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Publications Citing Ecosystem Demography Model: Scaling Vegetation Dynamics Across South America

The following 3 publications cited the product Ecosystem Demography Model: Scaling Vegetation Dynamics Across South America.

Year Citation
2019 Farinosi, F., M.E. Arias, E. Lee, M. Longo, F.F. Pereira, A. Livino, P.R. Moorcroft, and J. Briscoe. 2019. Future Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on River Flows in the Tapajós Basin in the Brazilian Amazon. Earth's Future. 7(8):993-1017.
2019 Merganičová, K., J. Merganič, A. Lehtonen, G. Vacchiano, M.Z.O. Sever, A.L.D. Augustynczik, R. Grote, I. Kyselová, A. Mäkelä, R. Yousefpour, J. Krejza, A. Collalti, and C.P.O. Reyer. 2019. Forest carbon allocation modelling under climate change. Tree Physiology. 39(12):1937-1960.
2017 Pereira, F.F., F. Farinosi, M.E. Arias, E. Lee, J. Briscoe, and P.R. Moorcroft. 2017. Technical note: A hydrological routing scheme for the Ecosystem Demography model (ED2+R) tested in the Tapajos River basin in the Brazilian Amazon. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 21(9):4629-4648.