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Publications Citing SAFARI 2000 Woody Vegetation Characteristics of Kalahari and Skukuza Sites

The following 3 publications cited the product SAFARI 2000 Woody Vegetation Characteristics of Kalahari and Skukuza Sites.

Year Citation
2018 Cook, R.B., Y. Wei, L.A. Hook, S.K.S. Vannan, and J.J. McNelis 2018. Preserve: Protecting Data for Long-Term Use. Ecological Informatics.
2018 Ifo, A.S., H.Y. Gomat, Y.E. Mampouya Wenina, D.L. Lokegna, O.R. Minkala Nzonzi, G.C. Apendi Ngala, M. Henry, G.C. Boundzanga, C. Jourdain, N. Picard, and J.J. Loumeto. 2018. Carbon stocks and tree allometries in the savannahs of the Plateau Bateke, central Africa. Forest Ecology and Management. 427:86-95.
2015 Mermoz, S., A. Bouvet, T. Le Toan, and R. Mathieu. 2015. UNDER-estimation of biomass loss with REDD+ standard reporting method. 3882-3885.