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Publications Citing RLC Forest Stand Carbon Map of Russia

The following 4 publications cited the product RLC Forest Stand Carbon Map of Russia.

Year Citation
2014 Safronov, A., E. Fokeeva, V. Rakitin, E. Grechko, and R. Shumsky. 2014. Severe Wildfires Near Moscow, Russia in 2010: Modeling of Carbon Monoxide Pollution and Comparisons with Observations. Remote Sensing. 7(1):395-429.
2008 Campbell, A., Lysenko, L, Hughes, A. Gibbs, H., (2008). Carbon Storage in Protected Areas-Technical Report.
2007 Gusev, E.M. and O.N. Nasonova. 2007. Technique for estimating the dynamics of water and carbon budgets of a coniferous forest ecosystem. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 43(1):70-80.
2006 CINNIRELLA, S. and N. PIRRONE. 2006. Spatial and temporal distributions of mercury emissions from forest fires in Mediterranean region and Russian federation. Atmospheric Environment. 40(38):7346-7361.