_CRUST | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is soil crust |
COVER_OF_ALGAE | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is algae |
COVER_OF_SOIL | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is bare soil |
COVER_OF_ROCK | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is bare rock |
COVER_OF_WATER | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is water |
COVER_OF_LITTER | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is litter |
COVER_VEGETATION | PERCENT | Percent of plot cover that is vegetation |
MEAN_VEGETATION_HEIGHT | CM | Mean vegetation height in centimeters |
SHRUB_HEIGHT | CM | Shrub height in centimeters |
HERB_HEIGHT | CM | Herb height in centimeters |
POLYGON_TYPE | Ice-wedge polygon type where plots are located |
Companion File:
Barrow DOE NGEE-Arctic Plot Photos: Barrow_NGEE_Arctic_Veg_Plot_2012_plot_photolog.pdf
This file contains photos of the Barrow NGEE permanent vegetation plots taken in 3 different months, June, July, and August of 2012.
Application and Derivation
Data were collected to characterize the NGEE Arctic study site, to explore links between plant community composition and micro-topography, and to inform scaling of the landscape from plot to model grid cell.
Quality Assessment
Voucher specimens were collected for identification purposes.
After the first survey day, two random quadrats from the previous surveys were re-visited at the start of the day, re-surveyed, and the results compared with previous records to ensure consistency in cover estimation.
Data Acquisition, Materials, and Methods
Site Description
As part of a larger study to understand the structure and function of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems response to climate change, 48 vegetation study plots were established at the Barrow Environmental Observatory, DOE NGEE Intensive Sampling Site 1, areas A-D. Species cover and plot specific environmental data were recorded in 2012. These data were provided by the author (Victoria L. Sloan) and are in part available online along with additional data for the DOE NGEE Intensive Sampling Site 1 areas A-D at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiment Arctic website (see Sloan et al. 2014a).
Forty-Eight plots were subjectively located in homogenous plant communities located along 2 perpendicular transects. Plots were distinguished as to their location within polygon rims, troughs or edges. The plots occur in four plant communities that occur in 3 habitat types including: 1) Coastal moist tundra - Carex stans, Saxifraga cernua communities (16 plots), 2) Dry coastal rush tundra (Luzula confusa) (4 plots), and 3) Wet non-acidic tundra Carex spp., Eriophorum spp.-Amblystegiaceae communities (28 plots).
Plots are 1 x 1 m with the corners permanently marked with white-1-inch PVC tubing. The canopy was assumed to have two layers i.e., the sum of vascular plant species coverage was 100 percent and the sum of moss/lichen coverage and bare ground were 100 percent.
Figure 2. Aerial photograph of the of the BEO overlain with Barrow NGEE permanent vegetation plot locations.
Plant community survey
Forty-eight 1 x 1 m permanent plots were installed in the locations described above in early June 2012. All four corners were marked with PVC poles hammered as far as soil thaw permitted, and plot codes (e.g. A1C) were marked on aluminum tags. A survey of plant community composition in all vegetation plots was undertaken by Victoria Sloan and Jonathan Brooks between 17th July and 21st July 2012 as follows:
A 1 x 1 m quadrat divided into four 0.5 x 0.5 m sections was placed over the permanent plot, and the aerial percentage cover of all vascular, bryophyte and lichen species in each quarter estimated. Rare species were assigned values of 0.1% (single individual), 1% (multiple scattered individuals) or 3% (more individuals, but still forming < 5% total cover). All remaining species recorded to the nearest 5%. The canopy was assumed to have two layers (i.e. sum of vascular plant species coverage ≤ 100%, sum of moss/lichen coverage and bare ground ≤ 100%). Where the sum of bare ground and moss/lichen coverage < 100%, it can be assumed that vascular plant stems or leaves account for remaining area. Species were grouped as described and data presented are averages of the four measurements. Bare ground mainly consisted of a litter layer. In plots dominated by Luzula arctica, standing dead with no green material was placed in this category. After the first survey day, two random quadrats from the previous surveys were re-visited at the start of the day, re-surveyed, and the results compared with previous records to ensure consistency in cover estimation.
Figure 3. Surveying vegetation and determining percent cover by species.
At the time of survey, no standing water was present at the plot surfaces (see Sloan et al., 2014b). Although many trough and low-center plots remained saturated, all moss layers were visible. This was not the case throughout the growing season, and the extent of water coverage in late June and mid-August can be observed on the vegetation plot photographs.
Vegetation height
Vegetation heights were measured by a single surveyor (Jonathan Brooks) during the plant community survey. All species-specific measurements were made on 21st July. Measurements were made using a steel ruler, considering zero to be the top of the moss layer and measuring without disturbing the canopy.
Figure 4. Vegetation plot locations across study Areas A, B, C, and D.
Data Access
These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).
Arctic Vegetation Plots for NGEE-Arctic at Barrow, Alaska, 2012
Contact for Data Center Access Information:
- E-mail:
- Telephone: +1 (865) 241-3952
Sloan, V.L., J.D. Brooks, S.J. Wood, J.A. Liebig, J. Siegrist, C.M. Iversen, R.J. Norby. 2014a. Plant community composition and vegetation height, Barrow, Alaska, Ver. 1. Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic Data Collection, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Data set accessed at
Sloan, V. L., J. A. Liebig, M. S. Hahn, J. B. Curtis, J. D. Brooks, A. Rogers, C. M. Iversen, and R. J. Norby. 2014b. Soil temperature, soil moisture and thaw depth, Barrow, Alaska, Ver. 1. Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic Data Collection (NGEE-Arctic), Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Data set accessed at