The BOREAS Information System
Help For BOREAS Guest Investigator Program Proposers
The BOREAS Guest Investigator Program is seeking proposals for research that exploits the BOREAS data set to address the following general scientific issues:
- the sensitivity of the boreal forest biome to global change
- the carbon cycle, biogeochemistry, and ecological functioning of the boreal forest biome
- ecosystem feedbacks to global change
Proposals are being solicited to address these key BOREAS objectives:
- improving process models that describe the exchanges of radiative energy, water, heat, carbon, and trace constituents between the boreal forest biome and the atmosphere
- developing methods for applying the process models over large spatial scales using remote sensing and other integrative techniques
Research activities of interest include intercomparison of data sets, evaluation of BOREAS data products, remote sensing algorithm development and/or improvement, development of new remote sensing data products, and extension of results to regions of boreal forest beyond the BOREAS study region. Proposals should emphasize integration and synthesis of results using existing data sets. Preference will be given to proposals that focus on whole system synthesis, that employ innovative analytical approaches combining data sets from multiple sources and/or linking across spatial and temporal scales, and that have the greatest potential for further advancing our understanding of boreal forest biome-atmosphere interactions.
The BOREAS Guest Investigator Announcement
The NASA Research Announcement (NRA) for the BOREAS Guest Investigator Program was announced on June 11, 1997. It is available at the Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) Web site, and can be downloaded. Step 1 proposals (pre-proposals) are due no later than July 16, 1997. Full proposals will be due 2 months after notification of the results of the step 1 reviews.
Preliminary Findings From BOREAS 1994
Preliminary analyses of the BOREAS 1994 data shows that a great many of the assumptions about the northern boreal forest are incorrect. This has already led to several corrections in the global weather models to improve forcasting over the region. You can read more about the findings from 1994 below.
Read an overall Summary of BOREAS Results (1994 data)
Read a detailed list of Preliminary Results by Science Group (1994 data)
Information About BOREAS Data
Much of the BOREAS data is currently password protected and only available in preliminary form (with no quality checking) to officially recognized BOREAS Investigators. Summary information about the data sets can be accesses below. Contacting the BOREAS Science Team Representative (listed below) can get you any specific information on the data that you require.
- Science Group Overview -- Highly Recommended. An overview of the organization of the data collection teams.
- Aircraft Flux and Meteorology (AFM) Group Summary -- An overview of all the AFM teams, and links to specific information on each team's work. Send e-mail to Keith Kaminsky the BORIS AFM representative.
- Hydrology (HYD) Group Summary -- An overview of all the HYD teams, and links to specific information on each team's work. Send e-mail to Dave Knapp, the BORIS HYD representative.
- Remote Sensing Sciences (RSS) Group Summary -- An overview of all the RSS teams, and links to specific information on each team's work. Send e-mail to Jaime Nickeson, the BORIS RSS representative.
- Staff Summary -- An overview of all the staff data collected. Send e-mail to Jeff Newcomer, the BORIS Staff data representative.
- Terrestrial Ecology (TE) Group Summary -- An overview of all the TE teams, and links to specific information on each team's work. Send e-mail to Shelaine Curd, the BORIS TE representative.
- Tower Flux (TF) Group Summary -- An overview of all the TF teams, and links to specific information on each team's work. Send e-mail to Fred Huemmrich, the BORIS TF representative.
- Trace Gas Biogeochemistry (TGB) Summary -- An overview of all the TGB teams, and links to specific information on each team's work. Send e-mail to Sara Golightley, the BORIS TGB representative.
- Use the BOREAS Keywords List to find the data by subject. This has links to specific Team writeups, for more information on each team's work.
- Use the BOREAS Personel List to find the name of the person who collected the data. This also has links to specific Team writeups, for more information on each team's work.
BOREAS Documents Available in Acrobat Format
BORIS has produced electronic copies of some important documents supplied to the BOREAS Investigators. These include detailed descriptions of the planned field work and what was actually accomplished for the 1994 field campaigns, and the planned field work for the 1996 field campaigns. The following BOREAS documents are available in Adobe Acrobat format:
- BOREAS 1996 Experiment Plan -- Guide to planned field work in BOREAS 1996
- BOREAS 1996 Operations -- Actual results of field work in BOREAS 1996
- BOREAS 1994 Experiment Plan -- Guide to planned field work in BOREAS 1994
- BOREAS 1994 Operations -- Actual results of field work in BOREAS 1994
- BOREAS Science White Papers -- Scientific results from BOREAS 1994
Click here to download any of these documents.
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Last Updated: October 20, 1997